Liam (The Murphy Boys Series Book 4)

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Liam (The Murphy Boys Series Book 4) Page 3

by Holly C. Webb

  Opening his eyes, he lifted his head to tell Sasha that he needed to go, but froze when he saw another girl standing in the doorway, watching him and Sasha closely, a wide grin on her face.

  “Sasha,” Liam said, pulling her head back up, away from his cock. “We have company.”

  Sasha smiled at Liam before she turned towards the girl standing in the doorway, as her smile widened.

  “That’s just Zoe,” Sasha said as if the girl standing there, watching them was the most normal thing in the world. “She’s my roommate.”

  “Hi,” Zoe said, giving Liam a wicked grin as Sasha just returned her attention to his cock.

  “Hi,” Liam replied, unsure of what else he should really say. He had no clue what he should do now.

  “Mind if I join in?” Zoe asked, staring at him as she seductive bit down on her bottom lip.

  Liam stared at her for a moment, wondering if this was really happening.

  Why the hell not? He thought to himself.

  “I don’t mind at all,” Liam replied, giving her a wide smile, as Zoe reached down, pulling off the t-shirt she was wearing before she hurried across the living room to the sofa.

  She kissed Liam hard on the mouth before she too dropped to her knees before him. Liam watched as both girls worked on his cock, as he could feel his arousal pulse with excitement.

  He smiled to himself as he closed his eyes once more, and rested his head back on the sofa. All thoughts of Dylan and Lexi completely gone from his mind.

  Chapter 3

  Liam woke with a groan, feeling too hot and stiff as hell. He opened his eyes, lifting the arm that was resting across his throat, making it harder for him to breathe. As he set it down careful, he glanced over at Sasha, who was completely naked and fast asleep next to him, he released a long sigh.

  Then he turned to look at Zoe. She too was completely naked and passed out, her body tangled up with his.

  He released a long breath, and stared up at the ceiling, wondering what the hell he was still doing there.

  The night before had been fun, even if it was somewhat unexpected, but now it was time to make his excuses and leave.

  He looked at his watch and saw it was almost six a.m. He needed to figure a way to get out of the bed and gather his belongings before he made his escape.

  The first thing he needed to do was untangle Zoe’s arms and legs from his. He carefully unhooked her arms from across his body. Then, sitting up, he eased her legs from between his.

  Once he was free, he eased his way down the bed, before climbing up and heading for the bedroom door. Making his way along the hallway to the living room, he found his clothes on the floor, where he had discarded them the night before, during round one of his night with the two girls.

  Next to it was the empty bottle of scotch they had drank before they took the party to the bedroom.

  As Liam bent down to pick up his clothes, his head was pounding with the hangover from hell, he wished to God, he had just left the night before when he had wanted to.

  You’re a fucking idiot! He groaned to himself, as he began to get dressed.

  “You’re leaving?” A voice came from behind him. Liam turned to find Sasha standing in the doorway, still completely naked.

  “I’ve got to get home,” Liam replied, as he continued to get dressed.

  “To the little wife?” She asked with a smile, as she watched Liam closely.

  “No,” he laughed, sitting down to put on his shoes. “No wife, I just have a thing.”

  “I’m glad,” she purred as she walked across the room, stopping in front of him as he stood back up. She pressed her hand to his chest, giving him a broad smile. “Because last night was fun. I was hoping we could do it again sometime.”

  Liam smiled but didn’t reply to her comment. Even though the night before was fun, this was a one night stand, nothing more.

  “I should be going,” Liam said, checking his watching once more before he smiled at her. Leaning into her, he kissed her softly on the cheek. “Thanks for an amazing night.”

  “Any time,” she purred, as she gave him a grin.

  Liam smiled again, before he said his goodbyes, and headed for the door.

  Once outside, he stopped a passing cab, feeling relieved to finally be heading home.

  It was almost seven a.m. as Liam climbed into the large manual elevator in his building. He yawned as he pulled down on the lever to take it to the top floor, where his apartment was.

