The Dark Lord

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The Dark Lord Page 3

by Nihar Sharma

  “Good” Yamraj appreciated and smiled “you are learning fast”.

  “There is one more unnamed world where the sun never sets and creeping lizards live on souls, it is said that dark lord’s son controls that world. He is feeding on good souls back to heaven from hell after their course of punishments. The More the good souls, the more powerful he will be. So the duty of the agent of souls doesn’t sound too easy. Neither can he let souls cross the line between the two worlds, unless they do not have their vengeance, nor can he help to stop those souls to join the master of the netherworld” Yamraj sighed long and looked at his disciple, but this time he was listening his master without writing on notebook.

  “It is the choice of a soul that one makes. The only key to unlock the underworld’s door is to be evil. The evil consumes the soul and it always chooses the underworld to serve its master. And the mighty master is the dark lord controlling over a unnamed world to keep souls away from joining heaven, so gods can remain as powerful as they are, means no addition to their power” Chitragupta understood the point behind the plan.

  Yamraj looked at him and said about Vikram and Aaditya “now the world’s destiny lies in the hands of those two little souls. It is their destiny now, and they have to accept it. The future of the adjustment agencies in these worlds depends on them. Either they will bring in devastation and unleash the hell’s evil army to the universe and plunge the world into darkness from the underworld forever or they will stop this war since inception of the universe.

  The dark lord always wishes for a soul to redeem his name and succeed him and direct his subjects to greater side of the universe, who can make a true connection of souls leading to future. Since that time the dark lord and the agents of the soul along with me, the master of death have been watching over them and searching for those prodigy souls” Yamraj added.

  “The dark lord has already chosen his disciples, and one of them is none other than the tantric baba Suryakant. He worships the dark lord; he wants to be like him, the mightiest and fearless of them all. He has his own followers so he can be considered to be a sacred tantric. His people wish for the exchange of their souls. People have no idea that their souls after their death will travel to the underworld with neither any difficulties nor restrictions. People follow Suryakant because he fulfills their wishes. The dark lord fulfills their wishes. Am I right?” Chitragupta added.

  “What is your point?” Yamraj asked.

  “I have been reading the axis of fate of these little boys but they had a curve on it” Chitragupta added “if those souls are there in human world after death that means they have been to be trapped by baba, if dark lord knows that they are the one who he is looking for.”

  “That is how they have gained the common people’s trust and their souls too after their death. The reputation he built among the people is beyond reckoning. And because of his reputation people follow him blindly. This is the dark lord’s chief intention” Yamraj muttered.

  “Definitely the dark lord sent his message to the baba, to possess one of them or else he will be unable to attack the human world and the world of souls” Chitragupta added sense to his lord.

  “Once me, the master of death decides, none can make me reconsider my decision, not even the gods. The plan is crystal clear, as long as Rajat lives, Aaditya and Vikram cannot relieve themselves. And dark lord with the help of baba will take them to his world” Yamraj muttered again in fear. A conspiracy under his nose and all agencies weren’t even aware of this.

  “The baba has a bottle of magical power seems like it doesn’t belong to human world” Chitragupta opened his book and informed his master.

  Yamraj looked at him in awe “that means it started, that bottle isn’t a bottle it’s a portal to travel from one world to another and that must be given by dark lord, and this baba will use to transport the souls to his netherworld”.

  Chitragupta was silent and looking at his master and waiting for his master’s next plan for a move.

  “Inform all white guards for being ready, and all agencies to be prepared if anything passes through their gates” Yamraj commanded to Chitragupta “and also send a raven to spy rats to find out if any portals recently opened under the great black river”.

  Chitragupta left immediately as he was commanded by his master.


  The baba was set to trade those two souls to his master in exchange of more power, and those two souls were now bound to be slaves to his lord.

  “Bhum Bhum Bhole” Suryakant chanted loudly outside Gajendra’s house. A maid opened the door and folded her hands to baba “Pranam”. Baba blessed her with long life and asked for Gajendra. Maid nodded and brought a asan for the baba and went inside for her master.

  Baba sat on the ground on his asan. When Gajendra heard about the baba’s arrival he left his breakfast and rushed outside to meet him, Suryakant never liked to be waiting. He came and knelt down folding his hands “pranam baba” and sat on the ground.

  Gajendra was elected as an MLA with the help of baba’s blessings. The most of the baba’s followers had supported and elected him as their leader.

  “Gajendra, you know it well that I always supported you” baba said, and Gajendra nodded. “I want your betterment, happiness so you can serve this society well” Baba stopped and sighed and looked at him. A big question mark on Gajendra’s face, baba stared at Rajat who was standing near the door and said “You need to save your child”. Gajendra glanced at Rajat and looked at baba; Rajat came near to his father and sat on the ground folding his hands. Gajendra asked baba “Did he do anything baba?”

  “Rajat killed pitted Aaditya and Vikram two days ago” again baba stopped and glanced at Rajat and he was trembling in fear so couldn’t dare to raise his eyes. Now it was raising the pulses, Gajendra was unaware of that but his wife knew this.

