Tangled Vows (Mistress Book 1)

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Tangled Vows (Mistress Book 1) Page 6

by Stone, Anna

  “No,” Ruby replied. “It wasn’t.”

  She sat up, reaching for Yvonne, wanting to pull her in and kiss her again. But Yvonne pushed Ruby’s shoulders back down to the bed, holding her there with the light pressure of her hand.

  “What you did that night. Trying to seduce me. Trying to get me to give you what you want. It was unacceptable.” She dragged her hand down Ruby’s cheek and the side of her neck. “You need to understand what I expect from my submissive.”

  Her submissive. The idea made Ruby just as hot as Yvonne’s kiss.

  “You were right about one thing,” Yvonne said. “About what I want. Power. Control, complete and unfettered.”

  She drew her hand down the center of Ruby’s chest, all the way to her lower stomach. A flood of desire went through her. Yvonne snaked her hand up underneath Ruby’s shirt, sliding it up to Ruby’s bare chest.

  “But I don’t just want someone who will hand me control. What I need is someone who will surrender to me completely.”

  “I understand,” Ruby whispered.

  “I don’t think you do. You want someone who will fulfill your desires, all those wicked little fantasies in your head.” Yvonne skimmed her fingers over Ruby’s breasts. “You want someone who will serve your needs.”

  Ruby let out a shuddering breath. Her nipples were already hard peaks.

  “Is that what you want?” Yvonne dipped down, her lips caressing Ruby’s ear. “Or do you want a Mistress to serve?”

  Ruby trembled. “I want to serve you.”

  “Then you need to understand what it is you’ll be giving me. You will be mine to command. Your mind. Your body.” Yvonne rolled her fingertips over Ruby’s nipple. “Your pleasure.”

  Ruby let out a sharp breath. Yvonne pinched Ruby’s nipple gently, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. Her chest hitched, her hands splaying on the bed beneath at either side of her.

  “Is that what you want?” Yvonne asked.

  “Yes,” Ruby said softly.

  Yvonne’s other hand crept down Ruby’s stomach, lower and lower until she reached the peak of Ruby’s thighs. Ruby parted her legs reflexively as Yvonne traced her fingers over Ruby’s lower lips through her panties. Ruby exhaled softly.

  “Then I’ll show you,” Yvonne said. “I’ll teach you.”

  “Yes,” Ruby murmured.

  Yvonne drew her hand back up, slipping it inside Ruby’s panties. She pushed her finger into Ruby’s slit, stroking gently. “You will exist to serve me. Not the other way around.”

  Pleasure lanced through Ruby’s body. “Yes.”

  Yvonne circled Ruby’s aching clit with her fingertip. Ruby let out a fevered gasp, her thighs trembling.

  “Your pleasure will be mine to give.” Yvonne withdrew her hand from Ruby’s panties. “And to take.”

  Ruby bit back a whimper. “Yes.”

  “You will be mine.”


  Yvonne grabbed the waistband of Ruby’s panties and tugged them down Ruby’s legs before parting them again. She slid her fingers between Ruby’s thighs once more, running them down to Ruby’s entrance. She circled it slowly, teasing her.

  This time, Ruby couldn’t stop the whimper escaping from her lips. She looked back up at Yvonne, the other woman’s eyes dark and lustful.

  “I will be your everything,” Yvonne whispered .

  Yes. But Ruby found she couldn’t speak. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, she was so consumed with need. She closed her eyes, her head rolling back, her body yearning for Yvonne.

  Finally, Yvonne entered her, piercing her to her core. Ruby arched up, pleasure rippling through her with every stroke of Yvonne’s fingers. Was this a dream? Had Ruby fallen asleep and imagined Yvonne coming to her door? No, Ruby wasn’t imagining the weight of Yvonne on her, the heat of the woman’s skin against hers. She wasn’t imagining the way Yvonne felt inside her. She wasn’t imagining Yvonne’s soft, rhythmic breaths in her ear. She wasn’t imagining the way her body screamed for Yvonne’s touch.

  And Ruby wanted to touch Yvonne too, to feel her, to explore her, to hold her. But Yvonne had been clear. She demanded control.

  And Ruby was powerless to do anything but give it to her.

