Blood That Binds: A Vampire Romance (Blood Legends Duet)

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Blood That Binds: A Vampire Romance (Blood Legends Duet) Page 24

by Melissa Winters

  My chest tightens, feeling as though someone is sitting on top of my diaphragm and pushing hard.

  “Why are you here?” I don’t even know why I asked the question; it’s pretty obvious she intends to kill me.

  “I followed your scent. It’s nothing personal, just hunger. Cows’ blood doesn’t cut it,” she snarls.

  “He’s trying to help you.”

  “I don’t want his help,” she roars, and I jolt back, frightened. “You’re not very smart, are you, human? Angering me won’t bode well for your survival.”

  “I’ve very rarely been in situations where my life is on the line, so please forgive me if I’m freaking the hell out right now.” I’m not sure how I was able to form the words in my head, let alone speak them, but the witch actually chuckles.

  “I think I might’ve liked you in my former life. You have spirit.” Her smile transforms into a hideous grin. “Your blood will taste delicious running down my throat. I will savor it all.”

  I turn to run out the door, but with a flick of her wrist, it slams shut. Everything in me goes cold, and the shudders begin again. I’ve never seen Julian do such a thing. What in the hell is she?

  If all the tales of witches are true, she may possess some sort of magic. There is no way I could escape a normal vampire, but one with magical abilities? Nope. I’m as good as dead. I shrink under her glare. Her hands come up, and with them so does my body. With a power I can’t see, but can feel all the same, she lifts me off the ground and hurls me toward my bed.

  My body smashes into the bedframe with a harsh thump. I scream at the pain shooting down my back from the impact.

  “Surely, you’ll put up a little more fight? This is rather boring,” she says, picking at her grey teeth. A long finger runs down an elongated canine and I know she’s set out to frighten me.

  “I’ll drain you of your blood and then feast on your flesh,” she says, licking her chapped lips. “Julian will regret the day he came for me.”

  At the mention of Julian’s name, I get an idea. Keep her talking. “He didn’t turn you. Your hatred is misplaced.”

  “Stupid girl. I asked to be turned. I wanted to join the army Marcellus is putting together. If you can’t beat them, join them.” The words slither from her lips like a snake. “Julian is only getting in the way.”

  “Why would you want this?” I cry, not understanding.

  “Julian will be overthrown. It’s only a matter of time. When that happens, vampires will roam the earth out in the open. The first thing they’ll do is come for us witches. It’s either be a vampire or be a slave to their will. I’m nobody’s slave,” she hisses.

  “Julian will win the war.” My voice shows no signs of concern, even though I’m quaking inside.

  Her head falls back and she cackles, loud and rough. “He has no chance. He’s living under the same roof with the key to his survival, yet he’s too daft to know.”


  “Hush now, human,” she says, flicking her wrist once more. This time I fall forward, clutching my stomach. It feels as though I’ve been kicked. She strides in my direction, slowly, like a cat playing with a mouse. “This will all be over soon,” she says, smiling wide in victory.

  My eyes close, not wanting to see my death play out. My body convulses in fear as the seconds tick by painfully slowly. Her hands grab the collar of my dress and pull me up so that my feet dangle off the floor. She leans in, inhaling with her face pressed into the curve of my neck. A whimper escapes me.

  The smell of rotting flesh coming off her breath roils my stomach. Bile rises to the top of my throat. My eyes are closed shut, unwilling to watch, but I can feel her canine run down my carotid artery. She’s toying with me, making the entire experience more agonizing than it needs to be.

  “If you’re going to kill me, just do it,” I say shakily.

  The sound of a loud crash ricochets off the walls, and my eyes pop open. Julian.

  In her surprise, the hedge witch drops me, and I crumple to the floor. The breath I was holding comes out in a harsh whoosh and oxygen begins to flow again. I look up to see Julian has the hedge witch by the throat, but she doesn’t appear frightened. Her head is thrown back, maniacal laughter bubbling from her lips.

