Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5)

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Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5) Page 15

by Tony Corden

  Thomas and Leah sat in silence while they both considered what else could or should be said. Eventually after several minutes and some deep breaths Thomas said, “My cousin is hooked on Cosmos Online. It’s all she plays, day and night. She moved out of home and into one of the big Pod megacomplexes. My aunt says they never hear from her and instead of the bright, lively girl she used to be she is abrupt and non-communicative all the time. I’ve ignored my aunt's concerns because I know so many people who get hooked and their personalities change, I’m one of them myself. Could she be a slave?”

  “I don’t know, Thomas. I know that people who use slaves operate in Cosmos Online. I’ve talked with people who have been used as slaves in Cosmos Online and so I have some ideas as to where they use slaves. If your cousin is heavily involved in mining or resource acquisition or if she is working in a dangerous occupation such as fighter pilot then I wouldn’t be surprised. If she won’t talk about her obsession, then I’d be concerned. If you let me know where she lives and where she plays, I’ll look into it using some resource people I know.”

  “Damn, I’ve ignored my aunt and my mum for years about Naomi. How long have the slaves been around?”

  “One of the people involved told me he knew of someone who has been a slave for over thirty years.”

  “Shit! Shit! Shit! What do I do?”

  “Don’t beat yourself up, Thomas. You can’t take the blame for their actions. Now you know, I suggest you get me the information about your cousin. Be on the lookout for others who might be in this situation. Use your skills to look for ways to help. I’d rather you don’t help the Emersons, but I understand this is your business and your livelihood. Try and see your cousin and see if you can have her space cleansed. You should be aware that it isn’t an easy thing to convince someone to do that and that going to the authorities with a supposition and no proof is almost pointless and can certainly be counterproductive at times. Some of those in security have very strong connections with the wealthy. Please don’t use my name too openly but I understand if it is with people you trust completely. Get the word out in general terms, because the more people working against this, the more chance of doing some good.”

  “How many slaves are there do you think?”

  “Low-end, worldwide, around 250 million.”

  Thomas sat there stunned for another minute, then said, “I’ll have the designs ready in the morning.” He took the money she’d given him and handed it back to her and said, “This is my initial contribution to ending the Emersons. I’ve been complacent but I’m not going to stay that way. Believe it or not, I have skills of my own that transcend this game, and I’ll look into what you’ve said. I also have a community of people I trust. When I have a better idea of how I can help, I’ll contact you.”

  Leah smiled, shook his hand then headed out to the reception area before leaving the store.

  Once they were on the street, Henry said, “You were some time with Master Willeford, I trust all is well.”

  “It is indeed thank you, Henry. He needed to discuss some things concerned with the Aether Worlds, and I believe I was able to answer his questions and impart some knowledge. Where shall we go now?”

  “Ellen and I discussed this while you were occupied and believe that attire is easier to conform to weapons than weapons to attire and so our next stop will be to an acquaintance of mine who has some expertise in the design and production of weapons. Is this acceptable?”

  Leah agreed and followed her two guides through the inner city shopping district. Ellen and Henry took turns in describing the various shops and pointing out important landmarks. Turning a corner, another pedestrian ran into Leah and apologised before moving on. Henry immediately said, “I suggest you check your valuables, ‘pockets’ are common in the city.”

  Leah smiled and said, “He did lift my purse, but it was my diversionary purse with only a few pounds. Don’t be too concerned as I relieved him of several wallets and purses which I’m sure will hold greater value.”

  Henry smiled but then he made a faint gesture with his hand, and a well-dressed lady crossed the street and approached him. He explained what had happened and after describing the pedestrian, asked for her to find him and have Leah’s purse returned. Leah offered to return what she’d taken but was told to forget it.

