BairnGefa- The Akashic Expedition

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BairnGefa- The Akashic Expedition Page 10

by Ruairí Cinéad Ducantlin

  The assembly mumbled and nodded. They immediately understood the implications. Lucinda continued.

  “Giving the TCCC the ability to claim credit for a substantial leap forward in the human condition would increase the TCCC’s power base. More importantly, the TCCC would be further indebted to Corb and the Coterie.”

  When Lucinda stopped, Corb closed the agenda topic.

  “Davinder, Himari, it is time you put on your politician’s hat and contact Councilperson Patterson. She’ll be your ally.

  “Landry draw up a preliminary plan to reconnect the global power grid and to tie it into the existing infrastructure for widespread power distribution.

  “Davinder, Himari, if all goes well with Patterson, we’ll provide to her the preliminary plan. It won’t be easy, but we can make the offer. Any more questions on the power grid? No? Jirxena and Jirmina, please join us in the galley. Everyone, take a bio break while we wait.”

  When the teams reassembled, Corb surprised everyone with a change in topic.

  “Ragnar, you’re up.”

  “Everyone, Jirmina and I have been assessing the problem we have with Admiral Jymind and the Xjaal. We have allies in Admiral Jexond and the Ajawlil. We have determined two things that are important, and we are prepared to present a course of action.

  “First, the Xjaal are not our friends. The Xjaal are no one’s friend. They live to administer and rule. According to the Plentari, the Xjaal are unworthy and never to be trusted. Everyone in the galaxy tolerates the Xjaal because the Xjaal held the power of life and death over the galaxy. That has changed, but the sentients in the galaxy do not know, nor do they accept, the Xjaal no longer have the power to destroy civilizations.

  “Our recommendation is to … instruct the Xjaal. Teach them the new order and balance of power in the galaxy.”

  “Many will cheer the Xjaal receiving instruction,” Jirmina interrupted.

  Ragnar continued. “Second, we go on the offensive. Looking over our shoulder all the time is getting old. Is there going to be a group of assassins at every emergence point? Around every corner? Admiral Jymind will continue to send his fighters after us until we are dead, or he runs out of fighters.”

  Nick interrupted Ragnar’s brief. “After we address the Xjaal problem, we hunt Admiral Fuck-Nuts and let him know the game is over. I’m in.”

  Jirmina interrupted Nick and Ragnar a second time. “Admiral Fuck-Nuts and his parasites will swear fealty, or we will kick over the beehive and gather the honey from their blood.”

  Half the crew was laughing at the description. The other half was shocked at the mixed metaphors spewing from the Plentari warrior. Davinder stepped in to bail out Jirmina.

  “Jirmina, it appears you have been reading Dale Carnegie.”

  “Yes, I was told it would help me understand how to interact with humans. Was it wrong?”

  “Wrong? Yes and no. The exact quote is if you want to gather honey, do not kick over the beehive. It means to proceed cautiously and calmly. Nick’s reference to Admiral Fuck-Nuts is a way of saying we will act with caution, but when the time comes …”

  Ragnar completed Davinder’s sentence. “When the times comes, we will be fierce.”

  Jirmina nodded and waited. Ragnar finished his presentation.

  “We pay a visit to the Xjaal. While we are instructing, we let it be known we are hunting Admiral Jymind. We will recruit Admiral Jexond to find Admiral Fuck-Nuts.”

  Corb broke the contemplative silence.


  “I agree with Ragnar and Jirmina, with one addition. Earth needs defensive capabilities. Do you suppose Admiral Jexond is open to a trade? Possibly a couple of wings of fighters stationed in the Sol system.”

  Jan chimed in with a modification. “Stationed in the Sol system, under control of the TCCC.”

  “Which means the fighters will be under the control of Q’eqchi.”

  “Yes, NT, that is exactly what I mean. We can rotate the fighters out on a regular schedule and, if needed, we can use the Marissa to transport them to and from Zerain, or wherever they are stationed.”

  Corb stopped the immediate conversation.

  “Landry, formulate a plan to transport two wings, twenty Ajawlil fighters, from Zerain to Sol. Include upgraded translators and upgraded laser cannons. The trade will be that every Ajawlil fighter rotating through a Sol system deployment will be upgraded. Figure out what it will cost or what we can trade for the upgrades. Where is the Marissa?”