  “You’re not as strong as me,” she singsongs, to which Julian huffs his own laugh.

  “Witch, you’re talking to your king. The first Born.”

  “You’re nobody’s king,” she says stridently. “They’re coming for you.”

  My heart beats fast at her declaration. Is she talking about the Council?

  I don’t have a chance to ask. Julian’s arm twists, separating her head from her shoulders. It drops with a noisy thud to the floor.

  “Is-is she dead?” My voice quakes from adrenaline and emotion.

  He nods his head, motioning for me to come to him.

  I do. I run into his arms and shake in his embrace, tears flowing, the emotional overload taking its toll. Fear, relief, and love vie to be the central concern. Sobs rack my body as Julian runs his hands soothingly down my back.

  “I’ve got you,” he whispers into my hair. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. I will never let anyone hurt you.”

  I look up, his eyes meeting mine. Love wins out over everything else. All the pent-up feelings for him, all the things I want to say, threaten to explode from my chest. But none of them come out, because Julian’s lips are on mine before I can say a word. His kiss says everything. He feels the same. He’s my oxygen and I’m his in this moment.

  He pulls away, breath heaving. His hands come to my face, cupping my cheeks in his palms.

  “I was so scared, Marina. I’ve never been more scared in all my years. When I think about what could’ve happened…” His words catch in his throat. “Immortality wouldn’t have stopped my heart from breaking in half, had she hurt you. My heart, my soul. It’s yours.”

  He crushes his lips to mine once more. I don’t want to stop, but the events of tonight are catching up with me quickly, and my knees buckle. I’m lifted off my feet by Julian’s strong arms. I don’t look up, keeping myself buried in the safety of his warm chest. He carries me for several minutes. He’s taking me to his home.

  My back is placed gently onto his soft mattress, and a warm blanket laid across my body. Not long after, Julian lays next to me, continuing to whisper soothing words into my ear. At some point, I doze off and dream of horrible monsters. And worse, my death.

  I awake sometime in the night, after what feels like hours’ worth of sleep. My body is achy and my stomach grumbles from hunger. I stretch and my hand hits something next to me. Popping an eye open, I remember that I’m not in my room at the main house. Julian brought me to his.

  The reminder of how gentle he was, how affectionate, warms my heart. I turn to find Julian assessing me with concern.

  “Did you sleep well?” His face says he knows I didn’t. “You did a lot of tossing and turning. You cried out a couple of times for Maggie.”

  My eyes close at the mention of her name. I came so close to being reunited with her tonight. But if I’m being honest, I’m not ready for that.

  “I’m so sorry that happened, Marina. It should’ve never happened,” he says, clearly upset.

  “It’s not your fault, Julian. You were just trying to help her.”

  He falls back roughly to his bed, staring at the ceiling, putting his hand over his eyes in frustration.

  “I knew what she was. I should’ve taken proper precautions to make sure she was unable to get out. I put you and everyone else in danger.”

  “You ended it.”

  He scoffs bitterly. “To think what could’ve happened if I hadn’t heard your scream. She could’ve killed you.”

  “But she didn’t, and I have you to thank for that,” I say, truly meaning it. I don’t have the energy to question the what-ifs at this point. So much bad has happened over the past few weeks that I just want to hold on to the wins. I’m breathing, an
d I have him to thank. He is my most unlikely savior, yet a savior is what he is.

  “I want to talk to you about something else,” I say, needing to get this all out before I change my mind.

  “Shh,” he says, quieting me. “We have all the time the world, but you need rest right now.”

  I shake my head.

  “No, Julian. This needs to be said.” My voice leaves little room for argument. “When were you going to tell me that you’re engaged?”

  He sits up quickly, eyes wide.

  “How? Who?”

  “Katina,” I offer, to prevent the guessing game. “It’s not like you owe me an explanation, Julian. I’m nothing more than a prisoner.”

  I pray that he doesn’t agree with me. If he does, I might die right here of a broken heart.

