The Wedding Spell

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The Wedding Spell Page 25

by Donna Fletcher

  Sebastian grinned and spoke with male confidence. “I know exactly how to make her surrender.”

  Beatrice blushed pink. “And does this male pride extend to you knowing how to cast this spell?”

  Sebastian finally stood, impatient to be off. “Dagon was quite descriptive in his explanation. I don’t think I’ll have a problem.”

  Beatrice resumed her comfortable perch on his shoulder. “Take the path to the right. Then why did Dagon summon me?”

  “He obviously, and rightly so, lacked confidence in my ability to find my way in unfamiliar woods at night.”

  “Maybe,” she said reluctantly and warned. “Watch out for that stump ahead.”

  He detoured around the barely visible thing in the dark, wondering how she ever saw it. “You don’t sound too certain.”

  “I want to make sure all goes as it should.”

  “My sentiments exactly,” Sebastian agreed, paying close heed to her instructions.

  While the woods were dark, his eyes had managed to adjust and strangely enough the area surrounding him appeared visibly clear to him so that he followed Beatrice’s instruction with only a minimum of difficulty. Of course he had to ignore the need inside him that urged him to race ahead and get there. Get to Ali, tell her he loved her. He loved her because he wanted to. He loved her freely and without coercion on her part. He plain and simple— well, maybe not simple, nothing with Ali was simple—but he loved her and that was that.

  “Don’t you go and be getting your dander up with her,” Beatrice warned.

  He couldn’t shake his head; she had gotten up and was now leaning against his cheek next to his ear. He didn’t want to suddenly dislodge her. So he answered without the usual shake of his head.

  “Not on your life. Not with her powers.”

  His statement brought him to an abrupt halt, causing Beatrice to grab on to his shirt collar to prevent herself from tumbling down his chest.

  “Her powers do concern me,” he admitted. “I had always thought I would be physically stronger than my wife.”

  “You are,” Beatrice assured him, righting her head wreath after pulling herself up from the end of his collar, where she had slid down to.

  “My physical powers cannot compare to the strength of her magical powers,” he said and this time he shook his head. “And let me tell you that when she gets her dander up, you better watch out. She could easily zap me to the next century.”

  Beatrice flew off his sturdy shoulder to flit with a wagging finger in front of his face. “Worry not; you have the power to stop her.”

  He laughed. “She walked through my closed sliding-glass doors, and I couldn’t stop her.”

  “You didn’t want to,” Beatrice said. “Now move, time is wearing short.”

  Sebastian didn’t argue he started walking; her directions clear in his ear, since she returned once again to perch on his shoulder.

  “Do all witches, fairies, and the magical so to speak talk in riddles instead of directly?”

  “Watch out for the low branch,” she warned and he ducked. “Mortals simply refuse to listen.”

  “I heard you clearly enough,” he insisted, shoving leafy breaches out of his way.

  “If you heard me clearly,” Beatrice pointed out with a tap of her tiny finger to his cheek. “You wouldn’t have asked about riddles.”

  “Witches, fairies, goblins, and ghouls—whatever have I gotten myself into?” he said with a laugh.

  “Certainly not goblins and ghouls. They’re a messy lot.” She tapped his cheek again. “Now pay attention. It gets a little confusing up ahead.”

  Sebastian turned quiet, listening to her soft voice guide him, and he was amazed how easily he responded to her every direction. But then he wanted to.

  He wanted so badly to stand in front of Alisande, grab her to him and tell her how very much he loved her and always would. He wanted to tell her that he wouldn’t change a thing about her. He had fallen in love with her because of whom she was and who she would always be.

  She could sprinkle fairy dust, cast her spells, tease him, torment him, romp in the grass naked, with him of course, drive him crazy with her toe bell, and float him in the air, but there was one thing he refused to allow her to do.

  He smiled. “I won’t let her cook.”

  Beatrice giggled and the tiny chime sound reverberated in the quiet woods. “Heavens, no. No one allows Alisande to cook.”

  “I wish someone had told me that, though...” His thoughts drifted to her in his kitchen in her yellow bikini. Maybe he would give her lessons, if she agreed to his choice of attire.

  His chest filled with immense pleasure. They had so much to look forward to. A whole lifetime together and he planned on filling it with a lot of living. And children, they would have at least four children and a couple of dogs, maybe a few cats and plenty of fairies in the woods.

  When had life changed so suddenly?

  When Ali had walked into his life and taught him the true meaning of magical love. You didn’t need to be a witch to understand. You simply had to look with open eyes and see passed the surface to within. There is where you find the magic.

  Hadn’t Ali told him it was simple? Hadn’t she warned him about being blind? How amazing to be able to see and yet be so blind.

  Now that he could see clearly and was aware, he wanted to look at everything. He wanted to embrace life and actually see and feel it for the first time. And he would do that with Ali.

  He grew anxious with each step he took. And the spell Dagon had forced him to learn repeatedly echoed in his head. He must get the words right. Dagon warned him that each word must be spoken from the heart and with love and cast to the Mother Sky at midnight.

