Blacksheep! Blacksheep!

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Blacksheep! Blacksheep! Page 6

by Meredith Nicholson



  They breathed deep of the tonic air of the North as they left thesleeper. Huddleston was a forlorn village with one street that displayeda single line of buildings against a background of saw mill and sawdust.An unpainted structure bearing the inscription, "Grand Hotel;Fishermen's Resort" presented a picture of complete desolation to thetravelers. The further arm of the bay was a strip of green in thedistance.

  A fisherman posed in monumental majesty on a weatherbeaten pile oflumber on the wharf was the only human being in sight on the water sideof the town. Just as the train pulled out he jerked up his pole,flinging a perch high in air and catching it with a yell of delight.Archie sighed with relief as the fisherman, now standing erect to unhookthe perch, turned toward them. It was the Governor, rakishly trigged outin knickerbockers, with a cap smartly tilted over one ear and a scarfsnapping about his face in the lively wind.

  "This looks like the end of the world," Congdon remarked dejectedly asthey walked toward the hotel. "I was a fool to come here and drag youalong."

  "Don't worry about me," said Archie cheerfully. "We'll make a lark ofit. Your daughter's probably around here somewhere. We'll lay low andsee what turns up."

  A man emerged from the hotel and crossed the street. Archie identifiedhim at once as Red Leary, to whom the Governor had delivered the stolenmoney at Walker's farm. Leary made no sign of ever having seen Archiebefore but picked up the luggage and led the way to the hotel. Archie'sadmiration for the Governor soared to new heights at this manifestationof the thoroughness of his preparations. Something had been said atWalker's about Leary's retirement to northern Michigan, but at that timeHuddleston had not, he was sure, figured in the Governor's plans. Learywalked round the counter and turned the register for their signatures.

  "We jes' opened the house last week; she's been shet up quite a spellbut they're goin' t' open the mill ag'in. Jest now there ain't a soul intown. Those houses and the store are boarded up tight. The railroadagent stays here to run the water tank and sleeps in the station. Yep;one other gent's registered." He placed his finger on "Reginald HeberSaulsbury" in the Governor's flowing autograph. "All the way from NewYork. I guess you'll find him all right. Blew in a couple of days ago;says he come out here seekin' peace for his soul; them's his verywords."

  "I judge there's a large surplus of soul stuff hereabouts," remarkedCongdon. "By the way, you haven't seen anything of a little girl abouthere, have you--a child of eleven?"

  "Not one of 'em but a whole passel," replied Leary lifting his headafter scrawling the numbers of the rooms against their names. "They's acamp o' city girls across the bay. The day I got here a whole trainloadof 'em was hauled up from Chicago. Y' never saw such a lively bunch. Andyestiddy I was over that way lookin' up fishin' places to recommend toour guests and saw the whole outfit swimmin'. A cute lot o' youngsters.Mos' likely th' camp'll bring considerable business to the hotel; folkscomin' up to visit their kids."

  "Well, I suppose that's the trick," said Congdon as Leary startedupstairs with their bags. "Edith has been put in a camp; her mother'swork, of course. Not a bad idea. All I want to be sure of is that thechild's in good hands. This is a beastly hole but I guess we can makeout for a day or two and I'll see if I can get a glimpse of Edith."

  "Oh, we'll have to study the situation a little," Archie answered. "Idon't question your daughter's all right. We can make out here for a fewdays anyhow."

  The house had been renovated and their rooms were better than the grimexterior promised.

  "There'll be dinner at twelve," said Leary; "and if you want to try yourhand at trollin' for pickerel I'll fix you up later in the afternoon.Mr. Saulsbury's been snatchin' up perch all mornin'. I'm tired out jestfrom settin' on the porch and watchin' 'im."

  Mrs. Leary, in spite of the fact disclosed by the Governor at Walker's,that she had conducted a fence in Chicago and was prone to view preciousstones with a covetous eye, bore all the marks of respectability. Sheentered the dining-room briskly, her motherly face heated from therange, and placed a large platter of fried chicken on the table.

