Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5)

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Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5) Page 38

by Tony Corden

  KING SOMUR T’KAN - AMPHISBAENA - SON OF GECKIŞ (Level 1196) 1430416 HP (59800 EP)

  He spoke out of both faces, and although the words were the same, they were not quite in time and sounded like they were from two different aspects of his personality. One sounded sarcastic and angry while the other was more petulant and dismissive. “Oh well done, Claimant. You have passed all the levels, and you've beaten me. I am a King and try not to get my hands sullied so I won't fight you personally. For defeating me, I would normally give you a great reward and then send you on your way while I wait for the next warrior. You still get the prize, but you have decided you want to wrest the crown from my head and take away my city. I know you only chose this because of my father, and I'll give you the opportunity right now to stop this claimant quest and leave. If you do, I will increase the size of your reward fourfold. If you still want to be my father's lackey, then you must descend into the Crypt behind my throne and somehow survive the Crypt of Corpses. Of course, if you do survive, then I will transfer my life force into one of my crowns, and you can have the other. Then you can carry me to daddy, and I won't have to put up with your prattle on the way. So what is your choice? A guaranteed fourfold treasure or the chance of only a quarter the wealth?”

  “Your majesty, I always try and keep my promises. I started this to claim the city, and that is what I will try and do.”

  “So shall it be then. Here is your reward for defeating my Royal Guardians.”

  A chest appeared before Leah. She took a luck potion and opened it.

  You have opened a chest - Your reward for defeating King Somur T’kan:

  1 Diamond coin minted with an image of King Somur T’kan.

  2 Platinum coins minted with an image of King Somur T’kan.

  4 Gold coins minted with an image of King Somur T’kan.

  8 Silver coins minted with an image of King Somur T’kan.

  16 Copper coins minted with an image of King Somur T’kan.

  4 Charged Darkness Diamond - Air, Earth, Life, and Shadow

  1 Spell of Resurrection

  1 Collection of Vatan’s Deadliest Venoms - 15 Vials

  Somur T’kan said, “You'll need that luck in the Crypt, and I'm going to stay right here on my throne while you go visit it. It'll only be yours if you return.”

  Leah walked around the King, and just behind the throne was an opening in the ground with stairs leading into the dark. Leah equipped her blue-trimmed armour and started down the steps.

  Atherleah (Level 324) you walk into the Crypt of Corpses. At the foot of the stairs, you will come to a crossroads. You may turn left or right. If you choose correctly, you will come to the casket containing the corpse of the first Ruler of Yilinlar. After paying your respects continue through the crypt. If you find yourself back at the stairway, then you have successfully completed the Crypt of Corpses. If not, then you are dead. You will receive 19000 Experience points for each crypt you repay your respects to.

  When Leah got to the bottom of the stairs, there was a T-junction with a corridor running left and right. She peered down both and couldn’t see far enough in either direction to see which one held the crypt. The floor was solid stone, as were the walls and the roof. She moved slowly and checked each surface. Finally, she noticed some marks on the wall in front of her. They looked like the chisel marks which covered the surface, but they seemed deeper and longer as if they'd been made with a differently sized chisel. Leah went over the section of wall and found twelve such marks. All of them were angled except for one. She pondered the marks and then traced over them with her finger.

  Finally, she nodded and turning left, she began walking down the corridor. She soon came to a large alcove on the right side of the tunnel, and there was a longer than usual gold-plated stone coffin. Leah walked around the coffin and saw described in stories the life of the first King of Yilinlar, the Amphisbaena, King Ö’nde Gelen. She paid attention to the different pictures and noticed that in all of them, the King's faces always looked to his left. After she’d finished the story, she looked over the top and again both his facial effigies showed the right profile. On top of the casket and in the centre was a square block set higher than the rest. The top of the box had thirty-six upraised sections with some markings around the edges. Some of the upraised sections had what looked like small arrows.

  Again, Leah looked for a while and then took out a parchment, and after some time reached up and pressed eight of the upraised sections. As she pushed on them, they started to glow, and when she touched the last one, a small drawer shot out from under the raised part. Inside was a Diamond coin and a square of jade. Leah took them both and pushed the drawer back in. She couldn’t find any message or mark which identified what the square was for, so she put both in her bag and moved on. Soon she came to another T-junction. Facing out from the wall was an effigy of King Ö’nde Gelen.

  Leah was about to turn left and then looked at the effigy again. If he were to look left, then he would be looking down the corridor on her right. She took a breath and turned right. She realised she'd decided correctly only when she came to another alcove.

  In it was displayed the casket of the second amphisbaena to rule Yilinlar, Queen Ikinci Nota. The story had the queen facing in both directions, and Leah was unable to find anything else which gave her a hint. On the top was another gold box. This one had a poem inscribed on its cover.

  Queen Ikinci Nota desired most

  what every subject possessed.

  It is the outcome of every battle.

  Its warmth ignited her passion

  and its burning brought forth her fury.

  Its loss brought forth death.

