Light Online Book One: Farmer

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Light Online Book One: Farmer Page 38

by Tom Larcombe

  With a mind untroubled by the latest problem or bug report, Aaron drifted off to sleep sitting in his desk chair.

  ~ ~ ~

  When Eddie woke, it was late, much later than normal for him as of late, although perfectly in keeping with the schedule he'd had before coming into the game. The warm woman pressed against him, still sleeping, was the reason he was waking so late. They'd stayed up long into the night, talking and doing other, more physical, things. With the way the game was set up there was no problems with experiencing intimacy. No diseases or unwanted pregnancies to cause problems.

  Although I wonder if they allow for planned pregnancies? he thought. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they had, but what about the kids? A virtual child to a real player? No, I changed my mind, it would surprise me a hell of a lot if they allow for that where players are concerned.

  When Eddie remembered that the inn was supposed to open for business today, he tried to slip out of bed without waking Tiana. It didn't work, she stirred and yawned.

  “Leaving me already?” she said, teasingly.

  “Not a prayer, but I do have to get up. The workers are probably already waiting on us out there. Liv said she'd have them here first thing in the morning and it's got to be at least ten o'clock already. I was far too wrapped up with someone last night to notice when we went to bed, but I'm sure it was very late.”

  Tiana blushed prettily, Eddie enjoying the color to her face while she did.

  “Well then, we'd better get to it,” she said, slipping out of bed herself.

  They'd been sleeping nude, so Eddie found himself very much distracted, until she got her clothes on. Then he mentally shook his head and got dressed himself.

  Once they were downstairs he saw Karl and Paul sitting at one of the tables, with a blueprint laid out in front of them, talking. He opened the front door and looked out. Sure enough there was a small crowd of people out there, just sitting around talking with one another.

  “Hey Paul. I wanted to ask you about something else, will you be around later on? I've got to get all these workers settled,” Eddie said.

  “Sure, I'll wait around after I'm done with Karl here,” Paul replied.


  Eddie leaned out the door.

  “Everyone Liv recommended for working at the inn, please come inside. I'll want to speak with you each, show you your quarters and where you'll be working,” he called out.

  The crowd outside formed a line at the door. The very first one was an attractive woman, a bit on the thin side. She held out her hand.

  “I'm Helga, Liv told me you were going to be needing a server?”

  He nodded.

  “Yes, good to meet you, but let's get everyone inside before we do introductions.”

  He found it hard to believe that anyone would even consider rumors that this woman was cold to men. Her hand had lingered in his own, and the look she'd been giving him as she spoke would've melted him in place if not for Tiana and his attraction to her. Helga looked as though she'd had much more in the way of curves once, but hadn't been eating enough recently. He looked forward to seeing what she'd look like after a few weeks of a good, steady, diet.

  He stepped to the side and she surprised him again, turning and calling out to the workers. She told them to come in, sit four to a table, and Eddie would be around to introduce himself and get them to their positions. Once she'd done that, she shot him a smile and stepped past him, taking a seat at the first table she came to. The others followed suit, came in, and sat as well. Then Eddie just had to make his way through his new employees and introduce himself.

  Two hours later he was done with the introductions, had shown everyone where they'd be staying, and where they'd be working. Paul was still sitting, chatting with Karl, but the blueprint was no longer on the table so Eddie went over and sat with them.

  “Hey Paul, I'm guessing it was you that built that shrine to Freyja at the farm?” Eddie asked.

  Paul blushed.

  “Yeah, been doing that at most of them since it's supposed to help with the crops.”

  “It does, I think, but did you realize it also helped the bunnies multiply faster?”

  Paul slapped the heel of his hand to his forehead.

  “Crap, I never thought of that. No wonder we had animal problems at all of the farms after they were finished. Umm, oops?”

  “Not a problem. At least not now. I wondered if there was any specific way to do that, so I could have the inn and the land it's on under the affect of one as well. I'm going to be raising some livestock and planting a garden here and that would be a major bonus.”

  “Sure, I can run one off, or show you how. Too bad there wasn't a temple to her in town, that would affect the whole town, just to a lesser degree.”

  “Maybe later,” Eddie said.

  His thoughts had already run along that line, but for a bit later on.

  If I'm right and I'm about to own a player hamlet, then surely a temple will be one of the options to help upgrade it. Then I can kill two birds with one stone, upgrade the hamlet and get the bonuses from the temple.

  “Well sure, there's a couple of little things we'll need. But I can get to work on the first part of it. Since we're sharing the profits here, and it sounds like this will boost them, I'll only charge you fifty percent of the material cost.”

  Eddie chuckled.

  “Sure, sounds great. How much is that?”

  “About five silver only. Don't sweat it, I was just kidding you. I'll take care of it after I finish Karl's house. He's claiming that bit of land where you put your food stand at first, on the edge of the field where the players are camping. He's also paying me to put up two smaller houses which he plans on renting to players. Looks like you're rubbing off on him, Eddie.”

