Absolution: A Salvation Society Novel

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Absolution: A Salvation Society Novel Page 6

by Leaona Luxx

  "So, you got jokes!"

  She opens the refrigerator and sets out some juice. "Glasses are in the cabinet to the left by the sink."

  "Thank you, but I think we're gonna go for a run before we eat. If that's okay with you?" I wring my hands and shake out the nerves.

  "You don't have to ask if you can come and go here, Creed. I only hope you'll let us know when you leave." She lays her arm across her stomach like she's holding herself together.

  I nod with my words. "I can promise you I will always let you know before I leave."

  "Thank you." The lines in her forehead smooth, and again I realize I have her eyes.

  "How far is Boone from here?"

  She raises her brow. "I'm sure you could run it, but Doc would probably prefer if you drove there. He's on the other side of town now."

  "Yeah, I'll wait until y'all can go with me. Maybe show me around town." That might actually be the best idea I've had in a long time. It would get us out of here, and I'd be able to speak with my cousin.

  She smiles, and this time, it reaches her eyes. "I'll let Craw know when he comes down."

  "Sounds like a plan!" I tap the counter with my knuckles. "We're off. Don't want the sand to get too hot for her."

  "We'll be here." She waves as I back toward the door to make my exit.

  As soon as my hand hits the handle, I'm sprinting. I mean, my parents have both been great so far. Not pushy or overzealous, and I appreciate it, but it's still weird. My biggest fear is it always will be.

  "How far we goin' girl?" Doc loves every minute of this; she's running like a pup down the shoreline. We're cruising along, without a care in the world until she darts toward the surf. "Not in the water, Doc!"

  Doc is chest deep, splashing, and having the best time. It takes me begging her to come out before she finally makes her way over to me. "C'mon, baby! Doc come here baby. C'mon girl!"

  Once her sight is set on me, she takes off full-tilt toward me. I won't lie, I thought about running from her, she's soaked, and I'm about to be next. Sure enough, she tackles me to the ground.

  "Dude! So not cool!" We wrestle around for a few minutes, taking time to enjoy our day. Doc came along at the perfect time for me, she made me get up and fight as I was falling into a deep depression. She fought for me, and I'll never forget it.

  After a few minutes, we catch our breaths and start to run again. The beach here is gorgeous, but the heat comes on fast. I check my phone and realize we need to be going back.

  "Hey, Doc. Let's head back." I come to a stop, calling her back to me, and I'm immediately aware something is off with her. I kneel down, dropping my phone in my pocket, so I can check her out. "You okay? Damn! You've cut your foot."

  Yes, most people say paw, but not everyone has a Doc. I yank my cell back out and look for a local veterinarian and click the first one on the list. I haul Doc into my arms to carry her, hoping she doesn't injure herself worse.

  "I'm sorry, girl." She whimpers, killing my soul as we dash toward the boardwalk. Once on solid ground, I stop long enough to drag my shirt over my head and wrap it around her paw. Another quick glance at the map on my cell, I turn on the guided directions, and we're off again.

  We take off in the direction of the clinic, she's bleeding a lot now, and panic is setting in for me. Luckily, we're not too far away, people are starting to stare. I suppose we do resemble a slasher flick.

  "Hang on, Doc. We've got a few more blocks to go." At this point, I'm not sure if I'm comforting her or myself. All I know is that I can't lose her. I don't have it in me to start over again with anything.

  "Turn right onto Ocean Boulevard. Your destination is on the right." The maps app just about gives me a heart attack as it chimes in with directions. At the corner, I catch sight of the building ahead.

  "Here we go, girl." My legs move as fast as they can carry us, but after our run, they feel like lead at this point.

  We rush up to the entrance, pausing long enough for the doors to slide open. The minute I can slip through the opening, I hurry over to the receptionist. When she catches sight of us, her eyes widen the closer we get to her.

  "Don't stop!" She springs from her seat, waving me through the hall on her left side. "Second room on the right. I'll grab some towels and the doctor."

  "Thank you!" I huff as I carry Doc in and lay her on the bed. "Help is coming, baby, hang in there."

