My Beautiful Poison (Wicked Poison Book 1)

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My Beautiful Poison (Wicked Poison Book 1) Page 14

by T. L Smith

  “I want more than a fuck.”

  “Then you are shopping in the wrong store.”

  “But am I?” I ask, sashaying over to him. “Because you seem to be enjoying me as much as I am enjoying you.”

  He lifts his hand, his muscles clenching when he does, and he runs it through his hair and shakes his head.

  “Mistake number one, thinking that.” He turns and prowls to the power switch, shutting everything off. “Now, unless you’re here to fuck, I think it’s best you leave.”

  “You don’t want me to stay?” I ask, confused, and now a little hurt.

  “No, you should leave.”

  I’m taken aback by his words. He doesn’t look my way as I step out of the shed or even come out front when I walk out there to get in the car. I drive home, wondering what the fuck is wrong with him. And how we went from okay, to broken, to fucked in two-point-one seconds.

  “Ry.” My door opens, and Rhianna sits next to me in the passenger seat. “You okay?”

  “Mom came to see me today,” I tell her. “She told me not to press charges against Anderson.”

  Rhianna grinds her teeth at my words.

  I don’t tell her about August because, honestly, I don’t even know what’s going on.

  “Of course she did. That would ruin her squeaky-clean reputation.” She leans over, placing her hand on my leg. “But you have to do it. You know that, right?” The same eyes as mine are staring back at me. “I met that girl he knocked up. She’s young, only a little older than Beckham. Think of all the ways he would manipulate her.” I cringe at her words. “You know I’m right because he did it to you.”

  “I’m going to do it,” I state.

  “Good. So, how is August, and why are you sitting in your car?”

  “He told me to leave.”

  “Awww, yes, those feelings have hit him hard.” She laughs. “I saw it play out on his face. It was like watching a musical with no music.”

  “He doesn’t want me the same way I want him.”

  “Yes, he does, but that man is confused as hell.” She gets out of the car and gestures for me to as well. Following her inside, she throws her arm around my shoulders, kicking the door shut once we’re inside. “I’m pretty sure he loves you, but maybe just give him time. He hasn’t had anyone care for him all of his life. His mother is a drunk, his father never existed in his life, and his so-called friends used him.”

  “How do you know all this?”

  “Noah,” she says, giving me her explanation. “Noah likes him, says he’s a good man. It’s the reason he fought so hard to get him out of that place.”

  “But what is good anymore?” I say with a heavy sigh. “I never thought Anderson was evil, and I was so terribly wrong there.”

  The door to our apartment is kicked open and Beckham’s gaze lands on me, his eyes red as he makes his way over to me.

  When did he become a man?

  “You’re okay?” he asks while scanning me up and down.

  “I’m fine.” I reach out, pulling him in for a hug.

  “Hey, how come she’s the favorite? You know we’re twins, right?” Rhianna jokes.

  I pull back, smiling at Beckham. “Who told you?”

  “I heard Mom and Dad arguing. Dad was going off.”

  “What about?” Rhianna asks.

  “Mom said she told you not to press charges, and Dad said she was a silly idiot for telling you that, and if you didn’t do it, he’ll do it for you.”

  “Go, Dad,” Rhianna says. “I don’t think he’s ever gone against what she wants.”

  “Rylee, you are the golden child to him,” Beckham says.

  “Yeah, don’t we all know it,” Rhianna says with an eye roll, then she nudges me. “Ice cream and donuts?”

  Beckham takes off his baseball hat and nods.

  How can anyone say no to that combination?

  Chapter 24


  Noah tells me how Rylee is, and she called me last week. I haven’t seen her since the night I told her to leave.

  What does she expect from me? I’m not a man who can give her what she wants. I have nothing to give. It’s not who I am.

  “August.” I hear my name being called as I am finishing up the third coat of varnish on the final of the ordered desks. Turning off the music, I head around to the front of the house. My mother is standing on my porch, peeking in the window through the open blinds.

