Peaches and Crime (Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Book 16)

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Peaches and Crime (Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Book 16) Page 2

by Amber Crewes

She was surprised when it was not Trudy’s voice on the other line, but Jackie, her business partner. “Meghan! Thank goodness you answered. We have an emergency. This is a terrible situation, Meghan. I need you! I need you to come here right now.”

  Meghan’s heart raced in her chest. “Slow down,” she instructed. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s the barn,” Jackie informed her. “There’s a problem with the barn.”

  She was referring to the barn she and Meghan had bought and renovated a few months prior; the pair had gone from friends to business partners when they decided to turn the barn into an event space, and while the venture had endured a rocky beginning, it was now a profitable business. Meghan had been thrilled that the new business had taken off, and she and Jackie had fallen into a good stride as they collaborated on projects and events.

  “What’s the problem? Is it the wiring? I knew we should have gone with the more expensive electrician; she seemed far more competent than that young man we hired!”

  “It isn’t the wiring,” Jackie told her. “It’s the outside wall.”

  “The walls?” Meghan screeched in horror. “Are they falling down? Did they collapse? That barn is so old, I worried something like this would happen.”

  “The walls didn’t fall down,” Jackie said. “They have graffiti on them. Someone vandalized the exterior of the barn.”

  Meghan breathed a deep sigh of relief. “Vandalism? That’s it? Oh, Jackie. You scared me! I thought we had a real problem on our hands. We can have the graffiti washed off easily.”

  “It’s a big deal, Meghan,” Jackie responded defensively. “It’s an attack on our business. I don’t understand why you sound so relieved.”

  “Look, I’ll have to call you back,” Meghan replied. “I’m dealing with some things at the bakery, and the graffiti can wait. Thank you for keeping me updated, though.”

  “Meghan, wait!”

  Meghan hung up the call and as she slid her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. She mentally prepared herself for whatever was coming her way as she entered her kitchen. Trudy burst into the kitchen, a frantic look on her face. “I can’t believe you napped for so long,” she chided as Meghan crossed her arms across her chest. “What were you thinking?”

  Meghan raised an eyebrow. “I wasn’t feeling great,” she informed her. “And, if I remember correctly, I own this business. If I want to rest in the middle of the day, I have the right to do that.”

  “Whatever,” Trudy muttered. “I just don’t agree with that.”

  She groaned. “Trudy, what did you need when you called me? You wanted me to hurry down here…?”

  “That lady is back,” she said matter-of-factly. “From the governor’s office. She wants to talk to you, and she says it’s urgent. She’s waiting in the dining room.”

  Meghan tucked her wavy dark hair behind her ears and hustled out to the dining room. Mya was typing on her phone, but she looked up and smiled as Meghan walked into the room. “Good to see you again, stranger,” she nodded as Meghan pasted a grin on her face. “I need to place another order.”

  “What can we do for you?”

  Mya raised her chin and blinked. “I can’t get that peach dessert out of my mind,” she confessed. “It was one of the most delightful things I have ever tasted. I rarely eat desserts; I just competed in a triathlon, and I cut out sugar and carbs completely. My body hates bad foods, but I just can’t stop thinking about that peach dessert. Peaches are fruits, so it’s kind of healthy, yeah?”

  “Ummmm…” Meghan stammered as she thought of the many cups of butter, sugar, and cream she used. “Sure.”

  “Anyway, I told the governor all about the dessert, and I’ve come to place a large-scale order. The governor would like to order anything and everything you have with peaches! Peach crumble, peach tarts, peach mousse...can you do that? We need enough to provide for approximately one hundred people.”

  “Of course,” she confirmed, calculating in her head how much such a large order would cost. “We would love to assist you. Let me take a look at my calendar and see what our timeline will look like. Is this for an event?”

  Mya bit her lip. “It is,” she agreed. “It’s a security conference the governor is hosting. It’s one of the most popular events hosted in the state, and we have guests flying in from all over the country.”

  “That’s excellent,” she replied as she imagined people from far and wide enjoying her desserts. “What are the dates of the conference?”