  The tech breezes back in, jerking my shirt off Doc's foot and wrapping it tightly with the clean cloth. "She's closing another wound; she'll be right with you two. May I have your names?"

  "Creed and Doc Hatcher," I mutter while rubbing Doc's back to comfort her. She whimpers with every pass of my hand, making my guilt for allowing her to get hurt to grow into a mountain of shame.

  "D-Did you say, Hatcher?" The tech blinks rapidly, staring at me as if I'm a ghost. My hands tremble at the thought of answering all the ridiculous questions people have the need to ask.

  I drag in a deep, steadying breath. "Yes, Creed Hatcher."

  "You're the son of ex-senator Hatcher, right?" My pulse slows as she catches me off guard, I never considered someone might connect my name to my father. I clear my throat before answering.

  "I am."

  "He's a good man, I voted for him his second term. I didn't live in the state his first run, but if I had, I would've then too." She explains, alleviating my fears. "Let me check on where the doctor is, this needs to be stitched."

  "Thank you," I mutter as she scurries away, prompting a heavy sigh of relief from me.

  Moments later, we hear a sound at the door, and I'm stunned into silence as the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on walks through it--her flaming red waves of hair frame her face of perfect ivory skin.

  She glances up just in time to stumble into the room. I reach for her, catching her before she can fall. Her hands are pressed against my chest as I grip her arms to steady her. A shot of electricity stings me as our skin touches. "I-I'm sorry."

  "Don't be." Our eyes lock, and I'm dumbstruck as I gaze into a sea of meridian blue. "I mean, it's all good. Happy to be of service. Or... ah, not of service but help. Glad I could help. I'm gonna sit down now."

  She points to my chest as she steps toward Doc. "Do you often wander around half-dressed?"

  "No!" Does she think I'm a perv or something? "We were running on the beach, and she cut her foot. I used it to try to stop the bleeding."

  "Would you like something to clean up with and maybe a shirt or something?" Her lips are a perfect pout, forming with every word as she takes the towels off Doc. I'm in a daze, and it takes a minute for them to sink in.

  I take stock in my appearance, realizing I'm messed up. "Please, I wasn't aware I was covered in blood."

  "I can understand why. There are two lacerations, and they're deep, they need stitches. I'll go grab a surgical kit, and I'll have someone find you a towel." She moves around Doc, never making eye contact with me again as she walks from the room.

  I turn to Doc, stunned, and feeling as though I've done something wrong. "Do I stink or something? I am pretty sweaty."

  Doc's ears perk up, warning me the hot doctor is on her way back. As if on cue, she strolls back into the room and tosses me a towel. "You'll find a sink behind the door, Missy's bringing a scrub top."

  "Thank you." I slide past her, purposely brushing against her in hopes of jump-starting my heart. There's an instantaneous current that courses between us. Her allure rocks me to my core, I've never felt so drawn to another person.

  "So, you two were running on the beach when this happened?" She cuts her eyes at me, quickly returning to work on Doc's injury.

  I wince, knowing where she's going with it. "Yeah, she goes on my daily runs with me back home. It never dawned on me the surf might've washed up some broken shells."

  "Certain times of the day, you can find some great ones. I take it you're not from here?" She side-eyes me again, eliciting a ridiculous grin from me. Get a hold of y
ourself, man. She's just another woman.

  "Umm, kinda." I shrug, moving closer to the bed as she begins to numb Doc's paw. I lean over, rubbing her side. "My... parents live here."

  Her brows raise. "That explains it, you're one of the Hatcher boys."

  "Hatcher Boys? So, it's like a cult or something?" She giggles at my comparison. I've been told my cousins, and I tend to make the women weak in the knees around here. For once, I can see the appeal of being a Hatcher.

  "More like a harem, but sure, you can use cult." Her brow quirks as she fights to keep her lip from twitching. She thinks she's funny, and since I can't seem to control myself today, I decided to poke the bear.

  "Careful, that sounds like experience speaking."

  "Excuse me?" She rears back, gaping at me.

  I hold my hands up in surrender. "I'm kidding! Jeez, you'd think I was right or something by your reaction."

