Their Wayward Wives

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Their Wayward Wives Page 11

by Emily Tilton

  Cathy tried desperately to squirm away, but John kept whipping until, after five or six lashes, she cried out, “Sir! I’ll go… I’ll go!”

  His heart beating faster with the slight effort of holding her still for punishment, John released her, and she scurried, her hands again on her backside, rubbing away the sting, into the bedroom. He followed, tapping the belt against his other palm to let her know she must be quick.

  “I want that bottom nice and high,” he said as she lay down over the pillows. “And keep your eyes and your hands forward. You have a lesson to learn.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  You have a lesson to learn. As John’s belt came down over and over on her bottom, with a terrible sharp sound every time, Cathy knew he was right. When he had first said that she would have to have a belt whipping if she wouldn’t get over his knee, her mind had rebelled.

  Just because I don’t like being naked, and I want to put my hands over my private parts doesn’t mean my husband can spank me! Fine, on Sunday I misbehaved. I seriously misbehaved. Maybe I did deserve what I got. But how does that mean that I have to get over his knee when he tells me to? How does that mean that when I don’t, he can order me into the bedroom for this?

  She cried out with every lash of his thick belt, as her gentlemanly husband whipped her steadily on her bottom and her thighs. It burned the little cheeks of her rear end, and she knew it would leave humiliating welts that she would catch sight of in the mirror as the proof that Cathy Lind got spanked and whipped for her poor conduct.

  Her tears wet the comforter and she squirmed over the pillow, but still John punished her. He had gotten angry, and he hadn’t counted to ten, had he. But he hadn’t really lost his temper: if he had lost his temper, she knew, as much as the whipping hurt, the lashes would be much more terrible.

  “It may not seem like much,” he said, from above her and to her left as he stood by the bed to deliver the discipline Cathy had earned. “To keep your hands at your sides when I want to see your pussy and your bottom.” He had paused in whipping her, and Cathy hoped for a moment that it was over, but now John brought the belt down hard again, so that she cried out in shame and pain. “It may even seem like I’m being tyrannical, I guess.”

  Yes, shouted one part of her mind, and that, another part said, was why Cathy needed to learn a lesson.

  He whipped her again, and her whole body shook as she desperately clenched her bottom-cheeks to soothe the discomfort there.

  “You’re going to accept my guidance, and my duty to take care of you, and no matter how strange some people might find it, for us that has to extend to the bedroom.” Another lash. Cathy’s bottom felt like she had sat on a wasps’ nest. “The toys and implements I choose for you to wear and use in your pussy and bottom are for your own good, and for our good as a couple. You being naked in front of me when I choose is for your own good.”

  The lesson. She couldn’t say it in words, she thought. Maybe she might never be able to say it. But John had figured out something about her, with the help of their new neighbors, and she had verified it entirely with what she had done Sunday. And despite the way it made her blush to remember what had happened after the spanking, she couldn’t deny that it had happened no matter how much, in the light of day, at the office, she wished she could.

  The way John had taken her from behind. The way he had made her suck his cock in the shower. The way he had brought her to those screaming orgasms that she had been both longing for and dreading ever since—to the point that she had almost touched herself that morning, as she thought about what the night would bring.

  Obeying John in the bedroom is for my own good. She didn’t think she could always remember that lesson, or always act in accordance with it. She thought he might have to spank her often, as she could tell she would probably get spanked often for swearing, or parking tickets. She didn’t think the part of her mind that insisted on having control would ever really go away.

  But as embarrassing as it might be, she knew now that to submit to her big Marine would make her a better wife, not only as the pleasing sexual partner he deserved but as the partner Cathy should be in shaping their little family.

  “Yes, sir,” she sobbed into the comforter.

  “Are you ready to obey me now?”

  “Yes, sir.” She shivered at what that meant: the sight of the dildo and the plug on either side of the leather harness thing at which she hadn’t even gotten a clear look had made her heart quail even as she had felt a strange tremor go through her pussy. The idea of being shaved, like Mindy, between her legs, so that John could see her down there—might even notice when those tremors happened—put angry butterflies in her tummy.