  "Jes' help yerselves, gents. We've hardly got goin' yet but I got awaitress on the way from Chicago and she'll spare me some steps."

  "Ah!" ejaculated the Governor, pausing dramatically in the door andeyeing the newly arrived guests as though their presence filled him withastonishment. He bowed to them and remarked upon the fineness of theday.

  "I guess you folks'll get acquainted without bein' introduced," observedMrs. Leary. "It's always nicer in a summer resort when folks gettogether sociable-like. You wanted radishes, Mr. Saulsbury, and you'llnotice I got 'em fer you."

  "Madam," said the Governor in his most elaborate manner, "I knew you atonce for a woman of kind heart! I am not in the least surprised to findmyself in the presence of the noblest radishes I have ever seen."

  In a moment more he had introduced himself to Archie and Congdon. He hadspent a jolly morning, he announced. Not in years had he enjoyed himselfso hugely. He delivered a lecture on fish only to celebrate in sonorousperiods the humble perch, scorned by epicures. It was the mostdelectable of all the finny genus, superior even to the pompano.Congdon, first irritated by the Governor's volubility, was soon laughingat his whimsical speeches and by the time they moved to the narrowveranda to smoke he was both puzzled and amused. Archie had been withthe Governor so constantly and was so familiar with his tangentialmental processes that he was glad of an opportunity to watch the effectof his patter upon a man of his own world. It was clear that theGovernor was at pains to make himself agreeable to Congdon. He touchedupon public affairs, sensibly and convincingly, then turned handspringsthrough the arts and sciences.

  "Rather odd my being here," he rippled on; "and I need hardly say thatit's a pleasure to meet on this bleak shore two gentlemen of yourcaliber. I told a friend of mine in Chicago that I was enormously fed upwith cities and the general human pressure and wanted to go to the mostGod-forsaken spot in America. And he answered without a moment'shesitation that Huddleston, Michigan, would satisfy my loftiest ideal ofgodforsakenness. He had been here straightening up some land titles andcamped out for a week with a surveyor and ate out of a skillet. He's oneof these fussy fellows who sends an order of chops back to a clubkitchen a dozen times before he's satisfied,--you know the type. He'sprobably laughing himself to death right now thinking how miserable Iam. But I refuse to be bored; never in my life have I been bored! Eventhe sawdust pyramids and the stumps are magnificent in their desolation.I feel it in my bones that something extraordinary is going to happen.Something's got to happen or the lake will rise in one vast wave anddestroy Huddleston. I hope you gentlemen share my feeling that ourmeeting has been ordered by the gods and that we shall stand or falltogether."

  "If we've got to put the responsibility somewhere the gods may have it,"laughed Congdon. "I'm a cripple, as you see, but as Comly and I haven'ta thing to do we'll give you a day or two to kick up some excitement. Itmay entertain you to know that my coming here was due to an anonymoustelegram."

  "Excellent! I'm delighted to know that there's some of the old romanticspirit left in the world! It pleases me clear through to meet a man whowill act on an anonymous telegram and not ring up the police to asktheir stupid advice."

  With a wave of the hand he left them, declaring it to be his purpose tospend the afternoon in the woods.

  "What do you make of that chap?" Congdon asked as the Governor strolledaway, swinging a stick, and disappeared at the end of the street.

  "He talks like a nonsense book," Archie replied. "I hope he won't becomea nuisance!"

  "A cheerful soul, I should call him. He's likely to make the place moretolerable."

  When Congdon pleaded weariness Archie put him to bed and then saunteredaway, following a dirt road that wound through the timber. In a littlewhile he came upon the Governor lying with his back against a tree,reading Horace.

  "You arrive most opportunely!" he said, without lifting his ey
es fromthe book. "I was pining for some one to read this ode to."

  He not only read the ode but expounded it, dwelling upon felicities thathad eluded him before. With countless questions crying for answer Archiewas obliged to feign interest in the poem until the Governor thrust thebook into his pocket with a sigh and led the way to the beach.

