Havelok the Dane

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by Charles W. Whistler

of Norwich; he isworthy to be king, if any. Here, too, is the Earl of Chester, who ledyou. It will be well to set these two names before the host."

  "The host will have none but Havelok and Goldberga," they said.

  So the long-ago visions came to pass, and in a few days more we werefeasting in the old hall at Lincoln. But before we left the valley ofthe battle we laid in mound in all honour those who had fallen. Sevengreat mounds we made, at which men wonder and will wonder while theystand at Tetford. For well fought the Danes of Goldberga, and wellfought the Lindseymen on that day. Yet I think that those who would fainhave lived to see the victory had their share in it, as they stood intheir grim and silent ranks behind us.

  Then was a new crowning of those two, and messages to the overlord ofLindsey, sent by the thanes, to say that all was settled on the oldlines of peaceful tribute to be paid; and then, when word and presentscame back from him, Goldberga rose up on the high place where she hadbeen so strangely wedded, and looked down at the joyous faces of hernobles at the long tables.

  "When I was crowned in Denmark," she said, "there was a promise made me,that when this day came to me in Norfolk I might ask one boon of all whoupheld me. I do not know if I may ask it here and now, for the promisewas made by my husband's people. Yet it is a matter that is dear to myheart that I shall seek from you all, if I may."

  Then all the hall rang with voices that bade her ask what she would; andshe bowed and flushed red, and hesitated a little. Then she took heartand spoke.

  "It is but this," she said. "Let the poor Christian folk bide in peace;and if teachers come from the south or from the north presently who willspeak of that faith, bear with them, I pray you, for they work no harmindeed."

  Almost was she weeping as she said this, and her white hands wereclasped tightly before her. But she looked bravely at the thanes, andwaited for the answer, though I think that she feared what it would be.

  But an old thane rose up in his place, smiling, and he answered, "If youhad commanded us this, my queen, it would have been done. The Christianfolk, if there are any, shall have no hurt. I think that we hadforgotten the old days of trouble with them. Yet I hear that in Kent thenew faith, as it seems to us, is being taught, and that the king lookson it with favour. It may be that here it will come also. For your sakeI will listen if a teacher comes to me."

  The thanes thought little of this boon, and they all answered that itwas freely granted. But they said that it was no boon to give, and badeher ask somewhat that was better.

  "Why then," she said, "if I must ask more, think no more of me as queensave as that I am the wife of the king. Havelok is your ruler in goodsooth."

  That pleased them all well, and they laughed and wished that all hadwives who had no mind to rule.

  "Here is word that is going home to my wife," said one to his neighbour."If the queen sets the fashion of obedience, it behoves all good wivesto follow her leading."

  "Maybe I would let some other than yourself tell the lady that,"answered the other thane with a great laugh, for he knew that householdand its ruler.

  So Goldberga had her will, and then began the long years of peace andhappiness to the kingdoms of which all men know. Wherefore I think thatmy story is done. What I have told is halting maybe, and rough, but itis true. And Goldberga, my sister, says that it is good. Which is allthe praise that I need.


  So far went Radbard, my friend, and then he would tell no more. So it isleft to me, Wislac the priest, who have written for him, to finish. Hesays that everyone knows the rest, and so they do just now. But in theyears to come, when this story is read, men will want to know more. Soit is fit that I should end the story, telling things that I myself knowto be true also.

  Sigurd's host went back in the autumn, rich with the treasure of Alsithe king; and from that time forward no Danish host ever sought ourshores. Wars enough have been in England here, but they have not harmedus. No host has been suffered to cross the borders of Lindsey or EastAnglia, save in peace, and in the wars of Penda of Mercia Havelok hastaken no part. Yet he has had to fight to hold his own more than once,but always with victory, for always the prayers of the few Christianshave been with him.

