Faking With The Enemy: An Enemies-To-Lovers RomCom: Milestone Mischief #2

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Faking With The Enemy: An Enemies-To-Lovers RomCom: Milestone Mischief #2 Page 12

by Piper James

  I knew it was gross, but there was no way I was leaving this bed. I wanted to stay tangled up in Ivy’s arms as long as possible.

  As I lay there staring at her sleep-softened face, I thought about my stupid plan. My idiotic assumption that fucking Ivy once would get her out of my system and ease the sexual tension between us.

  There was no future in which I saw that being the case, but as the dark fog of sleep overcame me, I decided not to worry about it today. Maybe I’d want more, maybe I wouldn’t. Maybe Ivy would tell me she was done, and that would be the end of it. Or it wouldn’t, and I’d fight for more. But right now, I was too tired and sated to run through all the scenarios.

  Today was my one day in Ivy’s bed, and I wasn’t going to ruin it by looking to the future. I just needed a nap, then I’d wake her up with my face between her legs. I drifted off with a smile on my face.

  I’d figure out the rest tomorrow.



  Yesterday was the most amazing day of my life, and today, I was a wreck. I woke up this morning to find him gone. The only proof that he’d even been here was his scent on my sheets and the slight soreness between my legs.

  No goodbye. No sweet note. Not even a text to tell me…anything.

  I’d spent an hour soaking in a hot tub this morning, but it had done little to help the fog of confusion I’d been walking around in all day. I was having trouble concentrating, and it was affecting my performance at work.

  But somehow, I’d made it through, and I was gathering my things from my locker when Rafe walked in and stopped me from making a hasty exit.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  No. Most definitely not. Especially not with you.

  The thought made me cringe. Rafe was my best friend, and if Nate had been anyone else, I would’ve unloaded on him over a bottle of wine and a greasy pizza.

  “Talk about what?” I asked, hoping my expression was one of innocence.

  “Come on, Ivy. You’ve been a zombie all day, you have dark circles under your eyes, and you look like someone stole your puppy.”

  “Gee, thanks, friend,” I deadpanned.

  “Is it Nate?” he asked, tilting his head.

  “What? No. What do you mean?”

  The words fired from my mouth like gunfire, and Rafe shook his head.

  “So, it is Nate. What did he do?”

  “It’s nothing,” I said, trying my best to reassure him. “I just didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, looking unconvinced.

  “I’m sure,” I said, nodding. “I’m going to head home and go straight to bed.”

  I swallowed thickly and hoped Rafe didn’t notice. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to sleep in my bed again. The memories I’d made there yesterday—and into the night—would be hard to forget.

  Rafe dropped the subject with a sigh, and I stuttered out a goodbye as I squeezed past him to leave the locker room. I needed to get away from him before I broke down and told him everything. I refused to come between him and his brother.

  My apartment felt incredibly empty when I got home, which was ridiculous, because I’d lived here alone for years. Stiffening my spine, I tossed my bag onto the kitchen table and strode into the bedroom. Forcing my mind to concentrate only on the task, I stripped the sheets from my bed and pulled the pillows from their cases.

  Keeping the bundle well away from my nose, I carried them straight to the small washing machine hidden in the hall closet. I dumped them in, added double the usual amount of laundry detergent, and slammed the lid.

  I braced my hands against the top of the machine as I took a few deep breaths. The diamond ring on my finger caught my eye, and I stared at it for several seconds before reaching up and turning on the machine. Soon, Nate’s scent would be gone.

  If only it would’ve been so easy to clear thoughts of yesterday from my mind.

  My phone chimed, alerting me of an incoming text, and I cursed myself for rushing to grab it from my bag. I told myself that it might’ve been the hospital, needing me to come back because there was a massive accident and an influx of critically injured patients.

  Never mind that things like that never happened in Milestone.

  When I saw the text was from Felicia in our group chat, I wasn’t disappointed. At all. Not one bit.

  “And now, I’m lying to myself,” I muttered, tapping the screen to pull up her message.

