Ultimate Rage - Ragnarok (Thriller)

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Ultimate Rage - Ragnarok (Thriller) Page 1

by Andrew Holten

  Ultimate Rage - Ragnarok

  Andrew Holten

  Copyright Ⓒ 2021

  All rights reserved. This book and all texts, graphics and illustrations contained therein are protected by copyright. Any use is prohibited without the consent of the publisher and the author. This applies in particular to electronic or other duplication, translation, distribution, and public disclosure.

  Publisher: Andrew Holten

  c/o Block Services

  Stuttgarter Str. 106

  D-70736 Fellbach

  [email protected]


  Cover design: Buchcoverdesign.de / Chris Gilcher


  Image copyright: Adobe Stock ID 241951673, Adobe Stock ID 1698349, Adobe Stock ID 168585710, Adobe Stock ID 139446074, Adobe Stock ID 86505271, Adobe Stock ID 304576268 and freepik.com


  This story is fictitious. All names, characters, companies, facilities, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or settings is purely coincidental.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  They called it nigger-beating. Many of the victims were not even black, but some were. It didn’t matter to them, because they were the ones who decided who was a nigger and who was not.

  They had already chosen the next victims. For quite a while, they had been following the migrant couple, who were on their way home to the asylum seekers’ home, taking the path through the forest.

  Thomas shook his head. “There you see again how stupid these niggers are – and how arrogant. Didn’t they learn in the bush that you don’t just walk through the woods? Coming out here to us, thinking everything is fine. As if they own it all. They get a nice welcome. Get everything shoved up our asses that we have to work for. And of course, they believe that nothing can happen to them. Everything is always perfectly fine, because you couldn’t be attacked by a dangerous animal at every corner here. Like hell you couldn’t. We’ll show them that there are predators here, too.”

  His buddies grinned. The fact that none of them really had to work had no place in their thoughts. Each of them had grown up in a financially independent family, had attended good schools, and truly didn’t have to worry about the future. Nor were any of them in danger of losing their jobs.

  But all that did not count, because their hatred was greater. A hatred that found more and more understanding in the country, because the climate had changed. What had been unthinkable years ago was now becoming an ever more widespread reality day by day, because xenophobic statements were increasingly considered socially acceptable, and not just since Trump was president. Yes, anyone who did not express criticism was even considered to belong to the system and to be in line with it. Didn’t people see the great danger posed by all the strangers who were pouring into the country so easily? Islamization. The erosion of liberal values and democracy. The crimes committed by migrants, so that no one could dare walk the streets with peace of mind.

  Thomas and his buddies wouldn’t let that happen. They would do something and show the niggers that this was still their country. That they wouldn’t stand for anything. They would protect their families. Their neighbors. Their people. And their homeland.

  The two who took the shaded path through the forest as a matter of course were not the first and they would not be the last. They didn’t like to pretend to be friendly and happy to be here, but Thomas and the others knew better. Each of them was dangerous, in one way or another. Potential rapists and carriers of diseases that had long since been eradicated in this advanced country. But also with the fact that they bring their rat spawn into the world here, for which of course the common taxpayer should pay. Or they mated with natives, in order to then produce half-breeds and thus contaminate more and more the pure blood of the people. And then there was their religion, which ordered them to kill all those of other faiths.

  No, this had to be stopped before it was too late.

  Apparently, the way directly through the forest had become a little too risky for the two, because they turned off and now walked along the road, which was better lit, but had no footpath.

  Typical for such niggers, Thomas thought to himself and snorted. And if they then get knocked down, it was of course the driver’s fault. Just because these degenerate savages had no idea where you were allowed to go as a pedestrian and where not. What traffic rules were. Oh, they probably even knew the rule, knew that you couldn’t walk there, but they didn’t care. The rules didn’t apply to them. After all, they were guests in this country and behaved here as if they were in their bush. If they supposedly wanted to become citizens here, why didn’t they follow the existing rules and laws? If they didn’t do that in the country where they were and where one should show oneself from the best side just in their situation, how would that look later?

  But if you pointed out to them that if you wanted to stay here, you had to abide by laws and not put yourself and certainly not others in danger, they can surely come up with some hypocritical explanations. About fear and so on. That the street was better lit. If they could speak the language here at all and not some Swahili or whatever the hell it was called. No one had forced them to be out so late at night. Why were they here at all? Shouldn’t they instead be in their accommodation?

  Thomas chewed on his lip and clenched his hands into fists. The more he watched the two, the angrier he became. They were truly a danger to the community. Everything had been fine until it had been decided to build this reception home. No one wanted it, but a number of the citizen representatives pretended that there would be broad support for it among the population. No one was asked. Probably some money had changed hands, which made this decision easier. And how quickly the thing had been thrown up. But still, homeless people had to sleep on the street. There was no such shelter built for them.