  It was Sunday morning, and over the last few months, it had become something of a tradition that his whole family met at his parents’ home for Sunday brunch. But today, Liam just wanted to sleep.

  He had thought that as his father was in the hospital, his mother would have cancelled, but she didn’t. Still, he just wanted to shower; then he needed to get some much-needed rest.

  As he stepped from the elevator, he reached into his pocket to get his keys but stopped in his tracks when he found Dylan sitting on the floor outside his apartment door, holding two coffees.

  “Dylan,” Liam said, surprised to find his brother there at that time. He was still angry with him over the comments the night before. “What has you here so early?”

  “I was on my way to the hospital to do some paperwork, before I head to Mom’s,” Dylan explained as he climbed from the floor, then held out a coffee to Liam. “I thought I would stop by, make sure you made it home okay.”

  “Well there was no need,” Liam said, as he continued on to the door, sticking his key into the lock, refusing to take the coffee from Dylan. “I’m a big boy, I know how to get home.”

  “Come on, Liam,” Dylan sighed as he followed him into the apartment once the door was open. “You can’t be still mad at me over last night.”

  “I didn’t say I was mad,” Liam said with a sigh, throwing his keys on the hallway table.

  “You forget, I know you better than you know yourself,” Dylan reasoned as he continued to follow him into the living room. “You’re mad because I brought up Lexi.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it, Dylan,” Liam said as he walked towards the kitchen in the open planned loft apartment. Opening the fridge, he grabbed a bottle of water. He was not going to let Dylan drag him into this conversation.

  “Why not?” Dylan asked, still following Liam around, refusing to back down.

  “Because it’s been five years,” Liam snapped back, as he turned to face Dylan finally. “I fucked up and she walked away…”

  “Or you let her walk away?” Dylan cut in. “Sure she was upset, but you could have fixed it. You could have tried to make it right, but you didn’t. Instead, you’ve spent the last five years sleeping with every woman in San Francisco, trying to fuck her out of your mind.”

  “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” Liam hissed as he slammed his bottle down on the counter before he turned and stormed off towards his room. “So why don’t you shut the hell up.”

  “She’s back, Liam,” Dylan said suddenly, stopping Liam in his tracks.

  Liam’s heart hammered in his chest as he stood in the middle of his apartment. He closed his eyes, taking slow, calming breaths, but he didn’t turn back to look at Dylan.

  “I wanted to tell you last night,” Dylan continued. “But I wasn’t sure it was something you would want to know. At least I didn’t until I said what I said.”

  Liam turned to look at Dylan but still didn’t say a word.

  “She was at the hospital yesterday,” Dylan explained. “She didn’t say what she was doing there, but I bumped into her in the lobby.”

  “How did she look?” Liam asked as the image of Lexi crashed into his mind.

  “Good,” Dylan replied with a smile. “Just like I remembered her.”

  “Did you talk to her?” Liam asked, wishing more than anything that he could see her one more time too.

  “Just for a moment,” Dylan replied, then added with a smile. “She asked about you.”

  “Oh!” Liam said, his heart now hammering in his chest. He wanted to ask his brother for more details, but he knew whatever he said would just break his heart more.

  “You’re still in love with her,” Dylan said, as Liam slowly walked back toward the sofa in the centre of the room, sitting down.

  “It doesn’t matter how I feel, Dylan,” Liam sighed as he rubbed his tired eyes. “Lexi made it perfectly clear a long time ago that she was done with me. It’s been five years. I need to let her go.”

  Dylan watched him for a moment, then sighed before he too walked to the sofa, sitting down next to his brother.

  “I know,” Dylan finally said, without looking at Liam. “And I know that losing her hurt you, but having sex with an endless stream of nameless girls is not the answer.”

  “Maybe,” Liam shrugged and smiled weakly. “But falling in love again is not an option. I know Landen, Finn, and Callum are happy and I’m glad for them, but I just can’t do that again. It’s not for me.”

