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Retribution Page 3

by Dave Lemel

  Ben chortled then groaned as he shifted the box while stepping into the freight elevator. “Yeah, mine too.”

  Minutes later, Ben strapped himself in to a seat at the rear of the bridge. Jack and Li were already strapped into seats at either side of him, and Todd opened the all-ship intercom. “You buckled in down there, Foggen?”

  “That is affirmative, Todd.”

  “Okay, and how ’bout everyone up here?” He looked over his shoulder.

  A yes, two thumbs up, and a head nod came in reply.

  “Alrighty, then…in three, two, one.”

  The pockmarked moon of Jupiter shrunk to a speck in their wake as they rocketed away and inward through the solar system.

  Chapter 7

  Sasha sat on the bench seat tucked into the bottom of the large, egg-shaped window of her Martian living room. By Martian standards, the star marshals had quite spacious living quarters. Still, the nine hundred fifty square feet was noticeably cozier than the home she was used to back on Earth.

  She peered out at the rusty red horizon dotted with mossy green patches beyond the sprawling linen white structures of the outskirts of the Martian Star Marshal Base. Penny rested on her lap as she too gazed upon the landscape of the foreign planet’s surface. Sasha’s link buzzed, startling them both. Penny tilted her head back and looked up at her mother.

  “Sorry, lovey.” She checked who was trying to contact her. “Mommy has to take this.” She swung her legs over the side of the window seat and placed Penny on the floor. “Hello, sir.” She stood up as she answered the call. “What’s going on?”

  Lombargnor’s large black eyes were fiercely focused on his link, practically piercing the screen of Sasha’s. “Mission Commander Cain, I need you in the control center immediately.”

  Sasha began walking toward the door of her unit. “I have to get someone to watch Penny, but I’ll be there right away. What is it?”

  “An opportunity has presented itself. We must move quickly to take advantage of it. I will explain once you arrive at the control center.” Lombargnor vanished from the screen as it faded to black.

  Sasha scooped up Penny and exited to the hall. She knocked on a door directly opposite hers, and seconds later it opened. “Hey, Mom. I need you to take the peanut for a bit. Duty calls.”

  “Can it wait a few minutes? I just made a loaf of bread. You should have a slice. It’s so nummy when it’s fresh.”

  “Sorry, Mom, can’t wait this time. Here, just take her at your place. She’ll be fine while you eat some. My place is open, but I’ll find you when I’m done wherever you end up. Thanks.” Sasha handed Penny over and hustled away down the hall.

  Moments later, Sasha entered the Mission Control Center at the heart of Star Martial Base, Mars. The interior was three stories high and cavernous. Display monitors and aug-real machines could be found in nearly every direction one turned their eyes. The entire space was electric with activity.

  Lombargnor approached Sasha immediately upon her arrival. “We are connecting with the Henrietta now. Follow me, please.”

  Sasha doubled her pace to remain in stride with the tall Bopecan. “Sir, is something wrong?”

  “No. This is not negative in nature. As I stated previously, an opportunity has presented itself. Everything will be clear momentarily. Let us get to the transmission with the Henrietta. That way, I will only have to explain the situation once in the interest of expedience.”

  The pair rounded a bank of monitors near the center of the room. As they came around the back of it, they entered a boxlike hol-call room. The interior of this hol-call had monitors lining the walls as well, facing inward, and an aug-real display located at its center. The aug-real was displaying the hologram of an egg-shaped ship. The two largest monitors showed the bridge of the Henrietta, all its occupants in attendance.

  “Marshals,” boomed Lombargnor, “please pay close attention. I do not wish to unnecessarily repeat myself, nor do we have the time for it.”

  “Read you loud and clear,” replied Todd. “Proceed when ready.”

  Lombargnor nodded and turned to face the floating projection of an egg-shaped vessel behind him. One of his right arms raised, and a long, purple finger extended out toward the ship. “This is a model of a Vikard supply ship. Currently, one like this specific model displayed here is in transit toward Earth. The path it is on will be nearly intersecting with the trajectory the Henrietta is presently traveling on. We are going to direct an obstacle into its path, forcing it to slow or stop completely. Taking advantage of that delay, you will position yourselves near enough to it to board and commandeer this vessel.”