  His spell would secure the blessings of the magical love spell and forever seal their union. He could do it. He was sure he could. Dagon had told him not to worry that everything would turn out just fine.

  But just to make certain Dagon had suggested that they enlist the aid of Beatrice. Sebastian had been all for the tiny fairy’s assistance. After all, she had helped him find his way out of the woods once; she could certainly help him find his way in.

  And once there?

  He knew what to do. Dagon had coached him relentlessly for hours until he had felt as if he’d had a crash course in spell casting and had passed with an A plus.

  “We’re getting close,” Beatrice whispered in his ear. “Slow down.”

  Sebastian obeyed without question.

  “The sacred circle is up ahead. Walk softly and with reverence, this is a special place.

  Sebastian once again obeyed without question, feeling the change in the gentle breeze that brushed his face and wrapped strangely, almost intimately around him. He almost wanted to sigh.

  Beatrice continued to whisper directions in his ear, bringing him to a stop near a bush whose foliage appeared to tremble with excitement.

  “Ali is just beyond,” Beatrice said. “Look and see.”

  Sebastian was about to gently part the leaves when the bush separated its branches of its own accord. Shaking his head, he peered through the opening.

  His breath caught.

  Ali stood naked, ready to step into a small circle of grass. The moonlight was a soft beacon on her pale skin and in its cascading light thousands of tiny sparkles rained down from the heavens to wash over her.

  She was a sight to behold, an ethereal beauty born of magic and steeped in tradition as ancient as time.

  His chest swelled with pride for who she was, who she would always be, and for who she was about to become—his wife.

  “Hurry,” Beatrice urged, “time draws near.”

  “I’m ready,” Sebastian said anxiously. “I know the spell and how to cast it.”

  Beatrice’s crooked wing sometimes made her appear to be flying lopsided, so Sebastian tiled his head to get a better look at the strange stare she fixed on him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

n’t Dagon tell you what to do?” she asked skeptically.

  Sebastian nodded. “He told me that I should approach Ali from behind, extend my arms up along hers, join her hands with mine, and cast the spell.”

  “That’s it?” Beatrice asked, her tiny hands going to her waist and her eyes gleaming with annoyance.

  “What didn’t he tell me?” Sebastian asked realizing there was more to this spell than Dagon had led him to believe.

  “That boy is in for a tongue lashing to be sure,” she said with a sharp wag of her finger.

  “Whatever it is I can do it,” he said with determination.

  Beatrice laughed softly. “That you can, my boy.”

  He prepared himself. No matter what she told him, he would do it. Whatever the instructions he would grin and bear it and follow through. He wasn’t too proud. This was for love, for Ali, for the future.

  “Get naked,” she ordered.


  “Shhh,” she scolded and spoke softly. “You saw that Ali is naked.”

  He nodded.

  “Any spell cast from the sacred circle must be cast by the person completely naked. It is part of the ritual. You enter life bare and you enter the circle of life bare. You have nothing to hide; you present yourself to the Mother Sky openly.”

  “No problem,” he said with a smile. “That I can.”

  “And did Dagon bother to inform you how to seal your cast?” she asked.

  Sebastian continued to unbutton his shirt, pulling the tail ends out of his pants. “Wait until I get my hands on him.”

  Beatrice smiled. “He has confidence in you. You will know what to do.”

  Sebastian panicked. “Now is not the time for riddles. Tell me.”

  “I cannot,” she said with a smile. “This you must know on your own.”

  “What if I don’t?” he asked, yanking his shoes and socks off and tossing them to the side to join his shirt.

  She flew right to his cheek and gave it a comforting pat. “You will know.”

  Sebastian wanted to argue, to insist that she tell him, but he realized it would do no good. And he also realized he trusted Beatrice. If she believed that strongly in his ability to know, then he had to believe in himself.

  His hands went to his belt.

  It’s time for me to go, me boy,” she said with a wink.

  “You could simply turn around and wait here for us,” he said.

  “No, I really must go,” she said with regret. “I have done all I can.”

  Sebastian was suddenly overcome with a feeling of loss. He didn’t want to lose her. He just discovered the reality of fairies, and he didn’t want to let her go, especially since she had given him so much. She had given him the gift of hope and the ability to believe in the unbelievable. She had helped him to open his eyes and see clearly, and she had taught him that love comes in many sizes even the tiniest.

  “I will miss you,” he said, a lump lodging in his throat.

  Beatrice reassured him. “We’ll see each other again, me boy.”

  He nodded and spoke after clearing his throat. “You mean a lot to me.”

  “And you to me,” she said and flew up to place a kiss on his cheek. “Remember—follow your heart; it never lies to you.”

  He nodded and watched her fly up in the night sky waving frantically while righting her lopsided head wreath.

  He took a deep, reassuring breath and unzipped his pants. He was on his own now. He had been given all the help that was possible. The rest was up to him.

  He tossed the last of his clothes to the pile near the tree stump and stood still for a moment, taking another deep reassuring breath.

  He felt it then. Call it courage, determination, confidence, it didn’t’ matter. It rushed over him like a tidal wave washing over every inch of his being.

