Ethan’s NaughtySubmissive: Silver Creek Resort Book Three

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Ethan’s NaughtySubmissive: Silver Creek Resort Book Three Page 5

by Barron, Melinda

  He was happy the ladies were thinking about setting up events in the future. It would be good not only for them, but for Silver Creek, too. The three of them had decided to talk tomorrow afternoon, when the guests would start leaving and heading back to their normal lives. He knew Hero would be all for it. With her party-planner experience she would have great ideas. And Autumn the writer was working on a fiction book, but she said she’d also have time to help plan and would love it.

  Ethan hoped to use tomorrow night to introduce Cee to Chef. He wasn’t the touchy, feely type, but since Cee had a food background, he hoped the two of them would hit it off. Randy was supposed to tell Chef about the raise they’d approved. Ethan hoped the cook didn’t see it as an attempt to bribe him to stay, now that another cook was living at Silver Creek or rather would be living here, very soon.

  “Ethan?” He turned his head toward the man standing next to him.

  “Dr. Zane Little, how are you doing?” The two men shook hands.

  “Great, thanks, except my wife wants to spend more time here than at home.” Zane laughed. “And you guys are always busy.”

  “We are,” Ethan said. He remembered Zane very well. He and his wife, Tracy, were newbies, a couple in their late forties who turned to BDSM to combat empty nest syndrome. “But call me direct and I’ll see what I can do about getting you a reservation more often. How are things in the dentistry world?”

  “Busy, like you,” Zane said. “Tracy and I go to one of the clubs in Vegas every once in a while, but your place just has a feel to it. I think it’s because I’ve known Randy for so long, and we’re comfortable with him.”

  “Sorry he’s not here tonight,” Ethan said. “Should I call him? Are you and your wife going to scene?”

  “It’s my first time with a flogger,” Zane said. “I took Randy’s class the last time we were here, and he taught me a lot.”

  “I’ll give him a call and ask him to come down,” Ethan said. “He’ll be happy to watch one of his students perform.”

  “Do you teach a class?” Zane asked.

  “I teach students how to use a bull whip,” Ethan said. It was something he planned on practicing later this evening. “It’s one of the upper level classes. When you’re ready I’ll make sure you get a spot.”

  “I’m not sure how Tracy would react to having a whip used on her,” Zane said.

  “You talk it out together, and when you’re ready you learn what you’re doing.” Ethan glanced at Cecily. “You make her comfortable, you calm her fears, you let her know that it will take her higher than anything ever has before. At least it does for me. Now if you try it and it doesn’t work, then you move on to something else. And don’t force her to try it. If she’s intrigued, then you move ahead. If she’s not, you look into our other classes. Have the two of you tried the bondage one? Hector teaches it. He’s a rope master.”

  “Thanks for the advice,” Zane said. “Once the kids were gone, we got bored with each other. An empty house with no games to go to, no events to attend. It was like we had to reinvent ourselves. BDSM brought us closer together, but I know we still have so much to learn.”

  “Don’t ever stop learning, Zane,” Ethan said. “I love learning something new as often as possible.”

  “Like getting married? Congratulations. I hear you and your lady friend are going to tie the knot.”

  “In more ways than one,” Ethan said with a chuckle. He swallowed his dislike about learning about marriage. He didn’t tell a lot of people that he was a widower, because it would bring up the question of how his wife died, and the various inquiries that went with it. It was always easier to let people assume he’d been single all his life.

  “I’d love to see you work with a whip,” Zane said. “I’m not sure how Tracy will feel about it. I wish you guys were closer to Vegas and had more openings.”

  Closer to Vegas. An idea started to build in Ethan’s mind. “Tell me, do they have classes at the clubs you go to?”

  “Oh yes, and good ones,” Zane said. “But we feel a bond with Silver Creek, because this was the first place we played.”

  “I understand that,” Ethan said. “Let me call Randy and ask him to come down and watch your scene.”

