Fall Knee-Deep In It

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Fall Knee-Deep In It Page 10

by Monica Walters

  When he released my hands, I was staring at him wide-eyed. He was serious as hell. As he drizzled brown gravy on his meatloaf and mashed potatoes, he looked up at me. The intensity in his eyes caused me to look away and focus on my food. Clearing my throat, I began eating. My heart was still racing, though. “This is really good, baby.”

  “Thank you.”

  I took a deep breath and tried to relax. Mav was only feeling the way any man would feel. I needed to chill out and let him protect what was his. Looking up at him, I found him still staring at me. God, his eyes. They were mesmerizing. It was like I could see his soul through them. My lips parted and my breathing became shallow as I took in his chiseled perfection. Lord, this man was fine. The way we stared at one another was the most erotic pleasure I’d ever experienced, especially watching him eat while doing it.

  It was like my playlist knew what the fuck was going on, because “All the Time” by Jeremih started playing. The thong I was wearing didn’t stand a chance. It couldn’t handle the overflow that I often experienced just from being in Maverick’s presence. I followed the fork every time it entered his mouth, wishing I could wrap myself around that shit. “Yuri, your food is getting cold. You good, baby?”

  I slowly ran my hand through my hair, then down my neck to my breast. I was so damn horny, my appetite for food had gone out the window. “Mmm.”

  Maverick stood from his seat and walked around the table to me. He pulled me from my seat and roughly sat me on the table. Standing between my legs, he said, “Why can’t you just behave and eat dinner like normal people?”

  He nibbled at my ear as he slid his hand from my chest to grip my neck. Tilting my head backward, he stared into my eyes, causing me to moan. His hand made its way between my legs and he slid his fingers up my slit, then brought them to his mouth. The way he sucked my juices from his fingers had me ready and willing to do whatever he asked of me. “Mmm… shit.”

  Pulling my thong until I heard it rip, he stepped closer to me, causing me to lean back, then pushed himself inside of me. “Ooohh, Maverick. What about dinner?”

  “Quit fucking with me, Yuri. You know you don’t give a fuck about no damn meatloaf.”

  “Oooh, fuck! I do want some meat.”

  “Uh-huh. And I plan to give it to you… as much of it as you can take.”

  He scooped me up from the table and brought me to the wall, then began filling me with his prime beef. The most succulent piece of meat I’d ever experienced. My eyes fell closed as he fucked me slow. “Open your eyes, baby. Look at me.”

  When I did, I couldn’t stop the tear that fell from my eye. Damn… this man. “Maverick… oooohh, baby.” As the tears fell and he slowly stroked me, I continued, “God, I love you.”

  His pace quickened, but his eyes never left mine. A soft moan left his lips as he licked them. “I’m cumming, Mav!”

  The screams that left me only produced more tears as I succumbed to what I was feeling for him… making it known to him. His lips met mine and he kissed me with his soul… the most heartfelt and soul-stirring kiss he’d ever given me. When he pulled away, he stared into my eyes and said, “I love you, too, Yuri.”

  Right after he said that, he pulled out of me, holding his dick tightly in his hand, squeezing it at the head, while I slid to my feet. I immediately went to my knees and covered his dick with my mouth. He grabbed my hair with both hands and yelled, “Fuck!”

  He released in my mouth as I’d begun sucking him, tasting the flavor we’d produced as a result of our love for one another. His grip on my hair tightened as he growled. Slowly, he exited my mouth, then pulled me to my feet and held me tightly to him. “You mean everything to me, baby. And this is why Cedric gon’ get his ass handed to him.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “So, what’chu gon’ do?”

  “He goes to Sertino’s on Friday’s. I’m gonna follow his ass home and beat the fuck out of him.”

  “What if somebody call the police, man?”

  “I’ll be gone before they can get there. Cedric is not going to get away with this bullshit. He didn’t get away with it the first time, so why would I let him get away with it now?”

