Black Hollow: Beating Around the Bush

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Black Hollow: Beating Around the Bush Page 7

by Sheri Lyn

  “We promised Kohen we’d come visit him. Couldn’t we see Bishop when we came too?” Choal couldn’t understand what the big deal was. They were allowed to have friends, normally they weren’t humans. But, Bishop wasn’t human though. He was a shifter, hell he’d admitted they have reapers living here in Black Hollow too.

  “It’s not that….” Shayde stammered, “Friends sure, we can… visit him.”

  “What did I say or do to irritate you now? I swear I’m trying, I just don't get some of this stuff and I know there are things going on that I’m missing, but please don’t get mad at me, okay.”

  “Shit, I'm sorry, okay.” Shayde groaned and laid down on the bed. “I know you don’t and I try to remember that. It’s just hard sometimes. I…. It’s…. Ugh….”

  Choal flipped around so he was facing Shayde and hesitantly put a hand on his friend's shoulder, causing Shayde to turn his head so they were face to face. “Maybe if you explain it to me I’ll understand.”

  “Ba…. Choal, that’s the problem. I can’t explain this to you, not yet at least. I promise it’s nothing bad, it’s just that I can’t put into words quite yet.”

  He couldn't pretend to understand, but he nodded his head because he could see how much it was troubling his friend. The last thing he wanted to do was be the cause of his pain. “I’m sorry for dragging you into this, for bringing this chaos into your life. I know this isn’t how you’d planned on spending your time and I feel bad about that.”

  “No.” Shayde emphatically shook his head, “this isn’t your fault and it’s not really that boy’s fault either. I don’t blame either of you. And yeah I’m frustrated, but honestly, I couldn’t imagine anywhere else I’d rather be than here with you guys, helping you figure this out.”

  Choal smiled sadly, “You think we can? What if this takes a while? We have jobs, they can only cover for us for so long, right?”

  “Lennox has my number and he gave me his card.” Shayde gestured to his wallet on the bedside table. “They’re taking care of it until we can get back, and he said he’d help us if we needed anything. That’s one area of our lives we don’t have to worry about, I promise.”

  Choal rolled over so his back was to Shayde and tried to go to sleep. He was exhausted but he couldn’t seem to shut his mind off. So many things were out of his control and up in the air. His life had order, meaning, and purpose. Now he was adrift and he didn’t know what to do with himself. He was realistic enough to know this wasn’t going to be a quick process, so what did he do with his free time? There was no way he could sit here without going insane. Work was his life, and now he didn’t have that.

  “Stop thinking so hard.” Shayde whispered at his back. “Go to sleep, we’ll figure it out tomorrow, together.”


  The next few days were the same, they barely left the house unless it was with Bishop to run in some store or another. They barely spoke to anyone when they were out, still unsure how to explain their situation. Bishop had become a lifeline. He showed up at least once a day bringing with him food from a restaurant or something he could cook and teach them. Choal couldn’t even begin to say how grateful he was for the man.

  “Sorry.” Choal cringed as he ran into Shayde yet again. “This is getting ridiculous, we need to figure something out. This isn’t working anymore. It’s too small, we can’t move without being up each other's ass.”

  “About that,” Bishop called out as he stepped into the kitchen and interrupted their stare off. “I brought some burgers and fries, thought we could eat real quick and then go for a ride.”

  Choal frowned as he watched the other man pull out the containers and set them on the table. “Where too?” He knew he was being bitchy, he didn’t mean to, he was just frustrated with this whole situation.

  Bishop hesitated and turned to face them. “Why don’t we eat and then discuss this, please. The food's hot and I’ve had a hell of a day already.”

  They all sat down and ate in silence, tension thick in the air. Choal struggled to swallow each bite as his nerves began to take over. He could see Kohen having a similar problem and it made his heart hurt. He’d already been through so much upheaval in his young life, and he didn’t see that changing anytime soon.

