Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5)

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Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5) Page 44

by Tony Corden

  Without looking up, Leah said, “The Emersons are holding the Gala, and they are the ones who held Catherine captive. They are also controlling my boyfriend. Meredith and Nathan Kodoman will be there, and they kidnapped my mum and then had me shot. Eighteen hours from now, in real time, I’m going to be in a contest where I have to fight nine of the strongest players in Dunyanin, and I’m not even close to being ready. With that as background, I plan to gatecrash the party and have some fun at their expense. I want to both embarrass and humiliate them while hopefully getting my boyfriend back.”

  Sharon didn’t reply for a minute, and then said, “Who are you going with?”

  “One of the Merkize players, the Russian, Ivan. Him and Katherine Emerson, a daughter.”

  “How’d you get a ticket?”

  “Tricked Meredith into inviting a ‘plus one’ for Ivan because his wife doesn’t want to go.”

  “Is she in on it?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “OK, four things you need to do. One, you need to send me a small clip of you and his wife before you arrive. I’ll have it out within moments of your arrival and kill any gossip. Two, don’t lose your temper whatever you do, especially not with the press. Three, as much as possible don’t instigate the embarrassment or humiliation. You must be seen to be reactive. Lastly, give ‘em hell.”

  Leah looked up and smiled then said, “Are you planning to watch the feed?”

  “It’s required viewing for all PR people. Even though it’s pay per view, they’ll have millions tuned in.”

  “Where do people watch it?”

  “Most of the big networks stream it. They have to pay for the privilege but the people who attend are big names, and they always end up making money on it.”

  “Does Spectator stream it?”

  “I doubt it. There’s obviously some overlap with their usual clientele, but I doubt there would be enough of a demand for them to include it in any of their packages.”

  “Why don’t you explain that I’m gate-crashing and suggest they might get some good publicity if they could get their technology to show some close-ups of any tensions that arise? I think people will love the up-close experience Spectator provides. I don’t know if they can arrange it that quickly, but I’d imagine a quick message to their members as Ivan and I arrive might liven things up a bit.”

  “I’ll contact them and see if they’re interested. A scoop on this would certainly make their day.”

  “Nothing can be public before we arrive, or the Emersons will pull the invite.”

  “I understand. Don’t worry, I’ll have airtight security in place.”

  Sharon disappeared, and Leah logged out.”


  Leah opened her eyes as the Pod cover lifted and found Jen stirring on the bed in her room. She tried to exit the Pod on her own but found the pain too intense. Jen didn’t take long to wake up, and she made a quick call and then together with Lacey helped Leah to the bathroom for a shower. Once Leah had a robe on, they helped her sit carefully for a snack and more supplements which Gèng stated her nanites needed.

  She was being helped into the Pod when Gèng said, “Just wait a minute Leah. There is news coming in that a body was found floating in the river just downstream from here. John wants to discuss it before you get back in the Pod because Jimmy received a call from an acquaintance of his in the police department, who shared that the body was found several hours ago and there are indications it was dumped somewhere near here.”

  Leah said, “Lacey, can you help me back into my robe and to the chair? John needs to talk for a minute before I head back to the Pod.”

  Several minutes later, John knocked and entered. He motioned for Jen to leave, much to her annoyance, and asked Lacey to guard the door. He took a seat opposite Leah and said, “About three hours ago, a man by the name of Troy Henson was found floating near Barellan Point just before the river junction. He’d been beaten to death. Apparently, the weapon used was a pair of fighting sticks similar to what we use in the Switch. He didn’t have anything on him, but they found a data chip in his stomach and on it was a copy of the scans from your AI insertion. A leg and an arm were broken in the same places as that boy last year.”

  Leah didn’t say anything, although at the mention of her scans her eyes narrowed a little. Finally, John said, “I don’t know who he is or how exactly he got the scans. John Welford was part of a small group of people who shared scans they acquired, but I’ve been assured yours was not among those he shared. My best bet is that Troy Henson was somehow involved in your shooting and this was his payment for failure.”

  “What do we do?”

  “It’s a setup. We can prove you never left the premises and if we have to, we can prove you had nothing to do with it. We can’t prove you didn’t order it to happen. You should know that if it was him, then there are more than a few people who would have been happy to kill him for you. However, none of them would have wanted to get on your bad side by doing such a sloppy job.”

  “I’m going to ignore that except to say we both know I would never ask someone to kill for me. Can you update Olivia for me and see what her suggestions are?”

  “Do I tell her you were shot?”

  “Yes, she should be informed as much as she can be. I’d like an update on exactly who this guy was if we can get the information. I’ve asked Gèng to have Reed, and some of Tesfaye’s friends, do a deep search, but if I can get something from Jimmy’s contact that would be good also. I’ll be seeing Meredith in less than an hour, and it might be good to have if I need to shake her up with something.”

  “I’ll talk to Jimmy and see what I can do. Now, how are the shoulder and back?”

  “In the Pod they are OK, but they hurt worse than the other shoulder did. It hurt over a greater area that time, but there was less pain when I wasn’t moving. What are we doing to make sure it can’t happen again?”

