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Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl (Reformed Series Book 1)

Page 12

by CY Jones

  The ceremony goes just as mum explained, and once the seer asks who holds the ceremony dagger sealing this union, I step forward, and curtsey low. Holding the dagger out, I say loudly in a clear voice for everyone to hear, “I do.”

  “Rise, child,” the seer says, and I rise to my feet. Apparently, being the holder of the dagger is a great honor.

  Facing Tyler, I hand him the dagger, and he takes it from me and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Daughter,” he pronounces loud for all to hear, showing the pack that he accepts me in his life, and with his words I hear the buzzing in my head as my connection to the pack is established. Nodding my head in respect, I go back to my mates.

  Tyler slices mum’s palm and then hands the dagger over with love in his eyes to mum, who does the same to his hand. Pressing their palms together, they drip their blood onto the book, and as soon as the first drop lands on the page, the fire on all the lit lanterns turns blue with the Fates blessing. Without a doubt, mum and Tyler belong together, and now everyone knows it. With a couple more vows the seer blesses the union, and declares mum the pack’s new Alpha Mate as he lays a crown made from flowers and leaves on top of her head. Gathering mum in his arms, Tyler kisses her deeply, and the audience stands, clapping loudly for the mated pair until the music starts, and we follow the happy couple out into the field.

  Already the moon is shining bright lighting the field around us. Stripping, we all quickly shift into our wolves. In the size category, Kassie’s blondish brown wolf is the smallest, but I can tell by my mates shock vibrating in my head that their wolves are a whole lot bigger than before, probably due to my blood from being a True Alpha running through their veins. My wolf is still bigger than theirs’, but not by much. I’m still bigger than mum’s, and like dad, I’m slightly smaller than Tyler’s. As Alpha Tyler takes off first and we all follow. Just because I’m big doesn’t mean I’m not quick, and I have to hold myself back to keep from passing mum and Tyler.

  “You’re fast,” Mekka says in my head.

  “I’ve always have been,” I reply.

  “I remember beating you in a run a couple of times as kids,” Ethan says lightheartedly.

  “I wonder, Kitty, can you beat me now?” I tease, and he growls loudly.

  “Kitty,” Logan laughs.

  “Yes, Kitty,” I reply, liking my new nickname for Ethan. It’s definitely an improvement from asshole. “We were kids when you use to beat me. I’m all grown-up now, I’m sure I can best you,” I tell him.

  “Alright, princess, you’re on, but if I win, I’ll be spanking that fine ass of yours. I already owe you for that Kitty comment.”

  “Whatever, Kitty. You’ll have to catch me first,” and I take off, pushing myself as fast as I can go.

  In the dark, I’m nothing but a blur moving as fast as a bullet through the woods, but I can hear Ethan’s steps just behind me, and I know I don’t have much of a lead on him. He has the advantage since he knows the area better than I do, but I’m able to dodge trees, and dips in the terrain just fine. Running uphill, I notice we’re coming up to a bridge. I could run straight for it, but it’ll cause me to have to slow down, or I can keep a straight course and try to make the jump. I can feel Ethan’s glee in my head. He knows I’ll have to slow down soon, and he’ll use that to his advantage to catch up and pass me. Poor Ethan, he forgets how competitive I can be. I hate to lose. When the jump comes, I go for it, using my air power to propel me through the distance. I just make the landing as I feel the others shock through the bond. Ethan isn’t stupid, or reckless, he’s not sure he’ll make the jump, so he takes the bridge. Gathering speed, I don’t squander my lead, and soon the finish line comes into view. Ethan gave it a good effort, but I beat him and everyone else back to the field where we left our clothes. After I get done changing, I lay out on the grass and wait for the others.

  I’m counting the stars in the sky when a large white wolf comes into view and licks my cheek, laying his giant head on my chest.

  “I think I prefer your wolf Ethan, he’s a whole lot nicer,” I tell him while running my fingers through his fur.

