Fractured Slipper

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Fractured Slipper Page 13

by Adrienne Monson

  She nodded, wrote down my name, and directed us through the doors. We stood in a line behind a curtain until our names were called. Sway and Perry went first, then the announcer said, “Hadley Scott.” I walked into the room and stood at the top of the stairs, my heart racing. I pasted a fake smile on my face as I took in the ornately decorated room. The ceiling was drenched with flowers in various shades of pink. Crystals woven through the blooms glinted off of carefully placed lights. The flowers on the tables mirrored the flowers on the ceiling, only they were in round, slender vases with glass stems so thin I wasn’t sure how they were holding the sheer weight of the arrangements. The room smelled like a spring garden, and looked like one too. It was the most spectacular space I’d ever been in, and I couldn’t believe I was there—and couldn’t imagine how much the décor had cost. It wasn’t until I’d stopped staring at the room that I realized how quiet the crowd had become. I looked around and everyone had stopped what they were doing, their eyes focused on me. I couldn’t have been more uncomfortable if I’d been standing there naked. My eyes swept the room, a multitude of gowns and tuxedos, faces that seemed familiar and some that didn’t, staring back at me, assessing, judging. Magic users were celebrities within the mage world, so it wasn’t a surprise that some of them would look familiar, but it was a surprise that any of them would ever be interested in me.

  My eyes went over the crowd, searching for a friendly face. That’s when I found him. My gaze halted like I’d been going a hundred miles an hour and suddenly hit the brakes. In the middle of the room, with a look of pure longing etched on his face, stood Charming. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt and cuff links that sparkled like diamonds—and probably were. He started up the stairs to greet me and when he reached the landing I almost gasped. His eyes looked like they were heated from within. “You look stunning,” he said, whispering in my ear as he offered me his arm.

  “Thank you,” I murmured back, still feeling like this was all a dream. I put my hand in the crook of his elbow and let him guide me down the stairs.

  Sway and Perry were waiting at the bottom. “You remember my friends,” I said to Charming.

  He nodded. “Thank you for coming.”

  “Thanks for inviting us. Just kidding, you didn’t,” Sway said, a hint of annoyance in her tone. “But thanks for getting us tickets after Hadley asked you to.”

  His eyes flashed with mirth that didn’t seem entirely friendly. “You’re welcome.”

  Sway met his gaze, totally unafraid and unwilling to stand down.

  The hush was still lingering over the crowd and people hadn’t stopped staring. Charming’s interest in me hadn’t helped that. I needed to change the subject before Sway said something she shouldn’t and someone overheard. “Your family isn’t here tonight?” I asked Charming.

  He turned his attention back to me and shook his head. “My parents and our entire security team have been working non-stop trying to find out more information about where my sister might be. But since we can’t trust other mages, we haven’t gone public with the news of her disappearance. The Hurston family is old in the magic world, and needed representation at the ball, so I was the best choice. Since I had the intel from Grog that this is where I needed to be, we decided to have me cover the ball.”

  The orchestra at the front of the room started playing a beautiful song. The melody was one I remembered my mom humming during my childhood. It brought back beautiful memories of her sitting by my bed at night, reading me a bedtime stories, and then humming as she lightly brushed my cheek with her soft fingers until I fell asleep. I yearned for those days, and often felt sad when I thought of the things we were both missing out on now. Growing up without a mother’s guidance was difficult.

  Storm noticed me watching the orchestra, my body swaying slightly to the music as I remembered my past. “Would you like to dance?” he asked.

  Surprise washed over my face. I hadn’t expected to actually dance. I’d thought we were just here to do a job. “I would love to, but shouldn’t we be looking for the person who took your sister?”

  He gave me a wink. “We will be.”

  “By dancing?” I asked.

  He nodded, a smile playing at the corners of his lips, and took my hand pulling me onto the dance floor.

  Sway and Perry grinned like fools behind me as I looked back at them over my shoulder. Everyone was watching us—the notorious Charming and the new girl in blue.

  Charming reached around me, his hand like a warm compress on my back. His eyes were soft and full of heat. I could easily get lost in them and be happy—for a while at least. Then reality would come and I’d remember we were from two very different worlds and Charming would bring me nothing but heartbreak.

  I looked around the room as we turned, trying to see if there was anyone I recognized and could name. This was a gathering of magic’s elite; I should know some of them, or at least know of them. Aside from trying to place faces, I was checking for one person in particular. “Are you looking for someone?” Charming asked, watching me.

  I turned my attention back to him. “Not anyone in particular, exactly.”

  The fact was that I actually was looking for someone. My uncle. I hadn’t seen him in years, and had no idea if he’d be here. He didn’t have magic—that I knew about, but he was associated with magic users, and there was a chance he could show up at the ball. If he did, and if he recognized me, Charming’s security team was going to earn their paychecks.

  “Not anyone particular, exactly?” Charming repeated, a question in his voice.

