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Tad Page 14

by Harmony Raines

  “And thank you,” Heather said. “I’m sure he’s responsible for a large portion of the people here.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short,” Betsy said as she set the coffee cups and cupcakes down on the table. “Everyone has been talking about this event for the last couple of days. I was surprised, but it’s something new. The town was ready for something to excite their imaginations. Emily is talking about organizing an evening in fairyland, using the grounds of the barn to weave stories of magic for the children. There is so much you can do with a place like this.”

  “Thanks, Betsy. Any feedback helps a lot.” Heather picked up her coffee and cupcake and Tad did the same. Ducking away from the crowds, they headed toward the rear door of the barn. “I think I’ll eat this gooey goodness here and then makes sure I don’t have a chocolate frosting on my face before I go and speak to Carter.”

  “Good thinking.” Tad bit into his cupcake. “Oh, that is a work of art on its own.”

  She giggled. “You know you could probably sell that to one of your fans.”

  “A cupcake with a bite out of it?” Tad held it away from his face and stared at it for a moment. “I suppose it would pass as modern art.”

  “I hope everyone sells lots of items today, it would be such a boost for everyone’s morale,” Heather mused as she watched the people filing into the barn.

  “And a boost for their bank balances.” He took another bite of his cake. His tongue snaked out to lick some icing off his lips and she longed to take the cupcake out of his hands and throw it away and tell him his lips were for her and her alone. Or maybe instead of throwing the cupcake away, she could smear the frosting all over her body and let him lick it off.

  “You might get some commissions, too, once people see your sculptures,” Heather said, finishing her cake and then licking her fingers.

  “I might. Although, I have enough work for another year at least.” He tilted his head when he saw her surprise. “I’m in demand, what can I say?”

  “I hope you have time in your busy schedule for your mate,” she joked.

  “Always.” He scooped her up in his arms and kissed her mouth, tasting of coffee and cupcakes, a heady combination.

  “I wish we could leave now and find somewhere quiet to celebrate the opening privately,” she said as he held her in his arms. Heather cupped his face and skimmed his lips with hers. “But I have to go.”

  “I know.” He let her go and sipped his coffee as they went back inside. “Let’s say hello to Carter and then I’ll go over to my sculptures and prepare for my master class.”

  “And I will go and encourage people to buy from our wonderful artists.” Heather silently prayed that everyone would have an amazing day and sell lots of pieces as a reward for the faith they’d put in her.

  “Before we go our separate ways…” He caught hold of her hand and pulled her back toward him. “I want to say how proud I am of you.”

  “Back at you.” She poked his chest. “Your speech truly was beautiful and from the heart. I’m sure everyone listening was moved by it.”

  “Even Andy?” Tad asked.

  “No, probably not, it would take a miracle for Andy to be moved by anything.” She pressed her lips together. “He is so different from you. And I sometimes wonder why I married him.” She shot a look in the direction of her mom’s stall. “That’s not true. I know I married him because I was afraid I would miss out on marriage and children if I didn’t settle.” She shrugged. “So I settled.”

  “Honestly, if I wasn’t a shifter, there is a good chance I would have settled or at least settled down years ago.” He reached out and touched her face, his fingertips light on her cheek. “It gets lonely.”

  “Okay.” She ran her hand down over her face. “Focus, it’s time to get to work.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He gave her a mock salute and they joined the crowds of people milling around looking at the displays and, more importantly, buying pieces of art and pottery and a lot of fairies. Emily’s stall was very popular with young children particularly.

  “My mom has sold some pieces too,” Heather said as they approached Lillian’s paintings. “Hey, Mom.”

  “Heather. Carter Eden bought one of my paintings!” Lillian exclaimed, her cheeks flushed with happiness. “Can you imagine?”

  “Yes, I can.” Heather hugged her mom. “You always were harder on yourself and your art than any critic.”

  “Well, you can’t always trust your family to tell you the truth,” Lillian said, mirroring Zack’s words. “But everyone who has stopped by to say hello has been very supportive.”