  “It’s tomorrow,” Mya told her. “We need this entire order finished tonight.”


  Meghan stared at Mya in disbelief. “Tonight? You need treats for a hundred people finished tonight?”

  Mya nodded. “It was a last-minute decision,” she informed her. “But I wanted to reach out to you and see if you can make it happen. This little bakery is adorable, and I wanted to give a local business the first opportunity.”

  Meghan’s face darkened. “This “little bakery” is also a busy, thriving business,” she informed Mya as her heart beat furiously in her chest. “We are constantly filling orders, and we ask that clients give us at least a week’s notice when placing major orders.”

  Mya shrugged. “I could tell when I met you that you were a very capable woman,” She complimented as Meghan glowered. “But if you can’t pull this off, I’ll just send my assistant to the grocery for some premade treats. It would be a pity, but it would have to do. Mind you, I would rather pay such a large sum of money to a local business, but if you can’t do this...”

  She put her hands on her hips. “I will have to charge an extraordinary fee for the inconvenience.”

  “Name your price.”

  The women stared at each other, not breaking eye contact until Pamela skipped into the dining room. “Meghan? Trudy says she needs your help with the egg cream.”

  “Not now,” she replied as she continued looking at Mya. “Pamela? Run to the kitchen and tell Trudy to put everything on hold for the rest of the day. We have a massive order to fill.”


  “No buts,” Meghan said sharply. “Go. Now.”

  Mya’s lips curled into a smile as Pamela marched out of the dining room. “So, you’ll do it?”

  “We’ll do it, but it’s going to be expensive.”

  An hour later, Meghan, Trudy, and Pamela were up to their ears in peaches. “I don’t think we can do this,” Trudy grumbled as she kneaded dough with her fists. “It’s too much to ask, Meghan.”

  “We can pull it off,” Pamela disagreed. “We are a dream team! Together, we can do anything.”

  Meghan laughed. “I love your attitude, Pamela,” she praised as she mixed a bowl of peaches, sugar, and cream together.

  The trio worked all evening, and finally, after making tray after tray of peach desserts, they settled on their top items. The first dish was a peach mousse, a light, fluffy peach cream with large chunks of juicy peaches mixed in, along with a generous helping of burnt Bourbon sauce to add flavor. The second dish was a peach tart, with a flaky crust and peach sauce oozing out of the sides. The final dish was the crowning glory of the order; Meghan had outdone herself with a peach saffron pudding. The pudding was thick and rich, and the peaches were baked to perfection. The saffron added an exotic flavor to the treat, and Meghan was especially proud of her ingenuity.

  “They’re perfect,” Pamela cooed as the ladies leaned against the kitchen countertops and taste-tested everything. “This tart is to die for.”

  “The mousse is my favorite,” Trudy chimed in. “I’ll have to take some of this home with me. It’s better than I imagined.”

  “You two did excellent work tonight,” Meghan complimented as she licked her lips, the smell of the rich Bourbon sauce still making her salivate. “We have a little more work to do, though…”

  “More?” Pamela asked in shock. “We finished all of the desserts! What else is there?”

  Meghan smiled. “It’s a
ctually going to be fun work,” she told them, her eyes dancing with excitement. “ Mya called me a few minutes ago; they need the desserts delivered to the Governor’s Mansion, and I told her we would take them. Tonight is the opening ball for the conference, and it’s supposed to be a very glamorous event.”

  “We have to go all the way over there?” Trudy complained. “What’s in it for us?”

  Meghan winked. “A lot,” she explained. “Besides being paid overtime and a bonus for the last-minute order, we are invited to stay and enjoy ourselves at the event tonight. Mya told me a few celebrities will be there, and I think it will be a good time.”

  “Celebrities?” Pamela screamed in excitement. “I’ve never met a famous person! What if I meet Jackson Tackleman?! He’s the star of my favorite show. I would die if I met him.”

  Meghan turned to Trudy. “I heard Hugh Jillman is going to be there,” she murmured. “Don’t you just love his films?”