  “Corb, the Marissa is in the slipstream headed to Plentari from Earth via Kripkeni. It is loaded with a cargo of raw materials and Jima. They will arrive in two days, seven hours.”

  “Encrypt an FTL message to Captain Turner, ask him to wait at Plentari until we arrive.”

  “Corb, what are you planning?” Davinder asked.

  “I am going to give Captain Turner a copy of the hyper-tunnel map. The Ajawlil fighters would struggle to make it from Zerain to Sol. Landry, how many Ajawlil fighters can the Marissa carry?”

  “The Marissa, with her ore containers collapsed, could hold sixty Ajawlil fighters. Assuming the magnetic locks in the cargo hold are modified.”

  “In the message to Captain Turner, include enough credits and instructions to complete the modifications. The modifications will be completed while we are en route to Plentari. He is also to exclude the Ajawlil from the flight planning. Captain Turner will protect the hyper-tunnel map.

  “Before you go there … Himari, Lucinda … yes, I am redirecting the Marissa without the TCCC’s approval. I will leave the final decision to Captain Turner, but there is one other point to the plan Ragnar and Jirmina are proposing.”

  Nick interrupted Corb and the conversation. “Bloody ‘ell. You think Admiral Fuck-Nuts is going to attack Earth to get to you.”

  There were a couple of gasps before Lucinda responded to Nick’s outburst.

  “Davinder, you need to get to Councilperson Patterson and let her know what is going on. No one else, one-to-one, in a secure location, and use this phrase. Janice, Lucinda told me to say hello. I was on my way to the Beer Store to pick up a two-four but stopped here instead.

  “She will laugh at the Canadianism but will understand the message. Tell her what is going on and why we are headed to Zerain.”

  “Will do, Lucinda. Anything else, Corb?”

  “Yeah, if anyone comes up with a good way to instruct the Xjaal, let me know. Right now, my only options are to start blowing up buildings.”

  Everyone was silent while the FTL closed.

  “Corb, Lucinda, you know him best. Will Turner do it?” NT asked.

  Everyone looked at Lucinda.

  “Josh will defend Earth first and worry about the politics second. Landry, let’s get to Plentari. Jirxena, check Landry’s flight plan.”

  The Jaguar’s monitors morphed to the surrounding stars and the now ever-present clock.

  Time to Entry: 01:11:10.

  Time to Emergence: (3D) 01:18:58.

  Geosynchronous Orbit — Plentari

  “I’m in. Lucinda, Corb, I received your message to wait, to reconfigure the cargo hold, and posted the credits to the onboard vault. Two days ago, I received an encrypted FTL from Patterson. She said I was advised to accept the new mission and to make best possible time. Anyone want to tell me what is going on?”

  Captain Turner of the TCCC cargo hauler the Marissa was hosting Corb and Lucinda in his ready room, adjacent to his quarters. Lucinda took up the military-style briefing. The Jaguar was moored to an umbilical extending from the port side of the Marissa

  “Josh, here is a data pod with all the details of the mission and something else. First, the data pod is for your eyes only. Do you have a navigator you trust to keep their mouth shut?”

  “Yes. Lieutenant Tanaka is on her first mission, but she can keep her mouth shut.”

  “Ask her to join us. We’ll wait.”

  Pressing the ship-wide intercom, Captain Turner i
ssued the order. “Lieutenant Tanaka, report to the captain’s ready room.”

  Several minutes passed before the bell rang, requesting entry.


  Lieutenant Tanaka entered, came to attention, and saluted crisply.

  “Please, have a seat. Captain Raitt and Mister Johnson would like to discuss something with us.”

  Lucinda saw it first. She felt as if she were looking at a younger Himari Tanaka.

  “Tanaka? Are you related to Himari Tanaka?”

  “Captain Raitt, I am her daughter.”

  Corb gushed, “A daughter old enough to be a lieutenant on a starship? Well, slap my head and call me silly!”

  Lieutenant Tanaka looked to Captain Turner with questioning eyes, it was Lucinda who responded.