  “Spread your knees, and put your hands where you had them when you heard about the dildo and the butt plug. One hand in front and one in back.”

  “What?” Cathy whispered. Her bottom burned so hot, and the very thought of spreading her knees, let alone putting her hands down there, seemed to spread that heat in a humiliating fashion.

  “You heard me, sweetheart. It’s time to learn to masturbate.”

  She had thought she felt ready to obey, but now the other thought—that she would need a good deal more discipline before her sexual obedience could be even a little like Mindy’s—seemed to come into effect more strongly.

  “No, sir. Please. I can’t.”

  John didn’t hesitate. He brought the belt down three times, very quickly and very hard. Cathy screamed, and suddenly she wanted to put her hands down there and spread her knees more than she could remember wanting anything in the world. She moaned as she felt the air moving against her naked pussy despite it still having the curls that she knew she would soon lose. She cried out as she put her hands on herself, fore and aft.

  “One finger in your pussy and one finger in your anus, Cathy,” John said in a very didactic tone. “So you know they’re mine. Then you may play with your clit and rub your bottom.”

  Oh, God. To have him direct her that way made it so much worse, but also better in a strange way. She remembered what Mindy had looked like when she had started to touch herself, on top of the coffee table, and how she had thought, No, this isn’t happening. Wives don’t really do this. Sluts and naughty girls might, but not nice neighbors. You couldn’t touch yourself down there, unless to clean those private places. Your husband could touch you there sometimes, but not often and only for a little while—even if you weren’t making a baby, sex was something you did twice a week at most, for ten or fifteen minutes.

  You absolutely couldn’t put something in there.

  But Mindy had, and John had said that night that Cathy would have to learn to play with herself. And Cathy had run away.

  She felt her face pucker in shame as her fingers went to the places John had said, and she whimpered at the sensation. She couldn’t, but she did.

  And he could see, because her knees were spread. “Good girl,” he said softly. She heard his jeans drop to the floor. He was going to rub his cock, too, wasn’t he? How could men just do that? As naughty as the thought seemed, though, it also seemed to inflame her. Cathy knew she couldn’t turn around to look, because he would whip her, but the mental image preserved from Sunday of her enormous, handsome, muscular husband brandishing his cock, making it feel good because Cathy’s nakedness had gotten it hard, somehow made her obey him. She put her right middle finger inside her pussy, and moaned at the lovely, inadequate sensation.

  “Same with your bottom-hole, now, Cath,” John said so gently that it almost made her weep. “My cock is going to go in there soon.”

  It seemed like the controlling, reasoning part of her mind only intensified the sensual, submissive side, then, as it shouted No! Please! Not there!

  “Oh, God,” she moaned. She pressed her left middle finger against the tiny dimple. Suddenly she wanted John to see that the bottom he had whipped until it burned like fire had a little hole in it, and that when he told her to touch that hole, t
o put her finger inside it, it didn’t matter how naughty it was: Cathy would obey him. She would obey him most of all when it came to her bottom, the place where he taught her her lessons with his hand and with his belt.

  A terrible little whine came from her throat as the tip of her finger went inside.

  “Good girl,” John said. “Such a pretty little bottom for me to fuck, and such a sweet little pussy for this big, hard cock.”

  Cathy bit her lip. How could he say it, and how could she hear it, and how could it make her pussy clench and her wetness flow?

  “Rub your whipped bottom now, and play with your clit, sweetheart. Go ahead and make yourself come.”

  Cathy felt like saying, “I can’t,” as one final act of rebellion, but she knew how untrue it would be, because she could already feel the pleasure tightening in the muscles of her belly and her thighs at the sensation of her fingertips on the welts her husband’s belt had made when he taught his wife her terrible lesson, bottom up over the pillows on their marriage bed. She screamed, and rubbed harder and harder at the naughty place where all the feeling came together. She threw her head back. She didn’t care anymore how thoroughly she would reveal the fakeness of her previous orgasms. She rode her hands, bucking her hips against the pillow and showing John all her shameful lewdness, screaming into her climax.