  “Guys, you’re killing me here.” Bishop finally cried out as he dropped the fry he was holding. “Not everything is bad, okay. Seraphine told me to do something a week ago, and I put it off, and now that I’ve seen how things are here up close like this. I get it. I didn't want to tell you so I put it off, I wasn’t and still aren’t sure how you’ll react.”

  Choal licked his suddenly dry lips, closed his eyes in silent prayer, “Just tell us. This has got to be worse.”

  Bishop climbed to his feet, wiped his hands on a napkin and tossed it on the table. “Come on, let’s go.” He grumbled as he made his way to the front door scowling and mumbling about a wasted burger.

  Chapter Sixteen

  He wasn’t sure if he was doing the right thing or not, but Seraphine had said to get them in the new house and that’s what he was doing. But, once he’d seen it for himself, he knew he wanted it. So he’d taken it and decided to rent it out to Shayde and Choal for as long as they stayed here in Black Hollow. The house was everything he’d ever wanted and more. It had some of the basic furniture already included and was laid out just how he’d have done it if he’d had it built. He shouldn’t be surprised, this was Black Hollow and Seraphine had sent him to the house. She knew everything after all, or at least it seemed that way to him.

  Today he’d finally gotten up the nerve and gone to City Hall and bought the house. It was his, well, theirs for now. He’d worked up the courage all day to show the guys, and had just decided to wait when he’d walked in and seen the blow-up. He knew what he had to do, even if it meant he couldn’t pop in with breakfast before work now.

  “Bishop where are you taking us?” Shayde frowned as he studied the area. “We haven’t been this way before.”

  “The school is right here on your right, now if you go across Yeti Way like we are now, you’ll be on Fairy Court. This is mostly residential places back here.”

  “Are we finally going to see where you live?” Kohen piped in excitedly.

  “Um...” Bishop hedged, as he turned on to Angel Way and then Troll Avenue before pulling into a driveway and turning the car off. “See that small woodsy area down to your right. There’s a path that leads to the alley by the movie theatre, which takes you out onto Yeti Way and the school is diagonal from that.”

  Shayde studied Bishop with narrowed eyes, “Why are we here exactly?”

  Bishop clasped his hands behind his neck and cringed, “Well, you see…” He trailed off and tried again. “Um…. This is kinda my place, but yours now.”

  Choal leaned forward between the seats to stare at Bishop, “Your house, but ours now? Is that what you just said? Explain, I don’t understand.”

  “It’s like this, you see.” Bishop climbed out of his car, hoping they’d follow suit. “Seraphine told me the day after you arrived to bring you here and have you move in.” He shut the door and moved to stand in front of the truck waiting until they joined him to finish the story. “I didn’t know how to do that with everything going on, and truthfully I kind of liked having you guys so close that I could pop in.”

  “He’s stalling,” Kohen announced as he studied the house. “Can we go inside?”

  “Uh yeah, we can. Door’s unlocked.” He agreed quickly. “So… I finally came to see the place and fell in love. I went and bought it from the town, and now want you guys to move in here while things are getting figured out.”

  “You want us to move in here with you?” Choal clarified slowly. “That’s why you’re so nervous?”

  Bishop blanched, “No, I mean that’s not… I hadn’t even thought about that. I have my apartment, I thought… you could like, stay here since it has more room and you’d be more comfortable.”

  It’d never
occurred to him that was an option, not that he’d suggest it even if it had. He was just trying to help them out like he’d been doing since he picked them up on the side of the road that first night. But now that the idea was planted in his head, he couldn't think of anything he’d like more. To be able to see them all every day, to help them learn and acclimate to this world would be pretty damn epic to his way of thinking.

  Choal shared a long look with Shayde before they both faced the house and headed inside without a word. Bishop would have killed to know what they’d just communicated with that silent question and answer.

  “It’s close to the school, and a lot bigger.” Shayde conceded as he entered the front door into the living room. “It’s beautiful.”

  Bishop nodded as he once again took in the house that he now owned. As soon as you walked in you were in the living room. There was plenty of room for all of them to lounge and be comfortable on a large couch or couches, unlike the small loveseat they shared now.

