What Happens in Miami (What Happens In. Book 2)

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What Happens in Miami (What Happens In. Book 2) Page 3

by Tarrah Anders

  “I doubt that it’s as simple as you’re saying,” I shake my head.

  “And what if it is?”

  “You can’t make that promise,” I tell him.

  “And what if I can. You being married to me, and shitty as it sounds, means that you are someone. I’m not trying to degrade who you are, by any means. I’m just saying that now you have someone powerful behind you, beside you, and cheering you on. People will take more of a notice now.”

  “I get that names make business easier in some terms, I’m just not sure that’s the right way of doing things.”

  “People do it on a daily basis, there’s nothing wrong with it,” he replies with a wave of his hand.

  “And what does that mean for me, that I couldn’t get the job without you?”

  “It just means that I helped you get noticed for your skills.” He shrugs, “nothing more.”

  “And out of this, you get your name cleared of the party status and your parents off your back?”

  “Amongst other things,” he says with a smile.

  “What kind of other things?” I ask.

  “Let’s go over everything first; then we’ll talk about those other things. So, we stay married, maybe for a year to make it look like we tried—”

  “We’ve been married for a day, not even and you already want a divorce?” I ask, unsure where my reaction came from.

  “I mean, we can stay married, if that’s what you like, but we don’t know hundred percent whether or not we’re compatible. Anyways, if we go the route of divorcing—we stay married, we do the standard dog and pony show, which means events, appearances, and the whole lot. We get you the job of your dreams, the reporters begin to report me in a better light, my family gets off my back and then we determine that we had irreconcilable differences and boom, we divorce.”

  “How long have you been planning this? Just waiting for the first drunk chick to manipulate?” I ask angrily.

  Why am I angry? Oh yeah, it’s because he’s using this—whatever it is—to be to get his ass out of the dirt. Even though, I could get a better job, it still stinks. I never planned to get a divorce, truth be told, I haven’t even thought about getting married anytime soon.

  But now, here I am….

  Chapter Eight


  She’s angry and it happened out of nowhere.

  I will never understand women. Must be why I’m partial to men as well. My fluidity between sexual partners is one thing that reporters have hinted at in the past, since they’ve rarely caught me with a woman on my arm. But that doesn’t mean that I’ve paraded men on it instead.

  No, instead, the men that I sleep with leave my home after we fuck—same can be said for the women as well. I don’t do relationships, and that’s something that has been troublesome to my parents.

  I’m thirty-two and should start to settle down.

  I should be at least dating someone steadily and be on the road to marriage, according to my mom.

  I should strive to be higher in my father’s business, than sitting in the marketing department comfortably.

  I should do this. I should do that.

  The ‘shoulds’ from my parents never stop. But I am hoping that’s something that will happen when I bring Connie to meet them.

  “Help me understand, I can tell that you’re upset, care to talk about it?”

  “I’m fine,” she says quietly.

  “Bullshit. I know women better than that. I’m fine is universal chick language for I’m anything, but fine. Do you want to annul everything? We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” I offer her the out. “I don’t want to put you in any situations that you’re not okay with.”

  She looks over at me, and I’m not sure what she sees, but her features soften and she shakes her head.

  “You really think that this whole charade of a marriage will help you? And ultimately help me?”

  I turn my body into her, “I want it to.”

  “What makes you so sure that everyone will go along with believing this?”

  “Because I’ve never introduced anyone to my world publicly.”

  “Aren’t you a little too old to be under your parents’ thumb?” She asks.

  “I think once you meet my parents, you might understand a little better.”

  “Oh shit, I’m going to meet your parents, one of whom is the freaking mayor and we’re going to have one huge lie, how will we keep this all straight?” She puts her head in her hands.

  “Well, we don’t necessarily need every factor to be a lie,” I allude. “We slept together after all.”

  “Are you saying that we should continue to do that? Sleep together?” She asks. “Wouldn’t that be blurring the lines?”

  “We define the lines; we can choose to blur them, or we choose to not cross them. Do you want to blur the lines?” I lean toward her.

  “We will need to keep up appearances, there will be a line that will need to be crossed from time to time. But I would like to try to keep romance out of it.”

  “Who says there needs to be romance? I’ve fucked before without it, sometimes you just need to get it out of your system, or sometimes you need something to make you feel good.”

  “And you would want to… fuck me?” she asks.

  “Added bonus?” I say jokingly.

  “So, what am I to expect? Am I going to be swarmed by reporters? Will I need a bodyguard?”

  “I’m not in the mafia, there will not be any craziness like that. But from time to time, yes, there will be local paparazzi that will follow us. There will be news reports talking about us.”

  “Paparazzi, not just reporters?” she squeaks.

  “They’re the same, they just report more salacious stuff. And speaking about salacious stuff, there’s probably something that I should talk to you about, but I need it to stay between you and me.”

  She looks at me with confusion.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Before I say anything more, will we be doing this?” I ask. “I don’t want to rush you, but I also don’t want this major secret to be hidden, especially since it’s a part of me and I don’t want you to be blindsided.”