  "Last stitch, and she'll be ready to go." She glances at me before finishing her work. "What made you name her Doc?"

  "She's my service dog, she fixed me when everyone had given up on me ever being human again." I rub Doc's opposite leg, reassuring her I'm here.

  The vet nibbles on her lip as she mulls over her next words. I can read it on her face when she decides to say it. "Thank you for your service."

  "You're welcome, I appreciate it." I shift my feet, and although I'm uncomfortable, I'm hoping she'll keep talking, but just like that, she's writing something in Doc's file.

  "Doc will need to visit her regular vet in about a week. I gave her an antibiotic and wrapped her up. No more running and try to keep her paw dry the next few days."

  I nod, hesitating as I try to figure out a way to ask her name. "We can handle anything you want us to."

  "Alright you two, no more accidents while you're here." She shakes her finger at us and provides me the opportunity I was looking for.

  "And if there is, who do we need to ask for?"

  Her gaze sets my soul on fire, unlike anything I've ever experienced. She juts her hand out in front of her, and I take it quickly. "Scarlet Morgan."

  "Nice to meet you, Scarlet." A pang in my stomach roots me to the spot, reminding me no matter how much I want to get to know her, I can't. I have nothing to offer her except pain and heartache. Those of you needing proof can ask my parents. Still, I have a deep-seated need for her.

  "They'll give you a card upfront in case she has any issues before you leave." She leans in, scratching Doc's ear. "Be good to this one."

  As she leaves the room, all the air goes with her, and I'm bereft. Scarlet is breathtaking, to say the least, she's so much more than a man like me deserves and absolutely nothing I need in my life.

  "Shake it off, Hatch. You don't have time for relationships; besides, you're a complicated man." I spin around to Doc, scooping her up in my arms. "This is the only woman you need. Let's get you outta here!"

  Chapter Seven


  I rush from the room like a bat out of hell, confused by his presence and embarrassed that I practically fell on my face. Quickly, it all turns into anger as I realize how I must have appeared.

  Once I’m in my office, I turn my face to the wall and hit my forehead against it. “Why did you allow him to affect you that way? Idiot!”

  "He is one handsome man!" I jump, clutching my chest as Amy interrupts my thoughts. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

  I shake my head and take a deep breath to settle my nerves and these damn butterflies in my belly. "I'm fine, just perturbed at how flustered he made me."

  "His lips are perfect," she falls against the wall, fanning herself. "and did you see that ass. He's just so dreamy."

  I gape at her, refusing to let her see that of course I saw his ass. "You are such a perv, I can't believe you."

  "Well, someone needed to appreciate him and his body. You acted like no one was in the room except for you and the dog." She giggles, waiting on my response.

  "His dog needed the attention, not him. I was doing my job." While wanting to do him.

  Dang it, stop! You do not need a man, period. Especially that man. The gorgeous god from The Hatcher Stallion Farms. Dear sweet tea and ice, I’m so screwed.

  "You could've given him some attention, and maybe a J.O.B." She waggles her brows. "Ya get me?"

  I roll my eyes before throwing the trash away. "Do you ever think about anything besides sex?"

  "Of course, I do. I have a ton of bridal boards on my phone." Amy snickers when I pretend to gag.

  "You know I don't have time for a relationship, they take so much work, and I have enough on my plate." I busy myself cleaning up the supplies on the workstation.

  She grabs some towels, folding them as we talk. "There's always time for sex."

  "Sex leads to kids and std's, and no one likes when either visit." I work around her, doing my best to look at her. I'm not sure how I'd handle a judgey face right now.

  "But what about romance? Prince Hottie McTightass? Or a HEA?" She throws her arms in the air.

  "What's a HEA?"

  Her forehead wrinkles. "Happily Ever After."

  "Ohh, not interested." I take the towels from the counter and put them in the closet.

  Amy's shoulders slump, defeat written all over her. "What's life without romance? You haven't lived until you've loved."

  "I tried once, and failed. I don't have it in me to live through something like that again."

  Amy's brows knit, and I know before she even says a word what's coming. Here we go... again. "What happened to you, Scar? When I started working with you a few years ago, it was so obvious you were broken, but you've never said anything."

