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The Ups and Downs of Being Super

Page 9

by Katrina Kahler

  Born in 1865: Damarus

  Talents: Super Sight

  Accomplishments: War Hero

  Words to Those Who Follow: Even we have limits…

  Thoughts: Funny, how I take over this book at such an amazing yet hectic time. A great war has ended. I did my part fighting in disguise as a man, like others of my kind before myself have also done. I only wish I could have been by the president’s side when he went to the theater. I could have saved him. I know I could have. I have done my share of fighting; now I will be the woman the world expects. I will marry and bear a child.

  Born in 1884: Carol

  Talents: Most Powerful Super Fart

  Accomplishments: Saved town from stampeding herd with fart

  Words to Those Who Follow: Be calm…

  Thoughts: I love living in the 1900s, such a fantastic time. Yes, I know that future generations reading this will look back at me and laugh, but we have subways, we have machines that clean our floors. We even have flying machines! I am reluctant to use my abilities. I do not wish to stand out.

  In 1908, I visited Siberia. After eating much raw cabbage, I got a case of the winds… The destruction I caused was epic. I am glad I was camping alone at the time, but it showed me what my powers could do.

  Born in 1903: Bella

  Talents: Super-Fast Hands

  Accomplishments: Sports star

  Words to Those Who Follow: Be kind…

  Thoughts: Sadly, I never knew my mother. My grandmother told me she was a quiet but amazing fun-loving woman. Apparently, my mother never liked to show her abilities, yet she died saving others in a massive fire. Reading this book, I see another of our line also passed in this way. As powerful as we are, we still need to breathe. I’m still not sure how fast I can run but I know I can run much faster than automobiles. Grandmother and I went to something called a movie today.

  I told her that soon the world would be ready for us. She just smiled at me. I chose to be a cook in a soup kitchen. There, I cannot only feed people, but I can also learn about their problems and perhaps help them with my abilities. This world at war is terrible. Even I feel powerless to stop it.

  Born in 1935: Ann

  Talents: Voice of Calm

  Accomplishments: Professor

  Words to Those Who Follow: Never give up!

  Thoughts: The world fights another war to end all wars as my mother hands this book to me. I tell Mother that together we can fight the Nazis. We have the power! Mother convinced me that the best way to fight is to be educated. I became a college professor. Today, I read the comic Superman. Perhaps soon the world will be ready for a real superwoman!

  Born in 1950: Ellen

  Talents: Figured out Scent Could Control People.

  Accomplishments: Kept the Strong name

  Words to Those Who Follow: Women hold the true power…

  Thoughts: I decided to change my last name back to my ancestor’s name of Strong. After all, it was the time of women’s liberation. What better way to honor that concept than to be a Strong woman both literally and figuratively?

  Born in 1968: Elizabeth (Beth)

  Talents: Worked on Perfecting Many Powers

  Accomplishments: First to get a divorce – but stayed friends.

  Words to Those Who Follow: You can change people’s minds at times…

  Thoughts: While I am grateful to all the Strong women who came before me, I am more grateful for being a powerful woman in the 80s. Finally, we can move up the corporate ladder to success. Using my strength and my abilities to influence people has allowed me much influence. I find influence works better than raw strength. It is more lasting and far-reaching. I’m using my PR company to make the world a better place.

  Born in 1985: Isabelle

  Talents: Great Science Talent

  Accomplishments: First medical doctor and PH.D.

  Words to Those Who Follow: Science is discovering, and knowledge is power…

  Thoughts: My daughter, I am more of a woman of action than words. I am giving you this book early because I can sense greatness in you. I chose to use my powers subtly, to heal. I am the first of the Strong women to become a medical doctor. My gifts have been a great aid to me in my profession. Your path may be very different from mine. The world is becoming a more accepting place. Who knows? Maybe they will be ready for a real superhero! If so. I can’t think of a greater hero than you. I know I will be proud of you, whatever direction you choose. I am glad our genes mean I will be around for a long time to see you blossom.

  Born in 2002: Lia

  Story to be told…

  Find out what happens next in Book 2 –


  Diary of a Super Girl – Book 2: The New Normal

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  Katrina and John

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  About the Authors

  John Zakour is Humor/SF/Fantasy writer with a Master’s Degree in Human Behavior. He has written thousands of gags for syndicated comics, comedians and TV Shows (including the Simpsons, Rugrats and Joan River’s old TV show). John also writes a daily comic called Working Daze.

  Katrina Kahler is the Best Selling Author of several series of books, including Julia Jones' Diary, Mind Reader, The Secret, Mean Girls, The Lost Girl, Diary of a Horse Mad Girl, Twins, Angel, Slave to a Vampire and numerous Learn to Read Books.

  Katrina lives in beautiful Noosa on the Australian coastline.




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