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art 72, 121, 128–9, 150–1

  The Art of War (Sun Tzu) 94–5

  Atatürk 174

  Augustus 47

  Australia 3, 149, 189, 195

  Austria 206

  Averroes 75–6

  Aztec Empire 125, 127–33, 140–6, 170

  bloodshed 129–30, 142–4

  pyramids 130–2

  and Spanish 145–6

  Babylon 16–17, 20, 32–3, 51

  ziggurats 29–30, 130

  Baghdad 67, 69, 70–1, 74, 101

  Balzac, Honoré de 186

  Banda Islands 186–7

  banknotes 119–20

  Barbarossa 171

  Barings Bank 225

  Beard, Mary 48

  Beijing 83–4, 102, 113, 114

  Bektar 88

  Bellini, Gentile 162

  Bering, Vitus 204

  Beringa Land Bridge 136, 149

  Bethe, Hans 6

  Black Death 83, 102–3

  Börte 90–1


  communism 213

  Crimean War 157

  and Egypt 156

  Roman Empire 44

  Scotland 191–2

  Wales 191

  British Empire 27, 159, 176–7, 179–95, 221, 223

  and America 182–4, 189, 220, 225

  and India 4–5, 179–81, 188–9, 195

  and Ireland 192

  Royal Navy 193–4

  slavery 182–6

  Buddha 78

  Buddhism 110–11

  Bukhara 94, 96

  Burns, Rabbie 192

  Byzantine Empire 55–6, 57, 63, 73, 153–4, 161

  see also Constantinople

  Cabot, John 182

  Caesar, Julius 44–7, 50

  Cairo 74, 154

  Caligula 54

  Cameron, David 185

  Canada 189, 195, 197–8, 224

  cannons 118–19, 160

  capitalism 135, 187, 212, 235–6

  Catherine the Great 208, 209

  Cervantes, Miguel de 171

  Chagatai Khanate 102

  Charlemagne 57, 66, 67–8

  China 13, 105–6, 176, 236

  and Abbasid Caliphate 68–9

  Buddhism 110–11

  calendar 89

  Confucius 78

  Cultural Revolution 111–12

  Grand Canal 115, 122

  Great Leap Forward 111

  Great Wall 83, 108

  Homo erectus 134–5

  Islam 76

  Jin dynasty 90, 91, 93

  Opium Wars 179–80, 188

  Second World War 215, 233

  terracotta army 106–7, 130

  Uighurs 89, 105

  Yuan Dynasty 105–24

  Zheng He’s expedition 1–4

  Christianity 30, 31, 57–8

  Al-Andalus 77

  Americas 127, 146

  China 114

  Crusades 73–4, 154

  and Islam 58, 64–5

  morality 98

  Ottoman Empire 166

  Reformation 201, 202

  Roman Empire 54, 55

  Russia 199–200, 204, 205

  Churchill, Winston 197, 232

  Civilisation 48

  Clark, Kenneth 48

  Clemenceau, Georges 231

  climate change 28, 87, 134, 237–8

  Clot, André 68

  Coates, Radley 184

  Cold War 7–8, 216, 233, 234

  Columbus, Christopher 3, 145

  communism 111, 135, 211, 212–14, 216, 235

  compass 122–3

  Confucius 2, 78, 90, 109, 110, 124

  Congo 179

  Congress of Vienna 210, 211

  Constantine 54, 55–6

  Constantine XI 154

  Constantinople 56

  Grand Bazaar 167

  Ottoman conquest 77, 153–4, 159–61, 164

  and Russia 199–200, 201

  Süleymaniye mosque 167–8

  Topkapi Palace 164–6, 167

  see also Byzantine Empire; Istanbul

  Cook, Captain 189

  Cordoba 74–6, 116

  Cortès, Hernân 145–6

  Courthorpe, Nathaniel 186

  Crimean War 157

  Crusades 73–4, 154

  Cuba 7, 230, 234

  cuneiform writing 14–15

  currency 119–20

  Cyrillic script 200

  Darien Scheme 191–2

  de Rivéry, Aimée 171–2

  democracy 110, 223, 228, 235, 238

  Democritus 54–5

  Denmark 207

  Dewey, Thomas 223, 228

  Diamond, Jared 169

  Dickens, Charles 237

  Drake, Sir Francis 193

  Draper, Nick 185

  Dutch see Netherlands

  East India Company 187, 188–9

  Easter Island 131, 149–50

  Eden, Emily 5