  “Yes,” she murmured. “Oh, yes…”

  As Yvonne delved inside her, Ruby let herself get swept away in the tempest that was the other woman. Everything about Yvonne was overwhelming. Her firm, velvet voice. Her tender but insistent touch. Her undeniably dominant presence.

  Yvonne thrust harder, the whole room shaking. Ruby gripped the sheets beneath her, holding on against Yvonne’s disorienting passion until at last, she couldn’t take anymore.

  “Yvonne,” she cried. “Oh-”

  A spark went off deep within, crackling through her like electricity. She rose up into Yvonne, her body seeking the other woman’s. Yvonne’s lips collided with Ruby’s as she continued to work away inside her, drawing out every last bit of pleasure from Ruby’s body, until finally, she went limp.

  Yvonne eased away, letting her lips linger on Ruby’s, her kiss transforming from furious to soft. Ruby dissolved into her, a part of her hoping that Yvonne would draw her into an embrace.

  But instead, Yvonne broke away and looked down at her, an unreadable expression on her face. Tentatively, Ruby reached up and placed a hand on Yvonne’s cheek, searching Yvonne’s eyes. Ruby’s heart pounded loudly in the still, silent room. Was Yvonne trying to figure out what was going on in Ruby’s head too?

  After a moment, Yvonne brought her hand up to Ruby’s, pulling it from her cheek and letting it fall to the bed. Her voice cut into the silence.

  “Good night, Ruby. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Ruby blinked, still in a daze. “Good night?”

  Yvonne got up from the bed and walked silently to the door. “One more thing. If you ever, ever try anything like what you did the other night again, I’ll do far worse than make you crawl.”

  Yvonne left the room, shutting the door behind her.

  Chapter 9

  W hen Ruby awoke the next morning, she was only half certain that the previous night hadn’t been a dream. The abrupt way it had ended certainly hadn’t helped. Once again, Yvonne had walked out the door on her.

  But unlike last time, Ruby was certain she’d gotten through to Yvonne. Now, she was certain Yvonne wanted Ruby’s submission just as much as Ruby wanted to give it to her.

  Ruby’s mind went back to all the things she’d found in Yvonne’s playroom. All those tools and toys, the ropes, and whips, and cuffs. She wanted a taste of it all. And she wanted it with Yvonne.

  Ruby’s stomach stirred. She didn’t like that she felt so strongly toward a client, even if it was just physical. It was dangerous. But this was different. Yvonne was different. She wasn’t like him . Hadn’t she already shown that?

  Ruby pushed the thought aside and got out of bed. As she left her bedroom, the faint sound of the shower running in Yvonne’s bathroom reached her. The life of leisure Ruby had been living meant that she’d lost track of the days. It was the weekend. Yvonne didn’t have work.

  The two of them would have to face what had happened the night before sooner rather than later.

  Ruby headed to the kitchen and made herself a quick breakfast. She was sitting at the counter eating her toast when Yvonne strolled in. She was dressed relatively casually in a simple dark blue dress, her dark hair loose. She looked so radiant. So confident. So captivating.

  “Good morning.” Yvonne spoke in her usual businesslike manner. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Y-yes,” Ruby replied.

  Yvonne took a mug from the cupboard and poured herself some coffee. “When you have the time, there’s something we need to discuss.”

  Ruby pushed aside the remains of her breakfast, her hunger replaced with nerves. “I have time now.”

  “Let’s go to my study.”

  Ruby followed Yvonne to her study, like an employee called into he
r boss’s office. No, more like a student called to the principal’s office.

  “Take a seat,” Yvonne said.

  Ruby sat. Yvonne shut the door and took a seat at the other side of the desk. On top of the desk between them was a thick document stapled together.

  “Here.” Yvonne slid it toward Ruby. “It’s a contract.”

  Ruby frowned. “Didn’t we already sign the contract?”

  “This is a contract of a different kind.”

  Ruby picked up the papers and scanned the first page.

  Agreement between Yvonne Maxwell (“the Dominant”) and Ruth “Ruby” Scott (“the submissive”) .

  Ruby flicked through the rest of the pages. What the hell was this? There were over a dozen sections, all with bold headings. Roles. Responsibilities. Areas of Control. Limits. There was an entire page dedicated to different bondage-related activities alone. There had to be at least twenty pages in total.

