Dare To Be Successful

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Dare To Be Successful Page 5

by John Barrett Hawkins

Grace then told the class about her mother’s death when Grace was five years of age, and how it hurt so badly. Yet, she found Jillian’s dying words, that home was a place of love and beauty, to be a remarkable gift. Knowing that her mother had gone home to be with God was finally allowing Grace’s wounds to heal. Jillian’s gift was the certainty that when our bodies die, our spirits live on. Grace was certain now that when her time came, just as Emma had come for Jillian, her mother would come with open arms to take her home.

  Daniel knew that love was the most powerful force in the universe, that it had the power to dramatically transform a person, and that every student was witnessing it in action. The Grace who stood before the class had experienced a profound transformation from the inside out. Her previously tough exterior had vanished. She no longer dressed inappropriately or displayed sadistic tattoos. They had been replaced by a feminine outfit and softer, temporary tattoos depicting a butterfly and a dolphin. The most important change was in her behavior. Now, instead of being a menacing gang member who preyed on other kids, she was kind and caring. It was the proudest moment of Daniel’s teaching career. On that day he thanked God for bringing Grace into his life, because she had enabled him to rediscover his own sense of purpose.

  Daniel used Grace’s story to teach one final connect with others lesson. He asked the class, “If you knew someone was going to die in one week, how would you treat that person?”

  Daniel called on the students who raised their hands.

  Latisha said, “With love.”

  Ramone said, “With kindness.”

  Robert said, “I’d do something nice for them.”

  Then Daniel continued the lesson. “Everyone is going to die someday, but no one knows when that some day will come. So it’s best to treat everyone with love, kindness, and compassion every day.”

  As Grace listened to Mr. Benson, she found herself feeling grateful that he had come into her life, but also disappointed that she was graduating to high school and would probably never see him again. He was a great teacher—the best one she ever had. The subjects he taught were interesting and important, lessons that Grace suspected she may use later in life. She turned her attention to the blackboard and reread the final principle. It caused her to realize that she wanted to keep her Principles of Grace syllabus, so that someday she could discover and pursue her own purpose in life.

  On the final day of the school year, Daniel reflected on his own journey to discover a meaningful life. Daniel had found purpose through his family. Raising his children had always been his great joy for most of the past two decades; however, when it came to his career, there had been a huge void. He hadn’t found fulfillment as a teacher, and he knew the reason why: the knifing incident when he had been stabbed by a gang kid while breaking up a fight had disrupted his inner world. The prejudice that ensued clouded his vision of service and stopped the flow of positive energy when it came to his profession. Ironically, he also realized that his resentment had brought Grace into his life. He remembered Free Spirit advising him, “See relationships as divinely organized instead of earthly organized. If we suffer prejudice, God will send us someone who forces us to experience prejudice.”62 Grace had come into his life for a reason, and Daniel realized that reason had as much to do with his own growth as it did hers.

  Following his mentor’s example, Daniel held a graduation ceremony for his class. Each kid was given 12 handwritten scrolls that contained the timeless wisdom of the medicine man. As he passed them out, Daniel repeated Free Spirit’s final instruction to him that day long ago aboard the Awakening Grace: “The key to success in life is ongoing personal development. Each generation is responsible for upgrading the Principles of Grace and sharing their discoveries with other people.”

  As the kids exited the classroom, Daniel gave each of them a handwritten note and invited them to write to him at school and tell him about their lives. Only one student would eventually take him up on the offer.

  It was Grace Gilmore.


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