Blood That Binds: A Vampire Romance (Blood Legends Duet)

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Blood That Binds: A Vampire Romance (Blood Legends Duet) Page 22

by Melissa Winters

“Why?” I’m holding my breath awaiting his answer. A part of me hopes that something about my birth made it his favorite year, but that would be so inconsequential for an immortal. Someone who has lived for hundreds of years would surely find more important things to remember. Besides, he didn’t know me until the auction. I haven’t spoken of his father’s diary, because I’m not sure how he would react to my snooping and honestly, it’s not worth discussing until I have solved the riddle of what it even means.

  Julian continues to stare at me, not saying a word. His gaze is hard and unyielding—as though he’s trying to make out the words in his head before he speaks them.

  “It was just a feeling I had,” he starts, running his hands down his face. “It was like waking for the first time. Colors less dull, sounds sharper, my sense of smell more acute. I don’t know, it was . . . living.”

  “One day you just woke up and things were better?” I say doubtfully.

  “Yes,” he insists. “It was like being reborn. I remember the exact day.”

  Everything hangs in the balance as I wait for him to continue. It’s as though I’m standing at the edge of an airplane door, thirteen thousand feet above land, waiting to free-fall into the air. My stomach tightens, and my breathing becomes heavy.

  “You do?” I whisper, feeling light-headed.

  “April 13, 1994.”

  I gasp, hands flying up to cover my mouth. My birthday. He said my birthday.

  Tingles start in my toes and work their way up my body, warming me as they go. This has to mean something. It’s too many coincidences. It’s starting to make sense why his father thought it could be us. Triplets born on the day at least one of his sons changed.

  At that thought, the tingles cease, the muscles in my face relax, and dread fills me. If only Mr. Bellamy were here today to see what a disappointment we turned out to be. The only thing Julian will get from me is type O. I bleed like everyone else, and it’s nothing special. I push all my energy into keeping him out of my head. I’m not sure if it will work, but some part of me believes I have more power than I know.

  “Marina, what’s wrong?” Julian asks, coming to my side, concern lacing his voice.

  It worked. Oh my god, it seems to really have worked.

  I’m not ready to admit out loud that I fear his father died in vain. If the secret he was harboring involved my sisters and me, then what a massive waste of a legend we were.

  “Look at me,” he commands, lifting my chin so that our eyes meet. “Whatever is going on in that pretty little head of yours, stop it. I can’t read your mind and it’s killing me because I can tell it’s eating you up inside.”

  I blink, slowly, frowning all the while. “April 13, 1994, is my birthday.”

  He smiles. “Definitely my favorite.”

  My ears warm at his flirtatious tone.

  “You don’t find any of this strange?” I ask. “You had some sort of rebirth on my birthday?”

  He frowns. “Many things are strange, Marina, but I’m not sure what you’re insinuating.”

  I want to tell him what I’m thinking, but I don’t. There’s still too much I need to uncover.

  “Come here,” he says, pulling me up from my chair and into his lap.

  Since the night at the club, we haven’t been close enough for intimacy. If anything, I’m still licking my wounds at being rejected—even if it was for my own good. Julian stopping things from going any further the other night stung. My body was on fire for him, but he resisted so easily.

  “Now you want me?” I snap, allowing all my lingering self-doubt to surface.

  He groans. “Marina, stop.”

  I turn in his lap so we’re facing each other once again. I narrow my eyes at him, although I’m not mad.

  “It wasn’t easy, and I did not reject you. I simply wouldn’t have continued with an inhibitor in your system. It’s not right.”

  I smile at his words and his insistence that it was only to protect me from going further than I would’ve chosen without the witch potion—or whatever it was. Without a second thought, I lean in and brush my lips with his. All thoughts of mind reading vanish.

  “There may have been something in my system, but it’s not why I wanted you, Julian.”

  His teeth nip at my bottom lip. “Soon,” he promises, smothering any protest from me by joining our mouths in a heated kiss.