  “We think they must have built up an internal image over time from all the online information and sensors they have around the place because that’s what the latest weaponry uses. I’ve some white noise generators on order, and they’ll confuse all the real-time sensors focused on the building. They even randomly cause seismic changes and thermal blooms. We can’t do much about satellites, but I’ll be upgrading windows and curtains.”

  “Good, thanks for doing all this John, I’ll need to talk with Leon and get you a raise.”

  “I’ve been expecting a pay cut.”

  “No, you haven’t. You know I’m too smart to blame you for this. Now, if I get shot a second time, then we’ll talk about a pay cut. Has Aker finished fixing the suit?”

  “No. She decided it wasn’t worth fixing. She recovered what she could and will have another done by tomorrow lunchtime.”

  “I doubt I’ll be in any state to wear it for a while anyway. I have to go, and you’d best give Jen some explanation for leaving her out of this. I think that was the right call, but she looked a bit peeved.”

  John nodded and left soon afterwards. Lacey and Jen helped Leah back into the Pod, and Leah logged in.


  December 16, 2073 - Part 6


  Leah had time before she was due at Ivan’s world, so she went and sat in the garden to meditate. She assumed one of the poses Master Ning had shown her and began to breathe slower until she cleared her mind of the clutter and confusion. She then took the time to examine her feelings without letting them overcome her. Leah realised it was almost time for the Gala when Gèng came and assumed a similar position in front of her.

  Leah didn’t let Gèng’s presence interrupt her peace. She remained still for almost a minute before saying, “I guess it is time to go.”

  “Almost. Ivan’s sent through the link and said you’re welcome at any time, but he wasn’t expecting you for another five minutes. Feed from the Gala is live on several networks, and Gashka wanted you to know that everyone so far has kept to th
e ‘secret’ theme. Sharon called and said Spectator is on board and she asked about Priscilla Brenmen.”


  “Apparently Sharon hadn’t, and still hasn’t, given the Spectator program schedulers more than a suggestion that they live-stream the Gala. She gave them no details. Sharon offered to reimburse them for any loss if they agreed to pay fifty per cent of any profit. They weren’t sure what to do so they called in one of the founders. After hearing her suggestion, he insisted on getting some outside advice and asked his PA to contact an independent stockbroker he’d heard about who has an interest in gaming. About ten minutes later Priscilla enters the room and Sharon is introduced as a PR representative with a tip.

  “The founder is about to explain about the Gala when Priscilla asked who Sharon represented. Sharon mentioned your name and Priscilla stood and apologised. She said she couldn’t stay because there was a conflict of interest. The founder, Rob, said there wouldn’t be a conflict because he didn’t want an evaluation of either you or Sharon but only about the suggestion.

  “Priscilla said she didn’t want to know any details because such knowledge might be interpreted the wrong way if her managed funds were ever questioned. Sharon said that the Spectator people looked at Pricilla strangely, so she explained, ‘I’m planning to invest in your stock. I have no idea what this idea is but if Leah is giving you tips then, in the long run, your company will be a good investment.’ As soon as she’d finished, she disappeared. The founder rejected Sharon’s offer and said they’d fund it themselves. They are offering a free five minutes and then charging after that. They’ve already started streaming but advised members in the top three tiers of their loyalty club to begin streaming three minutes before Sharon said the fun would start.”

  “Tell Sharon that Priscilla is my broker, and if she wants any more details she should talk with Leon. Let Leon know he can fill Sharon in on the possible Cosmos Online opportunity. Is there anything else?”

  “Nothing urgent, although there is an update from Reed saying he thinks he’s found a way into the Survival server.”

  “That’s good news! Let me know if there is anything more specific. I’ll head to Ivan’s.”

  Gèng changed Leah’s clothing and said, “I’ve added a headpiece. You haven’t updated your image, and this will make the bald head stand out as exotic more than reiterating you are a new player. Also, I think it shows you aren’t embarrassed at all about it.”

  The headpiece was made of yellow gold with a mixture of diamonds, sapphires and blue pearls. Besides covering parts of her head with a variety of contoured strings, it flowed down her back to her shoulders and had a large sapphire resting on her forehead. Leah agreed, and Gèng created a portal to Ivan’s home.


  Leah arrived in a much fancier private entrance than any she’d been to before. Gashka opened the door, and after giving Leah the once over, she beckoned her inside and said, “Whew, I’m not sure any longer of letting my man go out with you. If I didn’t know he thinks of you as a daughter, I’d be jealous.”

  “You have nothing to worry about, Gashka. I think of him like a friendly uncle or a really old older brother.”

  Ivan, who looked almost martial in his clothes, had been waiting inside and he said “Who are you calling old? I’ll have you know that I am in the prime of life.”

  “I know you are. I didn’t say you looked old, only that I see you as older than me. However, this conversation does raise an issue. Gashka, my PR consultant suggested that because I am going with Ivan, it would be good to show that he isn’t going behind your back and that you and I are in fact friends. She’s concerned about my enemies mainly, but I’m sure some people will use it against you and Ivan as well. She wanted a clip she can share of you and me, before Ivan and I go to the Gala.”