  “I’d appreciate that,” Zane said.

  Ethan told Mike, one of the other minders, that he was going into the office to call Randy. Mike nodded, never taking his attention off the couple he was watching. Once in the office, Ethan dinged Randy. He told him Zane wanted him to watch his first try with the flogger, and then he said, “I have an idea that might be acceptable to all of us. Talking to Zane brought it about, actually.”

  “You’re not asking him to be an investor, are you?”

  “No, but he mentioned something that clicked in my brain,” Ethan said.

  “Oh Lord help us all,” Randy said with a chuckle. “This is going to cost us money.”

  “You can’t make money unless you spend money,” Ethan said. “If we don’t grow, we will waste away.”

  “A penny saved is a penny earned,” Randy said.

  “We gotta bring home the bacon,” Ethan said.

  “A fool and his money are soon parted,” Randy countered.

  “I may need new partners,” Ethan said. “If both you and Shawn are against me, I’m up the proverbial creek.” He paused before he said, “At least listen to me.”

  “We will do that,” Randy said. “I’ll hold Shawn in check, because I’m just jacking with you. What time is Zane and Tracy’s scene?”

  “Ten,” Ethan said. “There are not many people out tonight. Are we so boring our guests are staying in their cabins and watching the tube?”

  “I hope not,” Randy said. “See you before ten.”

  Ethan went to the desk to check the schedule. He’d told Randy that flogger scene was the last one of the night but he hadn’t really checked to be sure. He was unhappy to see he was right. He wished he knew where most of their guests were. It was every possibility they were having swap parties. What they did in their own cabins was their business, as long as no one was hurt.

  He went back to the main room. Cee was standing with Tracy Little, who was giggling. Zane stood by himself, and Ethan walked over to where he stood.

  “Randy and Shawn are both going to be here,” Ethan said. “You need to relax. You’ve done well in your class, and you know your wife. The most important thing I can tell you is to read her. If she’s trying to pull away, she hasn’t been warmed up enough. That’s very important, the warm up and the aftercare. Remember, you’re leading her, not abusing her.”

  “Got it,” Zane said.

  Ethan didn’t want to lecture him, because that took the fun out of what was about to happen. From the look on Tracy Little’s face she was thrilled about tonight.

  “You’re going to do great,” Ethan said. “I’ll be back.”

  He went back to the office to check the listings one more time, and then he made a spit-second decision. He told Mike he’d be right back, and then went to his cabin to collect a few items.

  Sometimes surprises were the spice of life.

  * * *

  “Hero! Autumn!” Cecily waved at her friends, happy that they had shown up. “I’m glad you’re here,” she said as the three women exchanged hugs. She felt a little strange, wandering around the room in her leather harness while the other two ladies were wearing t-shirts and shorts. Of course they were not on duty, and she was.

  “My first official job at Silver Creek,” she said. “I’m sort of glad that the room is not very crowded. That way if I screw up, not many people will see.”

  “You’re doing great,” Autumn said. “My first night here, I told a man he was an ass. Of course I was really new to the lifestyle. The man told Shawn I should be publicly whipped for insulting him, and Shawn told him that he agreed with me, because the man didn’t warm up his sub at all, and when she screamed in pain and used her safe word, he ignored it.”

  “He hasn�
�t been approved to come back,” Hero said. “Randy told me about him the other day. He has a new sub that he wants to humiliate in front of everyone.”

  “Some women like humiliation,” Autumn said. “That was a hard thing for me to realize. But Shawn said when he ignored her use of the safe word, that’s when the scene had to end. Unfortunately I called him a name before Hector stepped in. That, I guess, is a no-no. I had to learn to control my temper, and it was hard.”

  “That makes two of us,” Hero said. “Cecily, I’m really excited about us planning events for the resort. You’re going to add so much here.”

  There must have been a frown on her face, because Cecily noticed both Hero and Autumn frowned.