  Not bothering to answer, he rolls his eyes, and I laugh because seeing a wolf roll his eyes at you is something you don’t run across everyday. In the distance I hear branches break, and soon two large wolves come into view. One white and the other black. All three of them surround me with their furry bodies and lay beside me in a protective circle. These are my mates. Each one contains a piece of my soul. In wonder, I stare at the golden threads tying us together, glowing in the moonlight. I don’t know how long we stay that way, but after awhile I ask them in their heads where the others are.

  “Alpha and your mum are probably fooling around in the woods somewhere, and who the hell knows where Kassie ran off to,” Mekka answers.

  “Yuck on the fooling around part,” I reply back. I don’t want to think about my mum and Tyler doing the dirty in the woods.

  “No one expects to see newly mated couples that much after the run,” Logan explains. “Hell, we probably won’t see them much the next couple of days.”

  “Oh wow, we should get back then, and play hostess with the masses until they get back,” I tell them as I push their big bodies off and stand.

  Groaning, they all shift back and change, and once they’re ready we head back to the party. As soon the party tent comes into view, a familiar bright pink haired girl runs into my arms and tackles me.

  “Girl, you look hot,” April says, and I’m happy to see her.

  “You too,” I say, admiring her little black dress. It clings to her body like a second skin, and her body would make any shifter here want to convert; except for my mates, they’re mine.

  “I’m surprised to see the company you’re keeping these days,” she frowns as she takes in the guys behind me, and her eyes narrow on the twins.

  I don’t blame her. Just yesterday they were my tormentors, and now they’re so much more.

  “That’s a long story that I do not want to get into right now. Let's go dance,” I tell her dragging her towards the tent. We still have some time before we have to meet Lanely at the house party, and I wanted to let loose.

  For a couple of hours, we take part enjoying the festivities, filling ourselves with good food, and enough fairy wine to get tipsy. I also introduce April to the couple of the pack members I did know, which isn’t a lot. The only ones that actually talk to me are my grandparents, and the Omega that helps keep the house in order with her daughter. Some of the pack members do try to make an effort to introduce themselves, but those usually are the ones who only want a closer look at my mating marks. The guys have also been keeping their distance, but they assured me in my head it’s only so I can spend time with April. She’s the only outsider here, and it’s best to stay close to her at all times. Witches and wolves don’t have a great history, but it’s a way better relationship than wolves and vampires. The newer generation gets along better, but there's still a lot left of leftover prejudice between the races.

  After a while, mum and Tyler decide to quit the funny business and make an appearance at their own party. Mum skin is glowing, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen her so happy. I also take note the crescent shape bite mark on the top of her left breast. Tyler also looks overjoyed with his own mark on the side of his neck for everyone to see.

  “Who’s your friend?” Mum asks, walking up to us.

  “This is April. She has been my rock and only friend at school,” I tell her.

  “I have to admit, I had my reservations when you asked for permission to invite a witch to my mating ceremony, but I am happy to see my daughter smiling again. Maybe you’ll be a good influence on her,” mum adds, eyeing my marks, and I blush.

  “I’m having so much fun. Your ceremony was so beautiful, thank you for inviting me,” April gushes.

  “No problem, sweetie. Tyler is about to make the announcement about your mates, you should start making your way up front,
” mum says turning to me.

  “Ok,” I answer.

  “What announcement?” April asks as soon as mum walks away.

  “I don’t have time to explain right now. I’ll tell you in my room once we’re done here,” I reply.

  I leave April in the front of the crowd where I can still keep an eye out for her, and go to stand next to my mates. Kassie is back, this time wearing a green skin tight halter dress, and black strappy stilettos. I guess the purpose of her first outfit was just to piss off mum, now she’s trying to get to me as she laughs a little too loudly, lightly touching each one of my mates. My skin warms as my anger builds, and a low growl leaves my throat. Turning her gaze to me, the crazy bitch smiles widely at me, too dumb to know I’m this close from killing her, or maybe she just doesn’t care.