  “I guess I understand,” Dylan sighed. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re wrong. But I guess I get it, so I won’t keep pushing.”

  “Thanks, Dylan,” Liam said, giving his brother a warm smile.

  “I guess I should be going,” Dylan said, checking his watch before he stood up. “I need to get this paperwork sorted before I go to Mom’s.”

  “Okay,” Liam replied, standing up too.

  “You’re going to be there, right?” Dylan asked, giving Liam a knowing look.

  “I was actually planning on just getting some sleep,” Liam said, as he stifled a yawn. “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “I really don’t want to know,” Dylan replied with a chuckle. “But some sleep is a good idea. I will tell Mom you were called into the station, so she isn’t on your case.”

  “Thanks, Dylan,” Liam said once more.

  “Will I see you at the hospital?” Dylan asked as Liam walked him to the door.

  “I will stop by later,” Liam confirmed with a nod. “Once I’ve had some proper sleep.”

  “Okay,” Dylan replied, before he pulled up the door of the elevator and stepped inside. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Not if I see you first,” Liam laughed, giving his brother the same answer he’d given him as a kid. Dylan just laughed and shook his head as he pulled the door back down.

  When Dylan had gone, Liam turned and made his way back into his apartment. Heading straight to his room, he stripped off, heading into the bathroom and into the shower.

  Liam wasted no time washing the night before off himself, before he climbed out, drying himself off, then heading back out to his bedroom,

  He didn’t even bother getting dressed. Instead, he just climbed onto the bed and closed his eyes, his head full of thoughts of Lexi.

  Liam thought about the first time he met her. He had never met anyone like her before, and he knew that night that whatever happened, he would love this girl for the rest of his life.

  He was sitting in the bar with the rest of the guys from his class. They were out to celebrate their graduation from the police academy earlier that day, and their spirits were high.

  Lexi was there with some friends, and Liam had watched her all evening as she knocked back each of his friends, one after another.

  “I think she could be a lesbian,” James, Liam’s friend said as he arrived back at the table where they were all sitting, having just been shot down by her too. Liam just laughed, knowing that James was just licking his wounds.

  “Or maybe she’s just waiting for the best man for the job,” Liam said, as he lowered back his drink before he stood up. “Time to let the master show you how it’s done.”

  “You think you’ve got a shot?” James asked, giving Liam a sceptical look.

  “There is no thinking about it, my friend,” Liam laughed, slapping James on the back. “Prepare to see how a grown-up does it.”

  Taking a deep breath, he turned and slowly made his way across the bar, to where Lexi was. As he walked towards her, he wished now he hadn’t been so cocky about having a shot, but he knew whatever happened in the next sixty seconds, this girl was going to rock his world. He was sure of it.

  “Hi,” he said as he reached where she was standing with her friends, giving her his most charming smile.

  “Hey,” she replied, giving him a shy smile in return, as her eyes met his. She was beautiful. Possibly the most beautiful woman Liam had ever seen. He needed to get this right with her and he knew he had one chance.

  “I need your help,” he said, knowing he was taking a gamble with this approach.

  “Oh,” she said, giving him a questioning look.

  “I need you to laugh like I said the funniest thing you’ve ever heard,” he leaned into her ear and whispered.

  “Excuse me?” She asked, but she couldn’t help but smile.

  “I need you to laugh out loud, right now,” he said, giving her a pleading look. “Please! My friends are watching, and I told them that I could make the prettiest girl in the bar laugh.”

  Without even thinking, Lexi threw her head back and laughed out loud. Liam knew right at that moment he would lose his heart to this girl forever. Everything about her was perfect. Her laugh, her smile, her eyes. To him, she was flawless.

  They spent the rest of the night talking and laughing, and for the first time in his life, Liam didn’t want this night with this girl to end. Not because he didn’t want to take her home and make love to her; he did, more than he’d ever wanted to before, but because he loved talking to her. She was bright, clever, and funny. He couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed so much.