  Underneath was a small hollowed section. Eventually, after pondering the riddle for some time, Leah took her knife, and after making a shallow cut on her hand, she let the blood drip into the hollowed space. Again, a drawer opened, and this time there was a small red spell book which had once belonged to the Master Blood Mage, Queen Ikinci Nota. Next to the book was a triangle made from Jade. Leah moved on until she came to the next T-Junction. She quickly found the next clue, which was chiselled in the wall in front of her.

  She once again turned right.

  Each coffin gave her a clue and a puzzle, a riddle or a challenge. Each had the small drawer of gifts and a piece of jade. She received seven pieces altogether, five triangles in three different sizes, a square and a parallelogram. At every junction, she had to go either left or right. The eighth coffin she approached belonged to İki Tarafda, the last Queen of Yılanlar. She looked at the story which told of the queen's early years followed by her love of Geckiş, the birth of her children and her final days spent away from her lover but content with her people. On top of her coffin was much larger square. It was a cube, and on its cover, a shape was carved.

  Leah took out the jade pieces. They were the Tangram shapes she remembered from her childhood. She quickly rearranged them and placed them into the outline. They sunk into the cube and a much larger drawer opened. Inside this was a crown made from a single piece of Jade. Carefully, Leah took the crown from the drawer and saw that underneath it was a letter addressed to Somur T’kan. Fairly sure she had finished the quest, she started down the corridor and soon came a set of stairs to her left.

  As she reached the top of the stairs, she received two messages:

  Level 5 Dungeon Achievement - First 1 (5, Painite)

  Atherleah (Level 224) You are the first player to complete this area - Level 5 Dungeon - Challenge the Serpent King

  This is your fifth, 'First 1 (Painite)’ achievement.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 324 = 6690600 (+313%) Experience Points (6050000/6050000)(6011906/6150000)

  Reward 2: + 4% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 5 x 1 Diamond = 5 Diamond

  Reward 4: 5000 Fame (277065)

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum.

  Atherleah (Level 325) you have successfully comple
ted the World Quest: Claim an Ancient City - Yilanlar

  (Please see player specific note 1).

  Difficulty: Extremely Difficult

  Reward 1: (1) x (325) x 10000 Experience Points (+317%) = 13552500.

  Reward 2: You will be acknowledged as ruler of the city and receive 10000 Fame Points. (287065)

  Reward 3: You will receive a portion of all revenue generated by the city. Please visit the Administrative Control Centre and review the settings.

  Note 1: Players will be free to challenge for ownership of the city.

  Note 2: Subsequent loss of the city will not result in the loss of Experience Points or already collected revenue.

  Note 3: Should you reclaim the city a second time, you will receive no additional reward of experience points but will be eligible to receive revenue as ruler of the city.

  Additional notes specific to the player Atherleah (Level 325):

  1. Your claim of the Elfaun City of Dag Tarafind is not eligible to be included in this quest due to the unique nature of your claim.

  2. The successful claim is part of your mission on behalf of Lord Geckiş but does not complete that mission.

  3. The successful claim will impact the Unique Hidden Odyssey: Journey to Merkize. This city is not on your list of cities to claim, and therefore it is eligible to be added to this quest. It is however included on the list owned by another contestant. To complete their list, they will need to defeat you for control of the city.

  Leah finished climbing the steps and walked around to the front of the throne where Somur T’kan was waiting. When he saw the jade crown, he slithered from the throne and said in a much more normal voice, “My mother’s crown! Returning alive would have been enough to rule the city. Bringing back her crown makes you its queen. Atherleah, you are a claimant no more, for Yilinlar is yours. I know you have a task from my father and I will not resist it any more. When you leave, I will leave with you, but I would ask a boon. Your people will need time to prepare for your coronation. Would you give them until the sun rises tomorrow to get ready? I will transfer my life force after the coronation.”

  Leah said, “I will give them until tomorrow, Somur T’kan, son of İki Tarafda, Queen of Yılanlar. There are still several hours before I need to retire for the night. If you would show me to the control room and then leave me with an attendant in case I need something? I would also appreciate it if a room be could prepared where I can spend the night.”

  “The Royal Suites are already prepared, your Majesty. Please allow me to show the way. Your guards are waiting there for you. Afterwards, I will take you to the control room, and they can return with you to the suite at your convenience.”

  Leah followed Somur T’kan out through a side door, and they soon approached a large set of doors guarded by two large snakes, a Boamazonian and a Daggerback Wyrm. Neither of them were wearing armour, but they both had solid and serviceable weapons. Leah looked at the large Boamazonian and said, “I see you have returned.”

  “I have, your Majesty. I am Alkaia Tutmak, Head of the Royal Guardians.”

  Leah reached into her bag and pulled out Alkaia’s armour, trident and shield and said, “I prefer my Guardians to be properly prepared to defend themselves. Take these as a gift.”

  Leah then handed the Daggerback its armour and said, “I am going to review some details in the control room.”

  Somur T’kan led the way and both guardians followed. It wasn’t far and they were soon standing outside a door. It opened as Somur T’kan and Leah approached. The two guardians remained outside, and Somur T’kan handed Leah a sceptre similar to the one she used at the Ebony House. He said, “This gives access to the room, and it now belongs to you.”

