Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5)

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Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5) Page 31

by Tony Corden

  Leah said, “Yes.”

  “Applicant, that should be, ‘Sir. Yes, Sir,’ until you have completed the Way. Let’s try that again. Are you here for the Way of Warriors?”

  “Sir. Yes, Sir.”

  “What is your name, Applicant?”

  “Sir. My name is Atherleah, Sir.”

  “Remain here, and I will see if the commander is free.”

  Without waiting for a reply it slithered to one of the doors, knocked and waited. There was a muffled sound behind the door, and the snake entered closing the door behind it. Less than a minute later the door reopened, and the adjutant said, “Applicant Atherleah, the commander will see you now.”

  Leah walked to the door while the Tigersnake slithered back behind the desk. Leah entered to find herself facing a ten-metre unarmed Anaconan, which sported eight green stripes and was coiled behind a desk. It said, “Please close the door Applicant.”

  Leah closed the door and turned to face the huge reptile.

  The Commander had raised itself high above the desk and looked down at Leah. “Applicant Atherleah, this is the third level you must pass if you want to claim this city from Somur T’kan. You have entered the realm and made your way past the citizens and courtiers. Now you must show yourself worthy to the Warriors of Yilanlar. To do this, you must prove yourself to possess the qualities which we admire. We aren’t interested in killing you, or in being killed. However, if you are to lead the city, then you need our respect, or you will fail.

  “This level tests you in five areas. Success in these areas is the Way of Warriors. We train that we might succeed upon this Way. We expect you to be strong, smart, and skilled. We also want leaders with a spine who rule to serve. To test your ‘Strength’, you must complete the obstacle course. To see if you are ’Smart’, you must participate in an evade and capture exercise. Our Weapons Master will check your ‘Skill’. Finally, your ’Spine’ will be evaluated on the Concourse of Courage. You will be graded in each area and must show an aptitude greater than sixty per cent of all warriors to pass this level. Are you ready to begin?”

  “Sir. Yes, Sir.”

  “Present yourself to my adjutant, and he will lead you to the start of the obstacle course. If you succeed I will meet you at the end of the Way.”

  Leah turned and exited the room. The Tigersnake was waiting and said, “Applicant, follow me.”

  Leah followed it from the room through the second doorway. They exited into a forest. The adjutant led Leah along a trail until they reached a clearing. Standing in a line were nine snakes of all different varieties. The first three were a Deathadder with four arms, a Cobrazor, and a snake called a Rockpytheros which had hard thick scales and sharp protruding plates along its back. Next to them was a bright green snake which had a well-built female torso with broad shoulders and long arms called a Boamazonian. Next, there were a Hydrython and an Anacobra. The seventh creature looked like a tall woman. It stood on two legs and was about a foot taller than Atherleah. It was made up of hundreds of smaller snakes who coiled around each other. For eyes, Leah could see two red snake-heads exuding from the coiling mass. It was called a Medusal Viper. The eighth was a Tigersnake, and the last was an Amphisbaena.

  Standing in front of them was another Boamazonian. This one was a darker green and ten metres long. The adjutant said, “Excuse me, Sergeant. This is Applicant Atherleah. She is here to be tested on the Way of Warriors.”

  The Boamazonian said, “Yes sir.” “Then looking at Leah, she said, “Take your place in the line Applicant.”

  Leah went and stood at the end of the line next to the Deathadder. The sergeant said, “In front of you is the short half-league obstacle course. It is clearly marked and is straightforward. The elements before you, in order, are: A straight slither until you come to the first obstacle which is the tree trunk climb. At the top of the trunk is a platform. When you arrive at the platform, you will see a vine strung from the platform to the top of a rock spire. Slither across the vine. There is a tunnel from the top of each spire to its base. Navigate the tunnel. A boulder blocks the exit of the tunnel, you must move this boulder from the exit and transport it to a circle drawn on the ground in front of the tunnel. You will find a matting of vines in front of you. Slither under that and then cross the pool of water you see just ahead of you. The water flows into a field of deep mud. After exiting the field there is a speed slither back to the start. Full marks are achieved if this is completed in ten minutes. You fail if it takes more than fifteen. You may use any skill you possess, except flight of any kind, and teleportation. No weapons are to be used. You will begin in thirty seconds.”