  I’d just gotten back to the yard after a long day of doing absolutely nothing. Cameron had gotten moved to a different crew, so we rarely saw one another. But today, I’d been just riding all over the city, burning their gas, looking for something to do. I ended up finding his ass parked at one of the city parks, sleeping. I scared the hell out of his ass, too. I knew all the hiding spots and found him in one of my favorite ones.

  We sat there and caught up on what’s been going on and after I told him about Cedric and how I’d been waiting three days to get at him, he was trying to talk me out of it. Cedric was no good. Just the fact that he was trying to get me to be comfortable around him, only to stab me in the fucking back again, rubbed me raw. He had no respect, loyalty, or even love for his own blood. I wondered if his dad was that type of nigga back in his hay day. ’Cause my grandma was practically a damn saint in my eyes. Cedric and my dad were like night and day, and that could have been because of their age difference.

  Whatever the case was, Cedric wouldn’t get away with the shadiness. When my mama told me that Yuri had called and asked for advice on what to do, it only reassured me of why I needed to get at him, for real. She loved me and I knew it all along. I didn’t want to say it first, because I wanted her to take that leap of faith… confidence. She was never really comfortable expressing her deep feelings until I’d expressed mine. But this… I wanted her to be free to tell me that she loved me, and she did it.

  I’d been in love with her for at least a month and it was killing me not to say so. But hearing those words fall from her lips made it worth the wait. I was a fast mover and when I knew what I felt, I wanted shit to pop off immediately. While we still moved rather quickly considering what she was going through, it was longer than what it would have been had I been in control of the timing of things. “I guess, man. I’m gon’ follow you and be yo’ lookout. I can’t have my boy going down for some bullshit.”

  “I appreciate you, bruh, for real.”

  Before I could head to my car to go home, I heard Crystal yelling my name. I turned to look at her and she gestured for me to come to the office. Shit. They were going to make me miss Cedric’s punk ass. “Hol’on, Cameron. I gotta go to the office.”

  “A’ight. I’ma wait.”

  I walked to the office as Crystal stood there waiting for me with a smile on her face. I frowned slightly. When I got to her, she said, “Relax. It’s nothing bad.”

  I only frowned harder. Just because she didn’t think it was anything bad, didn’t mean that it wasn’t bullshit. Management tended to make a big deal out of bullshit and ignored shit they should be making a big deal out of. When I walked in, Collin was seated at the head of the table in the conference room. I slightly rolled my eyes. He was the big guy… like over all operations for the city. He stood when I entered the room and shook my hand with a slight smile on his face. “Hello, Mr. Pierce. I’m going to make this short, since it’s the end of the day. I’m sorry about holding you up. I’ve been all over the place today, but I didn’t want to wait another day to give you this good news.”

  Hopefully, they were about to give me a raise because Beaumont paid city workers pennies to do shit other companies paid well for. I didn’t make bad money, but it could be better. I stared at him in silence, my face relaxed, waiting for him to continue. “We would like to make you the foreman.”

  I frowned slightly, then asked, “What?”

  He chuckled. “Ronnie is retiring in two weeks and we need to have someone in that position. We believe… I believe you are equipped and ready to take it on. It comes with a twenty-five-thousand-dollar increase, an extra two weeks of vacation, an office, and bonuses. It’s a salary position as well. So, some days may be more strenuous than others, like they are now, I’m sure.”r />
  This was huge. While I was the leader of my crew, this position would put me over all city maintenance. This position was right beneath his. I was in fucking shock. I smiled, then extended my hand and shook his. “I accept. Thank you for thinking of me for the position. I know I wasn’t the only one qualified.”

  “You weren’t, but you were the only one that I found to be dependable. You’ve only called in twice in the past two years. That’s impressive. Your coworkers all respect you and so do I.”

  “Can I recommend someone for my position?”


  “Cameron Wilkes. He knows his stuff. He knows just as much as I do.”

  “Already ahead of you. I plan to call him into the office Monday. We’ll have paperwork for the both of you to sign sometime after lunch.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  I stood from my seat and shook his hand again as he said, “Congratulations, Mr. Pierce. Have a great weekend.”

