The Masked Prince

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The Masked Prince Page 2

by Faith Ryan

  I reach my room and immediately survey the array of colored fabrics strewn across my bed. At least I’ll get to keep all these wonderful designs, no matter the outcome of tonight’s party.

  I run a hand over the silky garments and pick out a rose-colored asymmetrical number that will show off my legs. I spin around, holding the dress up to my body. “What do you think, Jairo?”

  “I think you’ll be the prettiest woman in the place. Just as you always are. No other can compare to your beauty.”

  “You are such a flatterer. What will I ever do without you?”

  “Most likely forget to wear your veil,” Jairo deadpans.

  I giggle and twirl, still holding the dress. “How true! That’s why you must never leave me. If you did then all of my secrets would be set free for everyone to know.”

  Jairo helps me into my dress. I quickly do my hair and makeup before placing an ivory veil of my head, loving the way I feel with the semi-mask in place. Without it I could never withstand my father’s ridiculous parties and matchmaking antics.

  “You look gorgeous, my love,” Jairo tells me. And I feel it too; gorgeous just like he said. Maybe tonight won’t be as bad as I’m dreading it will be. How can it be terrible when I feel so good about myself?

  “Let’s go look at these men my father wishes for me to choose from to marry.”

  Jairo offers me his arm and we make our way to the party. There are many men gathered around my father, all of them trying to impress him. I roll my eyes, thankful no one can clearly see my facial expressions.

  It takes a few minutes of me standing on the periphery before anybody notices I’m there and I’m already wishing I hadn’t come at all.

  “There she is. My pride and joy.” He makes his way to my side and wraps an arm around my shoulders. “She’s still single, fellows. It takes a lot to impress my girl.”

  My face flames red, but he’s already incited these men into an unwinnable cock fight with each other. For the next hour I endure conversations of who has the biggest… estate, or who is the richest billionaire. Shit I don’t care about.

  When I can’t take anymore, Rafe magically appears and whisks me away to my favorite room, the library. He is my father’s most trusted advisor, and besides Jairo, is the only other person I encounter regularly. He’s not exactly a friend, but he’s another constant presence in my life.

  “Thank you, Rafe. You saved me from declaring the dick measuring contest a forfeit.”

  He laughs at my description of the men trying to impress my father by impressing me. “Well, my dear, I’m afraid I know little about judging those contests, but I’m pleases to admit I’ve won a few of them in my day.”

  I can believe it. Rafe is a darkly handsome man, a loyal friend to my father, and my protector. He’s practically family.

  “I didn’t need to know that.” I sit in a chair near the fire, cross my legs, and relax. “Just give me a minute and I’ll be ready to go back.”

  Rafe smiles and exits the room, closing me in alone so I can enjoy some peace. I close my eyes and absorb the quiet, but my peace is interrupted almost immediately by the turning of the doorknob.

  “Did you forget something?”

  I open my eyes to a stranger staring at me, open-mouthed and wide eyed. The door is still cracked behind him, and I can hear the men still competing for attention regardless of the fact I am no longer in the room.

  “Could you close that before anyone else finds me?”

  I’m annoyed he has discovered where I ran off to, though I didn’t go far and I’m not really hiding.

  “Sorry,” is the mumbled reply before an audible click signifies the closing of the door. I turn away from his presence, not wanting to encourage him.

  “I’m not interested in whatever story you have cooked up in an attempt to woo me. Save it for my father, he’ll appreciate it more. If that’s all you want, then you can return to the party.”

  “I’m really sorry,” he repeats.

  “Yes, you’ve said that. Now can you leave me be.” I look back in his direction to see he has moved closer and is holding a thick book in his hands.

  “No. I mean, I’m sorry for this.” He swings the large tome at my head. My vision wavers and I pitch forward. He catches me as I fall from the chair, then gently lowers me to the rug. That’s an odd thing to do for someone you just hit, I think right before everything goes dark.




  Rafe is going to kill me. I didn’t know anyone would be in here when he told me where the lamp and ring were being kept. The gorgeous brunette both surprised and captivated me, which is equal parts inconvenient and confusing.

  I finish laying her on the rug and hurry to the opposite end of the library. I grip the replica painting of Da Vinci’s The Last Supper and pull it away from the wall. Just as Rafe had said, there is a small safe hidden behind the art.

  I make quick work of picking the lock, glancing behind me several times to be sure the woman is still unconscious. The safe swings open and inside is a small lamp and several heavily jeweled rings. I don’t know which is the right one, so I swipe them all. I can easily pawn the others later. I stuff my newly acquired loot into the pockets of my jacket, close the safe, and secure the painting back in place.

  I’m turning to exit the room when the door opens and Rafe enters.

  “What did you do? You were only to get the items I asked for, not accost Kassem Salib’s only living heir.”

  “I didn’t. I mean I did, but she’ll be fine. I panicked. I didn’t hit her that hard, I swear.”

  “Did you at least get them?” he sounds annoyed.

  “Yes.” I tap the pockets of my jacket.

  “Good, good.” His eyes sweep the room before landing back on me. “Leave via the patio over there, I’ll take care of Jess, then meet you back at the room in an hour. Now, go,” he waves his hands at me in a shooing motion.

