Through Rosie-Colored Glasses: Book Three in the Game Winner Series

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Through Rosie-Colored Glasses: Book Three in the Game Winner Series Page 7

by Nicole, Angela

  “You mean to tell me you kissed the Von Sellers. The one you call Coach Cranky who also happens to be your brother’s friend and now co-worker? The one I wanted you to flirt with?”

  “And my co-worker don’t forget,” I add for good measure.

  Sophia giggles.

  “We need another round of margaritas,” Brenda yells leaning back in her chair. “Why did you kiss him? I thought you didn’t like him.”

  “Well, honestly?”

  Sophia and Brenda nod.

  “The man is sexy AF. Every time I look at him, parts of me I thought were long dead come alive.”

  With a raised eyebrow, Brenda urges me to go on. “And what did Von think about this kiss?”

  “Well it was more than once and he didn’t seem to mind since he kissed me too.”

  Sophia leans in with a big smile. “Tell us everything. Even how the big bad coach kisses.”

  So I do. I spend the next ten minutes describing the way we were eye-fucking each other when he was working out. I don’t tell them Leo caught us though because I don’t want to get him into trouble for not telling Sophia.

  I mention the time in the kitchen after dinner and Brenda laughs. “I knew something was up the way he left in such a hurry.”

  “So have you two talked about this? Do you know where Von stands because I’ve never seen him with a woman before.”

  Sophia nods to Brenda’s question. But I know I’m not going to divulge what Von told me about Mia’s affair.

  “He thinks it’s better if we’re just friends. I think he’s still not over his wife’s death.”

  Our salads come giving Brenda and Sophia some time to contemplate what I’ve said.

  Brenda pushes her lunch away.

  “So I take it you don’t want to just be friends with Von? That’s why we’re here?”

  “Brenda, he made a ramp for Rosie so she can get into his house easier. The man has a soft spot for my daughter…maybe that’s all this is.”

  “Carol, are you going to Von’s Fourth of July party next week?” Sophia asks between bites of her taco salad.

  “He invited us but I don’t know if we should go.”

  “No, wait. This is perfect Carol. We were all there last year. It was a blast. Maybe he just needs a little nudge. You need to go to the party and wear your sexiest bathing suit. Give him a little view of what he’s missing,” Sophia offers.

  “I expected that kind of suggestion from Brenda not from you,” I laugh.

  Sophia leans in. “Hey, I may be a former nun, but Leo has made me into a naughty girl just like our Brenda here.”

  “Jesus,” Brenda blurts out.


  Now it’s my turn to laugh. “So you want me to wear a skimpy bathing suit with this body and hope he notices me? That’s exactly what I’m worried about. He’s already seen me once in my mom bathing suit. You know the kind with the skirt that hides all those hard to hide flaws.”

  “That’s ridiculous Carol. You have the body of a twenty-five-year-old,” Brenda says with a quirk of her mouth.

  “Yeah sure.”

  Brenda takes my hand in hers.

  “Okay well, you don’t need to wear that kind of bathing suit. You can get away with a two-piece. You need to just go there and show him what he could have if he’d get over his guilt over Mia’s death. Look I know he doesn’t open up to a lot of people but if he’s opened up to you even just a little bit, well, I think maybe you’re the person who can help him go the rest of the way.”

  “So you’re saying I should wear a bikini and flirt with him? Don’t you think I’m a little too old for that? I’m a mother after all.”

  Sophia smirks. “We didn’t say you should flirt with him, Carol. Wear the suit, let him think you want to just be friends, maybe even ignore him a little and see what happens. He’s a man after all. They never know what they want until they think they can’t have it.”

  I look at my sister-in-law and then to Sophia. She shrugs. “Brenda taught me well, what can I say?”

  The rest of the lunch is spent talking about what’s new with Sophia and Leo. They’re trying to have a baby and although it’s taking some time, Sophia says she doesn’t mind the practice. The comment makes us all giggle. According to Brenda, Sophia’s come a long way since her time in the convent. She’s a breath of fresh air for sure.

