Virginia Military Institute, 219
Voegelin, Eric, 458
Vogel, Brigadier General Herbert D., 358 fn.
Volunteers, 21
Waffen-S.S., 82, 118
Wagner, Arthur L., 233, 235, 263
Waldersee, Alfred von, 104
Walker, John G., 233
Wallace, Henry, 371, 380
Walsh, Ellard A., 173, 175, 176–177
War, eighteenth-century conception, 55; On War (Vom Kriege), 55–58; Clausewitz concept of, 56–58; instrument of political purpose, 57–58, 65; inevitability of, 65, 263–264; military view toward, 69–70; Japanese philosophy of, 129; American ambivalence toward, 151–153; as a science and purpose, 255–256; MacArthur’s devotion to abolition of, 371–372
War, Secretary of (U.S.), office of, 164; division of responsibilities with Commanding General, 209–211
War Academy (Prussia), 48
War College, 236
War Council, 320 fn., 447
War Department (U.S.), 200; Calhoun’s administrative reforms, 214–217; reform, 251–254; vertical organization after 1915, 297; civil-military relations, 297–301; enmeshed in foreign policy in World War II. See also Army War of 1812, 170
War mobilization, 337–342, 350
War Production Board, 339, 340, 341
Washington, George, 143, 146, 151, 185, 194, 195, 284
Wavell, Field Marshal Earl, The Good Soldier, 70 fn.
Wayland, Francis, 258
Webster, Daniel, 453
Wecter, Dixon, 158, 159
Wedemeyer, Lieutenant General Albert C., 360 fn., 369
Wehrmacht, High Command of the (OKW), 117
Weimar Republic, 109–113
Welles, Sumner, 321, 326
Wellington, Duke of, 47, 52, 157
West Point. See United States Military Academy White, Andrew D., 264
Whitney, William C., 248
Wilhelm, Kaiser of Germany, 102, 103, 104
Wilkinson, Spenser, 52; The Brain of an Army, 235, 251
Williams, Jonathan, 198
Williams, T. Harry, 367, 368
Willkie, Wendell, 368
Wilson, Charles E., 340, 392, 398; optimism on defense strength, 392, 393; on JCS, 394, 395; congressional antipathy toward, 421; role as business manager, 442–444
Wilson, Woodrow, 144, 154, 270, 271
Wise, Jennings C., Empire and Armament, 280 fn.
Womble Committee, 460
Wood, Eric Fisher, The Writing on the Wall, 280–281 fn.
Wood, General Leonard, 160–161, 162; Neo-Hamiltonianism, 270, 273, 279–280; military career, 279–282; political participation, 270, 280–282; rejected by the military, 281–282; conflict with Pershing, 281–282 fn.; Chief of Staff, 298
Woolwich, military academy (England), 44
World commonwealth, Lasswell’s preference for, 347, 349–350
World War I, German military dictatorship, 106–109
World War II, U.S. civil-military relations, 315–344; effect on Korean War, 389–390
Wouk, Herman, The Caine Mutiny, 462–463
WPA, political appointments of military men, 358
Wyatt, Wilson, 376
Yalu River, 456
Yamagata, Marshal Aritomo, 135, 136
Yamamoto, Admiral Isoroku, 136
Yanaga, Chitoshi, 132
Yards and Docks, Bureau of, 413
Yonai, Mitsumasa, 132
York, Duke of, 49
Young, Owen D., 363 fn.
Young, General Samuel B. M., 233
Yugoslavia, 345, 382
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