The Long Eighteenth Century

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The Long Eighteenth Century Page 84

by Frank O'Gorman

purposes here

  sites of here

  political culture

  calendar here

  consequences here

  dislike of regime here, here

  elite and popular cultures here

  mockery here–here

  nature of here, here

  politics here, here

  Wales here

  political unions here, here–here

  Ponsonby, George here

  Pontiac’s Rebellion here

  Poole here

  Poor Law here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Poor Man’s Guardian, The here

  Pope, Alexander here

  Popish Plot (1678) here, here, here

  Porteous Riots here, here

  Portland, 3rd Duke of here–here, here, here, here, here

  Portsmouth here

  Poyning’s Law here

  pragmatic sanction here

  Pratt, Chief Justice here

  Presbyterian Church of Scotland here, here, here, here

  Presbyterianism here, here, here, here, here, here

  Prescot here

  press here–here, here–here, here–here

  Preston here, here, here, here, here

  Prestonpans here

  Priestley, Joseph here–here

  Priestley Riots here

  Prime Minister, office of here

  primogeniture here

  Princess Dowager here

  private bills here

  Proclamation Society here

  Proclamation, May (1792) here, here

  professions here–here, here


  Ascendancy here, here

  Dissenters here–here, here, here–here, here, here–here, here–here

  Protestantism here–here, here, here, here–here, here, here

  Prussia here, here–here, here

  public opinion here, here–here, here–here, here, here, here–here

  Pulteney, David here, here

  Pulteney, William here, here, here, here, here, here

  Quadruple Alliance (1718) here

  Quaker Tithes Bill (1736) here, here, here

  Quakers here, here

  Qualifications Bill here, here

  Quarter Sessions here, here–here

  Quartering Act (1764) here, here

  Quebec here, here–here

  Quebec Act (1774) here–here, here, here,

  Queen Anne’s Bounty here, here

  Quiberon Bay here, here


  culture here–here, here–here

  platform here

  tradition, construction of here–here

  underground here–here

  Ramillies, battle of here, here

  Reading here, here

  Reeves, J. here

  Reflections on the Revolution in France here

  Reform Act (1832) here–here

  aims here, here–here

  Catholic emancipation here, here

  change here–here

  continuity here, here–here

  effect on Parties here

  elections here–here, here

  House of Lords here, here

  Tories here–here

  Whigs here–here

  historiography here, here

  middle class here

  opposition here

  passage here, here–here, here–here

  public opinion here, here

  working class here, here–here

  Reform Movement

  1790s here, here

  (1830–31) here–here

  early nineteenth century here, here

  origins here–here

  Wilkite Movement here–here


  Act of 1706 here, here

  crisis of (1788–9) here, here–here, here, here, here, here

  crisis of (1811–12) here, here

  registration of voters here–here

  religious observance here

  Repeal of the Stamp Act here, here, here, here

  Restoration of 1660 here, here–here, here

  retailing here–here, here

  revisionism here, here–here

  Revocation of Edict of Nantes (1685) here

  revolution, avoidance of (1789–1820) here–here

  Church here

  elite groups maintain nerve here

  Foxite Whigs here

  government maintains nerve here–here

  loyalism here, here–here

  Paine, T. here

  Poor Law here

  Reform Societies here–here, here–here

  social unity here–here

  revolution, possibility of (1789–1820)

  economic hardship here–here

  foreign intervention here

  ideology here

  regime unpopular here

  war here

  Riot Act (1715) here, here, here, here, here

  rioting here–here

  causes of here

  food here–here

  moral economy here, here, here

  political here

  religious here–here

  women in here, here

  Robertson, William here

  Robinson, ‘Prosperity’ here

  Rockingham, Marquis of

  and Chatham administration (1766–8) here–here

  First ministry (1765–6) here–here, here

  and North’s government here–here

  Rockingham Whigs here–here

  Rockingham-Shelburne ministry here

  Roman Catholicism here–here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here

  and Jacobitism here, here

  Rossbach here

  Rotherham here

  Roxburgh, Duke of here

  Royal Marriages Act (1772) here

  Royal Society here

  Rudé, Professor George here

  Rule, Professor J. here

  Russia here–here


  after the ’45 here–here, here, here

  and British national identity here–here, here–here, here, here–here, here, here

  economy here–here, here, here, here, here

  empire here, here

  Enlightenment here, here–here

  Episcopalianism here, here–here, here–here

  the ’15 here–here, here–here, here–here

  the ’45 here–here, here–here

  and Glorious Revolution here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here

