The Devil's Son

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The Devil's Son Page 1

by Jennifer Loren

  The Devil’s Son

  Jennifer Loren

  Copyright © 2012 Jennifer Loren

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 0988802775

  ISBN-13: 978-0-9888027-7-3

  Table of Contents

  Other Work


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12



  Chapter 13


  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Chapter 16


  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18



  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Chapter 21


  Chapter 22


  Chapter 23



  Chapter 24


  Chapter 25




  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27





  Chapter 28


  Chapter 29


  Chapter 30


  Chapter 31



  Chapter 32



  Chapter 33



  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35


  Chapter 36



  Other Work

  The Devil’s Eyes: Available now.

  Nicholas Jayzon has broken through the chains of his destitute past by stealing, swindling and charming his way to owning his city. In the city where most everyone owes him a favor, Nick’s power is growing. The police can’t touch him and his enemies are becoming powerless to take him down. He is intelligent, cunning and above all … alluring. No woman can resist him. But, one woman is determined to bring him down and her reasons are personal. Kayla Donovan has spent years preparing for the time she faces him again and plans on denying Nick as much of her as she can. She knows him; she knows what gets his attention and what he can’t resist. Kayla is the only one that can possibly look into his devilish eyes and not be besieged by them or controlled by a single whisper of his desire. If she is able to manage her fears, then there is no reason for her not to succeed, and if she can’t … well, she has nothing to lose. She has no one left to care about her or to miss her if she fails in her mission. She has no one, not since her beloved sister fell for Nick, became controlled by him, and eventually died because of him.

  Driven by hate, Kayla is determined to find a way into Nick’s favor, find a way to make him trust her so she can find the heart of the devil and tear it apart before he captures hers.

  The Devil’s Eyes is a Dark, Intense, Romance novel. Not your typical story of two perfect people coming together after overcoming a life challenge. No, Nick and Kayla are two imperfect people, trying to overcome the brutal realities of their worlds and finding life as criminals comes naturally to them both.

  The Devil’s Revenge: Available now.

  The argument for my bail begins, and I lower my head until the doors behind me crash open with a thunderous roar. A vibration rushes through my body, I look up at the judge as his eyes widen and a cold silence takes hold of the room. It’s him. I know it’s him. It can be no other. Before I can turn I whisper his name and feel the energy of him blaze up my body as if the simple whisper of his name makes it true, makes him true. As hard as I fight my own curiosity I can’t stop myself, with all the assuredness in my head I still have to prove it to my own eyes. Turning, I slowly raise my head up and look upon the three gentlemen, dressed in dark suits and letting the hoods of their coats fall back and reveal expressions of pure - desired annihilation. But it is he that stands center and strong that confirms my suspicions. It is he that has caused this silence and chocked the breath out of an entire room. It’s as if the air could breathe and it breathes a trembling gasp of his name, with all that laid their eyes on this sight I see. Only I breathe his name and meet his eyes whispering … “I knew you would come for me.”

  Only God could save me from a certain deadly fate, and so rightfully, he sent the devil to rescue me.

  The sequel to The Devil’s Eyes is action packed while still maintaining the same dark romance and suspenseful tone of the first novel.

  Finding Ava: Available now. The first book of the series (Romance, Supernatural, Dark).

  Held captive in a room built just for her, Ava Kelley crouches in the dark corner, waiting for the mad man who has spent years following her every move. She never knew he was patiently waiting for his opportunity to make her his forever. If it were not for the memories of Sean’s warm smile to hold onto through her captors brutal attacks, she might never have had the strength to escape. Sean, the handsome man that rescued her from a wild celebrity-seeking mob never leaves her thoughts. Her heart beating louder than the breaths she tries to silence, she watches as the blackened room lights up, and he appears in her sights. One swing and she runs from her captor. Eager to find a life that he will not be able to find her in Ava moves to a new city and starts her own architecture firm and a new simpler life.

  After years of concentrating only on her work, her trivial routines and keeping her distance from admiring men, Ava was unprepared for the whirlwind that sends Sean forcefully back into her life. He captured her heart from the moment she met him and no other man comes close to making her feel safe enough to allow her intimate desires to become reality.

  Sean Grant finds himself in the midst of a new career, after leaving the military to help his mother recover from his father’s death. It has taken years of hard work, but now opportunities are flocking to his doorstep, women are clamoring to simply be noticed by him, his private life is available at every newsstand, and his now refined skills can be seen at every theater available. As one of the most sought after movie stars of the day, Sean’s life should be easy, but thanks to his mother meddling in his love life, it has become exceedingly difficult. Despite her meddling he still cannot find someone to erase the memories of her. It has been years since that chance meeting in New York, it was, but only a few minutes, but he has held onto the memories of her blue eyes ever since. His love for her grips him like no other and if not for his meddling mother, Sean would have never found Ava again.