  “I’m just a little nervous,” Cecily admitted. “I’m afraid I’ll get bored.”

  Both ladies laughed. “Trust me,” Hero said. “I thought the same thing, and it didn’t take long for me to figure out I wouldn’t. You’re going to love it here. You can take short trips to town, and maybe go to Vegas once a month. You’re going to love it.”

  Before Cecily could respond, Ethan called for attention.

  “All of us were newbies at one point,” he said after the room was quiet. “We learn about what fascinates us, and how to do it safely, sanely, and, most important of all, consensually.”

  “For that reason, when a new couple is doing a scene at Silver Creek we talk to the submissive and ask her what her safe word is.” Ethan turned to Tracy Little. She was naked, except for the large collar around her neck. “Tracy, please tell me your safe word.”

  “Piano,” she said.

  Cecily smiled. True to form, a safe word had to be something that you wouldn’t say during sex, but it needed to be something that meant something to you, something that would come to your mind if you needed to use it. When she and Ethan had started, he’d asked her for a safe word, giving her the choice. She’d selected jackass, and Ethan had looked stunned before he’d broken into laughter.

  “Are you saying I’m an ass?”

  “I’m saying if I have to use my safe word then yes, you’re an ass.”

  He’d chuckled again. “There are many reasons why someone would use a safe word. You should never vilify a Dom or make fun of a sub for using their word, or the word they use.”

  “Sorry,” she’d said. “But I’m not changing my word.”

  And she hadn’t. She wondered why Tracy had chosen the word piano. That she knew of, neither of the Littles played, and Tracy was not a music teacher. When she’d talked to her earlier, Tracy had said she’d spent her life as a housewife, taking the kids to events, and volunteering at their schools, or at the neighborhood library.

  Cecily made a mental note to ask her what significance the word held in her life. She jerked her head back toward the stage, where Ethan was speaking again. She’d missed what he’d said, and that made her feel bad.

  “The introduction is done,” Ethan said. “We should all remember that this is the Littles first public scene. Please no catcalls, or interruptions. Just offer your support.”

  The crowd clapped as Zane worked to secure Tracy to the stocks that were in the center of the stage. Tracy was at the back of the stage, and her ass in full view.

  Cecily licked her lips. She wanted to be the person on the stage. She wanted to be whipped. She wanted, she wanted, she wanted. Marcus had told her once that she was always thinking of herself, and not enough of others. She knew he was right, she needed to think of others more.

  She forced the image of being in the stocks, of feeling Ethan whip her ass as he did so expertly, out of her mind and focused on Zane Little. He had the flogger in his hand and was standing close to his wife.

  “If he remembers what I taught him, he’ll do fine,” Randy said. “This may be their first public scene, but I’m sure they’ve been playing at home. Most couples do.”

  “Yeah, but your first public scene is nerve wracking,” Ethan said.

  “She’s strong, and she knows what she wants,” Cecily said. “I talked to her earlier, and she told me she was excited about this. She also told me that they’d watched scenes in clubs at Vegas, and that gave them some ideas. She said they couldn’t always get in here because it was too crowded.”

  “Which is one of the reasons I asked you guys to come down,” Ethan said. “We need a club in Vegas. Not a place where people stay overnight, but where they come and play during the week, where they are introduced to the lifestyle if they want, where we hold classes.”

  “We do all that here,” Shawn said.

  “We’d serve a different community there,” Ethan said. “People who want to have a place to go during the week. Sure there are already clubs there, and they are good ones, but I think there’s room for more. Your friend Priscilla Samms runs ones, doesn’t she, Randy?”

  “She does,” Randy said. “I’ll give her a call tomorrow and see what she thinks about it, I mean about there being room in the market.”

  “You guys are killing me,” Shawn said, “but I’ll go along with the research for it, and then we’ll take a vote later. But something tells me I’ll be losing this one.”