  “What are you doing here, Carina?”

  She turns fast and offers me a guilty smile.

  Yes, guilty.

  “You’ve done this place up nice.”

  “Are you drunk?”

  Her eyes go wide at the accusation. “No.”

  “High, then?”

  “No. Look, August… I know you hate me.” I harumph at her words as she walks down the steps to where I’m currently standing. “But I’ve come here as your mother.”

  “Is that what you’re calling yourself these days?” I scrub my hand through my hair. “Could have fooled me.”

  “August, will you shut up and listen?”

  “What do you want? Money?” I ask, reaching into my pocket and pulling out a twenty-dollar bill, then throwing it on the ground at her feet. Her eyes follow it before she looks back at me. “That’s all I have. Take it and leave.”

  “That girl of yours… her boyfriend. He’s been coming by to see Josh, and your name has left their lips a few times.”

  I’m shocked. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “You two pissed him off, and she’s pressed charges.”

  I know all this, Noah’s told me, but I have no idea what her angle is right now. “And?”

  “He wants payback.” She rushes the words out, but her cheeks redden, then she drops her head probably in shame. But then again, who really knows with this woman and what she’s capable of. Feelings are not something I have felt or even noticed from her.

  “Of course he does, poor little rich boy,” I say with a head shake. “What’s Josh got to do with it?”

  “Josh went to him. That little secret I am guessing you’re keeping from your new girl? Well, they both know now.”

  I grind my teeth.

  “Maybe you should tell her before he does.” She glances at the house. “Can I come inside? I haven’t seen it for so long.”

  Even though I think twice about it, I step aside so she can enter. I watch as she steps in, her eyes taking in everything. She steps into the kitchen, her hand running along the counter before she turns back to me. “No one says no to Josh, and you’ve done it multiple times. I’m worried for you.”

  “Now you choose to worry?” I ask her incredulously. “You’ve got to be fucking with me, right?”

  “No, no, I’m not. Josh… he’s changed since you went in. He had to get stronger. Do things himself. He lost most of his men after you went inside.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “He wants you dead. He thinks that’ll fix his problems. They see you not working for him again and realize his hold on you wasn’t as strong as he said when you went away.”

  “His hold on me was always weak. I did it purely for the money. I did it all for the money because my own mother didn’t bother to fucking feed me.”

  Her hands go to her chest, and she shakes her head. “I’m going to get help. Rehab. I’m leaving straight after this. I need it.”

  “You need more than rehab,” I tell her. “But that’s a start, I suppose. Maybe you can be a better mother to Paige. But me… I’ll always know who you are. And believe me, the forgiveness train has well and truly left the station.”

  My mother’s once dark, vibrant hair has faded, and her eyes are sunken into her skull. She appears older than she really is, and beneath all that, I still think she’s beautiful.

  “I love you, August. I had too many demons that I loved more.” Her hand drops from the counter, and she moves to touch my shoulder. “I’m sorry I was an awful mother to yo
u. I know you don’t believe me right now, but I really am.” She leans up, kisses my cheek, and I watch as she briskly strolls out the door.

  “The Harleys are having a small birthday party for me tonight, and I was hoping you would come.” Paige sits next to me, holding out a plate full of donuts, so I take one and bite into the delicious treat. “I’m sure Rylee would love to see you.” She nudges my shoulder.

  “What do you want for your birthday?”

  “For you to come to my party. Please. It’s nice of them to do this. Dad said you should come, too.”

  “Your father is going?”

  “Yes. He said to make sure I invite you.”

  I’ve seen her father a few times over the last week, and I fucking hate it. Going into that police station gives me nothing but concern, but it’s over with now. Thank fuck.

  Just as I am about to tell her no, I hear a knock on my door. Paige now knows not to answer, so I stand and open the door to Glenn, who’s standing there.

  “You aren’t dressed?”

