Spider (Hades Abyss MC 1)

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Spider (Hades Abyss MC 1) Page 4

by Harley Wylde

  “Can none of you be serious for two seconds?” Casper asked. “How are the girls? Spider, don’t toy with Luciana. You have enough club pussy around there to occupy you. Leave the girl alone unless you’re serious.”

  I stared at the table a moment, tracing the woodgrain with my finger. I needed to reel Casper in, remind him who he was fucking talking to, but he’d given me the perfect opportunity. Luciana’s words still played in my mind. I wanted her to feel safe, to be secure in the knowledge she didn’t have to return to Colombia.

  “Luciana asked me to claim her.” I looked at my men, watching for their reaction. “I told her she should think it over and not make a rash decision. She doesn’t have just herself to consider. She’s pregnant.”

  “You’re considering it?” Fox asked, his brow furrowed. “You always said you’d never settle down. After the shit with Ryker’s mom, you said bitches were only good for fucking and not keeping.”

  “I’m considering it,” I admitted. “I just think she’s making a mistake that she’ll come to regret, and once I ink her, that’s it until I draw my last breath. Even after I’m gone, I’d expect you fuckers to take care of her and treat her like a damn queen.”

  No one said a word about my demise, but they knew better than most that I walked a fine line when it came to staying alive. Some of the shit I handled could easily end with my body being tossed into a shallow grave. It was a risk I was willing to take, and I knew every man at this table felt the same. Torch’s club might be a bit more law-abiding these days, not getting their hands quite as dirty, but then most seemed to be settling down and starting families. The majority of my club were still bachelors, and I didn’t see that changing anytime soon.

  “And the kid she’s carrying?” Bear asked. “You didn’t want kids after Ryker. That’s why you got snipped.”

  “That ball’s in her court. If she wants to keep it, then I’ll do what I need to. If she decides to give it up, I’ll help her with that too. Even if we aren’t together, I’m not going to leave her defenseless. I’m an asshole but not a total bastard.”

  “If Luciana trusted you enough to ask for sex, then maybe you really should claim her,” Casper said. “She acts braver than her sisters but deep down she’s terrified of men. Showing you a different side? That’s a huge step for her. If she’s letting you in and giving you a glimpse of how vulnerable she is, then she’s dead serious about being yours.”

  I was afraid he’d say something like that. I didn’t like it. Luciana seemed sweet, and I was furious over what she’d been through, but I wasn’t the settling-down type. Ryker’s mom had lived with me, so that my boy could be under my roof without a fight, but I’d never really made her mine. I hadn’t patched her or inked her, hadn’t married her, and I damn sure hadn’t let her put any sort of claim on me other than being the father of her son. Ryker had been a mistake when I was seventeen, but he was the best damn one I’d ever made. His mom had resented me for all I’d withheld from her and the club pussy I’d screwed even while she lived with me. She’d cursed me when she’d died. Women were too much damn trouble.

  But there was something about Luciana that gave me pause. She wasn’t like the other women I’d been with, and I’d seen the pain in her eyes when she’d thought about me claiming her but fucking other women. When Ryker’s mom had pulled that shit, it hadn’t bothered me. But the idea of making Luciana cry or doubt herself? That shit fucking hurt. Only under my roof for two hours and already she had me by the balls. Maybe I was getting too old for this shit.

  The doors to Church cracked open and Luciana peered inside, her wide gaze skirting around the room before landing on me. I should reprimand her, but there was something in the way she gripped the door that made me pause. Her knuckles were white, and there was tension bracketing her mouth.

  “What’s wrong, Luciana?” I asked.

  “I… Violeta and I were wondering if you’d be finished soon?”

  “Do you interrupt your father’s meetings?” Fox asked her, his tone sounding almost bored.

  Luciana paled and slowly shook her head before lowering her gaze, no doubt remembering exactly what happened when she disobeyed Mateo Gomez.

  I growled at Fox, but he winked at me. What the fuck was he up to now?