  “Well, we’re already one foot into it, I’ve got nothing to lose. Are we sure about this?” She asks.

  “I’ve got nothing to lose either. If anything, we become great friends, who can fuck.” I smirk, half serious as she pushes my shoulder.

  “We’ll have to work on the kissing thing, I’ll allow that. Fucking, I’m not so sure about. Regardless as to whether or not we have already, I think anything more than that would be dangerous ground for us to walk on. But I’m okay with kissing from time to time,” she tells me.

  “Kissing. Okay, I agree. There will be a lot of that expected of us. And if we look too stiff when doing it, then no one would buy it, and we’ve gotta sell the fuck out of it. So, then, shall we seal this agreement with… a kiss?” I dare ask.

  She looks to me, “I’m going to regret all this, aren’t I?”

  I lean into her and glide my hand up her neck and through the back of her hair. I push my fingers up and into her messy knot and pull her hair down. I pull her closer and as our eyes shutter closed and our lips meet. Tentatively at first, closed lips and small pecks. But my tongue lashes out against her lips, wetting them, sparking hers to part and my tongue takes the chance and sweeps in.

  In that small moment of time, everything stops. She tastes of cherry and mint, and smells like fresh soap. I want to pull her against me and lay back on the bed so she’s on top of me, but I stop myself before my thoughts get too sinful and I take over the moment by ruining it with taking this kiss too fast too soon.

  We pull apart and now that we’ve kissed on the deal to remain married, I have to tell her the one thing, that the public isn’t aware of.

  Chapter Nine


  I wasn’t expecting that.

  His kiss could ruin a
woman. It was the perfect kind of kiss, with just the perfect amount of sensual to make me want more. And boy, do I want more.

  We pull back from one another and I blink away the haze. Hoping that the desire that I feel for him cools down so I can think logically.

  “Okay, so we’re doing this. I’m married, to you and you to me. Well, what do we do now?” I ask.

  “Well, I could go for a little more of that kissing,” he smirks.

  I hit him again and he lands on his back on the bed. He is an insanely attractive man. His bronzed skin, hazel eyes and the light amount of stubble across his jaw, that I want to run my fingertips across to make it to those soft lips that were just on mine. I sigh and remember that he mentioned there was something that he would need to tell me.

  I sit up straight. “So, you said there was something that I would need to keep secret, something that would start between us. Is this like our first husband and wife secret?”

  He laughs and places his hands behind his head. His shirt creeps up at his waist baring a hint of skin and a trail of hair. He takes a deep breath, turns his head to look out the small window, then settles again on looking at me.

  “You’re beautiful,” he says.

  “Okay, thank you. I feel like you’re about to spoil that compliment with something that’s going to upset me. Why is that?”

  “I’m just making sure that what I’m about to tell you won’t be something that will make you feel like less of a woman, because you’re not. You’re all woman, and well I think, no I know that we’re going to rock this whole thing. But there is something, something that most women wouldn’t like in their relationships.”

  “If you’re going to tell me that there’s another woman, I’m going to indeed not be happy, and question why you didn’t marry her instead of me.”

  “There’s no other woman,” he says confidently. “But it’s really no different.” He sits up and looks uncomfortable.

  “Okay, lay it on me.” I say with a deep breath.

  “I’m fluid. I don’t discriminate on who I am with, but I also do not let the greater public know about that.”

  “I’m not following,” I shake my head, trying to wrap it around what he is trying to tell me, and then it clicks.

  “Oh, you’re gay,” I say.

  “No, I’m not gay. But I do like both women and men.”

  “Why is it some big secret?” I ask. “Bisexuality isn’t a taboo thing anymore, I’m not understanding.”

  “My parents are not in the majority who think that it’s an okay thing. If it would come out that I like to peg men, or suck a dude’s dick from time to time, then I would not only ruin my reputation, but my fathers. My mother is old fashioned and even though we live in San Francisco, my mother has different thoughts on the matter.”

  “So, you like dick and vagina?”

  “So crude,” he teases.

  “Look, listen,” I say. “We’re married now, you get to see all the crudeness that comes from my mouth. So, you keep that fact that you’re bi, as a secret?”

  “I have to, otherwise I would be shunned from my family. I love them, I just don’t agree with their views.”

  “So this morning, who crawled into the bed with us?”


  “Yes, Felipe. What happened last night with Felipe?” I ask hesitantly.

  A grin forms on Devin’s face and I’m now terrified of what the answer would be.

  “You enjoyed watching,” he tells me.

  “Watching, okay.” I nod not fully understanding.

  “And I also fucked you, as he fucked me,” he says.

  “Oh, okay.” I swallow. “Did he? Did he and I?”

  “No. Felipe doesn’t like women as partners. He wouldn’t know what to do with one if given the choice. He can play with tits and maybe make out with a woman, but he’s terrified of a vagina. Thinks of it as a Venus fly trap.”