  So much was going wrong. But Thomas and his friends would make sure that at least tonight something went right. Oh yes. They would teach those two a lesson that they would have been better off staying home. They would make an example that should be a lesson to the others. Especially to all those rapists for whom it was normal to molest and ravish women like in their home country.

  Thomas grinned and pulled down his mask, which ensured that his victims always looked into a white, expressionless face. However, it was no longer as white as the first time. He had liked the way the blood smeared and clotted on the white plastic, so he didn’t wipe it all off. On the forehead of the mask, between the eyeholes, he had drawn a swastika. It had been done in high spirits at a party after roughing up three unaccompanied youths. Of course, Thomas was not a Nazi. He had nothing to do with that stupid, right-wing rabble. He was just one of the concerned fellow citizens who no longer wanted to stand idly by while the government destroyed the entire country with its misguided policies. He would protect his family, friends and neighbors. In his town there were many old people who had worked hard all their lives and built this community, and who did not deserve to spend their twilight years in fear and terror.

  Thomas took out his brass knuc
kles and slipped them over his right hand. He had specially padded the rings inside so that they didn’t keep chafing his skin when he punched, which hurt like hell.

  He also had his folding knife with him. The hunting folding knife with a high- quality-looking reddish-brown wooden handle and a blade length of almost four inches would serve its purpose when he cut the swastika into the bastard’s cheek. On the forehead it did no good, as the nigger could grow hair that hung over it. But on the cheek, he couldn’t hide that. He would have preferred to burn it into them, but that proved too complicated. That’s where the knife was a good alternative, even if it wasn’t a Bowie knife.

  Again, the swastika was not proof that Thomas was a Nazi. It was useful because these foreign bastards knew just two things about it: here they got everything shoved up their asses and here there were Nazis. And they were something like the very worst specter for them. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop them from staying away. But if it spread among them that this specter still existed and it cut its mark into one’s flesh, then it certainly did not remain without effect. If it stopped just one more of these niggers from coming here, then it had already served its purpose.

  Thomas saw Alex pull down his mask as well. His was one of a horror clown, which always had a great effect on these savages, perhaps even greater than Thomas’s white, expressionless face. Ralph, for his part, wore his werewolf mask again, and Anton one with the face of Iron Man, since his real one, similar to Thomas’s, had broken the last time.

  “We’re going to have to start catching these fuckers,” Alex said, “or they’ll be too close to the houses again in a minute.”

  Thomas nodded. Alex was right. There was no way he was going to let them get away. But they still had to be careful. If the two noticed them too early, they could escape faster on the paved road, since Thomas and the others were coming from the forest. Of course, this was not allowed to happen and would be devastating. Every one of them who escaped unpunished was another risk. But in a moment the opportunity would arise when the two had passed the next lantern and it became a little darker again between this one and the next. That was the ideal spot where there was no escape for the two. And then they would feel the retribution for having so easily invaded this peaceful community and making people feel unsafe in their homes.

  Thomas smiled at the thought and reached once again for his left trouser pocket, where he had stowed his small grip pliers. He would use them again to get one tooth at a time. Maybe he would pull several, but he would take only one for his collection. He had once heard that in Vietnam, U.S. soldiers collected the ears of their slain enemies and wore them as necklaces. He had liked that. But such a thing would not be possible, of course, unfortunately. A tooth, however, seemed unproblematic to him and, moreover, a very nice souvenir.

  Alex looked at Thomas. Both grinned under their masks, as the couple approached right in the middle between the two lanterns. The perfect point to finally strike.

  Thomas could swear that they had timed it to within an inch of their lives when they crashed out of the undergrowth. The young woman could just about scream, but Thomas didn’t care. The more important one was the young man, and he directly felt the blow of Alex’s baseball bat.

  When they had rushed out, the young man had placed himself directly in front of his girlfriend, thus depriving himself of the moment to build up a cover. Bunglers. Didn’t they even teach them to fight where they came from? That’s no way to protect someone who was important to you. Something like that really pissed Alex off.

  As punishment, Alex’s baseball bat hit him right in the stomach and the nigger jackknifed perfectly. Nevertheless, he still had the strength to lift his head, which directly brought him a blow from Thomas. For now, however, that was not enough for what they had set out to do. An example had to be made and that would certainly not be the case after just two blows. They had completely different plans.

  The young woman had screamed once more when Thomas hit her boyfriend, but had then fallen silent as soon as Ralph grabbed her from behind and Anton stood up in front of her and snapped out his switchblade.

  “You can play later,” Thomas said. “First we have to get off the street.”

  With that, he and Alex grabbed the young man under the arms and dragged him into the forest. The young woman, however, resisted in desperation and repeatedly uttered a word that the four did not understand.