  “Good girl,” John said. She could hear a smile in his voice. “I’ll be right back.”

  His footsteps left, returned. Cathy lay over the pillows, spent and lasciviously happy. She felt his hands on her waist, looked around in dazed surprise, then started to struggle almost involuntarily as she realized what John had begun to do: a wide belt of leather enclosed her hips, and a strap was coming up between her legs, tightening over the secret places where Cathy had just made herself come. She felt a vibration behind her, where the belt covered the place just above the valley of her bottom, heard a click.

  “Wives who play with themselves need a reminder that they may not do it without permission,” John said into her ear as with his right hand he stroked the place where the wide leather strap covered her anus. His voice became stern. “Get up and look in the mirror, Cathy. If you try to pick up guys in a bar again, at least they won’t be able to use my property.”

  Cathy trembled as she obeyed, rising on shaking knees and feeling the strange, shamefully sexy sensation of the stout leather, so different from underwear, against her tender private places. She heard a soft jingle, too, but she didn’t understand it until she did see, in the mirror on the closet door, what a pretty young wife looked like when her husband decided she must wear a chastity belt.

  A broad strap of leather went down from the belt, covering Cathy’s pussy though her blond curls for the moment sprouted naughtily to either side. In back, when she turned, she saw her punished bottom with the curving red marks of the belt, terribly claimed by the same strap, as it connected behind her with the belt at her waist.

  At front and back, where the chastity strap met the belt, were shiny metal fixtures that Cathy suddenly remembered were called hasps. Through the loops of these hasps, on both sides, ran the strong metal of a small padlock. Only the owner of the key would have the use of Cathy Lind’s pussy and anus.

  “You’ll wear your belt for a little while now, sweetheart,” John said as he came up behind her and put his hand possessively on her bottom. “When you need to use the toilet, let me know and we’ll go into the bathroom so I can unlock your pussy and watch you pee.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Mindy and Doug heard the whole story of Cathy’s first few days in her chastity belt, at John’s command, two weeks later. Unfortunately, though Mindy would have loved to hear about Cathy’s first butt plug, first dildo, and first anal in a gossipy sort of way over coffee, the occasion on which her husband ordered her to tell their neighbors about those things turned out to be more fraught: Cathy had earned a serious paddling, and John and Doug had decided that Mindy should console her, due to the nature of the offense and due to the special relationship the couples had, now that old-fashioned family discipline had come into the Linds’ life.

  Cathy had acted out, after hearing the news that John and Doug would be traveling to the Middle East for two weeks. As she told it, tearfully, she had gone to dinner after work with a young attorney named Fred who clearly had a crush on her. She had, however, told John that she would be with her girlfriends for happy hour and heavy appetizers, and he should plan to have dinner on his own.

  Just the day before, John had rewarded her good behavior at home, especially, he said as Cathy blushed, in the bedroom, by taking her chastity belt off, until she needed it again. “Too bad,” he said, glowering, “she needed it again so soon.”

  They sat in the Linds’ living room—except for Cathy, who stood, in only her chastity belt, in front of them. Mindy found the sight of her shaven pussy under the wide leather chastity strap more than a little distracting. Cathy had her hands on her head, and her eyes downcast. The lifting of her arms raised the sweet round peaches of her breasts and seemed to offer them to Mindy. She felt terribly conscious of the fact that she wore her own matching chastity belt under her jeans shorts. She didn’t know what Doug had planned for her, but she had a strong suspicion that comforting your friend was going to involve a good deal more than a hug—which, since Cathy had already stood naked but for the belt, in the living room, when John led Mindy and Doug in, had presented a shameful aspect from the beginning. Mindy hadn’t ever hugged a naked girl and now she found herself wondering what it felt like as the heat crept into her own cheeks.