  “So, him crawling into bed behind you this morning…”

  “He likely wanted to go another round. He enjoyed watching me fuck you, and most definitely enjoyed it when he was fucking me and I was fucking you.”

  “Is this a thing that happens all the time?” I ask.

  “What part?” He questions.

  “All of it? You, other men, sharing a woman?” I ask for clarification.

  “I see Felipe, when I go to Miami. Which is every few months,” he says.

  “And the other stuff?”

  “I don’t date on a serious level. There are two men that I share my bed with, and there is one woman who I see from time to time. Last night was the first time like that.”

  “And now?”

  “And now, that’s something that we will need to discuss. I won’t bring any women home, but how do you feel about men? We’ve agreed that we would only go as far as kissing, to keep up the appearances and all. But then that means are we not fucking other people, since we aren’t fucking one another?”

  There’s so much information going through my mind right now. He likes men and women. I was part of my very first three-some last night and I don’t remember a thing about it.

  What does this marriage mean? Does it actually mean that because we are pretending to be married, but actually legitimately married, that my dating life is now over? But can he go out and hook up with guys? How would this be fair? How would this work?

  “Can we just table that part of the conversation right now? I’m on information overload and I think that I need to let my brain settle down a bit more.” I ask.

  “Of course.” He smiles and nods. “I’m tired anyways, we have about five more hours, want to take a nap?”

  Chapter Ten


  Waking up again with Connie isn’t too bad. My body this time is wrapped around her curves and my cock is straining in my shorts, begging to be unleashed and inside her.

  I know that she doesn’t want to venture into the sexual relationship that we could have, and a part of me hopes that she changes her mind. Especially when we re-discuss the conversation about sexual partners. I’m not sure that I can go a whole year without sex; I don’t think that I’ve ever restrained myself for more than three weeks since my sexual journey began.

  I can feel the plane descending and I gently nudge Connie awake.

  “What?” She asks rolling onto her back.

  She looks breathtaking. Her long hair looks a mess, and makes me want to run my hand through it, and pull her to me.

  Out of desperation, closeness, or just pure sexual desire, I lean down and gently kiss her. She doesn’t push me away, but she also doesn’t get into the kiss like she did before. I pull back and place a smile on my lips, despite the uneasy feeling that I have that she didn’t want me to kiss her.

  I move to the end of the bed and slide off. I rearrange my hard on, knowing that her eyes are on me.

  “We’re home, might as well check on our friends,” I say to her.

  “Is everything okay?” she asks stopping me by grabbing onto my arm as I was about to pass her.

  “Yes, I’m good. Why?”

  “Seems like something is off.” She shrugs.

  “I won’t lie to you, you can trust me in that. While I may lie to my family and the public about my sexuality, I will not lie about anything to you.”

  “Okay, why would you feel the need to tell me that?”

  “Because, I want you to understand me. I made a promise and I keep my promises.”


  “That kiss, it felt like you were repulsed by it. It felt like you didn’t want my lips on yours,” I say with a sigh.

  She stands and takes my hands in hers.

  “I need you to be patient with me. My mind has been fucked left and right. I woke up married and come to find out that my new husband also sleeps with men. Let alone, I had a threesome last night and I don’t remember it. I’ve never had a threesome before and well, then we start talking about sex and how I won’t be having any sex an
ymore while we’re married, unless it’s with you, but you might with other men. Let’s just say that there’s a lot on my mind and I just need to get caught up. But it’s not that I didn’t want to be kissed by you a moment ago, I’m just trying to make sure that I don’t fall in love with you in the whole process of all this. So that kiss, wasn’t my reaction to you, not by any means. It’s my reaction to my mind catching up with everything.” She explains and it makes me realize that I need to not be a dick and that her life is changing too.

  “I understand,” I tell her. I lean in and kiss her on the cheek, then open the door to the rest of the plane, but turn to her as a thought enters my mind with my eyes going wide.

  “What?” She asks, looking around me, as if the cabin of the plane holds the answer to my sudden stopping.

  “There’s going to be another change, that I’m sure will be an issue.” I say to her.

  “Oh yay,” she says sarcastically.

  “So, your place or mine?”

  Her eyes widen after a moment, when she understands what I’m asking.

  “Shit. I didn’t even think about that. I don’t think that you would like my place. It’s small, crusty, and probably has a mold problem,” she says.

  “My place it is!” I say celebratory.

  She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. After a moment, she rushes past me and sits in the open seat in front of her friend.

  “About damn time you love birds came out of there, you spent the entire trip back there. How much do your lady parts hurt? That’s like straight six hours of fucking.” Troy jokes.

  “Don’t speak to my wife like that, we were talking.” I tell him sitting down beside her leaning into her, so only she can hear, “please don’t pay attention to him, he’s jealous.”

  She gives me a small smile as a thanks. “Yeah, talking with your bodies. You guys didn’t get enough playtime last night?” Troy continues.

  I pin him with a look that could kill as the plane touches down on the ground and Troy grips the arms of his chair.


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