  “You’re more than that to me and you know it. Don’t belittle what you mean to me, Marina.” His eyes soften. “Please don’t ever question that you are everything to me.”

  I take a deep cleansing breath, relieved at hearing exactly what I needed to hear from him.

  Sitting up, I bring my lips to his without warning. The need inside me grows faster by the second. My lips move urgently with his, hands working quickly to undo his pants. I’m in uncharted territory here, acting on autopilot, but I know what I want, and it’s him. Now. Always. Until my last breath.

  We’re in sync, both lost in each other, until Julian pulls away, leaving me confused and gasping for air.

  “Whoa,” he says, putting up his hands. “We . . . can’t do this.”

  I frown, heart stopping momentarily. Is he refusing me?

  “But I feel the same way. You just said—” My words come out jumbled and rushed.

  “God, Marina. It’s not that I don’t want this. You’ve been through so much, and I don’t want our first time to be when you’re under duress. I want you to be of sound mind, and you deserve my patience.”

  “My mind couldn’t be any clearer, Julian Bellamy. I don’t know when it happened, but at some point, I fell in love.”

  He takes my cheeks in his hands. “It’s you. Only you, Marina.

  “Adèle?” I ask, needing to put my fears where she’s concerned to rest. She’s the only thing standing in our way.

  “That’s been something that our families have pressed since her birth. Neither one of us wants it. She’s not you. She’ll never be you.”

  “Please don’t push me away. I need you.”

  I watch the war in his eyes. The need to care for me and not push versus the need he has for me too.

  “Are you sure?” His penetrating eyes beg me to be sure.

  I nod my head. “I’ve never been more sure.”

  Slowly, he lowers me to the bed, bringing his head down to plant soft kisses on my cheek. His canine trails a line down my neck, stopping right at the curve. He inhales deeply.

  “Julian.” My words come out breathy. “If you bite me, will I turn?”

  “No,” he whispers into my neck. “But there will be no biting tonight.”

  I’m suddenly nervous. Not because this isn’t exactly what I want, but because I’m afraid he’ll be disappointed in my lack of experience. He knows I’m a virgin, but still.

  “Stop,” he breathes, knowing I’m worrying.

  “I don’t want to let you down.”

  “You couldn’t, Marina. I’ll take care of you.”

  His promise calms me. With all my heart I know he speaks the truth, and right now I just want him.

  He lowers his lips to mine and our tongues join in a dance that I will not soon forget. His teeth nip and suck at my lower lip, drawing a moan from me. This seems to excite him more until eventually, he lifts off me and lowers himself to my calves. Grabbing the hem of my dress, he pulls it upward. His knuckles trail a line up my thighs, over my hips, and up my ribs, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

  I lift my hands in the air and allow him to pull the dress up over my head. I lie before him in simple white undergarments. His breath hitches, but he doesn’t say anything. I see the desire in his eyes—the reverence—and I know he’s affected. He wants me just as much as I want him.

  He continues to worship my body, placing kisses anywhere and everywhere, lighting my skin on fire and making me buck beneath him. He pulls off the last scraps of my clothing and wriggles out of his own. I moan as he finds purchase on my most sensitive areas. My hands run through his hair, gripping the strands as his tongue does things to me that have never been done before.

  “You’re beautiful, Marina,” he says reverently.

  I close my eyes and bask in the feel of his mouth on me. I will never be the same. With every nip, every lick, every kiss, I’ve become Julian’s. He positions himself at my entrance and everything in me tightens in anticipation.

  “Open your eyes, Marina.”

  I do. He’s looking at me intently. “Are you sure this is what you want? Because once this happens, you can never go back home. Not even if I find a way for it to be possible. I won’t allow it. You can’t leave me, Marina.”

  The vulnerability in his voice stuns me. I take a deep breath, letting his words sink in. I allow my thoughts the opportunity to battle, but it’s not even a question. I’ve nothing to go back to. My life was over a long time ago. My parents deserted me, and my relationship with my friends is no longer the same. He’s what I want. He’s my new life, and there’s no question . . . I need him.