  “It’s three bedrooms, this is the living room, the dining area and kitchen are just there.” He pointed directly in front of them as if they couldn’t see it for themselves. “The kitchen is open to the dining room. Through the hallway on the right are two bedrooms and a bathroom.” Bishop moved farther into the house and gestured to the left. “The master bedroom, bath, and a library slash office as well. Behind the kitchen is the laundry room.”

  “What’s those doors lead to?” Kohen asked eagerly.

  Bishop smiled as the boy's enthusiasm calmed him a bit. “The doors behind the dining area, you mean? Those lead to the backyard, swimming pool, hot tub, and grilling area.”

  Choal nodded absently, “It is a lot bigger than where we are at, and Kohen is starting school tomorrow. This is close enough he could walk.”

  Shayde leaned against the wall and studied Bishop. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Bishop let out a deep sigh, “I know man. This is why I didn’t say anything. I don’t want it to… confuse anything or make things awkward you know.”

  “No, it’s not that at all.” Shayde confessed, “This place is perfect and so amazing. It has everything we need and more.”

  “Oh.” Bishop blew out his cheeks in relief. “So do you guys want a tour now?”

  "I do." Kohen and Choal said at the same time.

  Bishop rubbed his hands together and smiled, “let’s go then. These rooms are about comparable in size, so there isn’t much difference between the two. The bathroom is shared, so it has access from both bedrooms. There’s a guest bathroom right off the kitchen, by the laundry room. It’s kind of an odd place for it, but I didn’t design the house after all.”

  Kohen crossed his arm over his chest and rested his elbow on it so he could tap his chin with his finger as if in deep thought, “Since there is only one of me, and two of them. I think they should each get one of these rooms and I’ll take the master one. It’s not fair to them, otherwise, you know.”

  Bishop threw his head back and let out a bark of laughter, “Good luck with that one squirt.” They left Kohen to examine each room, and headed toward the kitchen, “It’s kind of dark outside so you can’t see much, but it’s pretty fantastic out there.” He waited as they looked out the doors and then moved to examine the kitchen. It wasn’t anything great, but it was perfect for what they and eventually Bishop himself would need.

  “Now if we go back around to the living room we can head to the other side of the house.” Bishop gestured for them to follow him, “On the right is the office and library. It’s huge, has wall to wall, floor to ceiling shelves. There are some books in there, but plenty of free space to add to the collection.” Bishop waited while they glanced in the room as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. There was only one area they hadn’t really seen yet. The one that put ideas into his head as soon as he’d seen it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Shayde was nervous to see the next room, it was taking all he had not to look at Bishop and beg him for a repeat of the bathroom. They’d both been on their best behavior up to this point, but it was getting harder and harder to deny the attraction between them. If only Choal would open his eyes and see what was in front of him, see how much they wanted him too.

  “This is the master bedroom?” Choal leaned around Bishop to see in the room. “So it’s the biggest I guess since it’s on the other side of the house and Kohen wanted it?”

  “Yeah” Bishop agreed, “It’s usually the biggest because two adults would be sharing it and …. “ He trailed off as his face flamed red in embarrassment. “Anyway, go in and look around.” He waved them ahead as he stared up at the ceiling avoiding their eyes.

  “Two adults?” Choal exclaimed in shock. “That bed is massive, I bet it could hold three or four without a problem. I didn’t know beds came that big.”

  Shayde turned his head away so Bishop wouldn’t see him laughing at his discomfort, as Bishop tried to reply to the naive man standing a few feet away.

  “Yeah, it’s probably custom made. They do that sort of thing, though why for this house I’m not sure. No one has lived here that I know of.” He darted his eyes around the room, “The closet is there, it’s a walk-in.” He almost yelled in his excitement to change the subject.

  “It’s big enough to hold three of four adults' clothes too.” Shayde feigned shock as he winked at Bishop who glared at him in return.

  “Where does that door go?” Choal wandered over and tried to turn the handle, “It’s locked?”