  Cecily smiled at the conversation going on around her. She kept her gaze on the stage, where Zane ran the strands of the flogger over Tracy’s bare bottom, back and forth, up and down, and then back and forth. When she moaned softly, he took a few steps back and started to flog her. Her cries of pain were mixed with pleasure.

  “Good wrist action,” Randy whispered. “He was a good student, and I can see that all his hard work has paid off.”

  Having never flogged someone before, Cecily was not sure about wrist action. But having been flogged many, many times, she knew from Tracy’s cries that Zane’s attentions were effective, and very welcome. Something told her Tracy would come hard tonight.

  Watching the scene made Cecily once again wish she was up there, not feeling Zane’s flogger, but Ethan’s whip. He’d promised her a taste of it later tonight, and she was excited about that. But she didn’t want to wait. She was very bad at waiting. It was something Ethan told her they needed to work on.

  The scene continued. Zane asked Tracy if she’d been a bad girl. She replied yes. The flogging continued for about five minutes, with the strikes, at least to Cecily’s point of view, being far too gentle.

  She reminded herself that they were newbies, and they were doing it as they should to enjoy themselves. It shouldn’t matter to her.

  When the flogging was over, Zane went to the table at the right of the stage. He set down the flogger and picked up a bottle of cream. As he rubbed it into Tracy’s behind, her moans of pleasure really ramped up Cecily’s desire. She wondered if any of the other ladies watching felt the same thing.

  Cecily took a step to the left, ready to go to the office and put some distance between herself and Ethan, whom she wanted to jump right now.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” the man in question asked. He took her arm and held her in place.

  “I need to go pee,” she lied.

  “You’re such a bad liar,” he said. “It’s bad form to leave before the scene is over. Would you want someone to abandon you in the middle of things?”

  “They’re done,” she said.

  “They both need affirmation,” he said. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “Pig,” she whispered. When he tapped his hand against her ass, she knew he’d heard her.

  “Watch your mouth,” he said.

  Cecily recognized that tone. She clamped her lips together and watched as Zane released Tracy from the stocks. He held her close and then kissed her forehead and the audience applauded. Tracy looked like she’d just been crowned Queen of England, and when she looked at her husband, it was with such a look of love that Cecily felt a pang of envy.

  What would life be like to spend your entire life with one man, one whom you felt so close to, one whom you loved to the ends of time? Tears stung her eyes and she brushed them away.

sp; “Are you okay?” Ethan asked. “Did I upset you somehow?”

  “No,” Cecily said. “I just… I just…” She wasn’t sure how to complete her sentence, so she just left it dangling. She looked back at the stage. Workers were removing the stocks. They were putting up a frame in its place, securing it to the floor with a piece of equipment she didn’t recognize, one that made a loud noise. When the two of them stood they pulled on the wood, and, obviously happy with their work, they left the stage.

  “I thought the Littles were the last scene of the evening,” she said.

  “This is more of a demonstration,” he said. He turned her so fast her head spun. Then he slapped her ass and said, “Get up there. Now.”

  “Are you kidding me?” she hissed out. She couldn’t believe she’d just said that. She was jealous of Tracy Little just seconds ago, and now her master was ordering her onto the stage and she was resisting.

  “Get up there,” Ethan repeated. She knew he was on his best behavior because of the people around, even if there weren’t that many.

  “You could have given me a heads up,” she said. Mike walked over and handed Ethan a whip. He let the single-tail dangle to the floor.

  The look he gave her replaced any words. Cecily hurried to the stage. When she was there, Mike appeared at her side and attached her wrists to the fame.

  “Spread ’em,” Ethan ordered. When she’d done as he’d said, Mike secured her legs. While he was down there, he attached a weight to her slave ring. To her, that was Ethan giving her permission to come while he whipped her.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Doms and subs, since tonight was slow, I decided to give a little demonstration about the use of a single-tail.” Ethan’s announcement made her smile. She wanted to laugh, actually, because she was so happy with this turn of events.


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