  Gashka understood immediately and told Ivan to get his AI to record what was happening and to send a copy to Sharon and one to his PR consultant. Gashka then embraced Leah and told her how happy she was that Leah was going instead of her. Finally, she looked as if talking to someone and described her relationship to Leah and how Ivan saw her as a daughter. Gashka got a little carried away in the end and was expressing, in detail, her feelings about anyone who would dare think anything terrible about Leah or Ivan and then told them how much Ivan meant to her.

  When Gashka had calmed down, she said, “Your PR person will edit that last bit out, but Ivan’s will probably leave it in. Some of the people who follow him need to know he is mine. Maybe that will stop them from wanting to steal him from me.”

  Ivan said, “Yes, yes. Now everyone knows I am yours and yours only. Enough of the talking and even though I feel like a peacock, we have to go.”


  Leah and Gashka laughed. Ivan contacted Kate with the final timing, a portal was opened and both he and Leah stepped through into a large open foyer situated at the top of a stairway which descended to the main party area. From where they arrived, there was a long red carpet leading toward the stairs and beside it on the right was a row of reporters, each of whom was talking with a guest. Kate stepped out beside them and stood on Leah’s left. Leah smiled and said hello and then after checking both were ready, she began walking down the carpet toward the entrance.

  Ivan slowed as they approached the first reporter, who was now standing ready for the next guest. This forced Leah to slow down as well. The reporter stepped forward and Ivan, Leah and Kate stopped.

  “Ivan Alexeyev, it’s not very often that we see you at events like this since you’ve been married.”

  “That is because marriage has changed my priorities. I like to spend my free time these days with friends and family.”

  The reporter turned to Leah and said, “Atherleah Carroll, we didn’t expect to see you here this evening as your name isn’t on the list of attendees.”

  Leah didn’t say anything but just smiled at the reporter. After a moment of awkward silence the reporter turned to Kate and said, “Paris Emerson, you normally attend with your family.”

  Kate opened her mouth to speak as the reporter looked at her expectantly, but after a brief glance at Leah she just smiled and took a step down the carpet bringing Ivan and Leah with her. Ivan whispered to Leah, “Aren’t you going to answer any questions?”

  “I’ll answer questions but I don’t see any need to respond to asinine and obvious statements. All three of those statements were phrased to put us on the defensive.”

  Ivan nodded slowly and then came to a stop just before the next reporter who was still finishing the previous interview. She was talking with a dignified older couple. Leah recognised the woman as the ex-President of the American Union. Kate said, “Each reporter is allowed a set time with the guests. I shouldn’t have stepped away without giving them another opportunity, but I didn’t trust myself to stay calm if they asked me something about my family.”

  When the next reporter was free, Ivan led them forward and stopped in front of the woman. She said, “Hello, my name is Tiffany Claire from Frankie ’n Vogue. You three are an amazing divergence from this year’s theme. Where did you get these amazing outfits?”

  Leah smiled and said, “These are from a new designer called Paige. She designed these specifically for tonight.”

  “Is there a reason you decided to move away from the suggested theme?”

  Kate said, “The Gala never has had a theme and doesn’t even suggest one. Every year, however, there is a secret theme. If someone can find out what it is and match it, then they believe they are genuinely one of the in-crowd. None of us feels the need to prove anything except to declare that we won’t be passively controlled by a small group of elitists.”

  The next reporter was free so Ivan moved them on. This reporter had the advantage of time on her side and had been made aware of Leah’s presence despite Leah’s name not being on the guest list. The reporter stepped forward as Ivan, Kate and Leah came to a stop, and said, “Atherl
eah, people are already talking about your attendance here tonight, it’s so unexpected. When did you decide to come?”

  Gèng had done some quick research on the reporter’s name and affiliation. Leah said, “Mariana, as I’m sure you know, even wanting to come to the Gala isn’t enough, you have to be invited. Ivan and I were thrilled to be invited by Meredith Kodoman just this morning, and she even paid for our first tier tickets.”

  Marianna wasn’t sure what to say, but after what seemed to be some prompting from her producer, she said, “So Ivan, why do you think Mrs Kodoman invited you tonight?”

  “I think she wants allies in the Dunyanin competition and this is a small overture or bribe to get my attention.”

  Marianna looked utterly shocked at Ivan’s honesty and said, “Bribe?”

  Leah thumped Ivan on the shoulder and said, “Don’t you listen to him for a moment, Marianna. Bribery is such a negative word. Meredith wasn’t really trying to corrupt him but just to offer a small inducement, a temptation even, to show how appreciative she could be if he helped her out occasionally. More of an ‘I scratch your back and you scratch mine’ kind of thing.”

  Kate gave Leah a small punch on her shoulder and smiling sweetly said, “Marianna, don’t listen to Leah, we all know that if Meredith ever scratched someone’s back, they’d probably die from blood loss.”

  Before Marianna could respond, Ivan nodded his head politely and stepped toward the next reporters. These two were from a top rating breakfast show, and they were looking very nervous. As Ivan stopped the female reporter said, “Ivan, it’s so good to see you again. What are you most looking forward to this evening, the pre-dinner canapés, the dinner, or the entertainment?”


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