  “Do not mind him. Before he got all Enlightened and stuff, he was a dusty redneck from some remote damned place in west Texas.”

  The lieutenant smiled at Lucinda.

  “Lieutenant Tanaka, may I address you by your given name?”

  “Yes, Captain, my name is Miko.”

  “Miko, there is information on this data pod that will put the Marissa in jeopardy if the information leaks. To use the information, Josh, my apologies … Captain Turner, is going to need your help. I can’t emphasize enough that the data on this data pod will paint a target on the Marissa if it leaks. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand. But why me?”

  “On this data pod is a map of the hyper-tunnel network. Captain Turner is going to need your assistance in plotting navigation for hyper-tunnel entry.”

  “What is a hyper-tunnel?”

  “Miko, a hyper-tunnel is a point-to-point, faster slipstream with fixed endpoints. Via the hyper-tunnels, ships can traverse the galaxy faster and more safely.”

  Obvious signs of connection flowed across Miko’s face before she reasoned and responded.

  “We can go anywhere there is a hyper-tunnel. We can expand our trading.” Pausing with an obvious realization, she leaned her head toward Captain Turner before continuing. “We are not going home, are we?”

  Captain Turner grinned and pointed to Corb and waited for his response.

  “Miko, there is a threat … a possible threat … maybe there is a threat. We are being cautious. The details are in the briefs on the data pod. We are going on a mission to get Earth some defensive help. The question is, are you willing to help Captain Turner, the Jaguar, and Earth?”

  “Of course. What do I have to do?”

  Beaming, Corb stood.

  “Miko, hold my elbow. I am going to take you to the Jaguar. Nick, Jirxena, and Landry will give you training on the hyper-tunnels and the algorithms we use to calculate time and distance. Lucinda will continue to brief Captain Turner. If you are ready?”

  Unsure of what was about to happen, Miko stood, stepped over, and grabbed Corb’s elbow while looking up to the much taller cowboy. Corb smiled and they reappeared on the bridge of the Jaguar.

  Miko looked around and smiled at the crew smiling back. Corb was sure he heard Himari when she spoke.

  “We could have walked across the umbilical. Were you trying to impress me?”

  Nick jumped at the opportunity to give Corb a dig. Walking over, hand extended, he applied the Nick charm.

  “Lass, he’s always doing that. You’ll get comfortable with it. Remember, it’s the simple-minded that we have to watch out for. Let’s step into the galley. We have a boatload to cover. This is Jirxena, she and I pilot this baby. I hear you want to know how to use the M-25 Motorway to get where you are going. We’ll have you up to speed in a jiffy.”

  Corb smiled as the door to the bridge slid closed behind Nick. Janish rolled her eyes and went back to reading her console. Jirmina was focused on reading also, and Corb stepped over. Jirmina was reading Alice in Wonderland on a tile. Landry’s translation algorithms easily translated English to Plentari iconography. He turned to Cass, who nodded and also went back to reading her tile.

  Corb stepped off the bridge and back into Captain Turner’s ready room.

  Time to Entry: (2d) 02:17:18.

  Time to Emergence: (13D) 09:38:38.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Bureaucracy is like a fungus that contaminates everything.”

  Jaime Lerner

  “Thank you, Admiral Jexond, for agreeing to meet. It is not our intention to keep you from your duties. Our need is urgent, and privacy is required. We are here for two reasons.”

  Corb opened the briefing with Admiral Jexond.

  “You are aware of the new Xjaal council and their attempt to return to their previous role of galactic overseer. Our first goal is to correct their misguided plan. Our second goal is to find Admiral Jymind.”

  Admiral Jexond and his adjutant had shuttled out to meet the Jaguar orbiting Zerain. Lucinda refused to let the shuttle dock with the Jaguar. When the shuttle became stationary, one hundred and twenty meters off the Jaguar’s port, Corb teleported the admiral, and the adjutant, to the Jaguar. The admiral’s threadbare uniform had been replaced with a new tunic in the same bold purple and gold. The Jaguar’s galley was fully reconfigured into a conference room that met the need for the meeting and planning session.

  Landry’s avatar and the Plentari were restricted to the bridge, behind sealed doors. Lucinda picked up the conversation.