  Henry said, “You are clearly with me, and every ‘pocket’ should know to leave my party alone. It isn’t that they know me, but I have markers that distinguish me as untouchable. Ellen and I acquired them this morning. Those who work here should know to leave us, and those with us, alone. That someone might break such agreements is disturbing. Your reaction was acceptable and appropriate, but it is not sufficient. After we have finished looking at weapons, I expect we will have a discussion with the overseer of the central district, and at that time we should receive at least an apology. I expect your actions will lift us in her eyes, not bring us down. Have no worries. Now let us continue on, as the establishment I am heading to is in this next set of shops.”

  Within minutes Henry led Ellen and Leah into a large and expensive looking millinery. Several assistants were helping customers, and a young woman similarly dressed approached Ellen and said, “Welcome to Wilbur’s Millinery, may I assist you in any way?”

  Henry said, “You may, my name is Mr Henry Ayers, and I was hoping to introduce these two ladies to Wilbur himself with regards his exclusive collection.”

  The assistant dipped her head in acknowledgement and said, “Please wait here, I will see if the Master Milliner is free.” She then walked through a closed door into the rear of the shop.

  Less than a minute later she returned and said, “Master Wilbur is available and invites you to the upper showroom for a consultation. Please follow me.”

  Leah, Henry and Ellen followed her through a storeroom and up two flights of stairs. A small and rather rotund man was waiting on the second landing. After thanking the assistant for bringing his guests, he greeted Henry warmly then said, “So Henry, how might I help you today?”

  “This young lady is Captain Charlotte and is a newly appointed Privateer. She is both an acquaintance and friend of Billy Bartle and was looking to purchase an assortment of the better pieces from your exclusive range.”

  “Captain Charlotte, you have a strong reference in Billy and Henry for access to my exclusive collection. I do require, however, that the exclusive nature of this collection remains private and is not shared without my permission. Is this acceptable?”

  “It is, Master Wilbur. I assume that any purchases I make are also kept private.”

  “That is my usual practice, and such a condition may always be specially purchased.”

  Leah laughed and said, “What an interesting idea Master Wilbur. I suggest then that my own usual practice of privacy will be best preserved with a discount of similar value to the additional expense your silence will cost.”

  Wilbur’s face lost a little of its charm, and he said, “Your statement had the merest hint of threat in it Captain Charlotte. I find myself in the unusual position of suggesting you conclude your business elsewhere.”

  “If that is your wish, Master Wilbur. Please note that while I am guided by both Master Battle and Mr Ayers as to whom I look to regarding my needs, I look to myself with regard to my own honour. Be assured that I neither sell it nor is it for sale. Also, neither it nor I may be disregarded with the tilt of a head and a quick dismissal. I respectfully suggest you choose your customers with the utmost care and consideration.”

  Both Henry and Ellen had gone still and averted their eyes so as not to look at either Wilbur or Leah. Wilbur was slightly flushed and glared at Leah while she in turn simply looked at him with cold and calculating eyes. After an uncomfortable silence, Wilbur nodded and gave a small smile which never reached his eyes. He said, “A kind and well-considered suggestion Captain Charlotte, please join me inside to discuss your needs.”

  Leah nodded and followed Wilbur into a large r
oom with shelf after shelf of weapons of every kind. Henry and Ellen followed silently behind them. Henry had a good idea of both what Wilbur had available and what would be suitable for Leah’s needs. As Wilbur went to retrieve a variety of knives, Henry quietly said to Leah, “I believe the weapons here are superior to elsewhere but with the slight suggestion of disharmony outside I suggest we obtain those items necessary to visit places unannounced at another establishment.”

  Leah nodded almost imperceptibly and was silent until Wilbur returned. In the end, Leah was able to purchase an excellent selection of throwing knives and fighting knives in addition to several muskets and pistols including one which included the option of small guided projectiles. After arranging for them to be delivered to the Herrington, Leah paid for them.

  Wilbur said, “It was a pleasure doing business with you, Captain Charlotte. I expect that you found everything you need.”