  “You want me to sign this?” When had Yvonne even written it? This morning? What kind of woman fucked someone and then drew up a contract the next day?

  The woman Ruby was married to, apparently.

  “Not immediately,” Yvonne said. “I want you to take your time and go through it thoroughly. And it’s all negotiable. We can discuss anything you have reservations about or anything you don’t understand. I’ve left space for you to add in your limits. That’s any activity that’s off the table completely. You’ll also need to choose a safeword.”

  Ruby blinked. “Is all this necessary?” There were so many rules. Did they really have to have it all in writing?

  What would happen if Ruby broke one?

  “Have you changed your mind about wanting to do this?” Yvonne asked.

  “No. Not at all.” Yet, Ruby had some reservations. Could she really trust Yvonne, this virtual stranger she’d somehow ended up married to?

  “Then yes, this is necessary.” Yvonne folded her hands in front of her. “I want you to understand that this contract isn’t about obligations. It’s about setting clear boundaries and limits, as well as expectations. That applies to both of us.”

  Ruby glanced down at the contract again. All the language was so businesslike. That was typical of Yvonne .

  “You also need to understand that having a contract doesn’t mean we don’t have to communicate about everything. We’ll still need to discuss any issues that arise.” Yvonne’s expression grew more serious. “Ruby, you’re new at all this. For everything between us to work, we need to be completely open with each other. If you’re feeling uncomfortable or overwhelmed, tell me. If you change your mind about anything, or you realize you don’t want to do something we’ve previously agreed upon, tell me. Whatever you’re thinking and feeling, you need to tell me. What we’re doing is intense. Feelings get magnified, people can get hurt. I require complete honesty from you, and I will give you the same.”

  Ruby had no problem being honest about her feelings and needs. However, she was already keeping something from Yvonne. The lie she’d told was small, more of an omission than anything, but it hid a bigger secret, one that she knew Yvonne would want to know about.

  But if Ruby told her the truth, would Yvonne put a stop to the arrangement they were about to enter into?

  Yvonne examined her. “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing,” Ruby replied.

  Yvonne crossed her arms. “Ruby, I just told you I require complete honesty from you. Tell me the truth. How does this all make you feel?”

  Ruby thought for a moment. “At first, it made me nervous. A contract? That seems so formal. But the more I think about it, it’s reassuring.” Yvonne had thought this all through. She was being cautious and careful, and she cared about Ruby’s well-being and her safety. “It makes me feel like I can trust you. ”

  Yvonne gave her a small nod. “That’s good. That’s the point. Now, I want you to go away and read the contract. Make a list of your own limits. Take note of anything you want to negotiate. If you have any questions, ask me. We’ll finalize the contract when you’re ready. I want you to take your time to understand what you’re getting into.”

  Ruby nodded.

  “You may go.”

  Ruby got up and headed to the door, contract in hand. As she opened the door, Yvonne spoke.

  “And Ruby?”


  “Until that contract has been signed, nothing will happen between us.”

  Oh. Ruby hesitated. “And after I sign it? What happens then?”

  Yvonne’s lips curled up slightly. “Then the teaching begins.”

  Chapter 10

  Y vonne pulled up in front of a large suburban house. Between work and her impromptu marriage, she’d been far too busy to make the long-overdue trip to visit the person dearest to her.


  As Yvonne parked the car, she caught sight of the wedding ring on her finger. She’d finally gotten used to the feel of it on her hand. Although she and Ruby had been married for a few weeks now, it had only been a week since that night that had bound them together in an entirely different way.

  Ruby hadn’t yet signed the second contract. She was taking her time. Yvonne had thought Ruby had gotten cold feet until she’d started asking Yvonne questions about the contract and all the kinky little details within it. And every time she did, she would ponder Yvonne’s answers while looking at Yvonne with eager, lust-filled eyes.

  It was making Yvonne regret having told Ruby that nothing could happen between them until they finalized the contract. Yvonne had almost cracked, more than once, but she’d stuck to her guns. She had to take control of the situation. What had happened that night in Ruby’s bedroom had been entirely unplanned. Yvonne still didn’t know what had possessed her to stop at Ruby’s door.