  Felicia: Ok, we gave you forty-eight hours. You can come to us, or we can come to you. Whichever you choose, we’re having a girls’ night in.

  Before I could type out some excuse, another text came in, this one from Karly.

  Karly: We need details, Ivy! Let my poor, lonely vagina live vicariously through yours.

  Felicia: Fuck, Karly. No one wants to hear about your cobweb-filled va-jay-jay.

  Karly: Duh. That’s why we need Ivy to give us all the gory details.

  Felicia: Why would the details be gory?

  Karly: It’s a figure of speech, beeyotch.

  Jessa: Only if she wants to tell us, ladies. She might be too worn out to talk. ;)

  Their texts came through one after another, giving me no time to respond. And, despite my earlier desire to hide and lick my wounds, having those three over suddenly sounded like the best idea ever. If anyone could pull me out of this funk and help me find some perspective, it was them.

  Me: I’m home now. Give me thirty to take a shower, and bring booze. LOTS of booze.

  Karly: Yay! See you soon. F, come pick me up, K?

  Felicia: Why am I always your designated driver? Maybe I want to get sloshed tonight, too.

  Jessa: I’ll pick you both up. See you in a bit, Ivy.

  I sent a smiley-face emoji and tossed my phone onto the table. I’d only taken a step away when I turned back and grabbed it, taking it into the bathroom with me.

  You know. In case that multi-car pileup happens and the hospital needs me.

  “Fuck me,” Felicia said, taking another slurp of her margarita as she stared at me with wide eyes.

  I was sitting on the couch next to Jessa, and Karly and Felicia sat in chairs we’d pulled in from the kitchen. Without going into too much detail, I’d told them everything: Nate bringing me home from the bar and refusing the passes I’d made at him, the fact that he’d still been here the next morning, and our deal to have one day together to ease the tension-filled lust between us.

  How he’d been insatiable, giving me everything and taking what he’d wanted in return. How he’d brought me to orgasm again and again, making it hands-down the best sexual experience of my life.

  How he was gone this morning, and I hadn’t heard a word from him since.

  “I guess he really is the douchebag I’ve always thought he was,” I muttered, taking a sip of the special cocktail Jessa had made me. It tasted like mangoes and pineapple and made my insides deliciously warm.

  “There could be a perfectly logical explanation,” Jessa offered.

  “Yeah, maybe he is sitting at home right now, wondering why you’re not texting him,” Karly added. “And in a series of bungling missteps and crossed wires, you’re both sabotaging this relationship when you really just want to be together.”

  “No more Hallmark Channel for you,” Felicia said, nudging Karly in the arm with her elbow before letting her gaze zero in on me. “You said you both decided that it would be a one-time thing, right? To—and I quote—‘get it out of your systems?’”

  I nodded, taking another long sip of my drink. I had a feeling I knew where she was going with this, and I didn’t know if I could handle this much truth while I was sober.

  “And now you’re upset because Nate upheld his end of the agreement?”

  “I see your point,” I said, my shoulders drooping.

  “Are you going to continue with the fake engagement?” Jessa probed.

  “Of course,” I replied, a little shocked she felt the need to ask
. “We made a deal, and I plan to see it through to the bitter end.”

  “Maybe you should just talk to him about it,” Karly said. “Tell him you really enjoyed meeting his cock, and you want to get to know it a little better.”

  She watched me with sparkling eyes as she slurped the last of her drink through the straw. Laughter bubbled out of me as Felicia’s hand shot out and shoved Karly, who wasn’t expecting it. She fell out of her chair and hit the carpet with a thud, then lay there like one of those old people in the medical-alert device commercials.

  As if she read my mind, Karly yelled, “Help! I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!”

  Jessa giggled, turning my light laughter into full-blown hysterical guffaws. I didn’t know if it was the depression, the booze, or these delightful people, but tears streamed from my eyes and my side stitched as I bent over laughing.