  “There you are Aspen. I was just reminiscing with the twins about when they kissed me at an event just like this,” Kassie says, and I turn my anger to the twins.

  “Really?” I get out through clenched teeth.

  “And as we said Kassie, it happened a month after we got here when our standards were really low,” Logan practically growls.

  His words were meant to make me feel better, but all they did was make things worse. Barely a month had gone by and they were already moving on with the next Alpha’s daughter. Narrowing my eyes, I move away from them to stand closer to Mekka. Ethan opens his mouth to say something when he’s interrupted by Tyler’s booming voice.

  “My fellow pack. I am overjoyed to have you here with me celebrating my big day. When I lost my first mate I thought I’d never find love again, but the Fates have smiled upon us, and blessed our pack with another strong Alpha Mate that will stand by my side, and lead us true. My heart is full again. I will forever be indebted to fate for bringing Isobella to me.”

  The crowd claps and cheers while tears runs down mum’s cheeks.

  “Also, I’m happy to announce a brand new pairing also blessed by the Fates. Our pack has been smiled upon, and on the next full moon Isobella’s daughter Aspen, will mate Ethan, Logan, and Mekka Greywolf. May their fires burn blue, and their love stay true.”

  The guest repeat his words, and the party resumes. Still pissed, I leave the guys with Kassie before they can explain about the kissing incident. My heart hurts, and I don’t think I can look at them right now, no less stand next to them. I also need to cool off, or I really will kill Kassie, consequences be damned.

  I stay at the party for another hour, greeting new pack members as they congratulate me and give me and my mates well wishes. Kassie has stalked off to the open bar, pissed her dad actually announced to the whole pack about the pairing. I mean, she was told this last night. What did she expect? Once I can’t take the attention any longer I grab April, and we walk back to the main house. As soon as I close the door to my room, April doesn’t waste any time before grilling me.

  “So, you, Mekka, and the twins?” She says, wiggling her eyebrows. “I’m totally jealous by the way, but do tell how this came about.

  “I don’t even know where to begin,” I tell her laying back on my bed.

  “Just start from the beginning,” she says sitting beside me, so I do. I tell her everything, even the stuff that just happened last night. When I’m done, she’s still staring at me wide eyed.

  “Wow. That’s just, wow. I’ve never met a true bound mate pairing before. To be honest, I’ve always thought it was a fairytale,” she finally says.

  “My mum and Tyler are true bound mates. That’s why the torches at the ceremony turned blue. To be honest, I didn’t think they existed either. I know most girls dream about their mate being out there, but I never have. Maybe it’s because mine were always in my life, not that I treated them well.”

  “You were a kid. You didn’t know any better, and it's not like they treated you that great since reuniting with them,” she counters, and I have to agree. All four of us have done some horrible things to each other, and Mekka just standing by makes him just as guilty as the twins. “You should get ready. We need to meet your friend soon,” April says, breaking me out my melancholy thoughts.

  Opening my closet, I pull out a black midriff top with a zipper front and a short black flared skirt with red flowers printed on it. My top is tight enough for me to forgo a bra, so I just slip on my red lace panties. Finishing the look, I wear my new ankle boots with the square heel so that I can still be comfortable even if I’m standing for a while.

  “It’s so unfair how hot you are,” April says looking me over with a critical eye.

  “You’re the gorgeous one. I’m totally jealous.” Which I am. April is one of those girls you hate because they won the genetic lotto. You know the lucky bitches with the to die for bodies and show stopping beauty. You can’t help but to be drawn to her. April told me under her bright pink hair it’s actually light blonde, she has the biggest prettiest green blue eyes surrounded by long thick lashes, her nose is small and delicate, and she’s been blessed with the plumpest pinkest lips. If I swung that way, I would definitely take her on.

  “Well let's go celebrate your month of freedom before you’re chained down by those three hunks of yours, although that might not be a bad thing,” she says, winking at me.

  Laughing, I hit her on her shoulder. “You’re terrible.”