  The ten participants all looked down the course. When the time was up, the Sergeant yelled, “Start”. Leah got to a good start and was near the lead, with only the Tigersnake and the Boamazonian ahead of her. After a kilometre, she came to a row of ten, thirty-metre-tall tree trunks. They’d all been stripped of their branches, and there was a platform at the top with a hole in it for access. The two snakes ahead of her were already slithering up the trunks, their bodies easily gripping the bark as they coiled around the tree.

  Leah had to think. Her arms weren’t long enough, and she wasn’t allowed to mist or use her knives. After a moment, she transformed into Ateş Maymunu the Fire Tamarin and swung herself up the trunk and scuttled through the hole and onto the platform. She then jumped out onto the vine and, using her arms, she swung along the vine to the cliff face. She was now ahead, as both of the larger snakes had some trouble working their way along the thinner vine.

  Next, there was a tunnel which looked like it would be too tight for the tamarin, so Leah changed into the form of Katil Sıçan, the giant rat. In this form she scampered down the hole and was soon at the boulder. Leah changed back into her own form and pushed against the boulder. It was heavier than she was and she realised that all of the snakes were larger than her. Leah tried to wedge her feet against the tunnel, but she couldn’t get a good enough purchase. She double checked the width of the tunnel and took the form of Çevik Taklitçi, the Leopard King. Shifting her head low she brought her shoulders against the rock and digging her claws into the tunnel walls she pushed against the boulder, straining. Finally, she felt it give way and roll away from the entrance. With a few more good pushes she had the stone in the target circle which was drawn on the ground.

  It looked to Leah that most of the snakes were now just ahead of her. The only one she couldn’t see was the Medusal Viper. She glanced around and saw some of the smaller snakes slithering around the boulder, trying to move it, but they weren’t able to get enough grip. Leah checked her time and rushed across. She yelled, “Make room.”

  She changed back into Ateş Maymunu and, pushing some of the vipers out of the way, she wrapped her arms around the boulder and pulled. Three more tugs and the boulder was in the circle. Leah didn’t wait for the Medusal Viper to reform but changed back into her own form and began working her way under the vines. She was halfway through when she passed the Rockpytheros, who’d become hooked when the vines had shifted and been caught between his spines. As Leah passed she reached out and unhooked the vines before moving on.

  Leaving the vines, Leah dove into the pool of water and swam across, just catching up with the Deathadder. The rest of the field was struggling through the mud. The Anaconan was in the lead, but its heavy body sunk deep into the mud and slowed it down. Leah cast Freeze in front of her, turning several square metres solid. As she walked carefully over the frozen surface, she cast a ball of fire toward the end of the mud pile. Reaching the end of the frozen section, she again cast Freeze. She continued the same sequence, and by the time she was halfway across, she’d formed a crust of dried mud for the rest of the way. She finished the rest of the crossing at a run.

  The Boamazonian, the Anaconan, and the Tigersnake were all slithering toward the finish. So far, Leah had taken just over eleven minutes. She wouldn’t make it in fifteen even at a sprint. Leah assumed the for
m of Çevik Taklitçi and leapt forward into a smooth, powerful bounding stride which ate up the distance. She darted past the Anacondan, then the Tigersnake but slid past the finish line several seconds after the Boamazonian and earned second place with a time of twelve minutes and seventeen seconds.

  She changed back into her Dark Elf form, and when she looked up the adjutant was standing in front of her. He said, “Follow me, Applicant.”

  He didn’t wait but led Leah along a different trail until they reached another clearing with a big ten-armed Deathadder standing in the centre. The adjutant explained who Leah was and walked away.

  The Deathadder said, “This test is designed to determine how well you think under pressure. This clearing is in the centre of a large circular area of jungle. Scattered throughout the jungle are forty of our best warriors who are highly skilled trackers and hunters. Your aim is to make it out of the jungle without being seen or caught. Your score will be based on how far you get before being caught. Have you any questions?”