  I’m reluctant to leave, but I can hear several voices moving closer, most likely in search of the woman. I step outside and hide under the cover of darkness to be sure Rafe keeps his word and doesn’t leave her lying there helpless.

  I watch as the door opens, and men flow into the room. Each one looks only slightly concerned for Jess’ well-being.

  Rafe speaks to the men, saying something I can’t hear, but it causes them to leave the room quickly. He then picks Jess up and carries her to the long sofa, placing her on it before gently pushing her veil away from her face.

  Reassured he is keeping his word; I make my way around the perimeter to the front gate. Except for the incident with Jess, this has been one of the easiest jobs I’ve completed. I feel untouchable. The gate looms ahead of me, once terrifying, but now just carefully placed metal and hinges.

  “There he is! Stop him! That’s the man who assaulted Jess!”

  The shouts are loud, and my bubble bursts as their words register. They’re coming after me. I take off at a run, confident I can make it out of the gate before they can catch me.

  I’m almost there and I chance a look over my shoulder. A handful of guards are chasing after me. It’s not as many as I had presumed and my confidence in pulling this heist off grows.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  The familiar voice slows my steps. “Rafe, I was on my way to—,” he cuts me off.

  “Shut your mouth. Don’t say a word about our agreement,” he hisses in my ear while jerking my hands behind my back viciously.

  “What are you doing?”

  He doesn’t answer, just glares at me. “I’ve got him. You can all go back to your duties. I’ll take him to Salib and get this situation taken care of.”

  What the fuck is going on? Did something go wrong, and this is his way of getting us back on track? That must be it, and since I don’t want to die, I go along with whatever it is he directs me to do.

  I let him drag me back inside the house. He parades me past all the men who came
for the party, then shoves me into the library. The door slams shut behind us.

  “This is the man who attacked Jess?”

  Salib sits in the chair my new infatuation had occupied earlier. I look around the room until I see her on the sofa. She’s sitting up and holding a towel, which I presume holds ice, to her temple where the book connected with her head. I flinch in remembrance of my uncharacteristic act.

  “It is. He was trying to exit the property when I caught him.”

  Salib stands and makes his way to me. He stares at me intently before leaning in to spit in my face. “You are a disgusting low life who doesn’t deserve to live.”

  “Sir, if I may? I’d like to suggest an alternative to his death.” He waits until he has the man’s attention, then proceeds. “Let me put him under my employ. I need an extra hand. He could be useful. If he proves to remain untrustworthy, we can kill him then.”

  I swallow down the knot in my throat. My continued living depends on the man whose daughter I’ve just assaulted. I’m fucked.



  The young man looks scared to death. I’d feel sorry for him if my head didn’t hurt so much. Rafe is a sadistic prick, and I’m not sure if being his errand boy is a lighter punishment than death. If my father agrees to let him live that is.

  I stand and make my way over to the three men, setting wet towel full of melted ice on the arm of the sofa.


  He turns to me, the cold violence in his eyes softening to affection. “Let me take care of this. You needn’t worry about these matters.”

  I clench my teeth at his words. In his eyes I’ll always be too feminine to handle anything more than a dinner party, and even then, he’d rather hire a team than have me lift a finger.

  “Father. He doesn’t deserve death. Let him make restitution with hard work. The gardener needs—,”

  “Yes. He will work very hard. Under Rafe.”

  I offer the man a sympathetic smile. While he might not be sentenced to death, he may well wish he had been soon enough.

  “I’ll be sure he makes up for his indiscretion.” The lecherous gleam in Rafe’s eye leaves no doubt how he plans to make the boy pay. His proclivities are well known behind the walls of my father’s estate.

  I watch him march the young man out of the library, not wanting to see the disappointment in my father’s stare. It doesn’t mute the sound of his sigh once the door has closed, however.

  “Fix your veil. That boy probably got a good look at your face and is waiting for the moment he can use it against me.”

  He’s only worried about himself. “What about me? He could just as easily, and more likely, use something about my person against me. And what might he do, Father? Ask me how my head is? Tell me I’m beautiful? I know, perhaps he’d ask for my hand in marriage. Wouldn’t that suit your plans?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous! That man is beneath this family. I will not have my fortune entrusted to a filthy vagrant. You will marry someone of a worthy status.”

  “Why? Just leave everything to me. I’m the rightful heir after all.”

  “Not as long as you keep up this silly nonsense.”

  “This silly nonsense is who I am!”

  “And I’m more than willing to let you be.”

  “As long as I marry within the year. A loveless, passionless marriage. I will be miserable.”

  “Yes, but you will be able to keep up this frivolous life you’ve been leading. The fortune will still be at your disposal. Nothing will change for you except your last name.”

  I roll my eyes and nearly stomp my feet in a fit. The man is stuck in the past with his laws and his insistence on dictating my life. I haven’t been able to change his mind, though we’ve had many discussions over his domineering nature. While that trait is hot in a lover, it’s disgusting when coming from my father.

  “I’m tired. I think I’ll call it a night. All this excitement has worn me out.” I make the excuses I need to so I can leave his presence.