  “Think you should come apologize to your man for breaking the rules?” Fox asked. “Beg his forgiveness and hope he lets you stay?”

  “My…” Her head jerked up. “My man?”

  “You wanted him to claim you, right?” Fox asked.

  She slowly nodded, then looked at me again. I crooked a finger, beckoning her closer. Luciana took a step into the room, the door closing behind her. As it clicked shut, she flinched but kept moving toward me. She stopped within arm’s reach and glanced at the men around the table again. Her gaze locked on mine and she licked her lips, making me notice the lower one trembled.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Sorry for what?” I asked.

  “I interrupted your meeting. I understand that I need to be punished.” She reached for the hem of her shirt and I quickly closed my fingers around her wrist and pulled her toward me. Her startled gaze flew up and the pulse pounded in her neck.

  “Do you remember the talk we had before coming here?” I asked.

  She hesitated a moment, then nodded.

  “And did I not tell you that you were no longer a whore? That you wouldn’t be tortured?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she said, her accent getting thicker with her fear.

  “So why were you about to undress in front of my men?” I asked.

  I felt a tremor run through her and I tugged on her again, not stopping until she landed in my lap. She cast a furtive look at my men before turning to me again.

  “Luciana, I’m not Mateo Gomez. I don’t run this club the way he runs his organization. My men aren’t going to hurt you, they won’t rape you, and they sure as fuck aren’t going to accept money for anyone else to fuck you. Any one of them so much as looks at your naked body, and I’ll have to beat them.”

  The tension in the room intensified and I felt the anger coming off everyone around the table. I knew without a doubt they’d protect her, even if I wasn’t able to anymore.

  “I’m safe,” she murmured. “With you.”

  “Yes, you’re safe. Even if I weren’t here, you’d still be safe.”

  “Because you’re going to claim me?” she asked, her lips twisting a little as if she were almost afraid to hope for such a thing.

  I reached up to cup her cheek and she pressed against my hand, her eyes sliding shut a moment. Peace rolled across her features, only to disappear the moment she moved away from my touch.

  Fox leaned closer and Luciana pressed as far back as she could without falling on the floor. I gave my VP a glare that would scare most men, but not Fox. He just smirked before focusing on Luciana again. He gave her the smile that melted the panties off most women, but I could almost smell the fear coming from Luciana.

  “You know, maybe instead of letting this old bastard claim you, you might prefer being with someone else. Like me.” Fox winked at her and I damn near punched him.

  Luciana shook her head so hard I worried she’d crack her neck.

  Fox reached for her and Luciana made a sound like a wounded animal before tumbling off my lap. This time, I didn’t hold back. I punched Fox in the face, then stood and reached for Luciana. She whimpered and scurried back, her gaze wild and darting around the room. When her eyes became focused again and she realized it was just me, she grabbed onto my leg, wrapping herself around me.

  “Luciana,” I said softly. “Look at me.”

  Her gaze stayed on Fox and her grip tightened.

  “For fuck’s sake. Fox, you’re a Goddamn idiot. Thanks for scaring the shit out of her, asshole.” I lifted my lip at him in a snarl before reaching down and grabbing Luciana. I tugged her free of my leg and held her in my arms.

  “Spider, what’s going on?” Casper a
sked, reminding me he was on the phone.

  “Sounds like his VP is pushing his buttons.” Torch snickered, making me want to punch him.

  “The meeting is over as far as you two are concerned,” I said, reaching for the device on the table. “Go handle your own fucking business.”

  I ended the call and looked at my men.

  “Any of you, and I mean anyone scares Luciana or Violeta, and I will hand your ass to you. Understood? I might be getting old, but I’m not fucking dead. Until I hand the club over to someone else, my word is law. I would seriously suggest none of you forget it or forget why I’m the one in charge.” I lifted Luciana into my arms and strode toward the door, pausing a moment. “And for the record, she’s mine. I want a property cut by tomorrow morning.”