  Todd’s right eyebrow raised. “Commandeer it? You mean like hi-jack it?” He sat up straighter. “How?”

  “As we speak, another team of marshals is in the process of collecting and redirecting a group of meteoroids into the target vessel’s path. As long as the trajectory of that group of meteoroids is correctly aligned with the Vikard supply ship’s trajectory, the navigation computers should force it to slow significantly if not stop altogether.”

  Simon leaned forward an interjected, “But wouldn’t they just have it re-route slightly and maintain speed?”

  Lombargnor shook his long, purple head. “Not if we time it correctly. If the maneuver is precise enough, it will be too late for the re-route, and the default reaction of the computer will be to slow or stop.”

  “Okay,” said Todd, “then what? How exactly are we supposed to board it? I don’t see them opening their bay doors or airlocks just because some random meteoroids got in their way.”

  “You will be using one of your escape pods.”

  Simon leaned in as his head tilted slightly. “An escape pod?”

  Todd nodded slowly as the picture began to take shape in his mind. “Yeah, they can attach to nearby vessels in case of emergency in deep space.”

  Lombargnor’s thin lips curled. “Precisely. Once your escape pod has affixed itself, you will use your wands to cut through the exterior of the ship’s hull and gain entry. This will need to be executed in as quick a manner as possible. The shipping vessels of this class are nearly devoid of living crew. Typically only staffed with two or three Vikard. Though they will not have numbers, they most likely will be alerted to your presence as soon as your pod attaches itself to the exterior of their ship. There also tends to be a security droid aboard shipping vessels.”

  “Understood,” replied Todd. “How long do we have until this group of meteoroids does its thing and stops ’em?”

  Sasha stepped forward. “The coordinates you are being sent right now are for the destination we need you to alter your course to. You will do so immediately as we continue our conversation. This is happening now, marshals. We have just over five Earth minutes until the meteoroids are identified by the shipping vessel’s nav computer, triggering the stop.”

  Todd and Simon looked at each other and stood up. “Ummmm, okay then,” said Todd as he turned to head off the bridge. “Continue this convo from our links in the escape pod?”

  “That would be prudent,” replied Lombargnor through the screens on both of the marshals’ forearms.

  “Why don’t we just eject the bridge pod?” asked Simon.

  “Unnecessary,” replied Lombargnor. “You have sufficient time to make it to one of the many in the garage, and the bridge pod is always the last resort to eject on any marshal vessel. As you make your way down to and in one of the garage pods, the Henrietta will have time to get you in closer proximity as well.”

  The two marshals slid down the stairs to the garage and dashed inside, making a beeline for four large circles on the far wall beside the edge of the jaw-like garage bay door.

  “Ben,” Lombargnor now addressed the human engineer still seated on the Henrietta’s bridge.

  “Yes, sir?” he replied as Todd and Simon listened through their links. Todd entered commands into a pad on the circle closest to the bay door.

  “I would like J
ack and yourself to remain on the bridge throughout this operation. Foggen, please take Li down with you to the engine room. Strap in for decel as soon as you reach that room.”

  “Yes, sir.” Foggen rose from his seat, and Li followed him right off the bridge and down the stairs.

  “Ben and Jack, would you please take the two control seats? You will need to execute the decel and then stop the ship following the pod’s release.”

  “We’re in the pod now,” said Todd from the interior of the cylindrical craft. “Strapping and awaiting further instruction.” Both marshals released their helmets and gloves, sealing their suits completely around themselves.

  “Mission Commander Cain will be relaying coordinates to you as soon as we receive notification that the target vessel has indeed stopped.”

  “We’re not gonna have to be in here long, are we?” asked Todd as he glanced around the cramped quarters. “This thing is basically an oversized cup.”

