Stay True To Me: An MM Vampire/Wolf Shifter Standalone Story

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Stay True To Me: An MM Vampire/Wolf Shifter Standalone Story Page 1

by Lisa Oliver

  Stay True to Me

  A truly standalone* Vampire and Wolf Shifter story

  By Lisa Oliver

  * I’m honestly trying a standalone this time, truly I am.

  Stay True To Me: A standalone vampire and wolf-shifter story

  Copyright © Lisa Oliver, 2020


  Cover Design by Lisa Oliver

  Cover pictures purchased from

  First Edition January 2020

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, Lisa Oliver. [email protected]

  No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the internet or any other means, electronic or print, without permission from Lisa Oliver. Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your support of the author’s rights and livelihood is appreciated.

  Stay True to Me is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All trademarks are owned by the relevant companies and are used for reference purposes in this book only.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen


  About the Author

  Other Books By Lisa/Lee Oliver


  As always, my deepest thanks go to Amanda and Carla who have polished my prose and help pick out my silly mistakes.

  I have had a few emails this past month, readers letting me know how my stories have helped them focus on positive concepts like love during truly heartbreakingly difficult times. To those wonderful people who shared with me, my heart and love goes out to you always.

  And for all my lovely readers who let me know through comments, posts, messages, emails and reviews how much they enjoy my stories, thank you all so very much. Your gift of smiles is the food I use to keep writing.

  Let’s make 2020 a year where LOVE triumphs.

  Chapter One

  “The wolf shifter contingent is here to see you, my lord.”

  “And I’m seeing them why?” Prince Venedict Semyonov didn’t bother looking up from his phone. Mosh, his ever-faithful personal assistant and bodyguard took care of all the details he couldn’t be bothered with. His lips tightened as he watched Joseph cry out in sexual rapture on the video, pounding his cock into the willing twink under him who was just as noisy. Damn bastard never made those noises with me, the faker. He slammed his phone cover shut and looked up at Mosh. “Well?”

  “Alpha Conroy Donel is making the obligatory courtesy call necessary when shifters move into vampire territory. He has three others with him – his second, his beta and his mate. Female,” Mosh added.

  Ven smirked. His assistant knew him so well. “So, no snacking on the alpha then, right.” Sliding his phone into his jacket, he stood, smoothing down the lines of his clothing making sure nothing interfered with the fine cut of his suit. “Where are they staying and why did they even move here?”

  “Those details were in your daily brief a week ago, my lord,” Mosh reproved, falling into step beside him as Ven left his office.

  Ven waved his hand. “Assume I read it and deemed it unimportant enough to remember.” Last week I was balls deep in slutty Joseph. Bastard, stepping out on me like that. Although Ven knew fidelity was a token gesture among most of his kind, Ven’s power in the city should’ve guaranteed some level of respect given how Joseph was so busy spouting words of love while he racked up a healthy debit balance on Ven’s credit card. “Before I forget, cancel Joseph’s access to my credit cards, store accounts, personal apartment, the club, and the coven. The man is to be blackballed from all of my establishments.”

  “He’ll have to move to another town to buy milk, my lord,” Mosh observed, reaching over and tapping the button to summon the elevator.

  “He’s lucky he’s leaving town with his throat intact.” Ven snapped his mouth shut. The video that popped up in his feed just an hour before rattled him and he needed to get a handle on his emotions. Ven was under no illusions about Joseph and the dozens of others that’d come before him. His five-foot-four-inch stature along with his title was confusing for many. Most saw his power and money and were happy to bend over and beg in exchange for the gifts he offered. But his size seemed to give them the impression he was a pushover once his dick was serviced. Joseph lasted longer than many. But the one thing Ven insisted on when taking up with a new partner was fidelity and Joseph had thrown that back in his face in spectacular fashion.

  Mosh, ever observant of his moods said nothing until they’d entered the elevator. As the elevator moved, he said, “Alpha Conroy Donel put in a request through the shifter council almost six weeks ago, asking for sanctuary for himself and seven other wolves. Details on why are sparse, but it seems to be a simple matter of pack politics or a takeover situation. The council seemed to have no concerns about them coming here.”

  “Only eight wolves, a small pack then.” Ven grinned. “That’s why I agreed to it, wasn’t it? Nothing for our coven to worry about.”

  “Until they start breeding, my lord.” Mosh sniffed his disapproval. “The female with them is expecting pups.”

  “Then Alpha Donel will have his hands full.” Ven’s grin got wider. He got a warm buzz doing good deeds for those less fortunate. “Put a memo out among the members that the shifters are off limits for donor services. They’ll be under my protection unless I personally say otherwise.”

  The elevator glided to a stop. Ven straightened his back. Mosh’s slight tap on his shoulder gave him pause.