  Finding Ava is only the beginning; keeping her safely hidden from the mad man that is fixated on possessing her is the ongoing struggle. How do you keep someone you love hidden, when the lenses of hundreds of cameras follow your every move? It is a maddening effort, but with the help of a mysterious old man, Sean receives the words of advice that may help save her life.

  Reckless: A sequel to Finding Ava. Available now.

  This story dives deep into the making of the movie “Reckless”, and simultaneously takes you on a ride filled with sex, drama, disastrous sabotage, and battles of woman against woman and man against man. You will have to take a breath before you read this story because you won’t be able to take another until after it ends.

  The Hand That Holds Mine: A short story. Available now.

  Adeline Beal, is a successful author who aspires to make all of her dreams come true. But when cancer takes hold of her and gives her little time left, she becomes de
termined to leave behind her best novel yet. Only when Adeline faces writers block and a money hungry husband, her past characters come alive to help her battle through her toughest moments and give her inspiration for a whole new world and a new love.



  They tell me that my father was at one time much the same with me as he was with my other siblings, apathetic and unmoved by our cries, until that one summer day that changed everything between him and me. My mother worked for him, she always worked for him, the only reason I believe he stuck around. My mother, however, is so infatuated, no bewitched, by him that she can see no one else and that includes me. She barely acknowledged my birth, and once I was able to sit up, she was content to leave me alone with no concern.

  They said it was boiling hot that day. Everyone in the neighborhood sat outside trying to find some kind of shade, some kind of relief from the sun. Thankfully, my mother was kind enough to leave me playing under a tree while she hung laundry. Humming her hypnotic tune, she never noticed the man who had suddenly taken an interest in me or his rapid approach to take me from my playpen. But my father did, and something inside him raged to the forefront like never before. With everything he had, he chased the man down and took me back into his own arms. There were no words spoken, no hands lifted even, as the man fell to his knees and cried out in pain.

  They say they thought it was the embarrassment of his sickness that caused the man to surrender so easily, it seemed reasonable to assume such. It seemed reasonable until they saw … him … them, the power in his eyes, the controlled rage that boiled and concentrated on the man’s heart. That man collapsed at my father’s feet and was left there to go cold in the blazing sun. My mother once said my father has a power of a thousand men within a blink of his eye. The rage of the devil they say, that’s what killed that man and that’s what kept people from ever crossing my father, the devil himself, and me … the devil’s son.

  Chapter 1


  I have considered my options for days. Even considered making Brady disappear, but once I saw my sister’s blissful expression in her new wedding dress, I was convinced to think otherwise. I have never seen her so happy. My disgust for Brady is clearly outweighed by the love I have for my sister. For her, and despite him, I have to figure out how to keep that fool alive so she can remain happy. Brady’s constant pursuit of The Barron has caused me major headaches. I have done everything to cut him off, detour him away from the right path to the Barron. I wasn’t sure who The Barron was for sure until Estrella confirmed it, but I have always had a good idea. The Barron, otherwise known as, Dennis Savage, is not one you cross or even attempt to think about crossing. I don’t like putting myself in his path, but I am hoping that I can thwart Brady’s path to destruction with an honest plea to an old family acquaintance.

  I have known of Dennis Savage since I was a kid. I remember hiding behind my Father’s coat tails as the man looked me over. No one ever crossed him, and the man never, ever seemed to be worried about anything. He feared no one, and you knew it from the moment you met him. I only saw him angry once, and my father was the object of his rage. Ever since I have managed to stay out of his crosshairs and keep a civil respect between the two of us.

  I am not surprised that he agreed to meet with me, but I am surprised that I agreed to meet him at his home. Am I brave or stupid of that I am not sure. No matter, I drive myself and go alone. I don’t want to risk my own people going up against him, and no matter my uncertainty about this man, I know one thing for sure - he wouldn’t hurt me.

  The gate opens up to my car as soon as I pull up, and the front doors are already standing open with greeters as I arrive. One stands out from the others, frigid and silent, he simply nods and waves his hand towards the doors. Crossing in front of me, he guides me into the house, and with his head held low, he walks a perfectly straight line down the marbled path. The cold silence that sits in the air weighs heavy, but the stiff emptiness of my greeter sends chills down my spine. The only thing worse is the heavy gothic décor of the home. It is rich and beloved by its owner, but lacks the warmth I would consider for my own home. My sons would run screaming from this house, like a Halloween nightmare. The silent man motions for me to wait in an office, while others come in offering me food and drink as if I am going to stay for longer than I wish too. Everything about this room is uncomfortable, but none more so than the highlighted artwork that sits behind the commanding desk chair. The demon within stares at me with desiring eyes, heating my flesh to its devouring temperature.