  I pushed my way through the door and made my way through the clubhouse. Violeta emerged from the shadows and reached out, grabbing onto my cut. I didn’t bother telling her to let go, even though she didn’t have permission to touch me. If Luciana had been scared enough to come find me, then it meant Violeta was terrified as well. I still didn’t know why she’d come into Church the way she had, but I’d find out soon enough. First, I needed to get her calmed down. Violeta could come with us. Rocket would stop by at some point.

  I stopped at one of the club SUVs and placed Luciana in the front passenger seat, then opened the back door for her sister. The keys were in the ignition and I started the engine and drove back to my house. It had been a nice day, so Luciana and I had walked to the clubhouse earlier. No way was she walking back right now. Since I’d just claimed her, I’d have to get some transportation other than my bike. With her being pregnant, I wasn’t about to let her ride on my Harley.

  I left the SUV in the driveway, then helped Luciana into the house, keeping my arm around her waist. She still seemed a little traumatized and I was ready to kick Fox’s ass, even if he had been trying to goad her into saying she wanted me. He was a motherfucker, and I’d deal with him later. Violeta followed us quietly and when I eased Luciana down onto the sofa, she sat beside her sister.

  “You’re safe,” I told Violeta. “I would never hurt you or your sister. She’s mine, and that means you’re mine too.”

  Violeta blinked and I realized she didn’t understand what I meant.

  “In this club, the women we claim are called old ladies. It’s like a wife but without the paperwork. Luciana will get a cut.” I pointed to mine. “Like this, but it will say Property of Spider and she’ll be inked with a property stamp.”

  Violeta still didn’t say anything.

  “Since you’re her sister, that makes you my responsibility as well. Do you like staying with Rocket?”

  She gave a slight nod.

  “He’s been treating you well? Hasn’t scared you too much?”

  “He didn’t like it when I tried to take off my clothes. He looked scared and ran out of the room,” Violeta said.

  I bit my lip because it wasn’t funny, and yet it was. I could just imagine Rocket’s horror when the teen started to strip, but the reason why she’d done it was scary as fuck.

  “Your sister told me what she’s been through. That you and Sofia have suffered as well. Is Luciana the only one pregnant?” I asked.

  Her gaze shuttered and that was answer enough. I just didn’t know if she was pregnant, or Sofia, or both of them. What a fucking mess. Violeta wasn’t even at the legal age of consent for most of the states. She should have been in high school, having fun with kids her age, not staring evil in the eye as it did irreparable damage to her physically and emotionally. I hoped Casper took out Mateo Gomez and his entire organization, but I knew another would just crop up. When one fell, another rose. One of Silva’s henchmen had tried to take over after Devil’s Boneyard had been there saving their man, Havoc, but he hadn’t been able to gain enough power to pull it off.

  “Violeta, the things your father and his men did, none of that will happen to you here. This club will protect you, keep you safe. No one expects you to spread your legs in payment, or do anything else for that matter.” I watched her for a moment. “Did you ever go to school?”

  “Tutors,” she said. “They can be paid not to ask questions.”

  “Did you enjoy learning?” I asked, trying to quell the urge to track down the motherfuckers who’d looked the other way when a young girl was being hurt.

  She nodded.

  “If you’d like to continue your schooling, I’ll check around for a tutor. A female tutor if you’d prefer. Would you like that?”

  “Yes,” she said softly and looked at her sister.

  “Violeta, I swear to you that Luciana is safe with me. Could I have a moment alone with her? There’s some soda in the fridge and snacks in the pantry. You can help yourself to anything you’d like in there. Except the beer.” I winked and gave her a smile. “No underage drinking.”

  She looked from me to her sister and back before getting up and leaving the room. Luciana had a vacant stare that was scaring the shit out of me. Yes, Fox had been out of line, but this seemed like an extreme reaction. I lifted Luciana, then took a seat and settled her in my lap, holding her close to my chest. I ran my hand up and down her back, just holding her a moment.