  I lifted a shoulder, trying to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal but in reality, my heart was hammering a drum beat against my chest. “My uncle. There’s a chance he could be here.”

  “And you don’t get along with him?”

  “No,” I said flatly.

  Charming’s eyebrow went up like he wanted the rest of the story. I didn’t want to go into that much detail.

  “We haven’t seen each other in years,” I said. “Not since I was a child.”

  Charming cocked his head to the side and spun me around expertly before pulling me back into him. “Why not?”

  “A multitude of reasons.” I’d been in the throes of grief, a child desperate to understand what had happened to her parents, and struggling to deal with the realization that I’d never see them again when I’d found out that I would be living with my uncle and his sons, Mark and Kory—the same son who had tortured my little cat, Star. I hadn’t stayed there long. The memories tasted bitter as I tried them out on my tongue, and quickly decided not to probe for more.

  He nodded and we kept dancing. “I see my family frequently. Family is a big deal for the Hurstons.”

  I looked at him. “Congratulations.” I tried not to let the words bother me. I hadn’t had the luxury of a family until I’d created my own through my friends.

  “Sometimes it’s nice,” he said, not picking up on my mood. “Other times it’s annoying. But I love them.”

  Why was he telling me this?

  “Do you want a family of your own someday?”

  I stared, taken aback. “That’s a really random and personal question. We hardly even know each other.”

  He lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. “Which is why I asked. I’m trying to get to know you.” His lips formed a crooked, disarming smile that I didn’t trust for a second. “It’s just a question.”

  I considered it. I hadn’t ever really thought about having a family of my own. My goal had always been to help people, and get revenge. Dating, relationships, family…those were things I’d never had the time to even contemplate. I didn’t believe family meant blood. I’d created my own family, one that I loved very much. “I have my family. Sway, Perry, and all of my friends who live with me at Haven. They’re the people who have been there for me my entire life. They’d take a bullet for me, and I’d do the same for them. It’s a family I chose, and they make me happy.”
r />   He nodded, considering that. “But you could choose your partner as well, and have a family that included everyone.”

  Yes, I could. And maybe someday I would, but I hadn’t really had a chance to think about relationships. I’d been too busy trying to survive my entire life, and keep my friends alive. “I haven’t had much time to date, so that’s not really on my radar.”

  “Do you want it to be?” he asked point blank.

  I furrowed my brow and thought about it as we moved around the floor. I didn’t know what I wanted. The only thing I’d ever been certain of was that I needed to find my parents’ killers. “Maybe someday. I’m not sure.”

  He eyed me. “What’s stopping you?”

  I lifted a shoulder. “I have too many people I’m responsible for to take the time for me and my wants.”

  “Ah,” he said, his tongue running slowly over his lips. “I can see how that would be difficult. But now you have a dedicated security team to help with some of that responsibility.” He spun me again and this time when he pulled me back into him, I could feel every line of his body against my own. My heart sped up and he leaned in to whisper in my ear, “So maybe you need to make some changes.”

  My heart was thumping in my chest and I felt like I was in some weird twilight zone. The notorious Charming Hurston was interested in me? It was too unbelievable to comprehend. And then my bafflement abruptly turned to annoyance. Who did this attractive weather controlling mage think he was? Giving me life and love advice like he had some special insight into the secrets of the universe even though he wasn’t much older than I was and he’d never had to struggle a day in his life. Just the other day he’d been stealing my shoe and infuriating me to no end! At what point did our relationship merge into him acting like he wanted to be my friend, and maybe even more than that? I tried to trace it and couldn’t tell.

  The air shifted slightly and Charming and I both looked up, noticing the change, but unable to pinpoint it. “Come on,” Charming said, moving his hand from my back and lacing his fingers through mine.

  He led me out the door into a beautiful garden area. A maze of flowers and leafy trees stretched before us, dotted by tiny lights that looked like fireflies flitting through the greenery. An asphalt walkway marked a path to navigate the gardens. I breathed in the fresh air. It was so much cooler outside, and I relished the breeze, though I was a little confused about why we weren’t inside, trying to find out who took his sister. “Why are we out here?”

  “Because I’m counting on the fact that the people we’re looking for will follow us.”

  I stared at him. “Why do you think they’ll do that?”

  “Because the people who took my sister were interested in her magic. You’re stunning, intriguing, and new and shiny. You wouldn’t be here without magic and they’ll want to know more about who you are, and what you can do.”

  “So you’re using me.” It was more of a statement than a question, but I was using him too.

  “I think we’re using each other.” His eyes dropped, snagging on my lips. “They won’t be able to resist you. I can’t.”

  My cheeks pinked and I rolled my eyes to try and cover it. “You’re being ridiculous.”

  He held my gaze, his eyes clear and focused. “I’m being honest.”