  “Yep, she’s lost it,” Felicia said, watching me crack up. Then she looked down at the redhead on the floor. “Karly, get up. You’re fine.”

  Jessa laughed louder for some reason, which set off another round of hysterical giggling inside me. Maybe Felicia was right.

  Maybe I really had lost it.



  It had been a long, busy day—especially after playing hooky the day before—but when the shop closed, I didn’t go home. I was out in the garage by myself, cursing as I worked to remove the old bent and rusted rear axle from the Bel Air so I could replace it with the new one that had been delivered today.

  The task was made harder by the fact that I couldn’t seem to concentrate. I couldn’t get lost in the beauty of working with my hands to restore a fine piece of machinery to its previous glory. I was too busy imagining my hands working with much softer parts. Squeezing flesh before running my tongue over it.

  “Damn it,” I yelled when my wrench slipped off a rusty bolt for the fourth time.

  Leaving the car up on the rack, I walked to the bathroom to wash my hands. I wandered into the waiting room and slumped into one of the chairs. Tilting my head back, I closed my eyes and tried to force myself to relax.

  I’d been a tense wreck all day, snapping at the techs for the stupidest shit and having zero fucking patience for even my most loyal customers. I needed to get my shit together…I just wasn’t sure how to go about doing it.

  My day with Ivy had been… Actually, none of the words in my vocabulary were epic enough to describe it.

  And now I was left floundering, beating myself up for insisting it be a one-time thing while simultaneously cursing myself for wanting more. I’d snuck out of her apartment while she slept and hadn’t texted or called her since. Shame burned my insides as I imagined how that might’ve made her feel, but I didn’t know what to say.

  Thanks? That was fun? I hope you enjoyed the orgasms?

  I couldn’t tell her the truth, so I’d said nothing at all. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted to taste her again. I wanted to feel the walls of her tight, wet pussy clench around my dick over and over again.

  My cock hardened as I imagined the feel of her, and I grunted as I reached down to adjust myself. It had been happening all day, and I needed a release. Making the decision, I double checked the doors were locked and went back into the bathroom—the only room in the building without windows.

  Dropping my pants and underwear, I braced one hand on the sink while using the other to squeeze my erection. I closed my eyes and pictured Ivy, her naked ass up in the air as she panted with need. My hand pumped as I imagined slipping two fingers inside her to find her drenched with need.

  I stroked faster as her phantom voice met my ears, whispering my name and urging me to fuck her. I envisioned myself teasing her entrance with the head of my cock, and my ears rung with her impatient groans as she wiggled her ass and pushed back against me.

  The muscles in my arm tensed as I continued to pump my dick, but I didn’t slow down because fantasy me was sliding into Ivy’s wet pussy.

  A growl ripped up my throat as I came, my fingers clenching tightly around my shaft. Harsh breaths echoed off the bathroom walls as my muscles relaxed, leaving me feeling loose-jointed and a bit dizzy. I stared into the mirror for a few seconds, the satisfaction of the orgasm warring with disgust inside me.

  I was no horny teenager who needed to whack off every chance he got. I was in a fucking public bathroom, for Christ’s sake. Granted, it was in my building, but still. I usually had more self-control than this.

  Putting my uncharacteristic eagerness out of my mind, I pull my pants up before grabbing some paper towels and disinfectant spray. Once my mess was cleaned up, I washed my hands and splashed some cold water on my face.

  “Maybe now I can get some work done,” I muttered to my reflection in the mirror before flipping off the light and walking back out into the shop.

  I managed to get the rusty bolt off the axle, despite my mind wandering back to Ivy and our time together. This time, though, my body didn’t react to the thoughts.

  Instead, a dark feeling of foreboding fell over me.

  Sleeping with Ivy had been a mistake. She hated me, and if things got weird between us because of what we did, the cost could be too high. If Ivy called this whole façade off, I’d only have two choices—suck it up and date Charity Glasscott, or lose my shop.

  Neither of those was an acceptable option.