  “Be careful of the wolves, my lord,” he warned. “The alpha was edgy when he arrived, and the others with him aren’t much better.”

  “Probably nervous about meeting an older and more powerful being than he is.” Ven wiggled his fingers in a woo-woo motion. “Alphas don’t like that sort of thing.”

  “Even so, be on your guard. I’m not sure they are being completely upfront about their presence here. It might pay to engage in conversation, find out more details on why they want refuge in your domain instead of another pack?”

  Ven rolled his eyes, before giving a small nod. Mosh had gotten his ass out of the fire more than once, and if he said there was something to be watchful of, then he would be. For all his casual attitude, Ven was no fool. If the alpha had come to cause trouble, then he’d find out what a pissed off vampire could do.

nbsp; /~/~/~/~/

  “For goodness sake, sit down, Con. You don’t want the vampires thinking you’re nervous about this meeting,” Megan said quietly as the alpha paced around the room. He glanced over to his late brother’s mate, sitting patiently at the conference table, her hands folded in her lap. She was a beautiful woman, and pregnancy suited her. But for the moment, all Con could think was that it was her fault he was going into a meeting with a powerful predator wrong-footed.

  “I’m pissed off because this meeting started with a lie before I’ve even met the Prince. You had no reason to announce yourself as alpha mate,” he snarled, keeping his voice low. The absence of sound coming from other rooms suggested the room was soundproof, but he wasn’t taking any chances. “You were alpha mate, but now Don’s gone, so has your position. You’ve given these guys the wrong idea before we start.”

  Megan’s pale blue eyes filled with tears, making Con regret his harsh words. But he refused to be anything but truthful. His twin, Don, was a loved alpha, but he was headstrong and foolhardy when it came to listening to others. One wrong deal, taking the advice of the wrong person, and Don was pushing up daisies leaving Con to take care of his mess.

  “I just… I hoped…” Megan plucked at the summer dress she wore. Con immediately went to her, kneeling beside her chair and taking her hand. “Don said you’d always look after me if something happened to him.”

  “Look after you and the pups yes. Take you as a mate, no.” Con would’ve said more, but just then the door opened and in swept the prettiest man he’d ever seen. Con wasn’t sure what he expected when he’d been told he would be meeting the highest-ranking vampire in the states. Someone tall, big, elegantly clothed and with manners out of the eighteenth century perhaps.

  The reality was far easier on the eyes. Short, the man would barely come up to his chest, the expensive tailored suit showed off a slender build more at home on a swimmer. The vampire’s hair was dark, with blond highlights, tied back at the nape of his neck, somewhere Con would love to nibble on. But the power that filled the room the moment the man arrived could not be denied.

  The man’s dark eyes took in the scene as Con jumped to his feet. “How touchingly sweet,” he said in a deep voice that belied his size but caused Con’s cock to jump to attention. “My man says you two are mated and congratulations are in order.”

  “It’s not what it looks like,” Con stammered. “I’m afraid your man might have been given the wrong impression.”

  “Really? My man doesn’t get impressions, wrong or otherwise. He only deals in facts.” There was a hint of amusement on the elfin face. “Please, take a seat and you can explain why you saw fit to give the wrong information to the man who is second only to me in my territory.”

  The man sauntered past, heading for the chair at the far end of the table. His hulking second was already holding it for him. His scent lingered in the air and without thinking, Con inhaled deeply and then strongly wished he hadn’t. His wolf sat up, howling in his head, his cock sprung to attention, threatening the seams of his new pants, and Con knew, he just knew, the shit ton of trouble he’d inherited just got a whole lot bigger. With Megan, Brian, and Jonny watching him anxiously, he struggled to get himself under control as he quickly took his seat.

  Chapter Two

  Well, well, well. My day just got a whole lot more interesting, Ven thought as he sat back in his chair, resting his feet on the table, watching the group with an impassive expression on his face. He’d far rather be sitting on the big alpha’s lap, but he didn’t want to give the others in the room the impression he was a pushover, or in any way weak. Besides, he had a pathological hatred for liars of any kind and the alpha had already admitted to one. That will be the only one you get, my lovely.

  “So, tell me, why lie to my second before we’ve even met?” He asked when the alpha settled in his seat. “That’s hardly conducive to a civil meeting.” Ven cocked his head slightly, his smile tight. “As you undoubtedly know I rule this entire town. Every commercial interest here is in my name, and I have absolute say in any new business ventures, property transactions, or anything else that goes on here. Rockville might not be a big place, but every person under my coven’s protection makes a good living for themselves and are given every opportunity to succeed in their chosen endeavors – vampire, human or shifter. I am also judge, jury and executioner if the case warrants it. Why would someone like you jeopardize your position here from the outset?”