  This time Eddie laughed for real. He looked over at Karl.

  “What the hell?” Karl said. “I've got a pouch full of gold and this seems like a good way to make it a bit fuller.”

  Crap, I'd better get my own plans moving, Eddie thought. If Karl does too much building then I might lose out on having a player hamlet. Heh, I bet I can head off his employing inhabitants option.

  “Not a problem. Don't suppose you'd like to subcontract one of my maids to keep them clean?” Eddie asked.

  “Hey, I never even thought about that, but yeah, that sounds like an awesome plan. How much?”

  “You'll have to negotiate that with them, but honestly, I'm paying them more than was recommended and it still seems low to me. It shouldn't be an issue.”

  “Thanks for the idea, I can charge more if I'm offering cleaning services for the places as well,” Karl said.

  “Alright, I've got to get that stove fired up and get used to it before I try to cook dinner on it. Anyone want to try out my first attempts?”

  “I've got to get home,” Paul said. “Get the wood going for Karl's places, and start work on the smaller pieces I'll need for the shrine for us.”

  “Allie and I are going hunting. Anything in particular you need?” Karl said.

  Eddie checked his inventory. He had large quantities of bunny meat and venison. The produce had been loaded into the pantry yesterday as well.

  “No, I think we're good here on supplies. We'll need them for later, but for now I'm set, probably for a couple of days even if I had no more coming in.”

  Eddie moved back into the kitchen and fired up the stove. He knew that in the real world cooking on a wood fired stove was supposed to be a pain in the butt, he just hoped his cooking skill translated to this style of cooking despite all his practice cooking being over an open fire.

  One of the things he'd had to pay a pretty penny for, because it couldn't be made out of wood, was a huge pot, suitable for making a massive stew. He had a few other small pans also, all of which had been expensive since there wasn't a smith in town. That was an upgrade he was desperately hoping for if his plans came through.

  The skill did translate to the
new cooking arrangement and an hour or later he had a pot of stew suitable for an army heating on the stove. He'd also set the stove so he could cook over an open flame on a part of it for those who just wanted meat the way he'd been making it. The last fancy thing about it was what he was working with now. He'd gotten a small amount of flour, small by inn standards anyhow, and was working on making unleavened bread. He figured some sort of flatbread would work for now and later on he could branch out.

  It worked as well as everything else and well before dinner the scent of fresh bread was drifting out of the kitchen. Tiana came walking in while he was checking on it.

  “Is that bread?” she asked.

  “Flatbread at least. Flatbread and stew is on the menu for opening night at the inn. Although I imagine the alcohol will be a bigger draw to start, at least.”

  “I don't suppose there's any done already?” she asked. “I spent all day so far working with Jern. We're lining that warren with stones, to make it more sturdy and more homey for him. By the way, your guys up there sent me down with a load of produce. They said the potatoes had finally gotten to the point they could be harvested? Something about an inn needing potatoes. Anyhow, I've got a cart of them out in the yard.”

  “Potatoes!” Eddie exclaimed. “That'll make the stew that much better. Let's go get them. Oh, wait, here.”

  He handed her a piece of flatbread nearly the size of a sheet of paper when it started life. Now it was a little more than half that, Eddie having munched on some while he cooked. Tiana bit into it, then moaned.

  “There's nothing quite like fresh bread. In game or in real life,” she said.

  “I wouldn't know. I'm not sure I ever had it in real life,” he said. “Lots of printed cooking for me.”

  “I'm so sorry, I've tried that stuff. It wasn't so bad, but it certainly wasn't good.”

  “Yeah, but it was cheap,” Eddie said.

  He turned and left, returning with a sack of potatoes. After setting a few on the counter he took the rest to the pantry. Once he'd chopped the ones he set out and added them to the stew, he started getting nervous.

  I was sure this was going to work, but what if it doesn't? he thought. What if this inn, with all the people I had to hire, brings in less than my food stand did? What if I take a loss?

  Tiana seemed to know something was bothering him and teased him out of his worries, all hints and smiles. He'd worry that she was only teasing him, but the previous night had shown him better. Once she'd committed, she was all in.

  Finally, it was late enough that he could conceive of people wanting dinner. He walked out of the kitchen and found Helga and the other server sitting at a table, waiting. Tiana and the hired bartender were behind the bar. Tiana was planning on helping out, so at least she was convinced that they were going to be busy.

  Eddie took the sign with the wood-burned letters on it. He glanced from the side that said 'closed' to the side that said 'open'. Then, without looking, he swung open a shutter and hung the sign with the side that read 'open' facing out.

  He stopped and stared for a moment. There was a loud roaring noise coming from outside. This time when he flung open the shutter he looked out.