  “Yes, sir. I will now.”

  I walked out of the office on a new wave. Fuck Cedric. I needed to celebrate with my woman. I got in my car and saw Cameron following me, so I led him to my house. I didn’t need them to see us talking. He didn’t say I couldn’t tell him, but he didn’t need to know how close me and Cameron were. When I got out of my car, he asked, “What we coming here for?”

  “Nigga, you know what they called me in the office for?”

  “Naw. What?”

  “I got promoted to foreman of operations.”

  “No shit?”

  “No shit! And you wanna guess what muthafucka got my position?”

  “Aww, shit. Who?”


  “You lying.”

  “Monday, you gon’ get called in the office. So, I ain’t got time to be fucking around with that nigga. I gotta celebrate with my lady. Also, I meant to tell you thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “You were a regular customer of hers. She said you haven’t been in for a massage in a couple of months and when she checked the schedule, she saw you canceled your appointments with her and started going to someone else.”

  “You ain’t gotta thank me for that. You my boy. I didn’t feel comfortable letting her rub on me, knowing that she yo’ woman.”

  I shook his hand, then gave him a half hug. “A’ight. I’m going home, then. I’ll holla at’chu Monday.”


  I went inside to take a shower and prepare to take my baby out. Before hopping in, I called Yuri. When she answered, my heart sank a little. She sounded like shit. “Hello?”

  “Hey, baby. What’s wrong?”

  “Hey. I umm… I started my cycle and I’m cramping like crazy. I barely made it through my last appointment.”

  “Aww, I’m sorry, baby. I was calling to take you out, but I know that’s a no-go, now. But I’m gonna come over. What you want to eat?”

  “It doesn’t matter, Mav. Whatever you bring will be fine. Thank you.”

  “Of course, baby. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “Okay. I love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  I ended the call and hopped in the shower. When she was feeling this way, she made me all soft. That was okay, though. I’d be soft with her as often as she needed me to be. I noticed her periods were pretty painful the first couple of days. After that, she seemed to be fine. After washing up, I called Olive Garden and ordered some Zuppa Toscana soup. I knew that should make her feel a little better. After getting dressed, I went to the store to get some Midol for her, then headed to pick up our food. I’d ordered breadsticks and salad as well.

  Once I got to her apartment, I rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer. I knew it might take her a minute, so I remained patient. A minute or two later, she opened the door, looking like she was on the verge of death. Her hair was all over the place. Some of it was in a bun and some wasn’t. She had on one sock and a terry cloth robe. I quickly walked in and put our food down as she said, “Hey, babe. I’m sorry. I look a mess.”

  “You look beautiful as always. And hey,” I said, then turned to kiss her lips. “You just got out the shower?”


  “Okay. Let me take care of you right quick, then we’ll eat.”

  She sat on the sofa and balled up in the fetal position. I went to the case of water on the floor and took a bottle out of it. I knew a cold bottle of water wouldn’t be good. After bringing it to her with the Midol, I went to her room and found her other sock, then got some fluffy socks from her drawer. Although she rarely wore them around me, I knew that was what she liked. I grabbed her lotion and blanket and made my way back to her.

  I felt bad for her and wished there was more I could do, but I knew this was a necessary evil that she would just have to endure. Sitting on the couch with her, I pulled her foot to me, then warmed the lotion in my hand and began rubbing her foot. She moaned softly as I gently kneaded her heel. Once I was done, I put her sock on, then her fluffy socks on top of them. Draping the blanket across my arm, I helped her up and led her to the kitchen.

  Before she sat, I wrapped her blanket around her as she smiled at me. “Thank you so much, Mav. How was your day?”

  “It was pretty good,” I said, purposely downplaying my excitement. “I got a promotion. I’ll be the foreman over operations for the city.”

  Her eyes widened slightly. “Baby! That’s so good! Congratulations!”

  I chuckled as I set her soup and salad in front of her. “Thank you, Yuri.”