  “We’re going to go catch up with Carter and thank him for coming. I’ll talk to you later,” Heather told Lillian as another visitor asked about one of the paintings.

  Heather and Tad made their way through the crowd toward Carter, who seemed to have a following of his own. But the movie star looked very relaxed as he signed autographs and allowed fans to take selfies with him. His smile seemed genuine, even when one of his fans came dressed as a Space Monkey complete with a tail and a fake laser gun.

  “Hi, Heather.” Andy appeared at her side with Bella and Zack hurrying to keep up as people crossed from stall to stall.

  “Andy.” She looked past him and held out her hands to Bella and Zack. “Hey, are you two okay? Are you having fun?”

  Both children looked at their dad before Bella answered, “Yes.” Her brother stayed tight-lipped, which probably meant neither of them was having fun, but Bella didn’t want to admit it.

  “Bella said she knows Carter’s daughter from school.” Andy eagerly eyed Carter as he stopped to look at Edgar’s work.

  “Yes, she does.” Heather edged closer to Carter. “I was just going to thank him for coming and tweeting about his visit.”

  Andy’s eyes narrowed. “Do you think…” He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “I’m such a big fan, do you think he’d mind if I got his autograph and had a selfie with him?” Andy fished in his pocket for his phone and held it up as if it was proof he was a fan. His screensaver was an image from Space Monkeys. But Heather wasn’t convinced.

  “The movie came out when we were together, I thought you said the idea of monkeys in space was stupid.” Heather’s concern grew. “If you are going to pull a stunt where you embarrass me or the children in front of Carter Eden…”

  “Hey, I am not going to embarrass you.” Andy glanced over her shoulder to where Tad stood. “New boyfriend? You sure did move on fast.”

  “At least I waited until after our divorce,” Heather ground out.

  “Heather.” Carter’s voice jolted her out of the tirade she was about to unleash on Andy. “Heather, this is such a great idea. I love it.”

  “Thanks.” Heather turned around, aware that Andy was right behind her, while Tad was in front. Past and present, that was her life right there. “It was so kind of you to come and show your support.”

  “I’m Heather’s husband.” Andy thrust his hand into Carter’s face.

  “Ex-husband,” Heather corrected.

  “Bella’s father.” Andy looked down at Bella and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  Heather rolled her eyes, but Carter took it all in his stride. “You have a clever daughter. She’s a wizard at math.” Bella glowed with pride as she basked in Carter’s praise.

  “Andy.” He looked at his hand and leaned forward, thrusting it closer to Carter while ignoring Bella, whose happy expression soon faded.

  “Carter. But then you already knew that, didn’t you?” Carter’s eyes narrowed as he shrewdly assessed Andy.

  “I did, but only because I’m a huge fan.” Andy finally received a handshake from Carter. “And I just wondered if I could get a picture with you? It won’t take a moment.”

  “Sure.” Carter nodded.

  “Great.” Andy fumbled in his pocket for a moment and then pulled out a couple of candy bars.

  “What is he doing?” Tad asked as Andy approached
Carter with the candy bars held awkwardly in his hand.

  “I don’t think we want to know,” Heather replied as Andy offered one of the candy bars to Carter.

  “Honeycomb.” Andy nodded as Carter stared at the sweet treat dubiously. “I thought since you liked honey beer so much, you would like this candy laced with honeycomb.”

  Carter smiled, but his expression turned wary. “It’s a little early in the morning for honey.”

  “They’re great, really delicious.” Andy unwrapped a bar and took a bite. As he chewed, he said, “See, it has lots of honeycombs mixed in. It would fit in with your brand.”

  “Are you pitching to me?” Carter asked, a steely edge to his voice. “Because I’m here with my family, doing a good thing for this town and the craft barn. I am not here on business.”

  Carter might be one of the most charismatic men she’d ever met, but at this moment he also looked like one of the deadliest. Andy quaked in his shoes as the candy bar began to melt in his hand. “It’s not a pitch, it’s a gift.” He thrust the candy bar into Carter’s hand, snapped a quick selfie and then moved away from the movie star. “I hope you enjoy it.”