  Gajendra couldn’t resist staring in fury at his spoil brat. This could put a full stop in his political career. He asked baba “Now what baba, he is my only son and he is immature.”

  “But enough mature to kill someone” baba mocked. Then he looked at his wife and asked “you do know this, don’t you?” but she kept silence over this.

  Then Gajendra urged baba to show them right path to get out of this riddle. Suryakant knew the family was afraid of losing their status in society and the most dangerous consequences would be the villagers would like to burn them alive if they came to know this.

  Gajendra fell down at baba’s feet and his wife too joined to save their one and only child from the wrath of villagers. He took his lota (A small oval shaped vessel for water to carry) and chanted and spilled over them. Then he handed them a bottle and asked them to keep it on the ground. He closed his eyes, demanded a fresh pigeon’s feather and continued his chanting in lower voice.

  Gajendra nodded to his maid for arranging a feather. Suryakant opened his eyes and alarmed the danger before Gajendra. “Gajendra, your son has killed two innocent boys, and those souls are seeking for redemption but as long as Rajat is alive they cannot leave this world, Rajat has to be punished.” Suryakant added.

  This was now little dramatic for Gajendra to understand. So baba came here to tell that his son had to be punished because he had killed those worthless two poor boys. He hadn’t understood really what baba wanted to warn them about, was it about those souls or villagers? Gajendra never believed in souls, ghosts but if baba said so he had to do what he asked for otherwise it would bring his wrath against him.

  Baba looked at Gajendra and asked “You have to do exactly I say”. Gajendra nodded to yes “Baba, I am confused, what exactly…” before he could finish his talk baba interrupted and replied with a wan smile “Son, villagers can be convinced by anything, your money, by fear or by fake evidences. But souls never listen to anyone; they just seek what they need most. Your son requires protection and that can be possible when those souls are captured that’s why I have brought this magic bottle, now do as I say.”r />
  This was noticed by the one of the agents and he went to the master of death informing a baba was playing a trick against the nature; he might have received a task from his master.

  How can one stop this baba, Agents cannot punish anyone in human world but they can give powers or make possessions to do something in human world. Their initial plan was to enter into baba and stopping him would be easier but it sounded great but in pragmatic way it looked harder, the Dark Lord was with him and his mighty powers would sense this conspiracy and might it lead to havoc. So Yamraj and the agent were helpless in this matter except watching it silently.

  Agent Air was given a task to keep those souls away from Rajat, being trapped into that bottle, a secret portal which was closed many years ago and using that would be a crime against the law but agencies had no evidence against the dark lord. If he succeeded then it would be a war that might be his plan but not sure about his movement.

  The maid came with the feather, handed over to baba; he kept it inside the bottle and gave it to Gajendra to put it on the table of Rajat’s bedroom facing to south direction. Then he chanted and left from there.

  Gajendra glared at his son and slapped him hard below the temple first time in thirteen years and went inside, his mother started crying but didn’t interfere this time, she was not able to become pregnant but after so much of wishes, prays and worships, she at last got a son so she never let her husband be rude with him. Gajendra also loved his son but this was important to teach him a lesson that sometimes his reckless actions could bring them down.

  Their excessive love and no punishments from childhood had made him so adamant that he never cared about anything and he used to do whatever he felt right. His parents never stopped him and gave him everything he wanted.


  The furious gods and council members had lost their control over temper; the king threw his tantrum at the prince and mocked him over his failure, and advised him to bring that shadow back to the heaven’s prison so he could punish him with his own hands.

  Torriyan escaped, news spread like wild fire across heaven and all chambers of council members and apsaras (beautiful ladies who perform dances before gods and goddesses in heaven) should be thoroughly checked.

  The agent sky suggested the king “My lord, we should lodge complain in the universal court, where the master of death, Yamraj will decide the fate of that shadow.” The king stared at him and smiled “Yes, my dear friend, there must be we will definitely win, a shadow who was caught as a war culprit should be given back to us for his punishment.” The idea sounded well to king and it was a quite wise to bring such things in the notice of the court.

  He clapped his hands and a maid appeared “Yes, my lord.”

  “Please bring us wine and send a raven to Nagraj (The King of snakes) to appear himself in my chamber as soon as possible” the king commanded, and he smiled, a thought crossed his mind that he would torture that shadow as he wanted to.


  Nagraj is considered to be holy in three worlds so he is the one who can travel to any of them without any rules implied on him. The raven reached to nether land where Nagraj was a guest on a call from dark lord. Now he was in deep slumber so Nagraj had to leave for his home.

  A guard came and handed over the raven to Demosus and he read it. He arrived in Nagraj’s chamber where he was resting. Demosus was too angry after reading the raven from heaven that meant he was here with the will of the king of gods.

  Demosus couldn’t kill Nagraj otherwise the universal court would sentence him for his crime according to the law, any guests couldn’t be harmed. Demosus handed over to Nagraj the raven and stared at him. “Thank you Demosus” Nagraj appreciated him, but he didn’t say anything in return.

  “I need to go now” Nagraj added “thank you for your hospitality” and smiled.