  Ivy and I needed to pretend that whole night never happened. Just put things back the way they were, sell this whole fake engagement until Charity gave up and moved on, then return to our normal lives.

  I stayed at the shop until the new rear axle was installed on the Bel Air. By the time I finished, it was late, and I decided to go home and get some sleep. I could talk to Ivy in the morning.

  After making sure all the lights were off and the alarm was set, I locked the doors and headed for my car in the lot. A black sedan parked on the street caught my eye, and as soon as I looked in that direction, I saw someone duck out of sight in the driver’s seat.

  I took a deep breath and let it out on a sigh. Did Charity think I wouldn’t recognize her father’s car? He’s one of my regular customers. While it’s less flashy than her bright red convertible, the sedan is still one of the more luxurious models and easily identifiable.

  Pretending not to notice her, I added a little pep in my step as I jogged toward my Mustang. I wanted to appear excited. I knew she would follow me, and that meant I couldn’t go home. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to reinforce Charity’s belief that I was taken. That she couldn’t have me, and she should just give it up, already.

  So, I started my car and headed out, driving to the only place I could go—Ivy’s apartment.

  Keeping an eye on my rearview mirror, I saw her following at a distance. I rolled my eyes as I pulled into the parking lot of Ivy’s complex, and Charity stopped with a screech of tires, quickly pulling off to the side of the road and killing the headlights.

  “You suck at this,” I murmured as I climbed from my car.

  I slammed the door and locked it, then jogged up to Ivy’s door. I could see lights in the window and laughter echoed from inside. She wasn’t alone.

  I briefly grappled with whether or not to interrupt her and her guests, but one glance over my shoulder showed Charity still parked on the street. I had no choice. I had to knock. I had to go inside.

  And I had to stay there until Charity got bored and left.

  I raised a fist and rapped my knuckles against the wood. The noise inside cut off instantly, and I heard soft footsteps pad toward the door. After a brief pause, the panel swung open, and I stood face-to-face with my brother’s girlfriend.

  “Jessa,” I said with surprise, “what’s up?”

  “What’s up with you?” she shot back, an edge of venom in her voice.

  “Can I come in?” I asked, ignoring her tone. “It’s important.”

  “I don’t think so, Nate,” she said, and my head flew back with shock.

  “Please,” I
said, leaning closer. “Charity followed me here. I need to come in and see my fiancée.”

  I stressed the title, and Jessa’s eyes flicked over my shoulder to surreptitiously search the parking lot behind me. Whether she saw anything or not, her shoulders dropped and she stepped out of the way, motioning me inside.

  With a curt nod, I moved past her, then froze. Ivy sat on the couch, a drink in her hand as she stared at me with an unreadable expression. Karly and Felicia were rising from their chairs, mumbling excuses and reaching for their purses.

  “You guys don’t have to leave,” Ivy said, never taking her eyes off me. “Nate won’t be here long.”

  “He obviously needs to talk to you about something,” Felicia said, arching a brow at me.

  “Yes,” I replied simply.

  “We’ll call you tomorrow,” Karly offered as Felicia dragged her toward the door.

  “Do you need me to stay?” Jessa asked, her tone filled with some meaning I didn’t understand.

  “No. I’m good,” Ivy said, waving her off. As Jessa grabbed her purse and a pair of shoes by the door, Ivy added, “Thanks, Jessa.”

  Jessa gave her a firm nod, then narrowed her eyes at me threateningly before walking out the door and pulling it closed behind her.

  “What was that all about?” I asked, my gaze searching her face.

  “What do you want, Nate?” she asked instead of answering.

  She sounded tired. Tired of this whole farce. Tired of me.

  And I didn’t like it.

  “Charity was spying on me when I left the shop tonight. She followed me here and is parked outside. I came in to reinforce our fake engagement. I hope that’s okay.”

  Ivy closed her eyes briefly before refocusing her gaze on me. When she spoke, her voice held a fake cheerfulness I didn’t like. Not one bit.

  “Sure. Stay as long as you need to.”

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.


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