  “My Lord,” Con seemed to stumble over the title and Ven wanted so badly to smirk. Mosh had clearly given him the list of protocols necessary for dealing with him. “My sister-in-law, Megan, meant no harm when she introduced herself as the alpha mate. She had been in that position for a while now, and she simply forgot herself in such erstwhile company.”

  Hmm, nicely spoken too. Ven nodded for the alpha to continue. The sister-in-law reference cleared up a few issues for him at least.

  “Our pack was decimated.” Con’s shoulders slumped at the words, and Ven immediately wanted to comfort him and to hell with anyone else in the room. “My brother, my twin brother trusted the wrong people, another pack. There were talks of a merger – a bonding between both packs to help strengthen them against a third warring pack. Don invited them to his home. They brought guns to the table. My sister-in-law, and the other six members of the pack barely got away with their lives.”

  Ven flicked a glance at the sister-in-law. She seemed contrite enough, although the way she looked at Con as though he hung the moon was causing his claws to want to break out. Ven idly wondered if Con and his twin were identical.

  “Obviously, the pack couldn’t stay in the area. It wouldn’t have been safe for Megan or the others…”

  “So, you sought sanctuary from vampires.” It wasn’t a question. Ven already knew the answer. Many of the shifters he protected had similar tales to tell. “Forgive me if this seems like an impertinent question, but where were you when this tragedy occurred? You look as if you can handle yourself.”

  “I was elsewhere at the time.” Con exchanged glances with Megan, but it seemed Megan didn’t get the hint.

  “Con was forbidden to attend that night,” she said, her voice making Ven think about roses for some reason – soft and pretty, with thorns behind them. “Don had tried to encourage Con to mate with the other pack’s alpha’s daughter. When Con refused…”

  Shunned by his brother and yet he still took responsibility for this motley crew. There’s more to this story than they’re letting on. “Say no more. I have no wish to bring up distressing details for any of you.” But I will find out about them.

  Ven looked over the other two wolves who were sitting ramrod straight in their seats. One of them kept looking between Megan and Con. Ven would swear the young pup was lusting after the widow. The other one met his eyes in a direct challenge, a faint sneer on his face. Ven held his gaze, his facial expression unchanging until the wolf dropped his eyes. Annoying little puppy.

  “Has a house been allocated to the pack?” Ven tilted his head further to look up at Mosh who’d been silent during the proceedings.

  “The old Moffatt place, my lord.”

  “Jobs? Businesses?” Ven would far rather snuggle down with Con and ask his questions, but with the tension in the room as it was, he wasn’t about to risk causing the pack further issues. Or rather the pack’s new alpha any further issues. The rest of them, Ven didn’t give a shit about, but he knew Con did for whatever reason, and he would get to the bottom of that later. But for now, he kept his cool. Take care of his most pressing needs first.

  “We have some means,” Con broke in. “We can pay our own way.”

  “I’m not doubting that for a moment,” Ven turned his attention back to his beloved. “However, I expect all members of my town to be gainfully employed, with an exception for expecting mothers of course.” He gave a cursory nod to Megan. “Idle hands cause trouble, Alpha Donel, as I’m sure you’re aware. We don�
�t have trouble in this town. I make sure of that.”

  Ven wasn’t threatening his beloved, it wasn’t possible. But the sneering giant next to him swallowed hard. Ignoring the tension in the unnamed wolf, he continued. “I’m sure you’ve got a lot of things you need to take care of, so I won’t keep you long. The townsfolk are friendly, and you are under no compulsion to offer your blood to any member of the coven as a proviso for staying here. But there’s one last thing I must mention as I do to all newcomers in this town.”

  He liked how Con gave him his full attention. That boded well for their future together. “I have a number of shifters living here, some predatory animals like yourselves, and others who aren’t. All of them, regardless of who they are or their group makeups, recognize me as their supreme leader. I will expect your pack members to do the same.”

  He purposefully didn’t include Con in what he said. Theirs would be a totally different kind of relationship. But of course, it was Con who answered. “How will that work exactly? My pack looks to me for guidance as their alpha. I’m responsible for their behavior and for making the decisions that work best for us as a pack.”

  “I’m sure that’s what you’re used to,” Ven said smoothly, noting Mosh tensing beside him. This was the one thing that Ven brought up with newcomers to his town that was guaranteed to weed out the troublemakers and those that sought to topple him from his position. “However, I am sure you will agree that in a pack situation, there can only be one leader?”

  Con’s nod was terse as well as the look on his face. Ven wondered just what sort of relationship the man had with his brother. But that wasn’t something he could ask in present company either. I need to get this man alone and find out what’s going on behind that troubled face.

  “Consider this whole town a pack of sorts, if it helps. In this town, that leader is me,” he said bluntly. “I have no need to be bothered with the day to day running of your lives, provided none of your members cause any trouble with others. But this town is not a democracy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, in this town answers to me. Is that going to be a problem?”


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