  And then calmness settled over him, wrapping around him like the warm summer breeze, catching him up and filling him with love. He felt as if he had come home for the first time. He was returning, returning to life, stepping once again into its everlasting circle of birth and renewal.

  He approached the bush and instead of reaching out to part the leaves, he silently requested to be admitted to the sacred place. The branches parted and bid him entrance.

  He stepped through and stared at Ali, her back to him as she extended her hands up to Mother Sky.

  Quietly and with firm and steady footsteps he approached her. The breeze picked up and whipped softly around him, welcoming him with an urgent embrace. The energy of the earth rushed up his legs with every step he took, his pulse quickened, and his heart beat wildly.


  It filled him to the brim and urged him on, for with life came love, and he was eager to claim and proclaim his love for Ali.

  He took two more steady steps and entered the sacred circle.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Ali felt him enter the circle; his strong presence swirled around her, sweeping up her energy and connecting it instantly with his.

  She gasped at the strength of his love and passion for her. The power of it raced over her like a ripple that grew in force and spread out, forever expanding. His love was endless. His passion potent.

  She cried out and her legs turned weak. He was there, his arms beneath her, his strength holding her, his love cradling her, and his naked body supporting her.

  “It’s my turn to cast a spell,” he whispered in her ear and lifted her arms along with his to the heavens.

  Her body trembled against his as she followed his direction, and he pressed more intimately against her reassuring her with the potency of his love.

  She surrendered willingly to him, aware that he had shed all to enter this circle. He stripped himself bare for her, allowing her entrance to his very soul. Only someone who believed in magical love would dare risk so much.

  Ali wanted to cry out her happiness. She wanted to turn around in his arms and kiss him senseless and shout her joy and love to the heavens, but they were in the sacred circle and a prayer or spell must be cast.

  And never— never—had she heard of a mortal entering the sacred circle. Was he aware of his actions? Did he fully understand the consequences? Or had he leaped without looking?

  She smiled and rubbed her cheek against his. “Let me hear your spell, mortal.”

  “You know it, I dare you to join me in casting it,” he said.

  She shivered. Was he crazy? Did he know what he asked? Did he love her that much? Forever and always.

  “Not long enough,” he whispered.

  She turned her face to him, wanting to make sure he understood.

  “Shhh, it’s time,” he murmured and kissed her.

  He stole her breath with his gentle kiss and his fervent words, and she could do nothing but turn her face up to the heavens, lock fingers with his and join him.

  They recited the spell together.

  “Mother of the earth and sky; hear me ask, hear me cry; open up your portal gates; so that your son and daughter may seal a love so great; grant us an everlasting love; only you can send from the heavens above; and when our lips and bodies meet; let our love for eternity keep.”

  Sebastian didn’t require a witch’s knowledge to know how to seal the spell. The wisdom was as old as time and as natural.

  He slowly stroked his hands down Ali’s arms, over her full breasts and along her slim waist. He then gently turned her around to face him.

  When she moved to speak, he silenced her with a finger to her lips. “Shhh, this part requires action not words.”

  She smiled that wickedly sensuous smile of hers and pressed against him.

  He shook his head, a reaction that was now so much a part of him he didn’t give it a second thought and smiled his own sinful smile. She was audaciously sexy, potently, beautifully, and she was finally his.

  He yanked her up against him and settled his dark eyes on her face. He wanted to watch her react to his touch, he wanted to feel what she felt, he
wanted to unite with her and make magical love like they had never done before.

  He ran a slow stroking hand over her breast, gently squeezing, caressing and then torturing her soft nipple until it turned hard and sensitive beneath his fingers.

  He watched and listened as her smile gave way to a low moan of pleasure, and his own smile grew more powerful.

  He brought his lips to hers as her moan faded, and he kissed her tenderly at first, introducing himself as if this was his first time with her. Then after properly acquainting himself, his kiss turned urgent and he demanded she respond in kind... and he did.

  She kissed him with the need and desire of long-lost lovers reunited. She clung to him, fearful of letting him go, afraid if she did he would once again be lost to her.

  Sebastian felt her worry, felt her hot burning need that ran through her for him and felt her love so strong and tangible that it made his own deep-rooted love and passion rage near out of control.

  He ended the kiss to regain his breath and rein in his rampant emotions. And while he took command of himself, he also took command of the situation, and with gentle arms and a warrior’s strength and fortitude he lowered her to the thick carpet of grass.

  He stood for a brief moment over her, looking down, drinking in her beauty, her love, her passion. She was his, now and always. They were one forever joined, two souls reunited.

  She reached out to him, inviting him into her arms, into her body, and into her soul.

  His emotions soared so potently that they briefly robbed him of his breath and sanity, for at that moment he truly understood and felt the power and significance of magical love.

  He dropped his head back and stared with wide eyes at Mother Sky, gasped a deep breath, and sent a silent prayer of thanks to the heavens. Then he looked back down at Ali and all she so freely offered him and joined her.

  “This will be our night to remember,” he whispered in her ear. “Forever and always.”

  She laughed softly. “Not long enough.”

  He nipped at her ear. “All night, until the sun rises we will stay in this circle and make magic.”


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