  “Sir. May I use all my skills? Sir.”

  “The rules allow the applicant to use all their skills. Which skill were you thinking of?”

  “Sir. I can Mist, and I can Move through Shadow as well as having several spells, pieces of clothing and jewellery which help evade detection. Sir.”

  “Technically you could Mist, but that defeats the purpose of the test. I would like you to take the test without using Mist. Our warriors should be able to overcome your other concerns. I will award your final grade taking this conversation into account.”

  “Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  “Your time starts now.”

  Leah equipped her blue suit and added the cloak. This had been rubbed with the Ant Concealing Oil and had a fine sprinkling of Darkness Diamond and an Aura of Shadow. She slipped the Ring of Concealment on her finger and stepped out of the clearing. Moving quietly and sliding from shadow to shadow, she slowly moved into the jungle. She took the form of Katil Sıçan and carefully sniffed the area to see what was around. She could smell two snakes. Fixing their positions in her mind, she moved cautiously through the shadows making sure to bypass the watchers. Several more times she stopped to test the forest with Katil Sıçan's nose. Each time, she was able to use the information to evade capture. After an hour of slow and careful movement, she stepped out of the testing area and onto a strip of cleared land.

  The adjutant appeared and said, “Follow me, Applicant.”

  This time he led Leah to a large clearing with a big shed at one end. There were several areas roped off. In one of the areas Leah could see some archery targets. Standing outside the building was an Anaconan who was far broader than any she'd seen before. He was over thirteen metres in length and was Level 413. Once again, the adjutant explained who Leah was and then just walked away.

  The giant snake said, “I am the Weapons Master of Yilanlar. What weapon skills do you use when you do battle?”

  “Sir. In battle, I fight unarmed, with knives, fighting sticks, swords, a bow, a battle-axe, a haladie, and magic. I had a Morningstar but it is damaged at present.”

  “The objective is not to kill each other but to determine your skill level. For each of the weapons and fighting styles you mentioned I will have you demonstrate your skills, face a warrior suitable for those attempting the Way of Warriors, or face me. Let us begin with unarmed combat.”

  The Weapons Master lowered himself so his head was about half-a-meter above Leah’s and said, “Remove your armour and attack me.”

  Leah unequipped the armour and attacked. After almost five minutes, in which Leah had landed a few blows and in which she’d been sent flying a number of times, he said, “Stop. I now have an idea of your skill level.”

  A Boamazonian with a Level of 342 appeared, and the Weapons Master said, “Equip your knives.” When she had done so, he had Leah hand them to him, and after inspecting them, he cast a spell on them and said, “I have spelt both of your weapons so that they will inflict pain and damage that is not real. This will allow me to observe your skills. Proceed.”

  Atherleah surged forward and moments later the Boamazonian was dead with a knife in its eye and one through its heart. The Weapons Master waved his hand, the knives appeared at Leah’s feet, and the Boamazonian lifted herself off the ground and again took her guard. Leah picked up her knives, and the Weapons Master said, “Begin”.

  After knives, Leah’s sword work was tested both for single and dual wielding. The Weapons Master called forth different snakes, and at times he was the opponent. Slowly he worked through all the weapons. He tested the bow at the range. After he’d tested all her weapons, he had her demonstrate a variety of attack spells. Finally, he said, “Thank you, I have an idea of your skills.”

  The adjutant appeared and said, “Follow me, Applicant.”

  This time he led Leah into a long rectangular building. Inside was what looked like a small foyer with a door into the rest of the building on the far left side. The adjutant said, “This is the Concourse of Courage. Enter through the door. You will see a white line. Follow it to the exit. Be aware that the line has a course that brings you through three areas of the building. Each area will test your response to fear in a multitude of ways. Do not flinch or deviate from the course but simply walk at a steady pace. After you read the message that appears, you may start.”

  Atherleah (Level 320), this challenge is designed to test your courage. In it, the Dunyanin AI with responsibility for the challenge is given access to all the gameplay you have participated in so far. Please note, Dunyanin personnel have no access to view or record the feed once you enter through the door. Your personal AI will have access to this feed, but we recommend strongly that you do not permit it to be broadcast in public. If you do not enter the door, then you will fail this level.