  Edward I 191


  empire 14, 32–3

  and Mongols 101

  Napoleon 154, 156

  Ottoman Empire 156

  pyramids 130, 131

  Eisner, Kurt 213

  elixir of life 117–18

  Elizabeth I 170, 187

  empire 1–11

  and morality 98–100

  and superiority 135–6

  Engels, Friedrich 190, 227–8

  Enheduana 20–1, 29

  Enlightenment 158, 207

  Ethiopia 193

  Euler, Leonhard 209


  Black Death 83, 102–3

  and communism 216

  empires 175–6

  Enlightenment 158, 207

  Industrial Revolution 158, 186

  Marshall Aid 233

  mathematics 122, 140

  and Mongol Empire 101

  Orthodox Christianity 205

  and Ottoman Empire 77, 154–6

  population 167

  Reformation 201, 202

  Renaissance 121, 158, 201, 202

  strategic rivalries 156–7

  Thirty Years War 202, 205

  Treaty of Westphalia 205–6, 211

  and Umayyad Caliphate 65–6

  warrior tribes 55, 57

  Falkland Islands 195

  Feodor I 202

  Ferguson, Niall 3

  Fertile Crescent 13–14

  fiduciary money 120

  First World War 173, 174, 190–1, 193–4, 211, 231

  Fitzgerald, Edward 71

  floods 13–14, 32

  Ford, Henry 229

  France 93, 159

  and America 220, 224, 225

  communism 216

  Crimean War 157

  empire 194

  Revolution 106, 159, 223

  see also Napoleon

  Freud, Sigmund 99

  Friedman, Milton 92

  Fukuyama, Francis 218

  Galen 55, 69, 73

  Galileo 122, 176

  Gandhi, Mahatma 180, 181

  Garstin, Captain John 4–5

  Genghis Khan 83, 86, 87–92, 94–8, 99–100, 101


  Battle of Jutland 193–4

  communism 213

  empire 194

  Hejaz railway 157

  and Russia 207

  Second World War 215

  Gettysburg Address 227–8

  Gibbon, Edward 55

  Gibraltar 195

  Gilgamesh 15, 100

  Golden Horde 102

  Golghar 4–5

  Gorbachev, Mikhail 217

  Goths 55, 57

  Granada 75, 77, 116

  Granary of Patna 4–5


  and Anatolia 174

  communism 216

  and Ottoman Empire 156

  see also Ancient Greece

  Greene, Graham 185

  Guderian, Heinz 96

  Gugatkin, Lee Alan 223

  gunpowder 117, 118–19

uo Shoujing 122

  Gurganj 96

  Gutenberg, Johannes 120

  Haber, Fritz 237

  Hadith 61, 72, 99

  Haenisch, Erich 88

  Han Chinese 105, 106

  hand stencils 150–1

  Hangzhou 115, 123

  Hannibal 41

  Harun al-Rashid 59, 67, 69

  Hastings, Warren 4

  Hawkins, John 182

  Hejaz railway 157

  Herodotus 13, 30, 117

  Hitler, Adolf 135–6, 177, 232

  Hoelun 88, 89

  Holland 159

  Holy Roman Empire 161, 207

  Homo erectus 133, 134

  Homo sapiens 133–4, 148–51

  horses 85–6

  Hu Jintao 3

  Huitzilopochtli 132–3, 143

  Hume, David 219

  Hungary 213

  Huns 55, 57, 86–7

  Ibn Battuta 76

  Ibn Rushd 75–6

  Ibrahim I (the Mad) 172–3

  Il-Khanate 102, 163

  In the Loop 220–1

  In the Penal Colony (Kafka) 9

  Inca Empire 127, 146–7


  British Empire 4–5, 179–81, 188–9, 195

  Buddha 78

  Buddhist statues 130

  Granary of Patna 4–5

  Moghul Empire 124

  Industrial Revolution 158, 185–6, 190

  inequality 236

  Ireland 192

  Islam 58, 60–1, 62–3, 64

  Africa 76–7

  art 72

  China 76, 114

  Mongol Empire 82, 102

  Ottoman Empire 166, 167

  see also Abbasid Caliphate; Muhammad; Rashidun Caliphate; Umayyad Caliphate

  Istanbul 164

  see also Constantinople

  Italy 216

  Ivan the Terrible 124, 198–9, 200–1

  Jamestown 182, 183–4

  Japan 136, 176, 236

  and China 111, 113

  Second World War 215, 232–3