  It was almost five a.m. when they arrived back at her apartment building.

  “I guess this is me,” Lexi said as she turned to face Liam.

  “I guess it is,” Liam replied, giving her a warm smile.

  “I had a great night, Liam,” she whispered as she returned his smile shyly.

  “Me too,” Liam replied as he took a tentative step closer to her. He stared at her for a moment before he continued. “I would really like to see you again.”

  “I’d like that, too,” she breathed out, as he reached up, softly caressing her face. Closing her eyes, she leaned into his touch, releasing a long, contented sigh.

  Taking her face in his hands, he leaned down and softly pressed his lips to hers. It was like a million butterflies had taken flight inside him. He breathed in her beautiful scent, making his head spin.

  He wanted to take her in his arms and take her to bed right then and there. But he didn’t. Not that night. Lexi was different, and he needed to treat her like that precious creature that she was.

  Slowly, he broke his lips from hers, staring down into her eyes.

  He knew in that very moment; he was in love, completely and truly. It was unlike anything Liam had ever experienced before. It was both amazing, and utterly terrifying in equal measures.

  “Good night, Liam,” Lexi whispered, as she looked up into his eyes.

  “Good night, Lexi,” he breathed against her lips, before he kissed her softly one last time.

  Liam sat up in the bed, his heart thumping fast. The moment he realised he had been dreaming, sadness wrapped itself around his heart. He flopped back down on the bed, releasing a long, frustrated breath.

  It had been so long since he had allowed himself to think about Lexi, he thought that finally, he was moving on. But the pain in his chest confirmed that he hadn’t. He missed her so much he couldn’t breathe.

  Why was she back? Did she miss him too? Was she happy?

  He had so many questions, ones he knew he would never get the answers to.

  Looking at the clock on his nightstand, he saw it was already after two p.m. He scrubbed his face with his hands before he sat up in the bed, then climbed out, heading for his wardrobe.

  He needed to get dressed and get to the hospital before his family had yet another search party out looking for

  Fifteen minutes later, he stepped into the elevator, carrying a cup of coffee in his travel mug. He knew that he needed to put all thoughts of Lexi from his mind. It was bad enough that Dylan knew what was going on in his head, without letting his mother in there too.

  By the time he reached the hospital, Liam was starting to feel a little more human. He had even managed to lift his mood a little, letting his mind wander to the night before and the two girls that had done things to him he had never imagined possible.

  He laughed as he recalled how he opened his eyes and saw the roommate standing there. But then he sighed as he thought of what Dylan had said about sleeping with an endless string of girls was not the answer he was looking for.

  What is then? He thought to himself as the elevator he was in came to a stop. The doors suddenly opened, and Liam’s heart slammed into his chest, as he came face to face with the one person that had haunted his dreams for the last five years.

  “Lexi!” He exclaimed, not knowing what else he should say as he stepped from the elevator.

  He couldn’t believe it. There she was, standing right there before him, looking even more beautiful than he had remembered. Her blonde hair was a little shorter than it had been the last time he saw her, but it was still as beautiful as ever. Her face was still simply breath-taking. Her amber eyes were as warm and welcoming as they always were. The moment they met his, Liam could barely breathe.

  She stared at him for a moment, looking almost as thrown as he was to see him standing there. But then she smiled; a real genuine smile.

  “Liam!” She whispered simply, looking at him like he was the only person in the world. Suddenly she stepped forward as she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him so tightly. Liam’s heart almost stopped.

  Without hesitating, he wrapped her in his arms and held her too, as every memory he had with her, every moment they shared together flashed through his mind like a movie on fast forward.

  “I’m sorry,” Lexi said as she suddenly released him abruptly, giving him another smile, but this time she didn’t even look him in the eye. “I shouldn’t have done that. It’s just… I heard about your dad. I know you and he are close…”


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