  “Fox is the Vice President of this club. He’s my right-hand man, and while he can be a jackass and do some dumb shit on occasion, he’s a decent guy and he would never hurt you. I don’t know what he did that caused you to react this way, or if you’re under too much stress and finally snapped, but I swear on my life that I will keep you safe. You’re mine, Luciana. No one will hurt you at this compound.”

  She still didn’t speak. Didn’t cry. Didn’t even move.

  I glanced up and saw Violeta in the doorway. “What does your Fox look like?”

  “He’s in his late thirties, bearded, tattooed, brown hair that can look more blond if he’s outside a lot.” I shrugged a shoulder. “He looks like an everyday biker. Why?”

  Violeta stared at her sister before she started to speak again. “One of the men who paid for her was tall, slender, but had muscles. Sometimes he had a neatly trimmed beard and sometimes he shaved. His hair was somewhere between blond and brown, and his eyes were dark and cold.”

  “How do you know what he looked like?” I asked.

  “I saw him once. I’d been bad and was going to be punished. The room where they chained Luciana was open and that man was going inside, removing his clothes. He winked at me before telling her that maybe he’d have me next.”

  I took a deep breath. Then another. And another. It didn’t stop the rage filling me, but I sure as fuck didn’t want to scare Violeta.

  “Fox would never harm either of you, but I understand her reaction to him now. He flirted and suggested she pick him instead,” I said.

  Violeta paled and worried at her lower lip.

  “He wasn’t being cruel, Violeta. He was being playful and didn’t mean any harm. I’ll speak to him later and let him know that he can’t do that shit around either of you,” I said. And I just might kick his ass while I was at it. Even if the fucker hadn’t known what would happen, he’d been warned the girls had suffered abuse.

  It seemed I needed to be a bit clearer about what would and wouldn’t be tolerated when it came to Luciana and Violeta. I knew that having women around was a bit of an oddity. Some of the older members, those who were no longer an active part of the club, had old ladies. Those women hadn’t hung around much, preferring to live outside the compound. I was the only one still here from the original crew, except Bear.

  I cradled Luciana against me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to snap her out of this as long as Violeta was here. Rocket would eventually come for his new charge, if only to ensure she was safe. He had a protective instinct that ran deep, and having helped raise his baby sister, I knew he’d keep a close eye on Violeta. It was ingrained in him.

  To speed things along, I sent a text to him.

  Violeta is with me.

  It only to
ok a moment before I got a response.

  On my way.

  Good. Once Violeta was out of here, I could help Luciana through this. Then we’d discuss why she’d interrupted Church. Something had spooked her, and I wanted to know what, or who, had done it.

  Chapter Four


  One moment, I’d been in Spider’s lap, still rattled but not as nervous as I’d been before I’d interrupted his meeting. The next thing I remembered was a man reaching for me, making a suggestion I sleep with him, a man who looked like one of my tormentors, and then… nothing. Not until now. I slowly blinked and looked up at Spider. The water from the showerhead beat down on my back, and his arms were wrapped around me. My naked body was pressed against his, but I saw only concern in his gaze and not lust.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “You zoned out. I think when my VP opened his big mouth, you freaked or had some sort of episode. I’d be willing to bet you have PTSD.”

  “And you thought a hot shower would help?” I asked, gazing up at him in curiosity.

  “I was trying to think outside the box. Holding you and trying to talk you through it didn’t seem to be helping,” Spider said.

  I rested my forehead against his chest, then sucked in a deep breath. “Violeta.”

  “She’s with Rocket, and she’s fine. What happened, Luciana? What scared you enough that you came to find me?”

  “A man came in. We didn’t recognize him. Young. Almost too pretty. He stopped and stared, wouldn’t take his eyes off us, and Violeta got scared. I was a little worried too.”

  “Did he have a Prospect patch on his cut?” Spider asked.


  He chuckled a little. “Violeta was confused by that one too. The black vest with all the patches. It’s called a cut.”

  I thought about it a moment. “Yes. It said Prospect.”

  “Young like you, or younger than you?” he asked.


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