  “Admiral Jexond, we have been gone for many rotations. In Earth terms, we have been away for many months. What can you tell us about the activities of the Xjaal while we were away?”

  “Captain Raitt, Enlightened One, there has been much activity while you were away. My spies tell me the Xjaal administrator has formed a new council.

  “The new council has two goals. The first is to rebuild their population. The second goal is concerning.”

  The admiral paused for effect.

  “The second goal is to remove the Enlightened One and regain that which you removed. The Xjaal are conspiring to ensure their data pods are returned. Of course, they do not officially advocate the Enlightened One’s removal. Many on the Administrative Council consider reacquiring the data pods their primary objective.

  “You are not going to return the data pods. You are not here to punish the Xjaal. You are here for another question.”

  Again, pausing for effect, the admiral focused on Corb.

  “My spies tell me the Xjaal Administrative Council is conspiring with Admiral Jymind. It seems, Enlightened One, Captain Raitt, we have a common enemy.”

  NT, Nick, Lucinda, Cass, Janish, and the adjutant simultaneously looked to Corb. Leaning back, propping his boots on the edge of the table, Corb’s sly grin emerged before he spoke.

  “Admiral Jexond, have we got a deal for you.”

  The admiral’s translator required three seconds to translate the nuanced phrase. When it completed, the smaller admiral emulated Corb. He leaned back, put his purple and gold boots on the table, and said two words of acceptance. “I’m listening.”

  Three hours of discussion resulted in no clear plan to address the problem with the Xjaal. Corb decided the time for talking had passed.

  “Admiral Jexond, what is the name of the Xjaal chief administrator?”


  Cass burst into laughter. When the laughing abated, what she told them made everyone laugh.

  “WinklilPol is two Maya words from the Yucatan region. Winklil is man or male. Pol is head or top. He is trying to say he is the top man. It could be he thinks he is the big pole.”

  When the childish giggling ceased, Corb closed the meeting.

  “Admiral, your suggestion is our plan if Winklenuts refuses to admit the administration’s agenda. I will return you to the shuttle. When you reach your command ship, we will enter close orbit and begin a dialogue with the Xjaal.

  “There is another need for which we will seek your advice and guidance. We will meet again when the discussions with the Xjaal are complete.”

  “Enlightened One, it is t
hrough you the Ajawlil will continue. We live to serve.”

  The admiral and adjutant stood. Corb walked around the table, grabbed their elbows, and returned them to the shuttle. Landry’s avatar and the Plentari were in the galley when Corb returned. NT stated the obvious concern.

  “Something is off. The admiral does not trust his people. Landry, did you notice anything odd about the adjutant?”

  “Yes, NT, the adjutant’s tile was linked to the shuttle, as expected. However, there was a carrier overlay between the shuttle and the surface.”

  “Carrier overlay?”

  “Cass, there is a constant communications carrier between the shuttle and its home port. In this case, the shuttle maintains a carrier link with the admiral’s battlecruiser. An overlay is a secondary signal riding on the same carrier. Usually encrypted, a carrier overlay is a way of sending messages secretly.”

  “Landry, could you determine the destination of the overlay signal?”

  “Yes, Lucinda. The overlay signal routed from the battlecruiser to the new Xjaal primary administrative building.”

  “What a buncha wankers. I say we nuke them from orbit.”

  “No, Nick, they can’t be that stupid. Landry, can you trace the location of Winklilnuts?”

  “Yes, Lucinda, he is in a building next to the primary Xjaal production facility.”

  “Do you know what he is doing right now?”

  “Yes, NT, he is meeting with the new Xjaal Administrative Council. They are reviewing the information the adjutant provided.”

  Nick slapped his palm on the table and barked. “That is why you were non-committal with the admiral about our next steps. How did you know the adjutant was a spy?”

  “I didn’t know, Nick, I guessed. The few interactions we’ve had with Jexond have been direct and assured. I picked up that he was pulling back. At first, I thought he might be considering breaking his vow of fealty. The more he talked, the more I realized, he knows there are spies in his command, but he doesn’t know who or how many. We are going to help the admiral and deal with the Xjaal.”


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