  Trudy’s face turned red. “I do love him,” she admitted, her eyebrows raised. “And I would kill to meet him. Do you really think he’ll be at the ball?”

  “That’s what Mya said,” she replied. “The dress code is formal, and the ball starts in an hour. We certainly don’t have time for full makeovers, but we do have enough time to change clothes. Can you two meet me back here in forty-five minutes? I’ll drive us over once we’ve all switched into dresses or nice slacks.”

  Trudy and Pamela nodded. “Excellent,” Meghan said. “I’ll see you back here soon.”


  The ballroom was the most ornate place Meghan had ever seen. She had visited the Governor’s Mansion a handful of times, mostly for work, but tonight, as she stood beneath the fifteen-foot mosaic ceiling, she felt like a celebrity herself. She wore a purple A-line dress with a heart-shaped neckline, and the color made her dark eyes glow. Her hair was pulled back into a French twist, and her pearl earrings matched the necklace she was wearing.

  Trudy and Pamela looked elegant as well; Trudy was dressed in a floor-length gray dress with an empire waist, and her typically messy hair was in a low knot at the back of her neck. Pamela was practically floating in her dress, a square-necked ginger-colored dress that made her lanky body look womanly.

  “You two look amazing,” Meghan gushed as she kissed them on their cheeks. “Thank you for helping me get the desserts over here. I need to go find Mya, but feel free to enjoy yourselves!”

  “Thanks, Meghan,” Pamela squealed. “I’m going to go talk to Tyler Slow; I see her in the corner, and I am her biggest fan!”

  Meghan and Trudy chuckled as the teenager ran off. “I’m going to make my way to the bar,” Trudy shrugged. “Thanks for the extra pay, Meghan. I know I was grumpy about this, but I appreciate the extra cash.”

  Meghan nodded. “You’re so helpful, and it’s the least I can do,” she told her as she gave Trudy a hug. “Now, go! I hope Hugh Jillman is waiting for you at the bar.”

  She watched as Trudy made her way across the room. Before she could leave to find Mya, she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Meghan!”


  Meghan turned around to find Lee Shephard smiling at her. Lee was undeniably handsome; with his curly auburn hair and freckled face, he had a boyish look that Meghan found endearing. She had first met him a few weeks ago when he came to town for his mother’s funeral, and he had made it clear that he was interested in Meghan.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m just...enjoying the event,” he explained. “I am attending the security conference tomorrow, and this seemed like a great way to get a free dinner.”

  “I see,” Meghan replied. She felt Lee’s eyes on her body.

  “You look amazing,” Lee told her. “Where’s your boyfriend tonight? He let you out of the house looking that beautiful?”

  Meghan laughed. “You flatter me,” she teased. “This was a last minute thing.”

  “Well, consider me very thankful for last minute things,” he flirted as the room went quiet. He and Meghan turned to face the stage as Mya appeared in a gold ball gown.

  “Good evening,” she greeted the crowd. “And welcome to the ball! I am speaking tonight on behalf of the Governor, and I would like to welcome our Keynote Speaker for the conference to join me. Our speaker is an accomplished scholar, and we are thrilled to hear his speech tomorrow. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s raise a glass as we enjoy a short preview of his lecture. Please give a round of applause for Lee Shephard!”

  Meghan’s jaw dropped. “You’re the keynote speaker?” she hissed into his ear as the crowd cheered. “You really managed to downplay that one.”

  “It isn’t a big deal,” he winked. “Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

  Lee gave a short speech, outlining the importance of cyber security. He ended the talk by expressing his excitement for the conference, and as he exited the stage, Meghan was waiting for him. She grabbed him by the sleeve and dragged him to a vacant corner.

  “You really want to talk to me,” Lee teased. “What a good feeling! You must have really enjoyed my speech.”

  “I need to ask your opinion on something important.”

  “Becoming my girlfriend?” he asked forwardly. “Because I will happily give you my opinion on that matter.”

  “I’m taken, Lee, and you know that,” she said impatiently. “I am very happy with Jack.”

  “Oh? Then where is he?”