  As I melt into him, I forget all about rejection, legends, and vampires. Right now, in this moment, we’re two people who can’t get enough of each other. There’s no worry about the future—or lack thereof. Everything is perfect. He’s perfect.

  “There’s something different about you,” Stacey says, drawing my attention.

  “What?” I ask, puzzled.

  “You’re strangely content.”

  I think about it for a minute, and realize that yes, I am content. Maybe it was my epiphany about how I feel about Julian. Or more likely, it was our afternoon, locked in each other’s arms, kissing the day away. Either way, it’s simple. I’m falling for Julian Bellamy.

  “I care about him,” I say, chewing on my lip nervously.

  She tips her head back and chuckles.

  “Duh. You’re just now figuring this out?” she teases.

  “He’s a vampire who is most likely immortal. It could never work. Right?”

  “That’s like saying Jews and Germans could never be married.”

  “How is that even similar?”

  “You know, good versus evil.”

  I raise my brow. “Not all Germans are evil, Stacey, and not all Jews are good.”

  “Oh, come on, you know what I mean. You’re changing the subject and trying to find reasons to push him away. Stop.”

  “Maybe I am.” My hands fly up in the air in frustration. “Even if I tried, my concern still stands. I’ll die, and he’ll live forever. He has powers, I don’t.”

  Stacey rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed at me.

  “He wants you, Marina. The way he looks at you, it’s . . . hot as hell.”

  My head falls back in defeat. Knowing how I feel and believing he might feel the same doesn’t change the facts. How can we get past all our differences?

  “He’s the king of vampires. I’m a weak human. Why would we even put ourselves through that?”

  “Love’s worth it, Marina. No matter how much time you have—years or days—love is worth the pain.”

  What I wouldn’t give to have all of him for any amount of time.

  “Plus, he’s probably a rock star in bed.”

  I shake my head in exasperation. That may be true, but it’s so much more than physical at this point. There is an inexplicable pull—one I’ve felt since the first time I saw him. There is no part of me that believes in love at first sight, but with Julian, there was something there from the very beginning. Lust? Maybe. Magic? Perhaps. No matter what it was, I felt it.

  “You’re ridiculous,” I say, smiling wide.

  “I’m not, and you need to jump on that before I do.”

  “Oh my God. You’re insane. And I might kill you if you try.”

  She huffs dramatically, then bursts into laughter.

  “I’m dead already as long as I’m here. One of us might as well have some enjoyment.”

  “What do I do?” Standing, I begin pacing the room.

  She bites her cheek in thought.

  “For starters, you can’t wear that. It screams prude.”

  I narrow my eyes at Stacey’s appraisal.

  “If you want him to make a move, you have to look the part. Think vixen, not virgin.”

  Grimacing, I head to the wardrobe to see what I can find. Scanning through the options, I see there isn’t a lack of lewd garments. I select a blood-red corset dress. When I lift it to show Stacey, she nods ardently.

  “That’s more like it.”

  I internally cringe, not liking this one bit, but unwilling to lie to myself anymore. Julian is what I want, and if putting my assets on display
will help, I’ll give it a shot.

  “Help me into it,” I bark.

  Once it’s on and she’s tied up the corset bodice, I take a look in the mirror and gasp at my reflection. It hugs my middle and pushes up my already ample breasts. If hussy is what we are going for, I nailed it.

  “Oh God.” I bellow. “What if he laughs at me? I can’t—I won’t.”

  “You’ll be fine,” Stacey promises. “The whole point of this was to help your chances.”

  “I’m serious, Stacey. I don’t even know what to do. He’d be so disappointed.” My cheeks flush pink and my hand comes to my forehead to stave off the impending headache.

  “Let’s hope you rise to the occasion and don’t embarrass yourself.”

  “That’s reassuring,” I cry.

  “There’s a chance that sex is just sex for him. There’s a chance he might not break you in half,” she snickers.