  Jefferson, Thomas 219, 220, 223, 225

  Jenner, Dr Edward 170

  Jin Dynasty 105

  Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 181

  Judaism 98, 110

  China 114

  Granada 75

  and Islam 58, 64

  Mongol Empire 82

  Ottoman Empire 166

  Jung, Carl 130–1

  Justeson, John 139

  Juvayni 96

  Kafarov, Pyotor 88

  Kaffa 102

  Kahlenberg, battle of 155–6

  Kakfa, Franz 9

  Kant, Emmanuel 98–9

  Das Kapital (Marx) 212–13

  Kara Mustafa Pasha 155, 156

  Kazallu 18, 20

  Kemal, General Mustafa (Atatürk) 174

  Kennedy, John F. 233–5

  Keynes, Maynard 231

  Khanbaliq see Beijing

  Khrushchev, Nikita 234, 235

  Khwarazmian Empire 94, 96

  Kievan Rus’ 199–200, 201

  Koh-i-Noor diamond 179

  Korean War 111, 216, 233

  Kriwaczek, Paul 27, 29, 65, 166

  Kublai Khan 83, 101–2, 105, 112–15


  Akkadian 23–4

  alphabets 34, 35, 200

  Arabic 60

  Aztec Empire 132, 144–5

  and food 169

  Latin 39, 56

  Mayans 138–9

  Mongol Empire 89

  Norman England 169

  Ottoman Empire 169

  Sumerian 14–15, 23–4

  Law, John 120

  L’Enfant, Peter Charles 39

  Lenin, Vladimir 191, 211–12, 213–14, 217

  Leon-Portilla, Miguel 143

  Leonardo da Vinci 163, 176

  Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor 155

  Leopold II, King of Belgium 179

  Liberia 193

  Life of Brian 9

  life expectancy 51

  Lincoln, Abraham 227–8

  Lippi, Filippo 171

  Lithuania 217

  Liverani, Mario 28–9

  Lloyd George, David 231

  Locke, John 219

  Lomonosov, Mikhail 209

  Lorenzo the Magnificent 118

  Louisiana Purchase 225

  Lucretius 54

  MacArthur, General 233

  Macchu Picchu 147

  Maclean, John 213

  Malthus, Robert 237

  Manchester 190

  Manicheans 114

  Manishtushu 22–3

  Mao Zedong 105–6, 111

  Marcello, Bartolomeo 161–2

  Martel, Charles 65–6

  Martin, Janet 201

  Marx, Karl 190, 210, 212–13, 227–8

  mathematics 32, 52, 72, 122, 139- 40

  Mather, Cotton 170

  Mayans 137–40, 146

  Mecca 60, 61, 62

  medicine 69–70

  Medina 61, 62

  Mehmed II (the Conqueror) 153, 155, 159–63, 164, 167

  Mehmed IV 155, 174

  Menzies, Gavin 2–3

  Mesoamerica 125, 136

  Aztec Empire 125, 127–33, 140–6

  Mayans 137–40

  Olmecs 136–7

  Mexico 136, 226, 229–30

  Tenochtitlan 138, 140, 141- 2, 146

  Michael I, Czar 203

  Milton, Giles 187

  Ming Dynasty 1–4, 123–4

  money 119–20

  Möngke Khan 101

  Mongol Empire 81–102, 108, 175

  and Abbasid Caliphate 74, 101

  Battle of Ain Jalut 101, 118–19

  Genghis Khan 83, 86, 87–92, 94–8, 99–100

  horses 85, 86

  Kublai Khan 83, 101–2, 105, I12–15

  and Russia 97, 102, 200

  Mongolia 83, 84, 130

  Montagu, Lady Mary 169–70

  Montezuma II 145, 146 Monty Python’s Life of Brian 9

  morality 98–100

  Morgan, J.R 229

  Moscow 198, 202, 209

  Muawiya 63

  Muhammad 58, 60–1, 69, 81, 98, 99

  calligraphy 72

  and Jews and Christians 64

  move from Mecca to Medina 61, 62

  as trader 60, 63, 76

  see also Islam

  Muslims see Islam

  Mussolini, Benito 47

  Naksidil 172

  Napoleon 119, 159, 193

  and Ancient Rome 47, 55

  and Egypt 154, 156

  and Louisiana 225

  and Russia 209–10

  and St Helena 195

  Narâm-Sin 22–3, 25–7

  Native Americans 220, 221

  Nazca Lines 147

  Neanderthals 133, 134, 148, 151

  Nehru, Jawaharlal 181