  We head out to our cars when Brenda reminds me there’s a great surf shop with cute bathing suits on my way home.

  Ugh! Really this is ridiculous. I’m too old to be playing games with a man. So why do I find myself heading into the parking lot of the surf shop?


  “Hey Dad, did you hear me?”

  “Sorry Cass, what did you say?”

  “Do you want me to go get more ice or do you think we have enough?”

  “I think we’re good for now.”

  My daughter flew home yesterday wanting to be here for the Fourth of July party. It’s one of her favorite holidays. She always wears her red, white and blue, sometimes even dying her hair.

  Cassidy moves about the kitchen. I can hear what she’s doing but I’m not focusing on her. I shake my head from the fog I’ve been in since I told Carol we should just be friends. Carol has been pleasant at work but aloof. I don’t know why it pisses me off really. I’m the one who suggested we just be friends.

  My Fourth of July party starts in forty-five minutes. Everything is ready. Except maybe me.

  I need to chill the hell out.

  “Wanna join me in a pre-party drink?”

  “Sure Dad.”

  Cass pulls two beers out of the cooler, pops the tops off and hands one to me just like she’s one of the guys.

  We sit in silence for a few minutes just staring at the pool.

  “Want to tell me what’s got you so worked up Dad?”

  My eyes snap over to Cass who sitting in the lounge chair next to me. Her eyebrows are raised.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Everything is great,” I lie as I take a long drink of my beer.

  “Hmm okay, Dad whatever you say. But I think it’s a woman.”

  I cough and almost choke on my beer.

  “I knew it,” she says as she tips her beer to me.

  Running my hand over my face, I talk to my baby girl.

  “Okay, so I should tell you something before the guests come over.”

  Cass leans forward in her chair with the same look she does on Christmas morning.


  “Don’t get too excited Cass. There’s a woman coming over but she’s just a friend okay. In fact, she’s Chris’s sister Carol. She is bringing her daughter Rosie. Rosie has Cerebral Palsy.”

  “So that’s why you put the ramp on the front of the house? So it’d be easier for Rosie to get into the house?’


  “Wow, that’s a nice thing to do for someone you said is only your friend Dad,” she smirks.

  “Knock it off Cassidy Sellers. Carol and I are friends and yes I really like Rosie. You will too once you meet her.”

  “So does Chris know you’re friends with his sister?”

  “Ugh. I mean it, Cass.”

  “Dad if you like her and she likes you then maybe you should step it up a notch. You know show her how charming you can be.”

  I laugh out loud at her comment. “Carol thinks I’m anything but charming I’m sure.”

  “Dad it’s time you meet someone. Mom’s been gone for two years, almost three. I don’t like thinking about you being alone.”

  I blow out a sigh. I love my daughter but I hate that she worries about me. I probably shouldn’t have told her about Carol but I didn’t want her to think there was something going on between us when there isn’t.

  “I know Cass but I’m not ready. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready.”


  Just as Cassidy is about to lay into be again the doorbell rings.

  “Saved by
the bell,” I laugh as some of the team make their way out the French door to the backyard.

  “And you,” I point my beer at Cassidy. “Stay away from the guys. You’re too young.”

  She rolls her eyes at me like always. “Sure Dad anything for you.”

  “Hey Coach,” Dustin, Paul, and Jesse say as take a beer from the cooler and head over to where the tables are set up.

  “Wow,” I hear my daughter whisper and I cringe. Please don’t let her fall for a soccer player.


  I’m white-knuckling it all the way over to Von’s house. Chris asked if we wanted to ride with him and Brenda, but I declined in case I need to get out of there quickly.

  “Mama look. Coach has a ramp now,” Rosie says as we pull into Von’s driveway.

  “Isn’t that nice?” I choke on the words as I look at the sign at the end of the driveway.

  Driveway reserved for Rosie. Everyone else park on the street.

  The man is making it so difficult to not jump him when I walk in the door. This is the sweetest thing a man, other than my brother, has done for Rosie.

  Chris and Brenda are right behind me. Chris lets Brenda and Ellie out at the end of the driveway and goes to park.