  “Oh my God. I didn’t even think of that. He’s not a man, Stacey. He’s supernatural.”

  “He has the right parts, he’s a man.”

  The thought of Julian and said parts has my face heating.

  “He seems gentle with you, Marina. You’ll be fine.”

  She isn’t wrong. Julian has been very careful with me. He’s even sworn to protect me. I trust that he’d never do anything to hurt me.

  “What if he bites me?”

  “Then there’s that. I don’t know. Knee him and run like hell. Pray you can get away.”

  “I’m serious. I don’t want to be a vampire.”

  Yet another reason we are doomed. She grabs my shoulders and turns me to face her square on. “Do you think he’d take that choice away from you?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “Then just live in the moment and stop worrying about things you can’t control.”

  A knock sounds at the door, followed by a boisterous voice that can be none other than Katina. “Ladies,” she draws out. “I hope you’ve had fun, but the Crown wishes to dine with Miss—” She stops talking and narrows her eyes in my direction. “What in the hell are you wearing?”

  Stacey snorts.

  “A dress?”

  “No, dear child, that is no dress. The appropriate amount of fabric required for a garment to be considered a dress is missing from that”—she gestures wildly to the dress—“frock.”

  “Is it really that bad?”

  “Are you trying to seduce Satan?” Katina’s lips thin into a straight line as she wobbles her head back and forth.

  “The jury’s still out on that one,” I admit.

  Stacey is practically rolling on the floor in tears. Katina looks horrified, and I suddenly feel foolish. What the hell was I thinking? I’m not cut out to put the moves on anyone, especially not the king of vampires. Kissing I can handle. Seduction—no.

  “Do I have time to change?” I say, deflated.

  “You’re not changing. You look great. Go knock his canines out,” Stacey cheers, eliciting a scowl from Katina.

  “I don’t even want to know what all this is about,” Katina scolds.

  “Just take me to him.”

  I’m eager to see him after last night, and desperate to get out of this stuffy room. More importantly, I want to see Julian’s reaction to this dress.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  When I reach the backyard, Julian’s back is turned to me.

  “Hello, Julian,” I say, standing tall and forcing my nerves to disappear.

  Julian turns, and I hold my breath as his eyes sweep over me from head to toe. Everything around us blurs into black and white. He steals the color from everything around him.


  My name has never sounded so sensual. All the hairs on my arms stand at attention, electrified by the caress of his eyes.

  “Wow—I don’t know what to say.” He steps forward until there are only inches separating us. “You’re beautiful.”

  My cheeks warm at the compliment.

  “But what are you wearing?”

  And just like that, all my nerves are back full force. My shoulders slump and I blow out a breath, my hand coming up in a I don’t have a freaking clue gesture.

  “Stacey dressed me.”

  He chuckles.

  “That makes sense. It doesn’t look like anything you’d choose.”

  My bottom lip juts out in a pout and my eyes fall to my feet. Julian stands in front of me and lifts my chin with his finger.

  “Hey. I didn’t mean to upset you,” he offers. “You look stunning, Marina. Dangerously stunning,” he grits through his teeth, as though he’s in pain.

  My eyes meet his and I see the heat pooling behind his eyelids. He’s affected . . . by me.

  “But you said—”

  He cuts me off. “I only said it doesn’t look like something you’d choose. It doesn’t change the fact that you stole my breath the moment I saw you. This dress could get you into trouble, Marina.”

  “How so?” I dare ask, needing some form of encouragement.

  He groans.

  “Let’s just say I wouldn’t want you seen in this dress in public. Men would not stay away, and I’d be forced to protect you in ways you wouldn’t like.”

  I purse my lips, suddenly emboldened by his words and his appreciation.

  “It’s just you and me, Julian.” I walk toward him, channeling every heroine from every movie I’ve ever seen. I’m slightly awkward, but he doesn’t seem to notice. His eyes are wide and mouth dropped open into an O. “Should I fear you?”

  His chest rises and falls in deep breaths.