  Nelson, Horatio 193

  Nero 54

  Netherlands 194, 206

  Banda Islands 186–7

  East India Companies 186, 188

  stock exchange 187

  Nicholas I, Czar 156

  Nicholas II, Czar 211

  Nimrod 15 1984 (Orwell) 238

  Noah 14, 15

  nuclear weapons 6–8, 216, 230

  nutmeg 186

  Obama, Barack 184

  Odo the Great 65–6

  O’Dwyer, Michael 180

  Ögedei 100–1

  Okhotsk 203

  Olmecs 136–7

  Olugosa, David 48

  Omar Khayyam 71

  One Thousand and One Nights 59, 67, 71 73

  Opium Wars 179–80, 188

  Oppenheimer, Robert 6

  Orban 160

  Orlando, Vittorio 231

  O’Rourke, P.J. 33

  Orthodox Christianity 200, 204, 205

  Orwell, George 144, 185, 238

  Osman I 163–4

  Otranto 154

  Ottoman Empire 153–74

  Constantinope 77, 153�
��4, 159–61, 164

  cuisine 168

  and Europe 77, 153, 154–6

  kafes 172–3

  Mehmed II 153, 155, 159–63, 164, 167

  Osman I 163–4

  smallpox 169–70

  Suleiman the Magnificent 167

  Topkapi Palace 164–6, 167

  Ovid 54

  ‘Ozymandias’ (Shelley) 19

  Paine, Thomas 219

  Panama Canal 230–1

  paper 117, 119–20

  Pareto, Vilfredo 236

  Paterson, William 191

  Patna 4–5

  Peking Man 134–5

  Peter the Great 198, 206–8

  Peter III, Czar 208–9

  Petrov, Lieutenant-Colonel Stanislav 7–8

  Philip II 158

  piracy 171–2

  Pizzaro, Francisco 147

  plague 83, 102–3

  Pliny the Younger 50

  Poland 210

  Polo, Marco 1, 114, 115, 123

  Pompei 50–1

  Pompey 45, 46

  Portugal 158–9, 175, 186, 194

  printing press 120–1

  Punch, John 183–4

  Punic Wars 40–1

  Purchas, Samuel 83

  Putin, Vladimir 217

  pyramids 29–31, 130–2, 139

  Qin Dynasty 106–11, 122

  Qin Shi Huang 106–7, 117–18, 130

  Quetzalcoatl 132–3, 144

  Quran 60–1

  racial difference 135

  Raleigh, Sir Walter 182

  Ramesses II 19

  Ramesses V 170

  Rashidun Caliphate 61–2, 63

  Reagan, Ronald 220

  Reformation 201, 202

  Remus 37, 38

  Renaissance 158, 201, 202

  Rhodes, Cecil 193

  Rimush 22

  Roanoke 182

  robber barons 228–9

  Rockefeller, John D. 229

  Roman Empire 37–8, 39, 42, 47–56, 161

  aqueducts 52, 53

  law 53–4

  Life of Brian 9

  Rome 38–9

  entertainments 49–50

  founding legend 37

  Kingdom 39–40, 42

  population 48–9

  Republic 40–7, 54

  social situation 42–3

  Romulus 37, 38

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 220, 232

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 219

  Roux, Georges 22

  Royal Air Force 194

  Royal Navy 193–4

  The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam 71

  Run 186–7

  Russia 197–218

  Alaska 204–5, 224, 226

  Catherine the Great 208–9

  Crimean War 156–7

  Ivan the Terrible 124, 198–9, 200–1

  Peter the Great 198, 206–8

  Revolution 190–1, 211–13

  serfdom 93, 202–3, 210

  Siberia 203–4, 210, 224

  see also Soviet Union

  St Helena 195

  St Petersburg 198, 207–8, 213, 215

  Samarkand 94, 96

  Sargon 15–22, 25–6

  Sartre, Jean-Paul 216

  Schama, Simon 48

  Scheherazade 59, 67, 71, 73

  science 68–70, 72, 122–3, 230, 238

  Scipio Africanus 41

  Scotland 191–2

  Second World War 194–5, 215, 231, 232–3

  The Secret History of the Mongols 88–9

  self-determination 194, 206–7

  Seneca 55

  serfdom 93, 202–3, 210

  Seward, William H. 226

  Shar-kali-sharri 28


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