  Savage walks in or rather floats in with his confidence carrying him like he is on a pedestal. He carries a cane as if he desires to look feeble, but the ruby-eyed dragon at the head causes him to look anything but. Its fiery eyes beam in my direction as Savage stands it straight up at his side, readying it for attack. “Nicholas,” he hisses. “So happy to see you again.” I stand and greet him with a handshake that causes our eyes to meet and a smile to deepen into his unmarred face. “I see you admiring my favorite piece. It is, Asmodeus.” I glance at the demon once again recalling the name of the lust filled devil, The King of Demons. “I don’t know why I treasure it so. Maybe it is because it just seems so fitting in this room.”

  Nodding respectfully, I wait for him to sit before speaking, “Mr. Savage, thank you for meeting with me,” I said doing my best to disguise my impatience to leave.

  “Please, call me Dennis. All this time and you still don’t feel comfortable calling me by my name? We are after all, old family friends,” he said analyzing my expression to see how much I recalled of our family history.

  “Dennis then. I am going to get right to the point of my visit Dennis, I wanted to warn you that the police are aware of who you are. They now know you are The Baron.” He doesn’t even budge, nor does his smile diminish any. “They are coming after you, and one in particular is determined.”

  “I appreciate you letting me know. I assure you though, it will not be a problem. This person whoever he is will not be a problem at all for me,” he said sitting back in his chair calmly.

  “I have no doubt about that, but I would like to ask that you forgo destroying this person, and instead give him a smaller bone to chew on, a victory to appease him for a long enough time for me to talk him out of coming after you.”

  Savage sits up and gazes over at me as if he is trying to read my mind. “Why? Why, Nicholas, are you so intent on sparing this man?”

  “Let’s just say I owe him one.”

  “Just one?” he asks, but I simply raise my eyes to his and wait as his smile emerges once again. “Well, this is interesting, something new for me to ponder today.” He sits back, “I do love new things, life has become too routine lately. Sometimes I wish things weren’t always so easy, there is no excitement anymore. I tell you what, I will not touch a hair on the man’s head if you come and work for me, Nicholas.” He sings my name with want and suddenly the sounds of my father’s voice rings loudly in my head.

  “You know I can’t do that,” I say as he sits back and laughs softly to himself.

  “I do not like hearing that. What is holding you back, your father is gone now. If you join me, you would want for nothing.”

  “I already have everything I want, I don’t need anything more.”

  “Yes, I have watched you grow into a fine man. A family man even. Your wife is quite beautiful, Kayla, right?” I nod simply. “And two sons is it now?” Glancing up at him, my muscles tense, my heart pounds, and I breathe, carefully. “The oldest resembles you quite a bit. I saw him once with his mother.” There is nothing I can say right now. I know well enough to stay quiet and speak nothing of my son. “Yes, Nicky I believe, he is quite something, much like his father indeed.” My silence amuses him, but he moves on. “If I recall correctly, you were never going to have children.”

  “I was young when I said that. I grew up and changed my mind.”

  Savage laughs fully. “
You changed your mind? I doubt that. No, Nicholas, you didn’t change your mind at all. She …” he says looking me over to verify his accusation. “… yes, she changed your mind. Interesting woman, I must say. She walked right past me one day, leaving nothing, but her invigorating scent for me to inhale,” he says trailing off as he closes his eyes and hums his appreciation for my wife’s fragrance while I do my best to remain calm. “Now, Nicky,” our eyes meet, and I instantly meet him face to face with clenched fists. “Are you ready to take me on, Nicholas? Ahhh, you are so much like your father, trying to hide your precious secrets from me. I already know the boy is special, but is he as special as his father is the only thing I don’t know for sure.” Eyeing me carefully, “Tell me, how did Saldean die? How did Dante …,” Savage stands back with a sudden understanding while I finally admit the truth to myself. Saldean, I can still recall my father saying his name, screaming his name before, he died. “Nicky does he …?”

  Before he can finish that question I step away towards the door. “Thank you for meeting with me, Dennis. I appreciate your time to hear me out, but I think our business is done.”

  “What is this rush suddenly?” Savage sits back in his chair salivating over his new knowledge.

  “My family is not something I am willing to discuss with you. And just so you know, like my father, my son, that is one boundary I won’t allow you to cross.” I wait for him to nod before turning my vulnerable back to him.

  “Oh Nicholas, about your request, the cop, a Brady Simone, correct?” Looking back, I catch sight of his knowing expression and nod. “I will not harm him, and you can rest assured he will be kept busy with plenty of rewards soon. If he has done you such an important favor then it is certain that I owe him too.” Savage leans back in his chair staring out the window with a searing smile. “And do please say hello to your family for me. I do hope to meet them all one day.” I don’t bother responding, despite my objection to him ever coming near my family. My only goal right now is to wash away my past, get home to my family, and protect them with every muscle, every ability, and every power I have.


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