Rollo at Play; Or, Safe Amusements

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Rollo at Play; Or, Safe Amusements Page 18

by Jacob Abbott


  Rollo's mother advised him, when he went to bed the evening before theday fixed upon for the blueberrying, to rise early the next morning, andtake a good reading lesson before breakfast. She said he would enjoyhimself much more, during the day, if he performed all his usual dutiesbefore he went. Rollo accordingly arose quite early, and, when he camein to breakfast, had the satisfaction of telling his father that he hadread his morning lesson, and prepared his basket, and was all ready togo.

  He wanted Jonas to go too, and as, the last time when he asked hisfather's permission that he should go, he lost his request by asking itin an improper manner, he determined to be careful this time.

  So he was silent at breakfast time while his father and mother weretalking, and then, watching an opportunity when they seemed disengaged,he asked his father if Jonas might not go with them.

  "I do not think he can very well, for there is no room for him. Both thechaises will be full."

  "But could not he ride on Old Trumpeter?" said Rollo.

  Old Trumpeter was a white horse, that had served the family some time,but was now rather old, and not a very good traveller.

  Rollo's father hesitated a moment, and then said, perhaps he might. "Youmay go and tell him that we are going, and that if he thinks OldTrumpeter will do to carry him, he may go. He will be of great help tous, if we should get into any difficulty."

  Rollo thought of the bears that he expected to see on the mountain, andran to tell Jonas. Jonas was glad to go. So he went and gave OldTrumpeter some oats, and got the saddle and bridle ready. He also gotout a pair of saddle-bags that he always used on such occasions, and putinto them a hatchet, a dipper, a box of matches, and some rope. Onsecond thoughts, he concluded it would be best to put these things intothe chaise-box, and to put the saddle-bags on his horse empty, as hemight want them to bring something home in.

  After breakfast, Lucy and her father, Rollo's uncle George, drove up tothe door, for they were going too; and in a short time you might haveseen all the party driving away from the door--Rollo's father and motherin the first chaise, uncle George, and Rollo, and Lucy, in the second,and Jonas on Old Trumpeter behind.

  They rode on for a mile or two, and then turned off of the main roadinto the woods, and went on by a winding and beautiful road until theycame in sight of a range of mountains, one of which seemed very high andnear.

  "Is that Benalgon?" said Rollo.

  "I do not know," said his uncle; "I have never been to it before; but Isuppose Jonas can tell."

  "I will call him," said Rollo. So he turned round, and kneeled up uponthe seat, so that he could look out behind the chaise, for the backcurtain was up. Lucy did the same, but Jonas was not to be seen. Theylooked a little longer, and presently saw him coming along round a curvein the road. They beckoned to him, and as he rode up, they saw he had abush in his hand. He came up to the side of the chaise, and handed it toRollo. It was a large blueberry-bush, covered with beautiful ripe blueberries. Rollo took them, and admired them very much; and at first hewas going to divide them between Lucy and himself; but they concluded,on the whole, to send them forward to his mother. Jonas told them themountain before them _was_ Benalgon, and rode on to carry theblueberry-bush to the other chaise. Presently he came back, bringing itwith him, except a small sprig which Rollo's mother had taken off. Therest she had sent back to the children.

  "Well, Jonas," said uncle George, when he got back, "I do not see butthat Old Trumpeter is strong enough to carry you yet."

  "O yes, sir," said Jonas, "he is strong enough to carry half a dozenlike me."

  "O, uncle George," said Rollo, "let him carry me too with Jonas. I canride behind."

  "Very well; if you want to ride with him a little while, you may, ifJonas is willing."

  Jonas was, and Rollo got out, and climbed up upon a stump, by the sideof the road. Jonas drove up to the stump, and Rollo clambered up behindhim, with a switch in his hand.

  "Now, Jonas," said he, "whenever you want him to go any faster, you justspeak to me, and I will touch him up with my switch."

  Jonas said he would, and they jogged along behind the chaise. Lucykneeled upon the cushion, and looked out behind, talking with Rollo.


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