  I stared at him, trying to decide if he was really being sincere. I didn’t see deception in his expression; instead I was faced with heat, focus, and determination. A flutter started in my stomach and the energy around us seemed to change. He moved closer to me, his hand still entwined with mine. His other hand came up and brushed the side of my cheek. I closed my eyes, reveling in the warmth of his touch and the feel of his body so close to mine. If he tried to kiss me now, I wasn’t sure I’d have the self-control to stop him. And I wasn’t sure I even wanted to.

  “This isn’t a good idea,” I said, my voice soft.

  “Mmm,” he answered back, his fingers trailing along my collarbone. “Why is that.”

  “It would complicate things.”

  His lips slid into a slow, lazy smile. “I don’t mind complicated.”

  A tingle ran over my lips and I licked them, trying to stop the anticipation. Charming’s eyes caught on the movement. “My life is complicated enough.”

  “It doesn’t have to be,” he said, his voice gentle. “Let me help with that.”

  I blinked. The offer stunned me. I’d been on my own, responsible for so many people and taking care of myself for so long that the idea of having someone help me was hard to even wrap my head around.

  “I have a lot of responsibilities.”

  He reached his hand up, a warm weight against the back of my neck and head. He leaned in, his eyes totally focused on mine. His lips were a hairsbreadth away as he whispered, “Let me help you.” His mouth closed over mine, electricity flowing between us. His lips were silky soft as they moved with mine in a graceful dance, creating their own kind of magic. It was like the two of us were merging, our energies becoming one. I’d never felt like this before…I’d never wanted anyone. I hadn’t allowed myself to want, or need, or think beyond my goals of vengeance. But I wanted this, and wanted him. Badly. And it was terrifying. Whatever this was felt a lot like need. I didn’t want to need anyone. I’d built my life on being alone and not having to depend on anyone because last time I’d relied on other people, they’d been taken from me. I couldn’t handle that heartbreak again. I pulled away.

  “What’s wrong,” he asked, his hands resting on my waist as his eyes searched mine.

  “I can’t,” I said, stepping back, away from his touch. Severing the connection felt like a knife slicing through me. I looked down and wished my life were different and I didn’t have to stop this thing between us before it even really started. “This won’t work.”


  Because it couldn’t. Because I’d just had a glimpse into what my life could have been. I wanted a partner, and companion, and best friend I could always count on. I wanted this too much and it would break me when Charming inevitably left to go charm someone else and I was on my own again. I’d been broken before. I could get through it. But I wasn’t going to put myself in that position willingly. “We’re too different.”

  Emotion feathered across his face. “That’s one of the reasons I want this…want you. You’re different, and I love that about you. I love your fire, your independence, your fierce soul. I want it all. I want you, Hadley.”

  He’d just basically said he loved me. No one had ever told me that—not since I was a child. My heart constricted at his words. I wanted that too. Everything he’d said was perfect. But a relationship with Charming couldn’t last. It wouldn’t, and I knew it. I wouldn’t do that to myself.

  I shook my head slightly, and his jaw tightened. I could see that he was getting ready to launch into another speech that would try to make me reconsider. He might succeed.


  I let my eyes fall to the floor and in that moment, the material of my dress shimmered. The beautiful gown Sway had made for me with her magic started to falter. “Oh no,” I gasped.

  “What is it?” Charming asked, worry lining his face.

  “It’s Sway,” I said, pointing to the lace that was fading in and out in color from sapphire to white. “Something must have happened to her. She made the dress and her magic is weakening. She’s either in distress, or someone is siphoning her magic.”

  Chapter 4

  I reached down and picked up the gown so I could run, and took off into the ballroom. Charming followed behind me, right on my heels. I needed to figure out where Sway was. People stared as we ran out of the ballroom into the hallway. I’d always had a strange connection to my friends. I could feel them when they were around, I just needed to center myself and concentrate. I stopped in an arched alcove of the giant building and closed my eyes, breathing in and out slowly and rhythmically. After about a minute, I felt pulled down the hall. I followed my instinct and Charmin
g followed me.

  We turned down another hallway, then opened a door and went into a corridor. We were getting closer, I could feel it. That’s was when I heard an urgent whisper from a room to the side of us. “Hadley!”

  I swung my head in the direction of the noise. It was Perry. I ran and hugged him, so grateful he was there, safe, and unharmed. I never wanted to let him go. “What happened?”

  He shook his head, his face sheathed with worry. “Sway was asked to dance by a few different guys. One of them seemed to like her a lot. Some guy named Mark.” The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up and I tried not to overreact. There were a lot of Marks in the world. It couldn’t be the same Mark I knew, my cousin. “Everyone saw us walk in with you, and then you left with Charming which made people even more curious. Everyone wanted to know who you were, and we were getting a lot of attention.” I was angry with myself. I shouldn’t have ever left them alone. Charming had thought we’d draw the bad guys out into the garden; instead, they’d zeroed in on our friends.

  “Where was our security team?” I asked Perry, and slid my eyes to Charming whose face was also pulled tight with concern.

  “All but one of them followed you out into the garden,” Perry said.

  “They probably thought we were the bigger targets,” Charming said, grimacing. “I thought we were too.”


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