  Highlands here, here–here, here

  Jacobitism here, here, here–here

  population here, here–here

  Presbyterianism here, here, here

  Reform Act of 1832 here

  society here, here–here, here–here, here, here

  and stability here, here, here, here

  Union of (1707) here, here, here–here, here, here–here, here, here–here

  Walpolean period here, here–here

  wars of later eighteenth century here, here

  Scott, Sir Walter here

  Scottish peers here

  seaside towns here

  secret ballot here, here

  secret influence here, here–here, here, here–here, here–here, here–here, here–here

  Seditious Meetings Act (1817) here–here

  September Massacres here

  Septennial Act (1716) here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Seven Years’ War xi, here, here–here, here, here, here–here, here–here, here, here, here–here

  Sheffield here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here

  Sheffield Society for Constitutional Information here

  Sheffield Independent here

  Shelburne, 2nd Earl and 1st Marquis of Lansdowne here, here–here, here

  and William Pitt here, here

  Sheridan, R. B. here, here, here

  Sheriffmuir, Battle of here

  Shippen, Sir William here

  shipping here

  shopkeepers here

  Shrewsbury here

  Sicily here

  Simeon, Charles here, here

  Sidmouth, Lord here–here

  Six Acts (1819) here, here

  Smith, Adam here, here, here

  social order here–here, here, here–here, here–here

  Society for Constitutional Information here, here

  Society of Friends of the People here, here, here

  Society for the Propagation of the Gospel here, here

  Society for the Reformation of Manners here, here

  Society for the Supporters of the Bill of Rights here

  Society of United Irishmen here

  South Sea Bubble here–here

  South Sea Company here, here, here

  Spain here, here, here, here, here–here

  Spectator, The here

  Spence, Thomas here, here, here

  Spencer, Lord here–here

  Squadrone here

  stability thesis here–here

  St John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke here, here, here, here

  Staffordshire here

  Stamp Act (1765) here–here, here

  standing army here, here, here, here, here, here–here

  Stanhope here, here, here

  and foreign policy here


  bureaucracy here

  central government here–here

  decentralisation here–here

  economy here, here

  expenditure here

  state trials (1794) here, here

  steel here

  Stillingfleet, Archbishop here

  Stipendiary Curates Act (1813) here–here

  stipends here–here, here–here

  ‘Stop of the Exchequer’ (1672) here

  Sugar Act (1764) here, here

  Sunday schools here, here

  Sunderland, 3rd Earl of here, here, here

  Surveyor of Highways here

  Sussex here

  Sweden here

  Swift, Dean here, here, here

  swing riots here

  tacking here, here

  Tatler, The here

  Tea Act here

  Temple, Lord here, here

  Tenison, Archbishop here

  Test Acts here

  repeal of here, here, here, here–here, here, here–here

  Thelwall, John here

  Thistlewood, A. here

  Thomason, G. here

  Thompson, E. P. here, here, here, here, here, here

  Thornton, Henry here, here

  Tierney, George here

  Tilsit, Treaty of (1807) here

  Toleration Act (1689) here, here, here

  Tone, Wolf here–here

  Tooke, Horne here, here

  Tories here–here

  (1689–1714) here, here, here–here, here–here, here

  (1714–60) here–here, here–here, here, here–here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here, here–here, here, here–here, here, here

  in 1750s here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  in 1760s here, here

  and the ’45 here

  early nineteenth century here–here, here–here

  Glorious Revolution here–here, here–here

  as a Jacobite Party here–here, here–here, here–here

  post-1832 here–here

  Reform Act (1832) here–here, here–here

  Toulon here


  and country here–here

  culture of here–here, here

  functions of here

  growth here–here

  politics in here, here, here

  professions in here–here

  Townsend, Charles (1674–1738) here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Townshend, Charles (1725–67) here, here–here, here–here