  Somur T’kan turned to leave, but Leah raised a hand to stop him and said, “Somur T’kan, take this letter. It was in the Crypt, and I believe it is from your mother.”

  After he had taken the letter and left, Leah walked around the table which was much larger than the one she’d used before. Leah placed the Sceptre in a hole she found near one edge, and the table lit from within. Besides a long list of settings to manage the city, there was a large 3D model of the area which appeared at one end of the table. It took almost an hour to review the settings and consider what changes she wanted to make. Before finishing everything, she opened the door and asked Alkaia to join her. Alkaia had been in the room before and was able to offer some advice about a few things Leah hadn’t understood.

  Finally, Leah thought she had the concepts worked out, and she said, “Alkaia, tomorrow I will be crowned Queen of Yilinlar, and yet I have responsibilities in all of Vatan. I have met the Lords, and I’m not inclined to leave any of them in charge as regent in my absence. I have some larger plans for the city, but I need someone in place to ensure they get accomplished. Do you have a suggestion?”

  Alkaia made a brief comment on the few Lords she might trust and then mentioned some other Lords she thought might have the ability to lead if Leah dismissed one of the current ten as unsuitable. Finally, Leah said, “I do have someone in mind but what if they don’t want the responsibility?”

  “Give them no choice, your majesty. You are the Queen.”

  “That is good advice Alkaia, thank you. I’m going to ask the Regent to rebuild and start the city above. It is time Yilinlar rejoined the world.”

  “Then you will need to order the person to be regent because that will be an enormous responsibility and undertaking.”

  Leah just nodded, removed the sceptre and followed Alkaia to the Royal Suites. As soon as she was alone, she lay on the bed and got comfortable before closing her eyes and logging out.


  December 16, 2073 - Part 3


  As soon as she was back in the Tower, she logged out. Mia was dozing in a chair and got up as the Pod lid opened. She called Marie and together they helped Leah shower and put on a robe. Marie went and got some lunch for Leah while Mia checked the different wounds. Leah had to take some more antibiotics, and Mia changed one of the dressings which had come loose in the Pod. Marie helped Leah get back into the Pod. Leah was ready to get back to Pneumatica because she had some unfinished business with the Emersons.


  Before she could use the SPIDER Gèng said, “Leah, before you head to Pneumatica, Stephen has a tentative agreement with Dunyanin on the Lanetli. Reed and Tesfaye have everything they need to set up the contact with Alan, but I suggest you wait another day. Leo sent an overview of what the different lobby groups want, and he said that it is feasible but wants your feedback. Finally, I wanted to discuss the issue of your nanites.”

  Leah took out her virtual tablet and started reading the documents. After consciously accessing the PAI chip's processor she continued to read and said, “I agree that contacting Alan can wait. Please thank them and suggest tomorrow but say I’ll need to confirm that in the morning because the Merkize competition is in the afternoon. I’ve finished the proposal by Leo and agree that we can probably satisfy both groups with a little bit of creativity. If the government had actually looked at their proposals openly, they could have reused the property a long time ago. What about the nanites?”

  “The ones you have were supposed to complete their work of installing the PAI chip and then shut down and get flushed from your system. With the schematics I was given when I was installed, I’ve been able to repurpose them. Theoretically, they are supposed to remain viable for six months. Yours have been re-tasked several times, and the number of operational nanites is diminishing faster than expected. If you include the number that were lost due to blood loss, then I estimate you’ll run out of nanites within a month.

  “Normally that wouldn’t be a problem as most people never have them retasked and almost all of what I’ve asked them to do is still experimental and has never been made public. You have three options—you can do without, you could buy some more, or we could make them.”

  “I understand the f
irst option, but where would we buy them from and how could we make them?”

  “They aren’t available for sale to the public, but I believe Dr Roberts could purchase them for research purposes. I’m sure John Welford would be open to helping us get some, but that would give him some leverage. I think the best thing would be to make them. The same data that gave me their designs and allowed me to retask them has a description of their construction and file which includes their initial programming. Each piece of equipment is multipurpose. I suggest you purchase them for the research facility and hide the possible connection among all the other equipment you'll be buying.”

  “OK, go ahead and let Leon know I’d like them and tell him to hold off on ordering any equipment for the aether dimension machine. I’ve already given him a list and have suggested that if he saw anything at a discounted price, he should start buying it, but the modelling I did earlier today suggests there may be a better way of creating the aether dimensions, so there is no need to get all the equipment just yet.

  "I read the proposal from Dunyanin and have sent Stephen the OK to proceed. Can you double check with Peter about the artwork for the coins? Send him a short video summary of Yilinlar and the dungeon and see if he can add a Yilinlar coin.”

  Gèng said, “You’ve been quick to make use of the multitasking ability. I noticed you were working while you had lunch and talking to Marie and Mia.”

  “It’s strange but my brain doesn’t think it’s that strange. It’s like it was always capable but was missing a switch somewhere.”


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