Rendered (Irrevocable Series Book 1)

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Rendered (Irrevocable Series Book 1) Page 17

by Samantha Jacobey

  “Yes,” she breathed quietly, falling into step beside him. “But I realized I needed to see you before I left.” Her face flushed, and she felt happy for the darkness that would cover for her. “You want to go sit beneath the tree for a few minutes?”

  He stared at her for a moment, his heart heavy. Damn. This is so hard. “Sure,” he replied softly, surprising her by catching her fingers as they moved. “You know, I’m really gonna miss you,” he supplied when they arrived at the twisted branches.

  “I’m going to miss you, too.” She smiled up at him, wondering if a goodbye kiss would be in order, before she tossed the idea.

  Caleb stared down at her blankly, his mind racing. She really doesn’t know. Gasping for air, he thought he might cry. So trusting. What the hell are you gonna do about it though? “Hey”—he grinned genuinely—“you know, I never did take you for that ride.”

  Laughing loudly, she agreed, “I know. Too busy, I guess. We’ll have to save it for when I get back.”

  “Le’s do it now,” he offered, overcome with the idea.

  Bailey chuckled again. “Now? It’s late. Won’t everyone be going to bed?”

  “It’s ok.” He shrugged. “I’ll push it out th’ front gate before we start it, an’ we can take a quick run—up the road an’ back. Whadda ya say? No one gets disturbed that way. Slip home an’ grab a jacket an’ meet me there.” Not waiting for a reply, he took off, ready to retrieve his ride from the garage behind his parents’ house.

  Staring after him when he left her, the girl shook her head slowly. Crazy goof. Part of her thought the idea silly, but deep down she felt eager to join him on their last adventure together before she made her way back to the city.

  Almost skipping down the path, she crept into the ranch house, taking the stairs much more quietly this time. Locating the sweatshirt and hoodie that she had packed for cooler evenings, she carried them both with her and headed for the front gate.

  When she arrived, Caleb had the motorcycle waiting outside and hit the keypad to close the large covering behind her.

  “We won’t be gone long, will we?” she asked, growing a little nervous that it might upset someone that they had.

  “Not too long,” he reassured.

  Pulling both articles on, the girl adjusted the hood portion over her ears and slid onto the back seat behind him. Working her arms around, the engine seemed loud, and she gripped him tightly, emitting a low squeal as the pavement began to move beneath them.

  The ride felt thrilling, her excitement only partially caused by the rush of air against them. Digging her fingers into his chest, she smiled at the thought of him and how much he had come to mean to her in the few months she had known him. Resting her head against his back, she sighed her joy that she had chosen to take the ride with him.

  She still wore a small elated grin when they reached the cattle guard at the end of their private road and pulled out onto the main highway to turn around. Stopping on the far side, Caleb killed the engine and swung off the bike, facing her.

  She thought he might have wanted to talk, but instead he slid his arms around her, placing his palm against the back of her head and holding her against him. Exhaling a loud breath, he dared to let his feelings show, if only for the moment.

  “I can’t do this,” he whispered into her auburn locks, nuzzling her ear. Her uncle had filled him in on the parts of their plan she wouldn’t find out about until it was too late, and he had been wrestling with the issue ever since. He knew he needed to take her someplace safe, and what’s worse…he knew what it was going to cost him if he did.

  Unsure what he couldn’t do, Bailey looped her arms around him while still straddling his bike. Finding herself caught up in the rush of being close to him, she sighed, curious if he wanted to kiss her as well. The thrill of the idea gave her quivers of excitement, and she stroked the nape of his neck tenderly in anticipation.

  To her surprise, he extracted himself from her grasp and slid back onto the seat in front of her. Restarting the engine, he allowed her to cling to him once more. Only he didn’t steer them back towards the compound.

  Instead, he headed down the highway, rolling north. Deciding he wasn’t ready to end the ride, she continued to hold on to him, growing weary as the hour grew late. A short time later, they pulled up at the small convenience store, surrounded by open pasture, the same one they had stopped at on the way down from Midland a few months before.

  Although the interior appeared dark, the pumps beneath the awning were open twenty-four hours. Coming to a stop, Caleb killed the engine and opened the tank.

  “I guess we’ll head back now.” She gave him a weak smile, standing herself to stretch her legs. The thrill of the moment had passed, and she only wanted to get some sleep.

  Without looking at her, he inserted the nozzle. “I can’t take you back.”

  Bailey could feel the air slowly escape from her chest. “What do you mean you can’t take me back? Why the hell not?” She sidled up next to him, reaching for his arm.

  Twisting his appendage, he caught her hand and pulled her up so that his face lay right above hers, and he could glare into her perfect green orbs. “They weren’t takin’ you to Midland, little bit,” he breathed. “If you had gotten on that plane…” His voice trailed away.

