Special Delivery: Autumn: An Mpreg Romance Collection

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Special Delivery: Autumn: An Mpreg Romance Collection Page 15

by Leyla Hunt

  The large fuzzy tail curled around its huge paws and it blinked at me, tilting its head slightly. ‘Are you all right?’ asked a voice in my head.

  I jumped and involuntarily looked around.

  ‘Sorry,’ said the voice, which I now clearly recognized as Oden's, except in my head. ‘I probably should have warned you about this part.’

  “Was it true?” I said softly, hardly able to believe it. “Everything you said?”

  ‘Everything,’ he repeated.

  I knelt, almost mesmerized by the patterns of the cat’s fur. I started to reach out then stopped. As if he were a completely normal house cat and not a human who had just changed into snow leopard, Oden stood and insistently bumped his head against my hand. My fingers curled into the impossibly soft, thick fur pelt. Before I could stop myself, I was petting him. He began to purr the loudest rumbling purr I had ever heard from a feline. It actually sent vibrations up my arm.

  I pulled back and stared at him. He blinked he sat back down, watching me unblinking.

  It was all true. This man, this shifter, had been telling the truth. My head was reeling with everything he told me. Then it all sank in and I realized that he believed I was his true mate. That meant that he would want to change me into a snow leopard, that I would become immortal, and the two of us would be able to start a family… The thought of it made my throat tighten and my eyes sting. I always wanted a family. When I was younger, my work had seemed so much more important. I spent my youth traveling in pursuing my studies. It was never enough. I got one doctorate, then another, always telling myself that there would be time for a family when I was satisfied with where my career had gone; when I had a stable job and could actually settle down.

  After being invited to guest lecture at a local college, I discovered my love for teaching. I went to school again, this time not as a student. Before I knew it, I was a middle aged man with hardly any experience with women. Certainly not with men. And no prospects. I tried to get into dating, but no one ever seemed a good fit. Or maybe they didn't think I was a good fit. But nothing ever became more serious than a couple of dates.

  As the years went by, the idea of a family had faded. Now, it was a forgotten dream, I threw myself into my work instead. A few years back one of the older professors here had passed away peacefully at his desk after a successful class. In all honesty, I sort of assumed I would go the same way. It was only when I saw young happy couples with cute babies that I felt like I was missing something. Sometimes other professors would talk about their children and the interest they had taken in their parents’ work. The proud Creative Writing instructor passing around her son's first book in the faculty break room. My colleague in the archaeology department, who had been able to bring his daughter along on a dig, proudly showing off photos of the artifacts she found…

  “What happens now?” I asked softly. “Since I obviously believe you now.”

  ‘Well,’ he said. ‘You know what a true mate is. So, now you have three days to decide whether you will allow me to turn you.’ I could swear the cat was smiling. ‘Accept becoming my mate or not. If you choose not to…’ I could almost hear the agony in his voice and suspected that if the whole shifting tale was true, he didn't have any reason to lie about how important true mates were. ‘Then our memories will be erased and we'll never see each other again. You'll continue teaching and I will likely have some vague memory of why I decided to leave the school, and I'll go somewhere else.’

  “What happens if I choose yes?” I said carefully.

  ‘I'll change you,’ he said eagerly. ‘We'll claim each other to make our bond official. And then…’ His tail uncurled and the tip began to flick, as he tilted his head, considering it. ‘Then, I suppose we’ll live happily ever after.’

  “I've never been with a man before,” I found myself admitting. “I've never really considered myself, well, anything but straight, but you're…” I paused and thought of how he looked as a human. “You're attractive.” It was a lot more complex than that, but that seemed simple enough.

  He nodded agreeably. “You wouldn't be the first human to feel that way about their true mate.”

  “But I can think about it?”

  ‘Yes.’ With that Oden stood, jumped up into the chair and then began to slowly change back into a human. When he was done, he quickly dressed as my eyes roved of their own accord over his body. Yes, I thought, realizing that my tongue had darted out to lick my lips. He certainly was attractive. I would have thought it would feel strange to think of these things while looking at a man, but it felt right somehow. It was all very strange.

  “Would you like to get coffee tomorrow morning?” I asked. “There's a little café across from the quad.”

  “I know it,” he said. “7:30?”

  “That's perfect.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow then,” he said, with an almost shy smile.

  He strode toward me and reached for the door, just as I moved to unlock it. Our fingers brushed and sent another rush of electricity through me. I looked up at him to apologize and froze; we were standing impossibly close together. We were almost exactly the same height and I found myself lost in eyes the same blue as when he was a snow leopard. I thought everything was confusing and moving far too quickly as it was, but I was so close to him, I could have counted his eyelashes. I suddenly found myself unable to resist. He leaned forward, just a little, and I knew he wanted to kiss me.