  Heather held onto her children’s hands tightly. They were the only things stopping her from going after Andy and tearing into him here in front of everybody. His actions had been inexcusable.

  His actions proved he hadn’t changed one bit.

  Chapter Nineteen – Tad

  “I’ll deal with this.” Tad couldn’t bear the look of anger on Heather’s face as her scumbag of an ex-husband took the selfie with Carter and then disappeared into the crowd, leaving his kids bewildered.

  “Where did Daddy go?” Bella asked, ducking down to look through people’s legs.

  “For some fresh air,” Heather told them. “He was so excited at meeting Carter that he had to go and get some fresh air.”

  “Hey there, Bella, Zack. Are you having a good day?” Carter asked easily as he cast a sympathetic smile at Heather.

  “I’m so sorry,” Heather told the movie star.

  “You are not responsible for the actions of others, Heather. Don’t worry about it,” Carter answered. “Anyway, Tad is on the case, isn’t he?”

  “He is.” The warmth in her voice spurred Tad on through the crowd and the rest of the conversation was lost to him.

  What wasn’t lost to him was Andy. Tad was on his scent and the man would not escape.

  Even if he got into his car and drove away? his bear asked.

  Even then. Although, when Tad reached the barn door and looked out at the busy parking lot, he realized that Andy would not be going anywhere fast. The opening was so popular that cars were still arriving, making a fast getaway from the small parking lot in front of the barn almost impossible.

  There. From his vantage point in the barn doorway, Tad looked out over the area in front of the building, his eyes scanning the crowd. It wasn’t difficult to spot Andy who was hurrying toward his car against the flow of the people arriving.

  Tad jumped down from the barn doorway and ran toward his prey. His bear sharpened his claws although they both knew it would be impossible for Tad to shift with so many people around. He would happily deal with Andy with his fists. Very happily.

  “Hey.” He reached Andy as the guy was sliding into the leather seat of his car. “What do you think you are doing?” His right hand curled around the car door before Andy could slam it shut, and his left hand went to the doorframe for added leverage. Leaning forward, he put on his most menacing expression.

  “Really? The star of the show, a sculptor, is threatening me?” Andy laughed, although his eyes showed fear. Fear that kicked up a notch when Tad emitted a low, menacing growl.

  “I wasn’t threatening you. If I was, you would know about it. I am merely asking you, what do you think you are doing?” Tad punched out each word as if he were punching Andy in the face.

  “Business.” Andy cocked his head on one side. “That’s what people who live in the real world do. They hustle.”

  “Hustle. I know all about the hustle. I also know all about jackasses, too.” Tad sighed. “Damn, it’s a good thing you have kids.”

  Andy frowned. “Why?”

  “Because I’m gonna rip your balls off and feed them to you.” Tad’s eyes flashed amber as he reached inside the car.

  “What?” Andy screamed like a girl, drawing a few surprised looks from the people around them. “Are you crazy?”

  “Crackpot crazy!” Tad let his eyes go a little out of focus as he placed his hand on Andy’s thigh and squeezed it really hard.

  “Ouch!” Andy’s voice couldn’t rise much higher.

  “So?” Tad asked.

  “So what?” Andy asked breathlessly.

  “What do you want? Why did you come here today? Because you saw a way of using your family to get close to Carter Eden?” Tad nodded his head. “That’s it, right?”

  “I wanted to pitch the honey bar to him. It’s my job,” Andy spat out. “Some of us don’t have the luxury of sitting in a shed and making pots all day.”

  “You really did come here to meet Carter and not because you wanted to see your family.” Tad released his hold on Andy’s thigh. “You’re a cold-hearted loser.”

  “Sticks and stones…” But Andy looked more uncomfortable at the name-calling than he did over the inevitable bruising on his thigh.

  “So what now? You upload this picture of you and Carter to social media?” Tad asked, trying to understand the mentality of the man before him.

  “Oh, you’re not just a small-town country hick. You know about social media. Have a gold star.” Andy pretended to pin a gold star to Tad’s chest.