  “Wow Rosie, this is great,” Brenda winks at her as we get out of the van.

  “Coach built this for me,” she informs her aunt while she walks up the ramp using her crutches.

  “Von did this?” My brother asks.

  “Yeah uh, we’ve become friends since working together. Rosie and I were here for dinner a few weeks ago and Rosie told him, it’d be better he had a ramp.”

  Brenda giggles then clears her throat.

  I glare at her.


  “I didn’t think coach could do something

  like this. It’s very thoughtful.” I can hear the confusion in his voice.

  “Actually Von is pretty nice despite everything he’s been through. He seems to like Rosie and the feeling is mutual.”

  “Come on Mama. I want to go swimming again.” Rosie’s patience is wearing thin as we stand out front and debate the relationship between me and Von.

  “Let’s go.”

  With Brenda and Chris leading the way. I stop and look at myself in the hallway mirror. I think I look pretty damn good. A quick check of my hair and I’m good to go.

  Brenda helped me get ready this morning under the skeptical eye of my brother. I never take time to make myself up more than just the minimum needed to look human.

  My cute sundress covers up the cute two-piece I bought at the surf shop. It’s not a skimpy bikini but a more modest one. One I’m not freaked out to wear.

  With a deep breath, I head out to find the party in full swing. Sophia and Leo are here, along with many of the returning Rebels’ players. I try not to look too obvious when I scan the yard for Von. Rosie is already in the pool with Leo and Chris. Her giggling is what drew my eyes her way. And that’s when I see him.

  Von is standing at the end of the pool watching over Rosie. My heart nearly explodes at the sight.

  I don’t think he’s looked sexier than he does right now. With his board shorts, no shirt and his damn abs, my mouth waters. My eyes wander down his chest to the V leading to the edge of his shorts.

  “You must be Carol.” The female voice jolts me from my fantasy.

  I turn to see Von’s daughter. I recognize her from the photo in the living room.

  “Hi, yes I am and you must be Cassidy. It’s nice to meet you,” I say extending my hand, but she brings me into a hug instead. The gesture shocks me.

  Questions immediately begin to fill my head. How does she know my name? What has Von said about me?

  Cassidy releases me. “Gosh, I’m sorry Carol. I just got excited to meet dad’s new friend. And you’re even prettier than I thought you’d be.”

  I smile at her excitement because I’m excited to meet her too, just a little surprised she already knew who I was.

  “No worries. I’m a hugger too.”

  “Mama look!” Rosie yells from the pool. “Uncle Leo is a dolphin.” I watch as Leo entertains my daughter.

  “Rosie is adorable Carol. My dad really likes her. I can tell.”

  “Yes, those two have developed quite a friendship.”

  Von’s eyes suddenly lock onto mine, then shift to his daughter. He waves goodbye to Rosie who’s now being splashed by my brother. She’s giggling. It’s the best sound.

  “Uh oh,” Cassidy says as she turns her back to her dad and facing me. “That’s his what are you up to face.”

  We both laugh at the way he’s zeroed in on us. He’s walking along the side of the pool not even speaking to any of his guests. I watch as he inches towards me.

  “I think he’s nervous I’m talking to you,” Cassidy says with a wink.

  Before I can ask why, my breath is taken away when Von places his hand on the small of my back. The intimate gesture makes my knees weak and my stomach flip.

  “Hi, Carol. I see you’ve met my daughter Cassidy,” he says as he arches an eyebrow at her.

  “Yes, we were just getting to know each other right?” I wink at her.

  “Yeah, hey it was nice to meet you, Carol. I’m gonna go get the hamburgers ready for you to grill Daddy.”

  Cassidy leaves before either one of us can say anything. I know I’m going to like her, but damn that was obvious.

  “You look gorgeous,” Von whispers in my ear sending shivers through my body.

  Stay strong I tell myself. He wants to be friends so friends we shall be.

  “Thank you. And thank you for inviting us. I see Rosie is the life of the party already.”

  Von laughs. “Yes, it’s very easy to fall for her. She’s pretty witty for a six-year-old.”