  Through the confusion, and the doubt, and the sheer insanity I knew that I wanted to kiss him back. I intended it to be something brief, something more affectionate than anything else. I could list a dozen cultures off the top of my head where friends kissed each other, yet the instant our lips met was like an all-consuming fire. I couldn't pull away. I couldn't stop myself from bringing a hand up to put on his cheek. It was warm beneath my palm and yet every millimeter where our skin met seemed to be alive with energy. I felt one of his hands on the small of my back, pressing me closer to him. So, I obliged. Our chests brushed and I could feel his body heat through our shirts. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders, as his other hand came up to rest on the back of my head. His tongue flicked at my lips and even though I had precious little experience kissing, I eagerly opened my mouth. Our tongues swept together and I was filled with the taste of him. It was coffee and mocha, cinnamon, and a sort of cool earthiness, like the way I imagined the scent of snow on the air tasted. I couldn't get enough and I pulled him closer, kissing him harder.

  He ran one hand through my hair and his other one slipped beneath my shirt, sending shivers up my spine as his fingers caressed my bare skin. I couldn't remember the last time I had a true erection. Honestly, I couldn't even remember the last time I felt like pleasuring myself, but at his touch my dick hardened and stiffened almost instantly. I moved in an attempt to relieve some of the discomfort, only to have it rub against his thigh. As it did, I felt his own rock hard erection against mine, as he gasped in surprise, accidentally mirroring me. He let out a sound that was like a gasp and a whimper and a moan. Before I really knew what I was doing, I had grabbed his hips with both hands and jerked him closer to me. Anything to hear him make that sound again. Our dicks brushed again and I made the same noise. As a result I opened my mouth and his tongue delved even deeper. He kissed me almost desperately, even as I did the same. I wanted to know every inch of him intimately, immediately. My butt hit my desk and I broke the kiss only to look at it, surprised we had crossed the room somehow. Then, he was pressing me down against it, kissing me hungrily, almost roughly.

  He nipped my lips and brushed kisses down my throat and across my collarbone. As his lips touched the skin just below my shoulder, a jolt of pleasure rushed through me, and I arched up against him with a cry. He had told me that the spot was where we would mark each other and that somehow being true mates turned it into an erogenous zone. While my shoulder had certainly been sore for a couple of days, I had no idea what he meant until that moment. I cried out i
n pleasure and thrust against his leg like a horny teenager.

  I kept telling myself that I was insane. I couldn't do this here in my office. I shouldn't be doing this at all. Hadn't I wanted to stop and think about this a little? But then he reached his hand down between our legs, cupping it around me and even through my pants it was unbearable. I jerked against his palm, moaning, then grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him down against me, kissing for all I was worth.

  “Please,” I heard myself gasp. Was I really begging for this? Now? Here?!

  He kissed me gently on the corner of the mouth and then whispered softly, “I can't.”

  I pulled back and looked at him in confusion. “Why not?” My voice was hoarse, thick.

  He smiled almost sadly at me. “There are a few things about shifters I haven't told you. Let's just say that sex while you're human might not be the best thing for you. But…” he said with a mischievous smile.

  He pushed my shoulders down on the desk and I let my head fall back with a groan. Something that sounded like my keyboard clattered to the floor as I wiggled farther onto the desk, but I didn't care. I felt a tugging and realized that he was undoing my pants. I didn't stop him.

  One of his hands closed around my dick and I yelped. Oh God, it felt so good! I could come right here and now.

  “Yes!” I gasped.

  He began to pump slowly, deliberately, faster and faster. I started to moan and cried out, then his hand clamped over my mouth and he bent down, keeping his other hand steadily pumping.

  “Shh,” he whispered in my ear, nuzzling it as he did. “You really don't want to get caught like this.”

  No, no I didn’t. The reminder of where we were should have been like a cold shower. Instead his words sent a surge of arousal for me. All the years I spent sitting at this very desk, tediously coming up with lesson plans and grading papers… I couldn’t have imagined this in all of my wildest dreams. The thought that some of my co-workers could be milling around out there right now, maybe even planning on stopping by, was oddly arousing.

  He took my dick into his mouth and his hand pressed harder against my lips, stifling another cry. It wasn’t long before I came with another muffled shout. He swallowed every drop then, with a shy, adorable grin, zipped my pants back up and sat back.

  “Um…” What now? Suddenly, I didn’t want to leave his side, not even until morning.

  “I don’t suppose you’d like to come back to my apartment and then… have coffee in the morning?” he offered.

  “Honestly… that sounds wonderful.”

  We separated only to go to our cars without being caught together, then I followed him to his apartment. He had recorded a documentary I was interested in and we sat and watched it. We didn’t talk, we just cuddled on the couch until we were both yawning.

  I couldn’t believe it, but soon we were snuggled in his bed. His arm was draped over me, hand loosely holding mine. Falling asleep with someone was totally alien, yet it felt so comfortable and so right.

  His hand drifted down to my stomach, where his fingers splayed out over my bare abdomen. Even though I couldn’t get pregnant, yet, and the whole idea of it was new, I found myself thinking of it. I imagined what it would be like to feel my belly swell as the child inside of me grew. I put my hand over his, our hands were both flat, but someday soon they’d be rounded along the curve of my stomach. I wondered if he was thinking about it too.

  Just hours ago he was another student in a mass of other students and now I was spooning with him and daydreaming about having a baby together. I smiled a little and adjusted so I was touching as much of him as possible. The logical thing to do would be to sleep on it, but I already knew I was going to say yes and in a day or two, I’d be a snow leopard too.