  She could see his eyes squeezed into slits, the crystal blue boring into her. “You said that everything was ok,” her voice grew small.

  “Yeah, I know.” He nodded generously, turning back to the hose and closing the tank. “I thought that it was. But The Ranch’s full o’ people, an’ in the end, it’s a lot of responsibility, keepin’ everyone safe.”

  “So I was too much of a threat?” she asked angrily.

  “Something like that. If you got on the plane, if you chose t’ leave… The guys were to take you away so the boys thought you had gone to school. Then, when you didn’t come back next year, it would be because you had chosen not to.” He cut his eyes over at her, waiting for her response.

  Bailey glared at him, anger boiling. “And we left them there?!?” her voice grew shrill.

  “Your brothers are fine. They were always wanted…needed. You’re the one no one really cared about.” His face dropped to plant his chin against his chest, ashamed of the part he had played in the group’s sinister plot.

  “So what do we do? Go back and get them?” she demanded bitterly.

  “No.” His gaze shot up to meet hers. “No, we go on to Midland. We can stay at the apartment. I’ll get a job, an’ you can go t’ school.”

  “Won’t they just come after us if they want to get rid of me that bad?”

  “I don’t think so.” He heaved a deep breath. “I think we’ll be fine. Anyways, I’ll contact my dad in a day or two an’ make peace.” Reaching up, he caught a few auburn curls, tugging on them lightly. “I’m sorry. I really wanted everything to work out.”

  Glaring at him beneath the fluorescent glow of the canopy, her heart pounded wildly inside her chest. “This is insane.” Her mind screamed at her in warning. “I can’t believe they would really hurt me,” she whispered.

  Caleb only grimaced, ready to put her back on the bike and be on their way. Believe it, little bit, he mentally challenged, and you wouldn’t be the first.

  Books in the Irrevocable Series


  Book Two





  About the Author

  Anyone who knows me could tell you, I am a friendly kind of person, never met a stranger and take up conversations anywhere at any time. I work hard, and my mind never seems to shut down, as I wake up often in the middle of the night with ideas pouring out and demanding to be dealt with. Of course that means much of my books were written in the middle of the night.

  I grew up and still live in the great state of Texas where everything is bigger, where we have warm weather and a central location. I
love my state, my town, and my family, which includes my four sons, my significant other, and many friends as well.

  I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this story and hope that you will love reading it just as much. And of course, there will be many more adventures to come.

  You can follow Samantha Jacobey at:





  Other works by Samantha Jacobey

  A New Life Series

  Bikers, rockers and the FBI clash in a dark, mature adult romantic thriller – Tori Farrell will go through hell to get her new life in a completed seven book series!

  To what lengths would you go to break away from a life filled with pain and suffering?

  Tori Farrell has lived a dangerous life. When you grow up with a Motorcycle Gang of Mercenaries and Drug Lords like the Dragons, a normal life is more like a fairytale. For years, she accepted her dark reality, a world consisting of drugs, sex, violence and murder. In the end, she learned the most valuable lesson: survival.

  After years of being ruled by the Dragons, Tori uses her skills of seduction and assassination to free herself from the grasp of the people who vowed they would never let her go. Taken in by the FBI, she fears not everything is what it seems, and soon finds herself lost in a web of lies and deceit. She thought getting away from the Dragons would put her on a path to a new and better life, but now she must face the cold hard truth... there is always a price to be paid.

  Irrevocable Series

  The end of the world is coming, or so they say, and that puts Bailey Dewitt on a crash course with Armageddon. Orphaned, she and her young brothers find themselves living with their renegade uncle as part of a group of survivalists. She struggles against them, searching for a way to escape, but every discovery only terrifies her more.

  For Caleb Cross, the Ranch is a way of life. The members of their group are family, and none should come between them. Smitten from the moment he met Bailey, his choices are no longer easy, his path no longer clear. He wants to welcome her and the twins into their fold and hopes his kin will agree.

  But the elders who lead them aren’t interested in the troublesome girl. They are plotting for the time they will be rid of her and expect Caleb to go along with their plans - he is after all one of them.

  At first, Bailey resists Caleb's charms, but soon must admit that she desperately needs a friend. She has no intention of anything more, but when the elders make their move, she is forced to trust him with her very life.

  They both have hard lessons to learn. Relationships built on secrets and lies don’t come with guarantees. When the world falls apart around them, some things are Irrevocable.

  Summer Spirit Series

  No one EVER had a summer romance like this!

  When Charlie visited another plane parallel to our own, he discovered that Summer Angels and Dark Angels battle over the fate of man.

  Faced with choices no one should ever have to make, his adventure has been fraught with twists and turns, with life and death hanging in the balance. His guardian, Clarisse, is the half that makes him whole, but sinister forces conspire to do more than simply keep them apart.