  They set Earl Ragnar to hold the southern kingdom for Havelok and hiswife; and presently, when he was left a widower, he wedded the youngestdaughter of Grim, Havelok's foster father. Eglaf was captain of theLincoln courtmen or housecarls, whichever the right name may be amongthose who speak of them. One name is Danish and the other English, butthey mean the same. As for my good friend Radbard, he was high sheriffbefore long, and that he is yet. He wedded Ragnar's sister the year thatHavelok was crowned in Norwich, which was the next year after thecrowning at Lincoln.

  Raven went back to the sea, and he will now be in Denmark or else on theViking path with Sigurd, for that is what he best loves. Arngeir bidesat Grimsby, high in honour with all, and the port and town grow greaterand more prosperous year by year. Wise was Grim when he chose to stay inthe place where he had chanced to come, if it were not more than chancethat brought him. I suppose that for all time the ships that are fromGrimsby will be free from all dues in the ports that are Havelok's inthe Danish land. Witlaf, the good old thane, bides in his place yet, andhe rejoices ever that he had a hand in bringing Havelok up. Nor does ourking forget that.

  Indeed, I think that he forgets naught but ill done toward him. Never isa man who has done one little thing for him overlooked, if he is met byour king after many years, and that is a royal gift indeed.

  I would that all married folk were as are this royal couple of ours.Never are they happy apart, and never has a word gone awry between them.If one speaks of Havelok, one must needs think of Goldberga; and if onesays a word of the queen, one means the king also. Happy in their peopleand in their wondrous fair children are they, and that is all that canbe wished for them.

  There was one thing wanting for long years, that I and Withelm everlonged for for Havelok--a thing for which Goldberga prayed ever. Icame to them from Queen Bertha in Kent, when good old David died; and atthat time Havelok was not a Christian, but surely the most Christianheathen that ever was. I knew that he must come into the faith at sometime; and I, at least, could not find it in my heart to blame himaltogether for holding to the Asir whom his fathers worshipped. It wasin sheer honesty and singleness of heart that he did so, and I had neverskill enough to show him the right. But Withelm, who has long been apriest of the faith, and shall surely be our bishop ere long, had moreto do with his conversion than any other.

  Yet it did not come until the days when Paulinus came from York andpreached with the fire of the missionary to us all. And then we saw themighty warrior go down to the water in the white robe of the catechumen,and come therefrom with his face shining with a new and wondrous light.

  Then he founded a monastery at Grimsby, that there the men of the marsh,who had been kind to him in the old days, might find teachers in allthat was good; and there it will surely be after many a long year, untilthere is need for its work no more, if such a time ever comes.

  So the land grows Christian fast, and good will be its folk if theyfollow the way of king and queen and their brothers.

  Now have I finished also, and this is farewell. Look you, husbands andwives, that you may be said to be like Havelok and Goldberga; and see,brothers, that you mind the words that Grim spoke to his sons, and whichthey heeded so well--

  "Bare is back without brother behind it." And that is a true word,though it was a heathen who spoke it.


  1 I have to thank the Mayor of Grimsby for most kindlyfurnishing me with an impression of this ancient seal.

  2 Now Nishni-Novgorod, from time immemorial the greatmeetingplace of north and south, east and west.

  3 The garth was the fenced and stockaded enclosureround a northern homestead.

  4 The seax was the heavy, curved dagger carried by menof all ranks.

  5 The northern sea god and goddess.

  6 Men drowned at sea were thought to go to the halls ofPan and Aegir. Ran is represented as fishing for heroes in time of storm.

  7 The Norns were the Fates of the northern mythology.

  8 The "Witanagemot," the representative assembly forthe kingdom, whence our Parliament sprang.

  9 The greatest term of reproach for a coward.

  10 The gold ring kept in the Temple of the Asir, onwhich all oaths must be sworn.

  11 The sanctuary of the Asir. Thorsway and Withern inLincolnshire both preserve the name in the last and first syllablerespectively, both meaning "Thor's sanctuary."

  12 The northern equivalent of the Saxon "Folkmote," orgeneral assembly of the people.


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