  “Such a high expectation Master Wilbur is, I find, seldom achieved. Even so, I have found this experience to be satisfactory in meeting my basic needs, and I appreciate your time.”

  “I assure you, Captain, that what you have purchased is certainly beyond what many perceive as basic. Each piece is of exceptional quality.”

  “I assure you I did not mean to suggest that the pieces themselves were anything less than exceptional. Rather I was commenting on my own needs and how I have not yet everything I need to satisfy my desires. I thank you for assisting as you have and I wish you a good day.”

  “Captain, I assure you that whatever else you require I have the experience and connections to satisfy you.”

  “I applaud your self-confidence Master Wilbur. Truly it is a secure individual who understands their own worth regardless of how others see them. Thank you again for your time.”

  At that Leah made her way out of the room and down the stairs before exiting onto the street. Henry and Ellen followed in silence until they got to the street where Henry turned to Leah and speaking quietly said, “Captain, if I might be bold I would suggest that you spoke in a somewhat indiscriminate manner with Master Wilbur and might have brought some harm to Master Bartle’s relationship with him.”

  “If such harm does come to Master Bartle, then I implore you to let me know, and I will rectify the situation. I would insist however that Master Wilbur would be better served by honouring those who seek his service rather than treating them with contempt. I was tempted to forego all purchases and only continued due to Master Bartle’s reference and your own. Now let us put this behind us and continue in the pursuit of our goals. I will understand if you find yourself no longer able to give advice.”

  “Not at all Captain. I am committed to you and to Master Bartle. Before we visit the next establishment, I suggest we take some tea to calm ourselves and be rid of any unpleasantness.”

  Leah smiled and said, “Lead on Henry, as I assume we are directed to such a course of action by the overseer of these streets.”

  Henry nodded, and the three of them made their way into a nearby café where they were escorted to a rear table that was already occupied. After sitting down, Leah was introduced to a well-dressed elegant lady in her early fifties with the name of Mistress Westmorten. The other person was the young man who had bumped into her.

  Mistress Westmorten said, “Welcome to Aeolipile Captain Charlotte, I am pleased to meet our newest Privateer, one of those who help keep us safe from the enemy, and from the unscrupulous. I believe you had the pleasure of meeting my son, James.”

  Leah nodded to them both and said, “Thank you for your welcome Mistress Westmorten. I find the city quite delightful. You are correct that I have met your companion, although you must forgive me for neither knowing his name nor his relationship to you. Our meeting was without conversation and brief beyond comprehension.”

  Mistress Westmorten carefully placed Leah’s small purse on the table and said, “I must apologise for James as he inadvertently discovered you had dropped this. He was quite disturbed that you had disappeared before he could return it. Please accept it back at my hand.”

  Leah picked up the purse and said, “I thank you, and James, for your kindness in returning it to me. I wonder if James noticed that several shillings must have fallen from it when it fell, but no matter, I do appreciate its return.”

  Mistress Westmorten hardly blinked before turning to James and saying, “James, when you found the Captain’s purse did you by any chance notice that some coins may have fallen from it?”

  James smirked and said, “Mother, she has her purse, and that is the end of it. If some coins are missing that is nothing to what was stolen from me. If anything, the bitch should be forced to give back what she stole. I’m sick of these stupid charades. We run the city, not these scum.”

  Before his mother could respond, Leah said, “Mistress Westmorten, before we continue our discussion I wonder if I might order a herbal tisane? I find myself somewhat distressed and in need of a simple remedy. Perhaps Ellen and Henry will join me in examining the selection of cakes. Might I offer you something as well?”

  Mistress Westmorten smiled and said, “I am quite content as regards refreshment at the moment Captain Charlotte but I thank you for your kindness. James and I will be pleased to await your return.”

  Leah smiled, and James and Ellen joined her at the counter as she chose a herbal infusion and a piece of chocolate cake. Neither Ellen nor Henry wanted anything but Henry whispered, “I didn’t know it was her son or I wouldn’t have done anything. He has always been a bit of a loose cannon and tends to violence, people stay clear of him. Please be careful.”