  Find out if they can stand up to the powers that be in this THRILLING MAGICAL ADVENTURE!!!

  Dragon of Eriden Series

  King Ziradon… Supreme Dragon of Eriden. He is overthrown; imprisoned in a stone fortress to watch as his kingdom is plundered by his once trusted adviser, Gwirwen.

  Princess Kaliwyn… Dragoness and heir to the throne of Eriden. She is cursed to human form, stripped of her memory and cast out of the magical kingdom. But her dragon heart is strong, and it is her destiny to return and set right the grievances her people have suffered.

  And so, the Dragon of Eriden begins…

  Whisper of Suffering – book 1: Amicia Spicer led a simple life, until she discovered it had all been a lie…

  On her deathbed, Arely Spicer confessed to her only daughter that she had been found by, not born to her mother and father. Sad news to be certain, the idea of having a family of flesh and blood waiting to be reunited sent the young, independent woman on the adventure of a lifetime. Little did she know, a dragon’s heart beat within her chest and her journey would be more perilous than she could have imagined...

  Journey of Darkness – book 2: Within Amicia’s chest beats the heart of a dragon, if she can discover it in time...

  Refusing to simply accept their circumstances, first mate Piers Massheby leads the group out of their refuge at Esterbrook, home of the nymphs and satyrs. Crossing the wilderness and vast desert of Peaswan, they are shadowed by their hunter, the great dragon who seeks to destroy them.

  Meeting friend and foe along the way, they question the wisdom of leaving the safety of the glen as they encounter new discoveries and dangers on their march to the north. In search of a way out of Eriden and back to their home in the Rim of Mortals, peril looms in the shadows, and they fear with each battle they face that it will be their last.

  Amicia’s magical powers grow, but will they be enough to hold off the trolls that yearn to tear them to shreds?

  Betrayal of Honor – book 3: The princess has yet to hear her dragon heart, but many have seen the truth within her…

  The group has made a home in the north and formed an unlikely alliance with the trolls, but their peace is short lived. An evil has settled across the kingdom, one that must be faced if the group will have the means to survive, much less return to their families across the sea. Friends and enemies are difficult to discern, and the intentions of all they encounter are in doubt.

  On the move again, they are taken in by the dwarves, but King Baeweth has his own agenda. Forced to flee in the dead of night, no haven is safe as the battle between the dragons grows, engulfing all the kingdom and setting each against his own in every corner of the land.

  Will any take their side in the end, or will they be left to stand alone against the enemies of the realm?

  Kingdom of Ruin – book 4: Amicia has discovered the secret of her line, and the heart of Kaliwyn beats within her chest…

  Ami could not have faced the truth without the support of her dearest friends. Her plans for the future irrevocably altered, she must take on the dragons and stand for what is right over what is easy. Forgiving her mother and father for their deceit, she has made the choice to move against the dragons; but the price has already been high, and the battle has hardly begun…

  Only through the help of her comrades can the civil war be brought to an end and the shadows that threaten all of Eriden be removed. The finale is near, but the danger will be greater than the group has ever faced. Her power matched by her resolve, Kaliwyn gathers her forces and prepares for the bloody stand they must make by enlisting unlikely supporters wherever she can.

  Elves, trolls, dwarves and daemons all take sides in the battle that threatens to rip their kingdom in two. Friends turn and allies fall, but the will of the group to prevail remains strong, even in the darkness of all they have lost.

  Can they survive the great war that threatens to leave both Eriden and the Rim of Mortals in ruins?

  Sweet Christmas Series

  Life isn’t always sweet, even for girls called Candy, and in this series, romance is a family affair…

  Candice Parker’s life has never been easy. Plagued by losses and setbacks, each day is a struggle for the petite brunette and her young son. When fireman Gary enters her world, he is one mistake she refuses to make; but after tragedy strikes, she may not have a choice.

bsp; Gerald Ford has never been what anyone would call settled. Always keeping things simple, he lived a fast and furious lifestyle, with no intentions of slowing down. However, when he inherits his family’s ancestral mansion on his thirtieth birthday, he considers the possibility that it’s time for a change. Could this complicated young woman be his Christmas Candy?

  Unexpected Magic Series

  In this series of standalone thrillers, unwitting witches tumble into the dark world of the craft…

  The Binding- book 1: One cursed diary will change two strangers forever...

  Merideth Monroe was born to a wealthy politician; luxury was her middle name. The happiest childhood, the finest schools, and landing her dream career; her future couldn’t have been brighter. She didn’t care that her mother wanted a different path for her; but when her mother is murdered and she appears to be next, nothing in her flawless life will matter.

  Rider Bradshaw lived a carefree existence. Ex-military, he only wanted out of his family’s shaded history and chose to leave the sins of their past behind. However, when a girl he’s never heard of is placed in his charge by his father, protecting her becomes his obsession and keeping her safe his only reality.


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