  John, sitting in an armchair that despite its size seemed small under the frame of the big Marine in his jeans and chambray work shirt, turned from his apparently penitent wife to the Landises. “I found out when I texted one of the girls Cathy was supposed to be with.”

  Mindy frowned, glancing from John’s stern eyes to Cathy’s red face and back. “So she didn’t really cover her tracks, did she?”

  When she looked back at Cathy she saw her friend’s eyes go upward with a tiny, grateful smile.

  “No,” John said. “That’s right. Cathy, tell Mindy and Doug what you told me. Why didn’t you tell your girlfriends to lie for you, if you had already lied to me?”

  The smile vanished, and her brow puckered. “I’m so sorry, sir,” she said.

  “I know, sweetheart,” John said, with a little frustration in his tone at the clear attempt to lessen the consequences. “And I believe you, but I need to discipline you appropriately. You know that. Go ahead and tell the story, please.”

  Mindy saw that Cathy’s eyes shone with tears now. “I guess I thought because I didn’t have the belt on I could… I know that doesn’t make sense, but I don’t understand it myself. Fred asked, yesterday, and I said yes, and then this morning I needed to tell John something…” She had been shifting her attention from Mindy to Doug, but now she looked straight at Mindy. “I’m just so worried about their trip,” she said in a pleading voice, as if asking Mindy to share her anxiety.

  “Sweetheart,” John said, his anger clearly rising a little, “we discussed that. I understand that you’re worried, but that doesn’t give you the right to break your marriage vows, and it definitely won’t keep you from getting paddled for what you did.”

  “But I didn’t do anything.” Mindy could see in Cathy’s eyes, though, that she didn’t believe her own words. “I just had dinner with a man from my office.”

  “You lied, Cathy,” John said, simply and angrily. “Now tell the Landises what you said about it, about what this had to do with Doug and my trip.”

  Cathy sobbed, looking at Mindy, “I said maybe I wanted to prove to myself that if anything happens to John, I won’t be alone.”

  Mindy felt herself nodding, felt her face mold itself into a sympathetic expression. It did make sense, even if the sense were of a faithless, even heartless, variety. She thought she could see now why John and Doug had decided Cathy should be punished w
ith Mindy present. The trip would be a short one, and Mindy had endured many similar ones, some of them a good deal longer than this trip about the new plane and a good deal more dangerous—if she could judge from Doug’s demeanor, since he couldn’t tell her anything about the top-secret trip itself. Mindy would be Cathy’s support system while their husbands were gone, and vice versa.

  She put herself in Cathy’s shoes, with a strong, handsome, rock-solid husband whom up until two weeks ago she had thought she could thoroughly control. She imagined first discovering, with John’s help, her submissive nature, then living that new security within a regime of family discipline. She imagined, enjoying submissive, always-previously-thought-shameful, ecstatic sex with her husband every night—then hearing that the same neighbor who had caused this upheaval, which Cathy had only just learned to welcome rather than to fear, would take John away to a secret location from which he might not return.

  Mindy imagined she might well act out, too—and of course get punished severely and justly by her own dominant husband.

  John, seeming to control his anger now that Cathy had laid out her offense in a penitent, forthright way, gave a sort of sigh through his nose, nodding. “Alright, Cath. Go ahead and tell Mindy about your training with your chastity belt, please.”

  “Hold on a sec, John,” Doug said, speaking for the first time in several minutes. “Do you want to just catch Mindy up on why you want her to hear this?”

  John nodded. “Yes. Sorry. Mindy, because I need to paddle Cathy very hard tonight, to teach her a real lesson, I thought it would be a good idea to have you here to comfort her. Since what she did, though, has to do with her chastity and my rights where the parts of her that I lock up under her belt are concerned, I’m hoping you can also help make sure, both tonight and when we’re away, that that lesson sticks with her. Doug thinks this is a good idea, so we’re going to use the occasion of this punishment for Cathy to introduce you both to how you’ll discipline each other while we’re away. To do that properly, you’ll need to know how I’ve trained her pussy and bottom so far, the same way Cathy knows how Doug has trained you down there.”


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