  They returned to the table and waited in silence until the tea and cake were brought. After the waitress had left Mistress Westmorten said, “I must apologise, but it seems my son did not notice any coins that fell. I also apologise for his intemperate words and trust this is the end of the matter.”

  Leah nodded and said, “I assure you, Mistress Westmorten, that I have taken no offence neither by your son’s inability to hold on to a few coins nor for his disregard of the markers purchased by Master Bartle’s acquaintances. Even his inability to keep a civil tongue has caused me no distress.”

  As soon as Leah had begun talking James had been bursting to interrupt but was hindered by his mother’s hand which had grabbed his arm and was clutching it firmly.

  Mistress Westmorten said, “So we agree, this matter is closed.”

  James took a breath as if to speak but his mother spoke first and continued, “My son has pointed out that we, the Westmortens, have been somewhat dishonoured by his person being robbed in our area of influence. Both he and I would appreciate the return of such items as such behaviour is unacceptable in an area under my control.”

  Leah smiled and said, “Mistress Westmorten, I understand your concern that someone might seek to undermine your authority. I have experience with such and agree that respect by all parties is important. Respect, however, goes both ways. If I was then to show respect such as has been offered I would say, ‘I have no items on my person that belong to James.’”

  “Captain Charlotte, your acquaintance with Master Bartle will not protect you, should we feel disrespected.”

  James leaned forward and almost spat at Leah as he spoke, “So hand back what you took and then get out of our area, or you’ll regret it.”

  “Regret, it is such a strange word, James. I regret not being able to have a courteous word with you and your mother. I regret that this simple misunderstanding is being inflamed into something where violence is offered. I regret I sought to teach you a lesson by pocketing that which you had pocketed. I regret having met you. Even so, neither you, nor your family will dissuade, nor prevent me from travelling where and when I wish. As for your comments Mistress Westmorten, please be assured that while I appreciate the help of Master Battle in providing these excellent guides to your city, I am certainly capable of dealing with threats on my own. Now, before any of us say something from which we cannot c
ome back, I will leave you to your private thoughts. Please excuse me, but I have work to do. Good day.”

  Leah stood and left the store before anyone could make a comment, although she could hear James yelling something as she turned onto the street. Ellen and Henry caught up with her before she had passed the next shop.

  Henry said, “Captain, I will be surprised if we are able to leave the city alive.”

  “It is of no moment. Rather I suggest you either leave me to my own devices or direct me to a reputable and exclusive weapon’s dealer.”

  “If I leave you alone I fear Billy will have me skinned alive. Please follow me.”

  Their destination was a legitimate weapon’s store where Leah purchased an exquisite sword made of Maxwellian Copper and another of folded steel similar to a katana. She also purchased a pair of matching pistols and a leather harness with holsters. Following this, Ellen took them to several high-end dressmakers and a number of fashion boutiques where Leah was able to purchase a wide range of clothing that would be delivered to the Herrington.

  As they were leaving the last shop, Henry said, “I will have the other equipment you discussed delivered to the Herrington tomorrow. I suggest we leave the city and make our way back to your hotel where we shall part ways. I implore you to take care on the streets and in particular when you visit Master Willeford tomorrow. I would suggest you allow me to have Billy provide an escort.”

  “Thank you, Henry, but you have done enough. My conflicts with Mistress Westmorten, Lord Emerson and Master Wilbur are of my own making. I appreciate the advice that you and Ellen have given me today.”

  Henry called a carriage but before it arrived a well-built man dressed in black leather and with a silver sword at his side said, “Captain Charlotte, I, Hugh Westmorten, declare that you are a woman of loose morals, a person without honour who by her loose lips and intemperate speech has defamed my family beyond consolation. I challenge you to a duel that I might prove your words false and regain the honour sullied by your actions.”


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