  The End

  Pay a visit to Half Moon Island, a little coastal town with scenic beaches, quaint shops, and a secret population of shifters. You’ll find a world where full moons can be fatal for alphas, unless they are with their true mates. Once they meet, they experience intense attraction, shared pleasure, and increased fertility.

  There's just one problem: omegas are born as humans, with no knowledge of the shifter world. For an alpha, meeting their fated mate is only the first step, they must convince them to turn or lose their only shot at a true mate, forever...

  Start your journey with His Omega Roommate, the first book in the Full Moon Mates series:

  He never expected to find his true mate…

  When Rion moved in with a random human, he never dreamed he’d be sharing the apartment with his one true mate. In spite of his tendency to keep humans at arm’s-length, he finds himself growing closer to Elliott. Once he accepts that his handsome roommate is The One, all he has to do is tell Elliott. There’s just one problem: the Alpha Parliament. If Rion can’t convince Elliott to let him claim him, the Parliament will erase the man’s memory and remove him from Rion’s life forever…

  His roommate was up to something…

  The first time Rion came home after a full moon he claimed he had been attacked by a stray dog. Elliott made a joke about werewolves, but when it happened again, and again, on every full moon, Elliott couldn’t resist following his roommate. He didn’t think Rion would actually turn into a wolf before his eyes. Now, Rion is talking about true mates, immortality, and shifters. He says if Elliott agrees, he’ll turn him into a wolf too, one capable of bearing their children. Time is running out for Elliott to decide if he’ll agree to spend forever with a man he has only just met. Elliott isn't sure what is scarier: full moons or pregnancy, but when they discover a man has been stalking Rion, he has a new fear to add to his list: werewolf hunters.

  His Omega Roommate is a 33k word novella about taking chances, finding out what it means to be a family, and the fun of trysts in the forest. It contains some good, old-fashioned M/M loving in multiple positions, and wouldn't be complete without knotting!

  About Kallie Frost

  Kallie Frost is the pseudonym of a USA Today Bestselling Author, who normally writes young adult fantasy and dabbles in paranormal romance. Her greatest struggle is finding the time to write those books while escaping into mpreg. Her favorite mpreg books are shifters and she loves a good series with recurring characters.

  She lives with her husband and two sons. If she isn’t writing, she’s reading, or making colorful to-do lists.

  Keep up with Kallie

  Facebook Fan Group

  Amazon Author Page


  The Full Moon Mates Series

  His Omega Roommate

  Icing the Omega

  Espresso for his Omega

  The Last Alpha Dragon

  An Alpha a Day

  Beneath His Alpha’s Wings

  The Forgotten Omega

  Virgin Omega

  Aria Grace & Lorelei M. Hart



  I stretch my arms over my head and stifle a yawn as I slide back from my computer desk. It’s 1 AM, all the lights are out in the apartment. My roommates have all gone to bed, and I’m exhausted. I’ve been up all night, working on scholarship applications for college.

  It might seem a little strange, an omega of my age heading back to school. I’m already in my mid-thirties, a little late to completely change career paths. But I’m caught between a rock and a hard place. I’ve spent most of the last decade doing jobs as a party planner at Omega for Hire. I’ve cultivated a wide variety of clients that are all eager to have me plan their next soiree.

  But the hours are killing me. The stress of making sure everything is perfect. The late nights. The endless hustle of managing caterers, musicians, and decorators. It’s all starting to get to me. A few months ago I realized that I was no longer looking forward to the next party on my calendar. I was dreading it. Dreading the never-ending toil and the constant feeling of being outside of the celebration that I put so much work into. I was never part of the festivities. Never included.

  The social elite might call me to plan their parties, but they’ll never look at me as one of them. I’m not their equal, no matter how much they rely on my expertise to get things done.

  So I started looking for a new career path. Something more fulfilling than planning parties for the vapid elites of the city.

  But everything that I was even remotely interested in required far more education than I had ever received.

  I barely had a high school diploma and my GPA back then was trash. I guess I’m lucky in some respects. Most omegas I know don’t even have that.

  On top of everything else, I could never afford to pay for school. My party planning is lucrative, but a lot of the money goes into the next party. I’ve been able to build a significant sum of capital within my business, allowing me to meet the needs of my clients. I could probably cover my first year of school if I sold my business and cashed out. But there’s no way I’d be able to cover all four years, as well as food, housing, clothes and other necessities for all that time.

  Which means, I’m going to have to juggle work and school. Not something I’m exactly looking forward to, but I think I can do it. If I scale back to two parties a month, instead of four, I’m pretty sure I’ll have the time I need. I’ll probably wish I was dead, but a little bit of suffering in the short term will be worth it for a future of security.

  I look back at the computer screen and skim the last few paragraphs of the essay I’d just completed.

  The scholarship is supposed to be for omegas that are attending college for the first time. They asked for an essay talking about what a college education would allow us to accomplish. At first, I was just going to write something relatively simple. But as I started typing, the words began to flow.


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