  There were at least fifty adventurers standing around in the area in front of the inn, the crowd spilling out onto the road. His eyes went wide and his knees weak for a moment before he rushed for the door and threw it open. The roar increased in volume as they saw him in the doorway.

  Eddie nearly fell over as a barrage of notifications hit his screen as one.


  You have completed the Hidden Quest: Developmental Issues (2/5)

  For being the first player to build an Inn in: The Meadowlands. You have been awarded 2500 Experience and fifty Gold Pieces. You have unlocked the quest: Developmental Issues III

  Developmental Issues III:

  This quest is all about developing: The Meadowlands.

  To complete part III of Developmental Issues you must build two of the following buildings and open them to the public.



  General Store




  + 5000 Experience

  + 100 Gold Pieces

  Increased reputation and renown with inhabitants of: The Meadowlands

  He'd been gaining dribs and drabs of experience over the last few days so the infusion of another 2500 xp was enough to push him over to level five.


  You have obtained enough experience to advance to Level 5

  Do you wish to advance?


  Yes, Eddie thought.

  You have advanced to Level 5.

  You have 3 stat points to distribute.

  Your Health has increased.

  Your Mana has increased.

  Your Stamina has increased.

  You have gained access to the magical school: Nature


  You have created a: Player Hamlet

  For being the first player to create a Player Hamlet in the game you are awarded 2000 experience and 50 gold.

  You qualified by hiring 32% of the existing inhabitants of the hamlet: Meadowlands.

  Global Broadcast:

  Congratulations to player Eddie Hunter for being the first to complete the achievement: Player Hamlet

  In honor of this achievement, completed in: The Meadowlands, the player race Hammer Dwarf is now unlocked and players may start characters with this race in the Hammertop Mountains near to The Meadowlands.

  Oh crap, Eddie thought, there goes my name out on a global broadcast again. I have to check settings or something to see if I can change it to show anonymous player or something. I'm going to draw to much attention otherwise. If lots of people show up here it'll screw up my plans. Crap, a new race too? Right near here? I bet there are going to be lots more players showing up here now. That means I can't sit back and relax or someone else is going to figure this stuff out and beat me to the quests.

  Meanwhile, when the crowd outside of the inn, who'd started to make their way into the building, saw the global broadcast the cheering grew even louder. Eddie had a few people he only recognized by sight clap him on the back and congratulate him on his achievements.

  As the tables filled, Eddie pushed those thoughts into the back of his mind and hurried back to the kitchen as orders started to pour in.

  In the first brief moment of downtime he had, he quickly checked his character sheet.

  Edward Hunter

  Human Male

  Level: 5

  Class:Warrior (Ranger)


  Intelligence: 10

  Agility: 21

  Wisdom: 13

  Heartiness: 13

  Charisma: 11

  Willpower: 12

  Health: 83

  Endurance: 12

  Mana: 78

  Luck: 14 (15)

  Stamina:186 (196)



  Base Attack: 10

  Base Armor: 10 (50)

  +1 attack melee (strength)

  +35 armor (studded leather, helm, boots, bracers, greaves)

  +5 attack ranged (agility)

  +5 armor (agility)



  Animal Friendship: 1

  Animal Handling: 1

  Animal Husbandry: 1

  Bowyer/Fletcher: 2 (+2 to checks)

  Carpentry: 5

  Cooking: 9

  Evaluate: 4

  Farming: 2

  Fire Building: 1

  Fishing: 1

  Herbalism: 2

  Hunting: 3

  Tracking: 3

  Weather Sense: 1

  Weaving: 3

  Improvisation: 2

  Rope Use: 1

  Climbing: 1


  Bows: 4

  Staves: 1

ll Blades: 1

  Short Swords: 2


  Nature Magic: 1

  Let's take care of this really quick, he thought. Add one to agility, one to wisdom, and one to heartiness. That'll keep me above average for agility, plus give me more mana and health.

  ~ ~ ~

  Later that night, much later since the players hadn't wanted to leave, especially once they found out that non PVP zones still allowed brawling and fist fights, Eddie and Tiana were lying in bed. Eddie had saved his bar furniture and gained a point in Improvisation, by quickly running off a fighting ring out in the yard. Any time a bar fight was about to erupt, he'd call for them to take it out to the ring. That stalled a couple of fights out right then, but the ones that went on were a wild success, with players betting for their favorites or against other players they hated.

  “So, do you still hate Old Jeffries?” Eddie asked.

  “What?” Tiana asked.

  She'd been in the middle of undressing and while Eddie had been watching, and enjoying the sight, his thoughts had been on his new quest.

  “I was just thinking that we might want to put him out of business, you know?” Eddie said. “It would involve building another structure, and hiring on some guards for trading runs back and forth to Brightport or some other major city, but we could do it.”

  “What brought this on?” she asked, seeming a bit nonplussed at his broaching the subject at this particular time.


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