  “Do not worry, Marshal Jordan. If everything goes according to plan, you should only be in the pod a short period of time.”

  “And if not?” asked Simon before breathing in deeply through his mouth and exhaling slowly through his nose, his eyes closing tight.

  “In the unlikely event that you miss your target, the Henrietta will be able to retrieve you in a relatively short period of time.”

  Simon opened his eyes and looked out the small window at the outer-facing side of the craft. Sasha’s no-nonsense tone filled the small escape pod through both links. “We are a go. Sending coordinates now. Marshal Jordan, enter them into the computer and await my command to launch from the Henrietta.”

  “Entering now,” replied Todd.

  “Ben,” said Lombargnor, “initiate deceleration in three, two, one…decelerate now.”

  As soon as Ben initiated deceleration, Sasha shouted, “Now, Marshal Jordan!”

  The pod ejected from the bottom of its host vessel, ripping through space and away from the Henrietta as she came to a halt.

  Chapter 8

  The escape pod tore through space as Sasha calmly updated the marshals’ progress through their links. “Target vessel remains at current trajectory. Maintain course…maintain…maintain…vessel should be visible in five, four, three, two…please confirm out window portal ‘A’ that target vessel is visible and closing.”

  Todd strained to locate the shipping vessel before finally noticing the slowly enlarging spec. “I see it. Visual confirmation achieved. Now what do we do?”

  “Nothing,” replied Sasha. “The pod will automatically pilot itself to that vessel, slow to appropriate velocity, and affix itself to the surface. Unless you were to disable the function and manually pilot the craft elsewhere, that is.”

  “What about defensive capabilities?” asked Todd. “As in, does that thing have any, and if so, are we about to experience them?”

  “Your escape pod will appear like another meteoroid to the Vikard shipping vessel,” Lombargnor interjected. “Your shielding will be more than capable of absorbing the blasts you will automatically generate from the target vessel. By the time they become aware that you are actually a small vessel yourself, you will be affixed to the side of their ship and cutting a rather large hole into it.”

  “Here comes that auto-defense you indicated.” Todd peered through the tiny circular window on the end of their cylindrical craft. The spec had enlarged to a large, egg-shaped vessel. Two bright red dots, like cinnamon candy, appeared from near the top of the target vessel and zoomed dead at them. They impacted the small craft’s shield field and harmlessly disappeared.

  “You’re sure this thing is gonna slow itself?” Todd asked as he tentatively reached for the manual controls. “’Cause we are gettin’ mighty close now, and…hang on.” He slowly began pulling his hands back. “It’s doing it now.”

  The pod reverse thrusted, pitched, and dove straight for a flat panel near the midsection of the side it was closing in on. Just prior to impact, the reverse thrusters fired hard once more, and the cylindrical escape pod nuzzled up to the egg-shaped vessel, attaching itself firmly to its side.

  “Confirm air lock, marshals,” said Sasha. “As soon as you have confirmation, open that panel and commence cutting.”

  “Air lock confirmed,” replied Todd as his wand released from its chamber into his hand. Simon squeezed alongside him, releasing his wand as well. The circular panel at the attached end of their cramped craft rolled out of their way, exposing the surface they needed to cut through to gain access to the interior of the Vikard shipping vessel. Todd pressed the tip of his wand into a spot near the top of the open circle. “Start at the bottom and work your way up and left. I’ll come down and right.”

  “Got it,” Simon replied as he plunged his own wand into a spot near the bottom straight down from Todd’s position. “How much time do you think we have to cut through before there’s significant resistance waiting for us on the other side?” Simon inquired, sweat beginning to form on his brow beneath his helmet.

  “Most likely any Vikards aboard that ship are already alerted to your presence and will be awaiting you once you have gained access,” Lombargnor replied before turning to Sasha. “Mission Commander Cain, please instruct Ben to begin cautiously maneuvering the Henrietta into closer proximity with the target vessel for support.”

  “Yes, sir,” replied Sasha. “Good luck, boys.” She turned and exited the screens of their links.