  After the announcement, Aspen stomps off towards her friend. She’s pissed at us, and I can’t say I blame her. I’m pretty sure my explanation just made things worse, but I couldn’t think straight with everything going on. I want to tell her about how we felt when we left the pack, and how we thought she betrayed us, so when Kassie started to show interest we gave in, but it wasn’t the time or place for such an explanation.

  “Well lover boy. I don’t think the Ice Queen is to happy with you,” Kassie says smirking.

  “You know what Kassie, I thought you would have been smart enough to follow my brother’s earlier advice, but apparently I gave you too much credit. So I’m going to tell you in words that you’ll understand,” I tell her moving close, and her eyes widen in fear. Good, she should be scared. “I do not want you. My brother does not want you. We never have and never will. Even if Aspen would have never showed up here, we still would not have mated with you. If Alpha would have gave us the order we would have left the pack. We would rather live as lone wolves than ever been involved with your skanky ass. Now stop trying to ruin something you never had. We love Aspen, and if you get in between us again, I will end you.”

  At my words her eyes start to water, and I can practically see her crumble. I’ve broken every single dream she had, and I can’t find it in me to care. She pushed us too far, and she needed to know the truth. I did not lie. Mekka, my brother, and I were planning on leaving the pack if dad and Alpha kept pushing me and my brother on Kassie. Aspen coming here saved us in more ways than one.

  “Why am I not good enough for you?” She questions in a small broken voice.

  “Because Kassie, we were never meant to be yours. We’ve belonged to Aspen since she took her first breath,” I answer.

  “You will regret this. You all will,” she says ominously, before stalking off. Who knows what she’s going to do, but it can’t be much. I refuse to feel bad over telling her the truth. If I were to regret anything, it would be not telling her sooner. We let this little charade go on for far too long, twisting Kassie with false promises just to be nice.

  “Could you have told her that in a better way?” Mekka asks, and I move my anger to him.

  “No, now come on. You owe us an explanation,” I tell him, leading them out of the party tent, and deep in the woods. Once we’re far enough away from listening ears, I turn on him.

  “Explain now,” I order. I don’t need to ask what he already knows.

  “This past week I have been meeting up with Aspen at the lake. At first, it was pure accident. When I ran out on you guys, she was there. We stayed out all night just talking about our lives
. Besides you guys, I never felt closer to anyone else. When I kissed her, it was like every star aligned in the sky. I never felt anything like it. For once I was whole, and this pull I’ve been feeling since the first time I laid eyes on her at the mall, wrapped around us like a warm blanket, and I knew she was my soul bound mate. After that, meeting her at the lake became an every night thing. Before the ceremony she texted me at work to meet her, and when I did I saw your marks all over her. I was jealous and my heart broke, because I thought I lost her. It hurt worse than when I lost my mom, and my whole world fell from under me, but she was there to lift me up. I thought I wasn’t good enough for her, but she held on tight and made me hers. I will not give her up. Not for you guys, or Alpha. I will not leave unless she tells me she doesn’t want me anymore.”

  Shit, what can I say to that? The jealousy I felt before crumbled to dust and blew away in the wind. Mekka may not be my brother by blood, but there isn’t anyone closer. I can’t stay mad at him, especially when I can easily see the love he has for Aspen.

  “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Logan asks in a small voice. I can tell what Mekka just said is hitting him as hard as it’s hitting me.

  “I wanted to, fuck, I wanted to so badly,” he answers as he pace around in a circle and pulls hard on his hair. "You two were too far gone with enacting revenge on Aspen, and I was starting to feel conflicted with the whole thing. I told you I would stand by your side, but I did not know how much longer I could sit by and watch you hurt her. After the fire incident I was done, but I couldn’t find the words to tell you that you were hurting my mate, or how deep I’ve fallen. I love her. More than life itself.”

  “You should have found the words,” Logan yells. “You’re our brother, you should have told us instead of sneaking off with her.”

  No one says anything. The only sound is the crickets chirping in the night. All of our emotions are running on high, and neither one of us want to say or do anything we’ll regret.


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