  “Yes, Julian. I’m sure.”

  With a single thrust of his hips, I am forever changed. Marina Drake is no more.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  I lay in his arms all night, deliciously sore and eager for more of everything he offers. Sleep would be impossible. He has awoken in me a savageness. A need beyond anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. But it doesn’t stop at the physical contact we’ve already shared. I want something darker—more intimate—something only he can give me. I want to feel his bite.

  “What are you thinking over there?” he asks from beside me.

  I want to tell him, but I know now is not the time. Julian is so concerned about me, there’s no way he’ll agree to that right now. Another time.

  “Everything,” I say, and he pulls me in close, placing a kiss on my forehead.

  “Julian, how is this ever going to work?”

  I despise the words as soon as they leave my mouth. Why would I feel the need to ruin what just happened between us with talk of our future? I should’ve just lived in this moment with him.

  He lets out a deep breath. “There’s plenty of time to talk about that, Marina. Tonight, I just want to hold you.”

  He’s right and I know it. That’s a conversation that’s going to be very difficult, because there are only so many options. We stay together until it doesn’t make sense anymore and then I leave, or I turn. Neither sounds like a viable option at this moment.

  “My brother is having a dinner party tomorrow night and we’ve been invited.”

  Julian does his best to change the subject away to better things, and I silently thank him for it. After what we just shared, I don’t want the night to be ruined by what-ifs and hows.

  “I’m invited too?” I question, trying to make sure I’m hearing him correctly.

  “Yes, and Stacey as well. Law loves to entertain, and he’s been asking since your arrival. I figure it’s high time I give in. He’s been very insistent, and you did help him plan it.”

  I smile. “A dinner party with Law would be great.”

  “Then it’s done. I’ll inform him to expect us tomorrow evening. But I want to do something for you today.” He smiles. “If you could do anything, what would it be?”

  I think of all the possibilities. Without a doubt, it would be getting off this estate just for a little while. I would love to do something for Stacey too.

  “Stacey was really a great sport about our dinner in New Orleans, but I felt horrible leaving her behind. She’s had it far worse than I have, Julian. I’d love to do
something and include her, if that’s all right with you?”

  “Anything you want. It’s yours.”

  “If we have a dinner party tomorrow night, could we go into New Orleans and shop?” I scrunch my nose, not knowing what the answer will be. The last time we went into town, we were accosted by vampires.

  “I don’t think New Orleans is safe right now, but I do know another place that we could go. Maybe have lunch at a small café and do a little bit of shopping.”

  My mood brightens immediately. “Yes,” I say, popping up on my knees and throwing my arms around him. “Can we tell Stacey now?”

  He chuckles. “It’s three o’clock in the morning. I think we should probably let her sleep.” I roll my eyes. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”

  “Once you’re changed, you won’t be dying, so let’s enjoy sleep now.”

  It looks like we’ll be having that conversation sooner than I planned.

  “Okay, why are you are flushed and glowing?” Stacey narrows her eyes at me, trying to work out the puzzle.

  “No reason,” I lie.

  “Oh my God!” she exclaims, bringing her hands up to her mouth. “You slept with him.” She points her finger at me, squealing. “Dish, girl, dish.”

  Part of me is thrilled at having someone to spill all the details to, while another part of me has this strange need to keep Julian all to myself, almost smothering. Watching her eagerness, I decide to cave.

  “While you were curled up in your bed, I was almost killed by a new bite.”

  She gasps. “Oh shit.” Her eyes are wide, and her skin has turned a sallow shade.

  “Yep. She got loose from the basement, which by the way—don’t ever go down there.”

  Stacey raises her hands up. “No worries. I’m staying far from the basement. Keep going,” she urges, eating up every word.

  “She was in my room and she was going to kill me. Julian came to my rescue.”

  I continue telling her the events of the night as she sits with her hands on both sides of her cheeks, thoroughly engrossed in every word I say.


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