  No, I’m not. I’m still in my work clothes. I was hoping to shower and pass the fuck out after Paige left.

  Glenn checks his watch. “We have to leave in ten minutes. Did Paige not tell you?”

  “I was just telling him,” she says innocently. “He’s going to head up and get ready now.” She reaches out and hugs my arm. “Aren’t you?”

  “Paige, don’t pressure your brother into things he doesn’t want to do,” Glenn states.

  “I’m not. He asked me what I want for my birthday, so I told him.”

  Glenn sighs at Paige’s words and shakes his head. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

  “I’ll be ten minutes.” I turn and head straight for the shower, wash, dry, and get into some clean clothes. When I come back down, Paige has changed into a dress and is standing at the door with Glenn.

  “Yay! I’m so excited. Beckham has planned it all.”

  Glenn shakes his head. “Lucky for you, that boy adores you.” Glenn walks out and I follow. We all slide into the car, and Paige stays glued to her phone for the whole ride.

  “You nervous?” Glenn asks.

  “Should I be?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. Have you been to the Harleys before?”

  “No,” I answer.

  “Mrs. Harley is quite different… just a word of warning.”

  Paige laughs from the back seat. “She isn’t all that bad. She just has high expectations…” She pauses. “Especially for Rylee more than anyone else.” Paige almost whispers the words.

  “Yes, Rylee’s always been the special child. She molded everything around her,” Glenn declares. “She’s taking over the family business. Clever girl, that one.”

  “We’re here.” Paige gets out before the car even comes to a full stop.

  “If you need to leave, let me know. I’m good at escaping these things,” Glenn offers while getting out and following his daughter.

  I’ve seen the house before, but tonight for some reason, it seems bigger. The door opens, and Beckham greets us. He catches Paige as she flies into his arms, and I can hear her giggles as the door is pushed open wider. Rylee is standing there with a smile on her face until she glances my way.

  Glenn taps me on the back as I stay at the foot of the stairs. “Good luck,” he whispers before stepping to his daughter. Paige ends up pulling herself away from Beckham so he can shake Glenn’s hand.

  Rylee steps out the door and marches down the two steps to me. “You’re here…” she trails off.

  I slide my hands into my pockets. “It’s her birthday.”

  Rylee checks back over her shoulder. “I’m aware. It’s why I’m here.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Are you avoiding me?”

  There are three sets of eyes watching us when I look past her.

  “We should go in. They’re waiting.” Rylee peeks back over her shoulder.

  “Can you give us a minute?”

  Beckham nods then ushers Paige and Glenn inside the house, closing the door behind him. When Rylee turns back to me, her eyes, as dark as the night sky, pin me in place. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

  “No, I’ve been working.”

  “Working at avoiding… yeah, I get it. You don’t want the same things I want. But I’d still like you in my life.”

  “I’m here right now… in your life,” I tell her.

  “You’re here for Paige, which I’m glad for. But I have a feeling you didn’t come willingly.”

  Opening my mouth to reply, the front door opens again. We both turn to an older version of Rylee. Her eyes squint as she glares at me, then gives the same glare to Rylee. “It’s time you come inside. She’s about to open presents.”

  “Yes, Mother,” Rylee says.

  Her mother turns her nose up and stands there holding the door open.

  “This isn’t finished. You aren’t the villain in my story, August. So stop pretending you need to be.” Rylee makes her way up the steps and waits for me to join her.

  “Is your friend coming?” her mother asks with raised eyebrows.

  “Yes, he is,” Rylee says with a bite in her words.

  With a sigh, I walk up the steps until I’m next to her and nod at Rylee’s mother. “Thank you for inviting me, Mrs. Harley.”

  She turns her nose up and her eyes wander up and down my body. “I didn’t, but it seems you’re here anyway.”

  Rylee gasps next to me.

  “I can leave if it’s an imposition that I’m here.”