  “You never need to fear me, Marina.”

  I lean up on my toes and place a kiss on the corner of Julian’s lip and cheek.

  “Thank you, Julian.”

  “For?” His voice cracks, like that of a teenage boy. I smile, loving the effect I have on him.

  “For never making me feel less than.”

  “Never, Marina.”

  I smile at him, wanting desperately to confess all the feelings bubbling inside me. Instead, I decide to steer the conversation toward additional answers. Things that might help me to understand his world a little more.

  “What happened the other night with Vzar? Why did we have to go to Levine?”

  “Every turn I make, the Council seems to know it. They have eyes everywhere, even in my own castle.”

  “Vzar would’ve told them?”

  “I never know whom to trust, Marina. I believe him to be a friend, but I’ve been fooled before.”

  I wring my hands.

  “What secret was your father keeping, Julian? You never told me, and I can’t help but feel like this is all connected somehow—your father dying and now the Council wanting you out.”

  Julian sighs. “You’re probably right, but knowing his secret won’t keep you safe. The more you know, the more of a target on my back. If the Council finds out I told a human, they’ll kill you and find a way to dethrone me.”

  “If they have their way, those things will happen regardless, Julian. I’d prefer to die not in the dark. Trust me. Tell me.”

  He bites down on his lip, looking at me intently. Finally, I see a break in his resolve.

  “For as long as I’ve lived, there have been legends that each vampire that is Born has a familiar.”

  My brows rise.

  “If you were the first Born, how would someone know this?”

  “Witches. Back in the day, my father and the other families used witches to conjure spells to enlighten them on all the powers of our kind.”

  I shiver at the mention of witches. If vampires rely on them for information, they have to be even more powerful and even more evil than vampires, right?

  “I know what a familiar is, Julian,” I admit, trying to be honest and move the conversation forward and into new territory.

  “How?” He demands, not angry, but not happy either.

  “I’ve heard you and Law mention it, and then I found a journa
l in the library. I think it was your father’s.”

  Julian begins to pace. “Where is the journal now?”

  “It’s in my room, hidden.”

  “We need to go get it right now. If it falls into the wrong hands—”

  I cut him off. “It won’t, Julian. It doesn’t go into the specifics of the legend. I asked Law while you were gone.”

  Julian swears under his breath. “He shouldn’t have talked to you about this. He doesn’t even know the specifics.”

  I put my hand up to slow him down, as he’s getting worked up.

  “He only gave me the highlights. I know very little about it. So, please, tell me more,” I suggest, hoping he’ll calm down and do what I ask.

  He sighs heavily, looking weary and uncertain, but ultimately, he continues.

  “According to the witches, familiars are entities that help supernatural beings come into their power. My father believed that for a vampire, it was something more. He believed we had one perfect mate, connected to our souls.”

  “Why was your father keeping that a secret?”

  “When I came across another of his journals and confronted him with it, he said he didn’t have all the answers, but I didn’t believe him. He wasn’t Born. If one of my brothers or I came into that kind of power—or worse, another family of Borns—his rule could’ve been easily overthrown.”

  “He really was power-hungry.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “You’re nothing like him, Julian. You know that, right?”

  “You don’t know that, Marina. I could end up like him one day.”

  The only time I’ve ever seen Julian even angry was with Marcellus. He’s not a bad guy.

  “I don’t believe that. I can’t believe that. I wouldn’t feel the way I do about you if you were anything like him.”

  The words are out of my mouth before I even realize it. My cheeks heat in embarrassment at my admission. I’ve bared my feelings to him without any indication that he’s feeling anything more than lust for me. My stomach sours at the thought that this is one-sided.

  Grabbing my chin in his hand, he forces me to look at him. His touch is soft, caring.

  “Marina, when you are in the room, nothing else matters to me. Every sound is sharpened, every color brighter. I have never experienced anything like it in all of my centuries.” He leans into me, nose in my ear, and I shudder at his nearness. “I feel the pull too.”


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