  Her face saddened somewhat. “That’s why you wanted to go out… to celebrate.”

  “Yeah, but we can celebrate anytime.”

  “Can we celebrate Sunday?”

  “Of course. You know I’m wrapped up in you on the weekends anyway. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. I feel so bad, though.”

  “Yuri. Don’t feel bad, baby. I’m content with being here with you. After we eat, we’ll go to the bedroom and I’ll hold you all night while we watch Lifetime movies and cry. I got’chu, baby.”

  She chuckled softly, then playfully glared at me. “Whatever, Maverick. I don’t wanna watch Lifetime.”

  It was my turn to chuckle. I thought all women enjoyed a good Lifetime movie, no matter when. Sitting next to her, I kissed her head as she leaned into me. “This is perfect, baby. Thank you. So what will this new position mean?”

  “That I won’t have to work as hard… more time off and more money.”

  “Sounds like the perfect position.”

  “Right? That’s more time I get to spend with you… getting massages and happy endings.”

  “Maverick!” she yelled, then laughed.

  “Okay, I got a question.”

  “I have never helped anyone get a happy ending.”

  “But has any of your male clients gotten a hard-on?”

  She blushed, then turned to her soup. “Mmm-hmm. All of them, including you.”

  “I’ll be damned. But you know you got them magic hands and you fine as shit. It would be damn near impossible to not get hard while you rubbing on me. But I can do more than get hard now. I can stroke that shit out and get a happy ending. You know I come in for my massage next week.”

  Yuri slowly shook her head. “Uh-huh. But you won’t be getting a happy ending, Maverick. That’s only allowed at home, not at my place of business.”

  “Why not? I’m bringing home to your place of business.”

  She gave me the side-eye and laughed as I smiled at her, then continued eating my soup before it got cold. When we’d had enough, I put the leftovers in the refrigerator, then helped my baby to the bedroom. Her bed hadn’t been made, so the covers were everywhere. While she went to the bathroom, I fixed her bed so we could lie down comfortably, then turned on her TV.

  Briefly, Cedric entered my mind, but I pushed him out of it. He would get what was coming to his ass. As I fixed the blanket that I would wrap Yuri in, s
he came out of the bathroom. She’d brushed her hair and put on some lip gloss. “Baby, we’re about to lay in the bed. What’chu tryna spruce up for?”

  “Because I hate that you’re seeing me at my worst.”

  “So, where do you see our relationship going? Because I see myself being with you forever. Eventually, I’m gonna see you looking a mess. But even in that moment, just like now, you’ll be the most beautiful woman in the world. Now come get in bed, woman.”

  She gave me one of those, aww that’s so sweet looks, before she walked over to me. I pulled her in my arms and hugged her, gently kissing her head. “I see myself with you always, too. Just when I think you’ve said it all, you say something like that and make me blush. Thank you.”

  I kissed her lips, then helped her in bed. Once I wrapped her up like a burrito, I joined her, sliding my arms around her. She leaned into me, then gently kissed my neck. “A’ight. I ain’t one of those niggas that’s scared of blood. You better stop.”

  She giggled, then laid against me. These were the days I longed for and now that I had them, I’d never let them go.

  Chapter Fifteen


  This gorgeous man sitting across from me was the truth. Friday night and yesterday, he took care of me like I was a damn invalid. He even went as far as to combing my hair yesterday. But I loved every minute of it. Being in his arms most of the day was right where I wanted to be. We never had to go anywhere if it were up to me. The way he loved on me and showed me that I had his undivided attention didn’t go unnoticed. Everyone that knew us, knew how much he loved me.

  We’d spent the morning talking about our future and the things we wanted out of life. He was pretty much about to start the position he’s always wanted with the city, but I still felt like there was something I was lacking. I just didn’t know what. I loved giving massages, but I felt like there was more I was supposed to be doing. He agreed to help me try to somehow figure it out. I knew I would with time. We both agreed on marriage and children, but we already knew that about each other.


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