  “I told you; this event was a last minute thing. Jack and I are very happy together. We’ve been together over a year and I think we’ll be getting engaged soon!”

  “Why so defensive?” Lee chided, his eyes sparking as he antagonized Meghan.

  “I’ve had enough of this,” she replied. “I just wanted to ask a simple question about security, and you’re giving me such a hard time.”


  “Someone vandalized my event barn,” she explained. “What should I do about it? Is there a way I can have cameras connected to my cell phone so I can keep an eye on the place all day?”

  “I have a few companies I can recommend for that,” he assured her, placing an arm around her shoulder. “You need security. A woman like you definitely needs security…”

  “Please don’t touch me,” she stated firmly, throwing his arm off of her.

  “I don’t see a ring on your finger, so I don’t see why I can’t touch you…”


  Meghan gasped as she heard Jack’s familiar deep voice. “Babe!” she squealed in relief and she wrapped her arms around him. “I am so happy to see you. What are you doing here?”

  “They assigned me here to do security,” he explained, his eyebrow raised as he stared at Lee. “I didn’t know you were coming, Meghan…”

  “It was a last minute thing,” Lee explained. “Doesn’t she look gorgeous?”

  Jack stared at Lee, and then back at Meghan. “She does,” he agreed, his voice flat. “Lee? If you’ll excuse us…”

  Jack escorted Meghan away. “You didn’t tell me you were coming…”

  “Jack, it was truly a last minute thing,” she said. “We had to deliver the desserts. You’ll have to try the peach mousse when it is served. You’ll just die at how good it is!”

  Jack frowned. “Why were you talking with him?”

  “Someone vandalized the barn,” she told him as he ushered her into an empty stairwell. “I wanted his opinion on security systems since apparently he does cyber security.”

  Jack narrowed his bright blue eyes. “I am a detective,” he said. “Why would you have to ask him? I’m a better resource than he is.”

  Meghan bit her lip. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I just thought he could offer some good insights.”

  Jack’s radio buzzed. “I have to go,” he said quietly. “I’m on duty. We’ll talk later, Meghan.”


  “And he left without saying goodbye to me!”

  Meghan cross
ed her arms over her chest and stuck out her lower lip, aware that she was pouting, but in need of a good venting session. Thankfully, Jackie had invited her over for lunch at her salon, and the two women huddled together in the back room as they discussed the ball.

  “I can’t believe he's jealous of Lee,” Jackie shook her head, her freshly-dyed black hair falling over her eyes in a shaggy haircut. “You two have been dating for so long, and he’s way more handsome than Lee. What is Jack’s problem?”

  “I don’t know,” she admitted as she hung her head. “Things have felt so tense lately, and I feel on edge as well; after dating nearly a year and a half, well, I thought we would be engaged by now. I’m starting to resent every day that goes by with him as my boyfriend.”

  “Do you think that resentment is part of the tension between you two?”

  “Surely it is,” Meghan admitted. “I’m sure he can sense it. I’ve dropped so many hints, too. I don’t even think he’s thinking about marriage, Jackie. He seems content where we are as boyfriend and girlfriend. I’m worried he’ll never propose, and that we’ll just keep fighting like this until we break up.”

  “Hey, Jackie?”

  Both women turned to face the door. Adriana, one of Jackie’s nail technicians, was smiling at them. “What’s up, dear?” Jackie asked.

  “You have a man out front asking to speak with you. I told him you were on your lunch break, but he insisted I get you.”

  Jackie rolled her eyes. “He had better be one cute man to have the nerve to interrupt my lunch!”

  The two women rose from the table and walked into the main room of the salon. “Oh, hey, Jacob,” Jackie said, her voice tinged with disappointment as she greeted the burly man who was waiting for her at the front desk. “What can I do for you?”

  Jacob cleared his throat. He was a portly man with a wild brown beard and bushy hair. His clothes were dirty, and he was clearly out of place at the upscale salon. “I have the invoice for the security cameras you wanted.”

  Meghan leaned toward Jackie. “Is this the guy Lee recommended for the security system?”


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