  The contract was as much for Yvonne as it was for Ruby. She needed to have clear limits and boundaries in all areas of her life. It kept things simple. If she and Ruby were going to be stuck together for a year, the last thing they needed was for things to get any more complicated than they already were.

  Yvonne stared at the ring, wondering whether to take it off. She didn’t want to have to explain everything to Nita, and there was very little chance of her finding out about Yvonne’s marriage through the grapevine. Nita was very much separate from the rest of Yvonne’s life. But at the same time, Yvonne couldn’t keep something this big from her.

  Without removing the ring, Yvonne got out of her car and headed toward the house. Nita’s family had lived here for years, but they were at risk of losing it all. Yvonne wasn’t going to let that happen.

  She rang the doorbell and waited. A minute later, the door opened. A short Chinese woman, her face faintly lined with age, stood in the doorway.

  “Yvonne,” she said. “What a lovely surprise.”

  “Nita,” Yvonne said. “Sorry I haven’t been by for a while.”

  “It’s fine.” Nita spoke with the barest hint of an accent. “You’re a busy woman. You don’t have to worry about me. Why don’t you come in? ”

  Yvonne followed Nita inside. The house was quiet. There was no sign of Nita’s husband, Mark, or her kids. At Nita’s urging, Yvonne took a seat at the kitchen table. Nita poured them both some tea and sat down across from her.

  She gave Yvonne an affectionate smile. “Xiăo táo. It’s good to see you.”

  Yvonne felt a spark of warmth in her chest. Xiăo táo was Mandarin for little peach . It was what Yvonne’s mother had called her as a child. Apparently, when Yvonne was a baby, she’d been so chubby that her cheeks had looked like two round, ripe peaches. Yvonne’s mother had been Chinese. However, her father’s side of the family had Scottish roots, which her father had taken very seriously, proudly displaying their family crest over the mantelpiece in their home. Aside from her dark hair, Yvonne took after her father, so most people didn’t realize she was Chinese at all. That part of her, the part which came from her mother, was virtually invisible. She occasionally got c
omments about her vaguely ‘exotic’ looks, but she’d learned long ago to shut down any such comments with an icy glare.

  Nita began fussing over Yvonne like usual. “Are you hungry? I’ll make you something.”

  “I’m fine,” Yvonne said. “I’m not ten anymore. You don’t need to feed me every time I so much as drop by.”

  “Yes, I do. If I know you, you haven’t been looking after yourself. When was the last time you sat down and had a home-cooked meal?”

  “It has been a while,” Yvonne admitted. “I don’t want to impose.”

  “Nonsense.” Nita rose from her seat. “I’ll whip you up something quick. How about your favorite? ”

  “All right.” Yvonne knew better than to argue with Nita. Yvonne suspected that she herself had gotten her stubbornness from the woman.

  Yvonne folded her arms on the table and watched as Nita began gathering the ingredients. Yvonne’s ‘favorite’ dish, a simple Chinese stir-fry made of eggs and tomatoes with rice, hadn’t been her favorite since she was a child, but she didn’t say that to Nita. For Yvonne, it tasted like her childhood, at least, the good parts of it. She had fond memories of Nita cooking it for her, and of helping Nita cook it when her father wasn’t around to disapprove of Yvonne doing something so menial.

  Nita opened the fridge and took out a few eggs. “This was your mother’s favorite too. She used to eat this when she was pregnant with you. That’s probably how you got a taste for it.”

  Yvonne had vague memories of her mother cooking it, but since Yvonne was only three when her mother died, she didn’t know if those memories were even real.

  Nita cracked the eggs in a bowl and began scrambling them. “She used to go into the kitchen and cook it at all hours. When she was too far along to be on her feet, I’d cook it for her. I was just one of the maids back then, but since I was the only one on staff who knew how to cook the food she liked, she took me on as her personal maid. That’s how I ended up as your nanny.”

  Nita had told Yvonne this story at least a hundred times, but Yvonne liked hearing it, along with all Nita’s other stories of her mother. After her mother’s death, it had been like her father had wanted to forget about Yvonne’s mother entirely. When he’d remarried, he’d practically erased Yvonne’s mother from existence. He hadn’t cared about Yvonne keeping any connection to her mother or her culture.


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