  “Get some rest. We have another party next week. I want you to be on your best behavior. Pick a husband soon, or I’ll pick one for you.”

  Jairo is waiting in the hall to escort me to my room. While he is only here because my father hired him to be my guardian, I’d like to think we’ve become friends during his many years in my father’s employ. He knows more of my secrets than any other living soul, my father included.

  “Jairo, do you think that boy will be okay with Rafe?”

  “He’ll get what he deserves that’s for sure.”

  I sigh. No one wants to take my opinion seriously. All they want to do is protect me. But that boy meant no harm to me, I’m sure of it. If Rafe hadn’t found me unconscious, he wouldn’t be here now. It’s my fault he’s with that vile man. If only I was stronger, then I could fight my own battles.

  “Listen Jess, I know you hate doing what your father says, and most of the time I agree with you, but this time, the kid needs to pay. He may have only bruised your face and your dignity, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse.”

  “I know, I know. That doesn’t mean he deserves Rafe’s torture. I’d rather die than let that man lay his hands on me.” A shudder runs through at the thought of such a despicable, uncaring man touching me.

  “There’s nothing you can do. Your father has given his orders.”

  We’re at my door, but I can’t get those words out of my head. There’s nothing you can do. But isn’t there? I’m the heir, so why don’t I get to have a say in what happens to my attacker?

  I stop with my hand on the knob. “Take me to him.” I turn away from the door and cross my arms over my chest.

  “I don’t think that’s wise. You should rest. Perhaps in the morning you can speak with your father about the boy’s punishment.”

  I narrow my eyes at Jairo. He wants to keep me out of harm’s way and going into Rafe’s suite would put me directly in its path. But isn’t that young man’s life worth the risk?

  “I will go see the boy. The only question I have for you is: are you coming with?”

  Jairo mirrors my stance, crossing his arms and glaring at me. After a few moments it becomes apparent I’m not backing down, and I see the resignation loosen his tense posture.

  “Come on. I swear I don’t get paid enough for your recklessness.”

  “I remember you saying you liked my recklessness just the other night, have you changed your mind so soon?”

  My laughter echoes around us as he grumbles something about insufferable twats.



  Rafe leads me out of the library and into a suite of rooms on an upper floor. As soon as we’re behind closed doors, I turn to thank him for saving me from death.

  “Don’t thank me, boy,” he sneers at me. “I didn’t do any of that for you. Now where is the lamp?”

  I frown at his words but pull the lamp from my pocket and hand it to him. He takes it, carefully examining every swirl and gem decorating it. I reach my hand into my other pocket and finger the handful of rings there.

  “What about the ring?”

  “It is of no consequence. I only had you take it so it wasn’t obvious the lamp was the targeted item. You can keep it if you wish.”

  “So I’m done? I can go now?”

  Rafe’s sinister laughter is even more malicious than when I first heard it last night. I back toward the door, hoping to escape before he sets me some other task that should be labeled a suicide mission.

  “Alek, my dear boy, you aren’t going anywhere. Didn’t you hear Kassem? You’re mine to do with as I please. You really shouldn’t have hit Jess, but it worked to my advantage so I will reward you instead of punishing you.”

  Rafe advances on me and I grab for the doorknob, twisting the door open a few inches before he pulls me back. He throws me onto the oriental rug, then sets the lamp on a shelf above the doorway. Somewhere hidden, yet easily accessible.

crawl backward, contemplating any means of escape. I glance toward the windows, but they are barred, and even if they weren’t, we’re too high for me to jump without risking serious injury. The only way in or out is the door where we entered, and Rafe is blocking my way.

  “Alek, I promise you’ll like your reward. I know you didn’t want to tell me last night was your first time, but I knew. The tightness and the blood gave it away. Too bad you only get one first time; I’d love a repeat. You were so charming with the tears flowing down your face, while gritting your teeth. You didn’t make a sound. It was quite admirable, but tonight, you will let your screams out. I want to hear what I make you feel.”

  I scramble to get to my feet, but Rafe is faster than me. He pulls a knife from his pants pocket and slices through the clothes I’m wearing; the blade effortlessly cutting the material. He catches my skin in a few spots, and deep crimson seeps down my chest. A sob catches in my throat. It doesn’t hurt, at least there isn’t any pain yet. But my humiliation is too much. I’ve never felt more like the lowly thief I am more than I have in Rafe’s presence. From the moment he stepped out of the shadows, my place has been beneath him in all imaginable ways.

  He pushes me to the floor and tears off the slacks I’m wearing, leaving me only my underwear and the shredded remains of my shirt. Pointing the knife at me, blood stains the tip, and he gives me a silent warning before standing and unbuckling his own slacks. He doesn’t undress completely, just pushes the material of the pants and his briefs low enough to free his cock.

  Rafe keeps hold of the knife as he lowers himself onto his knees. The flat side of the blade presses against my skin as he grips my thighs; forcing my legs to spread wide, he pulls me toward his body. I still have my underwear on, but I can feel his hard length through the fabric. The pain of the night before is still fresh in my mind, and I flinch away.


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