  “Progress report on the entry hole, marshals,” asked Lombargnor.

  “Half around on my end,” replied Todd.

  “Ditto,” added Simon. “As soon as we complete this circle, I say we shove it in and follow through with wands blazing.”

  Todd nodded. “Agreed. We’re toast if they storm us in this tin can. I’ll take anything to the right, you take anything to the left. Oh…and don’t forget to switch to pulse before we shove.”

  “I concur, marshals,” said Lombargnor. “However, there is a large chance you are not entering into a hall. All available information we have on ships of that class would indicate the area you are penetrating as we speak should consist of a cavernous open area for shipping containers and the like. Be prepared to encounter anything, but anticipate the space on the other side of that hull to most likely be that.”

  “Understood,” Todd responded. “I’m nearly to the spot Simon started now.”

  “And I…just…got…to the spot Todd started. Switching to pulse now.”

  “I’m there as well and switching my wand over too.” Todd turned to Simon. “Ready?”

  Simon nodded once. “One…two…three!”

  They simultaneously drove a shoulder into the newly formed circle. The thick chunk of hull snapped free and fell with a heavy thud to a floor a few feet below the hole it left behind. Todd, then Simon, dove through and rolled to a knee with wands raised. The pair of marshals found themselves at the base of a long, gently curving wall. They held their breath as they scanned row upon row of stacked giant black shipping containers in the dimly lit space before them. Three bright red bursts filled Todd’s eyes, and he dove flat to the gritty floor.

  Simon located the source of the blasts and fired two quick pulses as he ran for the nearest container. Todd jumped up and sprinted for one to his other side. He followed it back to the wall they had just entered through and forced himself through the tiny gap between the two. He took a moment to get his breathing under control and squeezed his way further through the gap.

  Simon frantically looked around in all directions. Once his line of sight made it up near the ceiling, something grabbed his eyes’ attention at the top of the containers. Far down the row lining the wall Todd was now pressed up against, something was stalking them from along the tops of the containers.

  Three more vibrant red pulses whizzed past mere inches from the edge of the container Simon was using for cover. Heavy footsteps followed, echoing off all the hard surfaces. Simon raised his wand and peeked out. The Vikard source
of the pulses was peeking back at him from behind a container in the row across from him and a few down the aisle. They both fired twice at each other before quickly ducking back behind their respective containers for cover.

  Simon’s entire body tingled with the rush of adrenaline from the close call as his brain reminded him of the strange movement from the tops of the containers. He shifted his gaze upward once again and strained to locate the object. Just as he was about to give up and re-focus on his known Vikard attacker, he spotted it. Creeping along the upper side of the container directly beside the one he had seen Todd duck behind was a Vikard cat droid.

  Simon had never actually encountered a cat droid. He had, however, never forgotten learning about them at academy, or the stories marshals who had encountered them told. They were known as cat droids because they stood on four legs and had a slender, metallic frame and a small roundish “head.” Not only did they resemble cats in appearance, but also in movement and the manner in which they stalked prey as well. They were outstanding climbers and leapers with an ability to move nearly silently into position before pouncing on their prey and ruthlessly terminating them. They were not the size of an Earth house cat, but rather that of an adult jaguar. This one seemed to have locked onto Todd as its target and was now moving into position to execute its pounce.

  A series of hurried footsteps echoed around the containers from the Vikard’s direction. Simon dropped flat to the ground and slowly craned his head around the edge in an attempt to keep track of the Vikard’s location. A bright yellow eye stared back at him, unblinking, from beside the container one closer to his own across the aisle. Simon flung his wand hand out from under himself and fired three times before pushing back behind his cover and jumping up to a standing position again.

  His focus shifted back upward to the tops of the containers along the wall. Try as he might, he failed to locate the cat droid stalking his partner. He reached his wand back around the edge of the container and fired wildly in the direction he had last seen the Vikard as he dashed for the gap along the wall he had watched Todd squeeze himself into.


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