  “Decide your side” Demosus said and tightened his grip on his sword’s hilt. Nagraj looked at him and then kept the raven on the table. “Do you know if you kill me….” before Nagraj completed his talk Demosus added in anger “I don’t care what it costs me but I will cut your head, you creepy snake”. Nagraj smiled because he knew Demosus, he liked to be simple but dangerous and he would do anything to save his lord, so it was pretty clear that the raven had made him scared.

  “Is it a threat” Nagraj asked. “No but it may prove to be one if you choose wrong side” Demosus smirked.

  “I am just a messenger and I can travel from one world to another. So they have sent me a raven to lodge a case against Torriyan in the court” Nagraj said.

  Demosus smiled “That’s why you are not leaving this chamber.” Then two more guards stood near the door. Nagraj snorted at him in anger for his behavior and Demosus drew his sword from his scabbard. Guards also had drawn their swords ready for an order from their general. Nagraj never carried a weapon as he was holy messenger and never needed one.

  “Silent!” a command from his master stopped him to take further actions. Demosus looked back and found his master awoke up from his sleep and standing behind him the guards were on their knees.

  He dropped his sword and bent on his knees before his master.

  “My dear, old friend Nagraj, sorry for this, you know him” dark lord smiled and hugged him “How are you?”

  “I am fine, my lord.” Nagraj replied diplomatically, his frowned eyes had answered everything.

  Demosus was feeling embarrassed about his actions against Nagraj, old friend of his lord.

  “The king wants to lodge a case against Torriyan and as a messenger I need to do this; king of gods will be there to appeal for his custody to take him back to heaven” Nagraj said looking at shadow on the wall, then the great Torriyan came out of that shadow and smiled at Nagraj and bent down in the respect to his lord.

  Demosus brought wine for all and served to all and stood next to his master. “He knows that Torriyan is not culprit, he is neither a soul nor a body. He is just a shadow and shadow cannot be punished, this is madness.” The Dark Lord told Nagraj.

  Nagraj replied “My lord, the king has gone mad, and the oldest rivalry between them leads to that condition.”

  “What about Yamraj?” Dark lord asked “what does he believe in?”

  Nagraj looked at him and spoke “you are not so naïve, are you?” he frowned “Yamraj helped you building this world but remember he is always supporting heaven because it is his fatherland.”


  The king asked prince “Where is your spy, a filthy rat?” Prince had no answer so he preferred to keep silence, the king sipped his wine and continued “So you lost him too” threw the glass away. The prince felt humiliated and left from there, leaving his father to enjoy his own anger.


  Demosus came with a rat in his hand. “Oh wow! I must say you are the great creature” Nagraj was happy to see a rat of huge size and he was hungry too, he took it from Demosus and engulfed it alive “Oh it is delicious, thank you Demosus.”

  Demosus looked at his master and Torriyan too; Dark Lord asked “So you brought it for him and what for us?” and he smiled. Torriyan couldn’t resist laughing loudly and busted out.

  “Demosus what is it?” master asked.

  “My lord it was a spy rat, it sends and informs about us to heaven. I caught him during the attack at our door” Demosus replied in a proud gesture.

  “A heaven’s spy rat” Nagraj shouted and cursed Demosus “go to hell you pig headed monster”. Demosus shrugged and smiled back, dark lord also smiled at Nagraj “we are already in hell, and by the way we are going to kill this rat so he preferred to serve you your favorite food. You should be thankful to him.”

  “I am least worried about the rat, and evidence. I am worried about the fury of the king on me if he comes to know this, please promises me it should be kept as
a secret” Nagraj pleaded to the master.

  “Ha ha ha…” lord laughed “now this rat is resting in your belly and we are not friends of king so your secret is in your stomach.”

  “After the case is lodged, the summon will arrive for Torriyan, you need to get ready for this” Nagraj suggested.

  “You can go to the king and inform him my dear friend that we will come for the judgment and Torriyan will be there, if he is found guilty he will accept the punishments, it’s a promise” dark lord gave him words.


  The ambassadors arrived on their white horses at the door of Gods and Devils and handed them summons from the court.

  “The day has been fixed for appearing in the court of Yamraj. All agents with their rule books and soul constitution should appear on time. The court is situated in a dark chamber created by Yamraj himself where the power of gods and devils will never work, only he can command and rule” Demosus read loudly in the chamber where dark lord with Torriyan was sitting.

  “Why they have added those lines that power will never work” Demosus asked. Lord sighed and looked at Torriyan, then replied to him “It is just a reminder, court wherein we have to follow the orders that’s all.”

  Demosus continued “The 11th day of full moon is fixed.”


  Agent Fire, Air, Water and Soil arrived with their rule books and soul’s constitution. Agent Sky had been promoted to the counselor of heaven’s royal court so he would advocate King’s case against Torriyan and agent water would lead from devil’s side.

  The soul’s constitution was made in the dark chamber and it kept rotating to every agent for revising and amendments necessity for good for the universe. It was made in presence of three lords the King, the Dark Lord and Yamraj and five agents. Since 5000 years there were no single amendments or revision took place.


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