  Leah stepped through the door. In front of her was a white line the width of her body but the building had disappeared, and the line was bordered by trees and large rocks. Ahead it disappeared into a cave. Leah took a deep breath and remembered playing ‘blinks’ with her brother. Leah would have to stand still with her eyes open, and Conner would pretend to punch her. He was seeing how close he could get without touching her while she was trying not to blink. She imagined that this would be like that.

  Leah calmed her breathing and began to walk steadily along the line. As she stepped past one of the large rocks, a scorpion claw darted out from underneath and snapped shut inches from her leg. Leah slowed her breathing and kept moving. As she entered the cave she could see some trapdoor spider webs on the wall, and on the floor beside the line. As she passed them they flew open, and trapdoor spiders flew at her head just missing her although she felt their legs brush across her cheek. She walked on steadily. The line went straight past an opening in the cave wall, and a scythe came flashing down and threw up sparks at Leah’s feet. The line made a slight turn, and as she turned the corner Jason jumped out from behind a rock and brought his huge sword down on her head. It passed straight through her. Leah didn’t pause, her breathing slow and steady. She could hear the skittering and scratching of a thousand spider claws just behind her. She could see the claws at the edge of her vision.

  The line went up some steps and exited onto a mountain. Leah followed the line down a path, and as she went past a snow-laden tree a huge snow leopard pounced, its claws extended, and it hit her chest but passed through her. Leah kept walking, step after step. There was a straight stretch of the white path making its way through a forest. Off to the left there was a sudden scream, and she heard Wisp’s voice crying in pain, “Atherleah, help”. Leah’s foot paused and her body tensed, but then she slowly exhaled and kept walking. Wisp screamed again and although her breathing quickened and her eyes started to burn, she kept walking.

  She walked through the anthill and through the forest past the evil Bukalemen and through the different mines and dungeons of the Odyssey. She experienced the attack of the demons and Lady A’lev Sevgilisi’s
cave. She was almost caught by the Basilisk and captured by Suzluk. She passed through the Deep Forest and was attacked by rapid vampires. Only twice did she falter. Once, when Thad was on one side of the line and Leah saw an Adamantine Mamba strike toward him from the other side. She was right there and for a moment her sword flickered in her hand as she equipped it and then unequipped it. The second time was when Suzluk carried a small child into the darkness and out of sight from Leah. Leah’s foot came down at an angle, and only the sudden increase in her breathing reminded her that this was just a test.

  Just ahead the line almost ran into a wall. Everything else had disappeared. The line did a long U-turn, and Leah was soon walking up the pathway to the Ticareti clan house when the Patriarch jumped at Leah, eyes flashing and claws extended. She kept walking. Suddenly a steel arrow flashed from a nearby tree and slammed into her shoulder but passed through. The way became dark and she could see the Kraken tentacle twitching beside the path and then suddenly thrash and brush her leg as it slammed into the opposite wall. The wall became a dwarven hall, and Rana stepped out of an open doorway and yelled as she attacked. Leah's feet didn't slow, but her breathing increased. It was only after she'd left the hall and was walking through a forest that her breathing slowed.

  Just ahead, the line passed through a Dryad grove, and Leah could hear the Elfauns attacking. As she drew closer, she could see them cutting flesh from the dryad. She took two steps at a run, then slowed and began once more to walk steadily. The forest gave way to the city streets of Tag Darafind. She could feel the Schamirii burrowing under her feet, and she walked steadily on as a Schamir burst through the floor and passed through her. She turned a corner and suddenly she could hear Zarif screaming, “Atherleah, help. Atherleah, ahhh.” It was overlaid with Büyük’s dry voice “What a tasty morsel.” Leah leapt from the path, and light flared to life overhead. Within two steps all that could be seen of her was a figure wrapped in Dragonfire and Shadow which doubled in height and then doubled again. In one hand a sword of condensed Dragon Fire, in the other one which blazed, crackled, and sparked as Leah cast, and recast, Chained Lightning, holding each in readiness until she found her prey.


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