  “Yeah, it goes out to the pool and grilling deck.” Bishop sighed in relief at finally having a normal conversation.

  “Perfect if you have kids and want to sneak in a late night naked swim or get in the hot tub without little prying eyes.” Shayde offered happily.

  Bishop clenched his jaw and squinted his eyes at Shayde, “You’re going to pay for that.” He mouthed.

  Shayde turned away grinning as he moved to the bathroom, “Holy shit.” He called out as he stepped inside and spun around. “This is the size of the living room in the house we’re in now.”

  “Well yeah,” Choal replied with a tone of ‘duh you idiot’ in his voice. “If this room is built for a few adults, it’d have to be big enough to hold them all.”

  Shayde and Bishop gaped, “Excuse me?” They both said in unison.

  “Well, it stands to reason doesn’t it.” Choal moved around them to step into the walk-in shower and spread his arms. “Look I can’t even touch the walls, and there are four showerheads in here too.” Choal frowned as he climbed out and studied the sinks. “But that doesn’t make sense at all, why are there only two sinks then. Shouldn’t there be more?”

  Shayde stared at Choal in wide-eyed shock, how could he be so innocent in some ways, but so spot on with other things. “Choal why do you think the shower is made for multiple people? And why would they do that?”

  Bishop’s eyes bugged as Shayde asked the question, almost making Shayde laugh out loud. But the question was too important, things weren’t adding up and he needed answers.

  “So they can shower together of course. By the looks of it, I’d say anywhere between one and maybe six people could fit in there.”

  “You don’t think it’s odd that say six people would want to shower at once?” Bishop clarified with a darting glance to Shayde as if to say what the hell.”

  “I’m not stupid guys. I know what sex is, I’ve seen porn after all.”

  “You have?” Both men exclaimed in surprise.

  “That’s freaky.” Choal glared at the two men, “Yes, I’ve seen all kinds of things when I pick up souls. They don’t always die in convenient places, you know that, Shayde.”

  Shayde couldn’t deny that. Some of the things he’d seen had left an impression, so he could only imagine what it would have done for someone like Choal.

  “So, you’re telling me you know about sex because you saw a few seconds of porn when you picked up a soul?” Bishop clarified. “That’s
how you know about the shower?”

  “Okay, so maybe I got curious and looked it up when I got home.” Choal blushed, “I just wanted to understand.”

  Shayde smirked as he stepped closer to Choal and whispered, “Just how much porn have you been watching and what kind?”

  “Uh.” Choal bowed his head as he mumbled “a lot.”

  Bishop snickered as he moved to stand up beside the two men, “A lot of porn doesn’t tell us much. How about you tell us what type of porn you’ve watched. And don’t lie to us, you didn’t question when he asked that, so we know you are aware there are different...types.”

  “Well….” Choal stammered, “It’s kind of like a slippery slope. You watch one video, and it leads to another and another until you’re so far down the rabbit hole you don’t know how you got there.”

  Shayde tilted his head back and laughed silently, knowing exactly what he was talking about. He wasn’t about to admit that he’d gone into clubs and dungeons and similar establishments all over the world watching and even occasionally picked someone up to go home with. But the videos were sometimes even better or scarier depending on which one you landed on at any given time.

  “But you’ve never seen it live or participated, have you?” Bishop continued on oblivious to Shayde’s thoughts.

  “No, I didn’t know we could do that.” Choal went slack-jawed at the words. “Can we?” He turned to Shayde for confirmation. “Have you had sex before?”

  “Guys?” Kohen yelled from the other side of the house.

  Shayde closed his eyes in relief as he hollered back, “Be right there.”

  Bishop huffed out a laugh, “Just so you know, we’re not letting this conversation go, Choal. Shayde, do what you need to, but be prepared you’re answering his question honestly.”

  Shayde nodded before turning and hightailing it out of the bathroom. He was going to buy Kohen the biggest ice cream cone he’d ever seen for saving him right then. Didn’t matter, it was only a short reprieve. He’d take whatever he could get.


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