  It never fails, every time someone asks me about my past, the same ole gut check nails me and sends me reeling into my past. A place I promised myself I'd never go again, even if given a chance to correct everything.

  Sometimes, things aren't meant to be forgotten or forgiven, and that story is both of those. Still, the mere mention sends me spiraling, and I'm thrown into a whirlpool of memories and pain consuming me.

  "One day Amy, I might be able to open those wounds and allow it to crawl from the darkness but not today," My stomach knots, twisting me up so tightly, it tugs on my heartstrings, and I'm thrown off by how much it still hurts. "definitely not today."

  She wraps her arm around me, pulling me to her side. "I'm sorry for whatever happened to hurt you so much, Scarlet. You're an amazing woman, and someday, you're going to realize what we all know."

  "Not today, I'm not. Right now, I'm bitter and so pissed off about what could've been." My chest tightens, and my instincts kick in. I'm all fight or flight, so I'm ready to bolt.

  She leans back, smiling wildly. "Maybe Mister Dreamy could make you feel better."

  "You are either incorrigible or insane, and neither can be fixed!" I move around her, readying my getaway.

  "Either way, I'm on a mission to get you drunk or laid." She grins with a wink. "Both if you're lucky!"

  I shake my head, hurrying on past her. "I'd argue about that, but I can't think of a good reason to."

  My feet have never moved as fast as I'm making them right now. I usually don't engage those memories, they just flood, and like rising water, I was drowning before I could get out of the way.

  Without a doubt, she's right about one thing, I need to find a way. To move beyond the barrier keeping me closed off. I need to go forward, but I have no idea what direction I should be going.

  How nice would it be if someone could turn this story to the correct page in my mind, maybe then I would know where I’m supposed to be or at least what direction to go in? For that, I'd be grateful.

  So many people don’t understand, living isn't the issue; but having the will to do it is. I lost all will when I lost him, and nothing has ever been the same. My life has been irrevocably changed forever, and that can’t be fixed or forgiven.

  The day trudges along with no end in sight of emergencies
or going home. By the time we stop for the day, the streetlights have come on. I can barely move my legs enough to climb into my SUV.

  "Scar," Amy calls to me, running over. "about earlier today, I'm sorry if I crossed the line."

  I reach for her hand; she takes mine with a smile. "Friends never cross lines when their hearts are in the right place. Their heads might be in the gutter, but still, they mean well."

  "Exactly. I'm simply watching out for your sexual health." She laughs, waving as she runs to her car.

  "Sex. Love. Hot men. Animals. It's been a helluva day at sea." I crank my vehicle and ready to pull out onto Highway Seventeen for home.

  A pewter-colored SUV comes to a stop in front of me. My anxiety goes through the roof. I scan the lot, looking for help or a way to make an escape if needed. A sound from the vehicle pulls me back to it, and I realize who it is.

  “Creed?” I push my door open as he rounds the back of the SUV and saunters toward me. He throws his hand up, with a lopsided grin.

  “Hey, I guess I’m holding you up.”

  “You’re fine.” I wave him off as I slide from my seat. “Is Doc alright?”

  He shoves his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, it’s not about her, actually.”

  “Oh, do you need your shots? I mean, you are a Hatcher.” I giggle when his mouth gapes.

  “I do not, but thanks for asking.” He chuckles, kicking a rock with his foot. “So, do you live close by?”

  “On the other side of Cherry Grove, the neighborhood is killer.”

  His brow quirks. “Killer, is it? Good deal.”

  “Are you thinking of buying in the area?”

  “Uh, no. Maybe. Possibly. Yeah, probably.” He trips over his words like a teen boy, smiling coyishly as the wind whips through his hair. Damn, he’s fine as hell, his lips alone could put me in a trance. “Scarlet?”

  I jolt when he calls my name a little louder than before. “Huh? Why are you yelling at me?”

  “I’ve called your name like five times, where are you?”

  Well, they do work like that. “Thinking.”

  “I guess I should let you go, you might have a date or something.” He shrugs nonchalantly.


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