  Lightning fast, his hand shot out and grabbed Andy’s finger, bending it back, making him howl. “It’s rude to point. It’s also rude to take selfies with people in an attempt to profit from their fame without asking. And that was what you were doing, wasn’t it, Andy?” Tad bent his finger back a little more.

  “Yes. I just need to give the candy bar a boost. I need the money.” Andy began to pant as the pain intensified. “Advertising is tough in this economy. You have to use all the weapons in your arsenal.”

  Tad let go of Andy’s finger. “And that includes using your family?” He shook his head. “You should be ashamed of yourself.”

  “Why? My family seems to have moved on without me just fine,” Andy replied bitterly.

  “When was the last time you saw them, Andy? Do make an effort to keep in touch with your kids?” Tad asked hotly as his temper simmered just below boiling.

  “I’m busy.” Andy nursed his finger.

  “Lame.” Tad held out his hand. “Phone.”

  “I’m not giving you my phone,” Andy said incredulously.

  “Okay.” Tad stood back, his hand still on the car door. “Get out. We’re going to go and find Carter. You will apologize and delete the photo in front of him. You are then going to spend time with your kids. Quality time.”

  “Let me ask a question.” Andy didn’t budge from his seat. “Why does it bother you so much?” His eyes widened. “I get it, you have a thing for Heather.” He chuckled and Tad had never wanted to punch a man more in his life.

  “It’s more than a thing.” Tad would never deny or play down his feelings for Heather.

  “Oh.” Andy rubbed his hands together. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  I really don’t like this guy, his bear snarled.

  Me neither. Tad stood back as Andy jumped out of his car and strode back toward the barn.

  You know he’s going to try to play this situation out in his favor? His bear curled his upper lip as Andy entered the barn and looked around for Heather.

  Oh, yeah.

  You’re not worried? his bear asked. Andy is the father of Heather’s children.

  He’s also an asshole and Heather knows that. She’s happy here. She’s built a new life for herself and her children, she’d never go back. She’d never take Andy bac
k. As Tad followed Andy across the barn, he never had any doubt how this would end.

  “Daddy.” Bella tugged on Heather’s hand as she spoke with Carter Eden. “Daddy is back.”

  Zack peered out from the other side of his mom, a small, unsure smile on his face. “See, he didn’t run off.”

  “Andy.” Heather’s expression darkened with suspicion.

  “Heather. Kids.” He gave them a wink. “I’m sorry.” He looked dejected as he approached them. “It was a moment of madness when I thought how cool it would be to have a photo of the Carter Eden eating my candy bar.”

  Heather arched an eyebrow as she watched Andy approach. “And you had a sudden change of heart?”

  “I reached the parking lot and suddenly it hit me…”

  “I bet it did.” Carter’s eyes locked with Tad’s.

  Andy continued, “It hit me that all the candy bars in the world are not as important as my family.” He held out his arms as if encircling Heather and the kids.

  “So you’re going to delete the photo?” Bella asked directly.

  Andy’s right eye twitched. “Sure.” He took his phone from his pocket and scrolled through to his photo gallery. His jaw clenched as he tapped the screen once. “There. Gone.”

  “Can I check?” Carter asked evenly.

  Andy recoiled as Carter reached out his hand. “Sure.” He looked down at his phone and his thumb tapped the screen a couple more times before he gave it to Carter. “All gone.”

  “Great.” Carter scrolled through the phone. “And I assume you haven’t already uploaded any of them to social media.” He handed the phone back to Andy. “If so, my lawyers will be in touch.”

  “No.” Andy paled as Carter handed his phone back to him. His fingers tightened around it until his knuckles showed bone white.

  “Have a great day. Heather, the craft barn is wonderful. We’ll be back.” Carter glanced across to Tad and raised his hand. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” Tad waved his hand as Carter rejoined his family who was looking at Rosemary’s pottery. Caroline, Carter’s wife, was very interested in a large celebration plate with a horse painted in the center. Which reminded Tad he needed to talk to Max and Jake about the possibility of buying a couple of ponies.


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