  I nod while swallowing the lump in my throat. “Thank you for saving us a parking spot. It makes it easier for Rosie if she doesn’t have to walk so much. I’d rather her expend her energy playing.”

  “It’s no problem at all.”

  We stare at each other for what seems like a lifetime.

  Glancing over at Brenda and Sophia, I notice a subtle nod from my sister-in-law.

  Okay, I guess it’s now or never.

  “You should probably go entertain your guests Von. I’m gonna go get in the pool with Rosie. I’ll see you later.”

  I don’t wait for a response. Instead, I make my way over to a chair next to Brenda. She smiles giving me the courage I need. With a quick movement, I take my sundress off.

  Internally I cringe, but with my head up. I make my way over to the pool in my two-piece and a tiny sway in my hips. I just hope Von is watching because if not, then this whole idea is ridiculous. Hell, it’s ridiculous even if he is watching.

  The pool water feels nice as I gingerly wade in.

  “Yeah, mama is swimming too!” Rosie yells.

  Oh crap. Way to draw attention to me.

  Before I know it, Sophia, Brenda, and Ellie join us in the pool.

  Sophia makes her way over next to me, while I hold Rosie’s hands so she can float.

  “Holy cow Carol. Von watched every step you took. You’re one hot mama babe.”

  “I feel like an idiot.” I retort quietly.

  Brenda shakes her head as she dips Ellie in and out of the water. “Oh no, you better not. He’s still staring.”

  “Mama, I’m hungry.”

  Shit! Now I’ve gotta get out in front of everyone.

  “Okay, sweetie.”

  I turn to Brenda and Sophia. “Here goes nothing.”

  Rosie and I make our way out of the pool to where Chris and Leo are sitting. “I think there are some chips and stuff over there. Will you watch Rosie while I go fix her a plate?”

  My brother grabs Rosie, wrapping her in a towel. I glance around for another towel but there isn’t one. Of course not! I know I’ll dry quickly but I wanted to cover myself as I walked over to the food table.

  “Mama?”r />
  “Okay, I’m going.”

  Now I look at the path between where I am and where the food is. There are only a few people but when my eyes focus on the table covered in patriotic decorations, all I can see is Von and three guys who must be on the team.

  Suddenly, Von looks pissed about something. He’s chest to chest with one of his team members. I lock eyes on Cassidy who’s standing with a girl who looks like a friend of hers.

  I watch as Von takes off into the house.

  “What happened?” I ask Cassidy since she was right there.

  “Um. You sure you want to know?”

  “Yeah, hang on though. Rosie’s hungry so let me get her a plate of snacks. I’ll be right back.”

  I fix Rosie some chips, veggies, and fruit to hold her over until dinner, throw my dress back on but when I return back to Cassidy, she looks hesitant to tell me what happened.

  “Alright spill it. What’s going on? Is your dad okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so. He’s just upset because of what one of the guys said about you,” she smirks.

  “Me?” I ask pointing at myself.

  “Uh yeah. But I think maybe my dad should tell you if he wants to. I’m pretty sure he’s out front. There’s where he goes to think. You should probably go check on him.”


  Cassidy keeps waggling her eyebrows at me and then looking at Carol. My daughter thinks she’s playing matchmaker. I had a little talk with her telling her to back off but my daughter only saw that as a challenge.

  I’m talking shit with a few members of my team when I notice they aren’t paying attention to me but instead they are focused on something else.

  When I follow their line of sight, my heart is ready to jump out of my chest. If I didn’t need heart medication before, I will after today. Carol is walking around my backyard in a bathing suit that shows off her sexy curves.

  I want to gouge out every other guy’s eyes so they can’t see what’s mine. Fuck! She’s not mine. She could be if I weren’t such a stubborn asshole.

  “Now there’s a milf I’ve ever seen one,” Tanner says and I snap.

  I get in my best midfielder’s face. “I don’t ever want to hear any of you say that shit about Carol ever. I’ll bench you so fucking fast it’ll make your head spin. I don’t give a shit how good you are.”


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