  “Nonsense. August, isn’t it?” A man steps next to Rylee’s mother. “Poppy doesn’t do well with strangers. I’m Fred Harley, and it’s great to have you here.” He offers his hand, and I shake it. Rylee doesn’t leave my side as Paige and Glenn come to check where I am.

  “Go inside. Let’s have a drink and talk,” Rylee’s mother, who I now know as Poppy, says.

  “Your sister not here yet?” her father asks Rylee.

  “No. She told me she and Noah are running late.” They move in the direction of what I can only describe as a sitting room.

  When I glance back at Poppy, her mouth is in a thin line, and I’m sure if she could bare her teeth to me, she would. She leans in close and says, “I know who you really are, August. Stay away from my daughter. It’s a threat, not a warning,” she bites out as she steps past me and heads off to where everyone is waiting.

  Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes, center myself, and then make my way inside the room.

  Why the fuck I agreed to come to this party, I will never know.

  Chapter 25


  August’s hands stay in his pockets as he stands near the entry of the living room, as close to the door as he can get, so he can make an escape at any minute if he needs to. With quick steps, I walk over to Paige and kiss her cheek, wishing her a happy birthday as I hand over her present. She pulls at the ribbon and paper with enthusiasm until she comes to what’s inside.

  “We all know about your love for cooking, so it’s a two-day course with one of the best chefs in the area,” I explain to her.

  She screams and jumps into my arms, kissing my cheek. “This is the best present ever! Thank you, Rylee.”

  Beckham pulls her back down, and she goes on to the next gift.

  I walk over to August and nudge his arm with my shoulder. “Want to get a drink?” His head swivels in my direction, his eyes are hard and lips are thinned. It’s as if he’s protecting his words. “Come on, you need it.” I slide my hand down his arm until it falls into his hand, and I grip tight. Pulling him away, I take August into the kitchen.

  He skims me up and down, assessing me before his eyes lock on mine. “You look good.”

  “Thanks to you,” I tell him truthfully. With August, I feel safe. He makes me feel things I haven’t felt in such a long time. I like that about him. I like that, with him, his hands never touch me out of anger. They only ever pleasure

  “Did you press charges?”

  “Yes, his family…” I shake my head. “You don’t want to know about that.” I blink a few times and then ask, “When can I see you again?”

  “You’re seeing me right now.”

  “You know that’s not what I mean.”

  “There you two are.” My mother comes into the room. “You should both come back into the sitting room. We are going to cut the cake soon.”

  “We will,” I reply.

  She’s hovering.

  Way too much.

  I watch as she looks at the glass in August’s hand, then at me.

  “Please don’t leave him in my house unattended. You do know what he went to prison for, right?” My mouth drops open at her words, and my eyebrows rise so high I think they are going to fall off my face.

  Now, that’s a new low even for her.

  Incredibly mean.

  Actually, vile.

  “I’m going to leave.” August places his drink carefully on the counter, the one he never even got to taste.

  “Yes, I think that’s best,” my mother agrees.

  “Yes, so do I,” I say.

  My mother smirks. August doesn’t appear shocked, he simply nods before turning.

  I reach for my purse from the counter and then run to the sitting room announcing, “Mother has kicked August out. So, I have to go. Have a great night, Paige.”

  “Rylee,” my mother screeches.

  When I get outside, August’s standing there waiting for me, as if he knew I was coming.

  “Where to, rich girl?” he asks, smirking.

  “You are so hot and cold,” I tell him while unlocking my car. “Get in.”

  I can’t help but smile when I turn to face him. “Paige was happy you came. I know it mustn’t have been any kind of fun…” He says nothing but does nod his head. “Do you not like me, August? Because I got the impression you did.”

  August closes his knuckles and raps them on the handle of the door. “Why do you keep wanting to talk about feelings, Rylee?”

  I come to a stop outside an ice cream parlor. “Ice cream helps the soul. Come… I bet you’ve never tasted some of the flavors they have here. Absolutely the best in this town.”


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