  “Shut that bitch up already,” said Thomas, “and drag her over here before we get discovered!”

  Anton nodded, reared up in front of the woman and punched her in the face so hard that she not only stopped screaming, but slumped in Ralph’s arms.

  “There you go!” said Ralph and carried her backwards into the forest, while Anton took her feet to bring her to an area sparsely lit by a lantern. There they dropped her carelessly on the ground next to their friend. As if each other’s presence revived them, they stirred.

  “Well, well, well,” Thomas said with a sneer, “they’re still awake.”

  The young man said something to his girlfriend, who was crying softly. Only then did he turn to the four attackers, who with their masks looked like demons in the pale light. He raised his hand placatingly, which Alex was about to smash until every bone in it was broken several times. “Please,” he pleaded. “No trouble!”

  Thomas laughed. “You found him long ago!” With that, he pointed at Alex. “He’s trouble. And I’m pain.”

  The young man looked at Thomas uncomprehendingly. “Don’t understand.”

  Thomas shook his head. “That’s exactly the problem. This arrogance and ignorance at that. Come to this country and don’t understand anything. We’re taught here that if you’re going on vacation in another country, you should at least know some of the language there, out of courtesy. That goes without saying. But you want to live here. To participate in everything that our grandparents built, then our parents, and us too, while you have done none of that, except not bring your own country even close to that. That is why you are here. To take advantage of everything we’ve created. But do you at least speak the language of the country that will henceforth serve you with everything you want? No. You don’t have to. On the contrary. We are supposed to learn your shitty language. Out of politeness. Out of respect. We’re supposed to respect your culture, but you’re not supposed to respect ours. You’re here in our country, damn it. You have to adapt. Not us!”

  The two migrants looked frightened into the emotionless face of the mask with the swastika on its forehead. They knew very little of the history of this country, but what this symbol meant, they knew. It was a terrible mark worn by the members of the evil in whose name they perpetrated inhuman atrocities in the past, but also now. And they were now defenselessly at their mercy.

  “Don’t understand,” the young man repeated and tried to take his girlfriend, who was shaking all over, in his arms. Immediately Anton and Ralph were with them and pulled her away, while Thomas brought his masked face very close to his.

  “Then we’ll teach you some understanding!” he hissed. “Understanding that you shouldn’t have come here, you fucking freeloaders!”

  With that, he grabbed the young man by the collar and struck. His fist hit the man’s face without stopping. The man’s head swung back and blood spurted from his split lip.

  Thomas let go of the dazed man, who simply slumped backwards. Thomas wiped at his mask. “Disgusting!” Then he looked down at his victim. “He’s almost gone. All that nigger sportsmanship and shit. Here you see there’s so nothin’ to ‘em.”

  “So what do we do now?” Alex wanted to know.

  “Maybe we’ll torch him a bit,” Anton suggested. “Then he’ll wake up all right.”

  “No, too dangerous,” Thomas replied. “After that, the wanker will set the forest on fire. That won’t do, since they’re trying so hard to reforest it.”

  With that, he looked at the young woman. “But we still have the bitch. Let’s get on with her first. T
he fucker will wake up again, then we’ll take care of him.”

  Anton nodded and Ralph pulled the young woman to her feet and held her arms.

  Thomas came closer and smiled under his mask. “For a black bitch, you actually have quite a pretty face. Might have white blood in you from when a colonist once mounted your great-great-great grandmother. You’re spreading your legs for all to see, fucked up as you are. Flood the world with your rat spawn, like locusts. Without you there would be no famines and plenty of space on earth. Because of you and these fucking Islamists. These towelheads, who also multiply like rabbits, so that they can displace us. We know how it stands around the resources of the earth. But you guys just keep going unchecked and taking us down with you. You fucking niggers who want to destroy our culture!”

  His mask was now close at hand, gazing into the young woman’s terror-widened eyes as she shook her head again and again. Thomas grinned and feasted on her panic-filled sight. “You want to fuck? Then we’ll fuck you. That’s what you nigger bitches all want, isn’t it?”

  “Do you really want to fuck them?” asked Anton.

  “Why not?” interjected Ralph. “She smells clean. And she’s quite snug, isn’t she?”

  “But I don’t want to get anything away from me. Who knows who’s had his dick in her in the asylum center?”

  Thomas turned to Anton. “I’m sure she’s clean. Just look at her. They’ve given her all the care she needs, and I’m sure she’s received full medical attention. Your grandma in the home can only dream of that. It’s our right to fuck her. Like the colonists back then in Africa, who were allowed to take all the women as a thank you for trying to make something out of the filthy, backward continent. Unfortunately without success, as we know, because the savages were just too stupid and did not understand what they were doing good.”

  With that, he turned back to the young woman and grabbed her face. “But this cunt certainly complies with the good old purity law.”


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