  tradesmen here

  Trafalgar, Battle of (1805) here, here

  transportation here–here, here–here

  Trevelyan, G. M. here

  Triennial Act (1694) here, here, here, here, here

  Triple Alliance (1717) here

  Troppeau, Congress of (1820) here

  Tucker, Josiah here

  Tunbridge Wells here

  Turnpike Act (1663) here

  Turnpike Act (1751) here

  turnpike trusts here, here

  Two Acts (1795) here, here, here

  Ulster here

  Ultra-Tories here, here–here

  Unitarians here, here, here

  United Irishmen here, here


  culture here

  renaissance here

  urbanisation here, here

  Utrecht, Treaty of (1713) here, here, here, here, here, here

  Vansittart here

  Vauxhall here

  Venn, Henry here

  Venn, John here

  Vernon, Admiral here, here

  Versailles, peace of (1783) here

  vestries here

  Vienna, herest Treaty of (1725) here, here

  treaty of (1815) here

  Vinegar Hill here

  Virginia here

  Vittoria, Battle of (1813) here

  Voice of the People, The here

  volunteer regiments here, here, here–here, here

  Vyvyan, Sir R. here

  Wade, General here

  Wake, Archbishop here


  Anglican Church in here, here

  and consolidation thesis here, here, here–here

  economy here, here

  Methodism in here, here

  population of here, here, here

  and Reform Act of (1832) here–here

  social structure in here, here, here–here, here

  union with England here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here

  within Britain here, here

  Walpole, Sir Robert

  achievements here, here–here

  cabinet here–here

  Court Whig here, here, here–here, here

  criticisms of here

  early career here–here, here

  economy here–here, here

  elections here–here

  family background here

  foreign policy here, here–here, here

  and George I here, here, here, here

  and George II here, here, here, here, here

  Ireland here–here

  opposition here–here, here

  parliament here–here, here–here, here–here, here–here

  party and here, here–here, here–here

  qualities here

  religion here, here–here, here

  resignation here, here

  Scotland here–here

  South Sea Bubble here–here

  Walsall here

  War of Austrian Succession here, here, here, here

  War of Jenkins’ Ear here

  War of Polish Succession here

  War of the Spanish Succession here–here, here–here, here, here, here

  Warburton, William here, here–here

  Waterloo, Battle of (1815) here

  Watt, James here

  Wellington, Duke of here, here–here, here–here, here–here, here, here, here

  Wesley, Charles here–here

  Wesley, John here–here

  West Midlands here

  Westminster here, here

  scrutiny here–here

  Whig interpretation xi–xii, here–here, here–here, here, here, here–here, here

  of Glorious Revolution here–here


  (1689–1714) here, here–here, here–here, here–here, here, here, here

  (1742–56) here–here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here

  1760s here–here, here–here, here–here, here

  early nineteenth century here–here
, here, here, here–here

  Foxite Whigs here–here, here, here–here

  Hanoverian Succession here–here, here, here

  post-Reform Act here–here

  Reform Act (1832) here–here, here–here

  Walpolean period here, here, here–here, here–here

  Whitbread, Samuel here, here

  White’s Club here

  Whitfield here, here

  Whitby here

  Wilberforce, William here, here, here, here

  wife sale here

  Wildman’s Club here

  ‘Wilkes and Liberty’ here–here

  Wilkes, John

  Grenville Ministry here, here–here

  ideological aspects here–here

  importance of here–here

  Middlesex election here, here

  organisation here–here

  in Paris here

  personality here

  popularity here–here, here

  press here

  ritual here, here

  success of here

  supporters here–here, here

  William III here, here–here, here

  becomes king here–here

  colonies here–here

  Dissenters here–here

  foreign policy here–here, here–here, here–here

  Glorious Revolution here–here

  invasion of England here–here

  Ireland here–here

  Scotland here–here

  William IV here–here, here

  Windham, William here, here, here

  Wolfe, General here

  Wollstonecraft, Mary here, here–here


  in anti-slavery movement here, here

  and Caroline agitations here

  in elections here

  in employment here–here, here–here

  and family here–here, here, here

  legal situation here, here, here

  literature here, here

  loyalism here

  in Luddism here

  Methodism here

  in Reform Societies here

  in riots here

  in 1790s here–here

  social role here, here–here

  teaching here

  towns here

  traditional view here–here, here, here

  Wood’s Halfpence here–here

  Wooler, Thomas here

  Worcester here

  Wordsworth, W. here–here

  working class

  in countryside here, here

  distress here

  by 1815 here–here

  gradual emergence here

  institutions here

  in politics here

  Wrightson, Keith here–here

  Wyndham, Sir W. here

  Wynns of Wynnstay here

  Wyvill, Christopher, petitioning movement

  causes here–here

  failure here–here

  ideology here

  organisation here

  Reform Bills here

  Reform Movement here, here–here

  Yorkshire here–here

  Yarmouth here

  York here, here, here

  York, Duke of here

  Yorkshire here–here

  Yorktown, Battle of here–here, here–here


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