  "Well, you landed him here!" he remarked, seating himself on a log andproducing his pipe. "Or did he bring you? One would think you were oldchums to see you together. Not a bad fellow, I should say."

  "He's really a good sort," said Archie; "but I'll tell you the wholestory."

  The Governor listened placidly, interrupting only when Archie repeatedwhat Congdon had said of Isabel.

  "A wonderful girl!" he ejaculated. "Makes it her business to tease theworld along. Laughing in her sleeve all the time. I must say it's oddthat both you and Congdon should be the victims of her wiles. My burdensare heavier than I knew, for I've got to get you both out of yourscrapes."

  "You don't seem to appreciate how horrible I felt when I found myselfliking that fellow. To say I was embarrassed doesn't express it! And Inearly gave myself away when he told me he'd killed a man, your friendHoky, you know. I nearly confessed all I knew of that business just toease the poor chap's mind."

  "But you didn't, Archie! You couldn't have done anything so foolish. Mytutoring hasn't been wholly wasted on you, after all. You managed thetrip admirably; I haven't a point to criticize; but now to get down tobrass tacks. What you learned of old Eliphalet Congdon's meddlesomenessjibes exactly with what I know of his character. Let me show yousomething, Archie."

  He walked out upon the gravelly shore and pointed through the wide-flungarms of the bay.

  "Do you see a little blur of smoke out yonder in the open lake? That'sthe _Arthur B. Grover_ proceeding under her own steam, with all thedignity of a transatlantic liner. I took up my option and the bloomin'thing is mine. It's got a crew of the smartest crooks in all America.Men of genius in the field of felony, and a few of them talented inother lines. One chap a navigator, able to sail a ship round the Horn,and yet he prefers to play the shell game at rural fairs. And Perky's onboard with old Eliphalet Congdon! Yes, sir; the old boy is right thereas safe as King Arthur when the dark barge bore him away to the sound ofwailing. Perky sent me a wire from Mackinac this morning saying that allis well on our frigate. They have orders to hang around out there till Isignal them to come in. But, my dear Archie--"

  He refilled his pipe and when he had it going to his satisfaction wavedhis arm toward the camp.

  "There's a queer business going on over there. Ruth told me at Rochesterthat when I brought Edith up here I'd better leave the train atCalderville, the first station south of Huddleston, and drive to Hearto' Dreams Camp through the woods. Well, the road over there was only atrail and I had a hard job getting through, but made it all right. Ruthand Isabel were delighted with our success. That's all easy. But thosegirls are in trouble."

  "Well, hurry on!" said Archie, sitting up straight.

  "Oh, that cousin of Isabel's is not a myth at all as I rather thought hemight be; and that money may be buried over there somewhere, you know.And the cousin's laying himself out to annoy the camp in every waypossible, even going the length of trying to starve 'em out. There's astack of supplies at the Huddleston station that they can't move."

  "You forget," cried Archie excitedly, "that there are laws even in thewilderness! If that fellow's looking for trouble all we've got to do isto telephone for the sheriff and land him in jail. The jails up in thisneck of woods are probably highly uncomfortable."

  "I grant all that," said the Governor sprawling at ease. "But thenotoriety of the thing would kill the camp. Once it got into thenewspapers every father and mother who has a child out yonder would goright up in the air. It would make a great first page story--buriedtreasure--a war for hidden gold centered about a girls' camp. That wholeyarn about the haughty southerner planting his money in safe territorytill he saw which way the cat jumped is fruity stuff for our specialcorrespondent on the spot. No, Archie; ladies of quality like our Ruthand Isabel must be protected from vulgar publicity, and we don't wantany sheriffs or newspaper reporters nosing around. It's up to you and meto smooth out their troubles without resorting to bothersome legalapparatus. The camp has no telephone; the road round to that peninsulais all but inaccessible. They have a launch they're in the habit ofusing to carry stuff across from Huddleston, but Mr. Richard Careyblocks the way! I got all this when I was delivering Edith over there atthe back door. And Carey is camped at the land entrance, with an army oflumberjacks to help him maintain a blockade. On my way out I ran thegantlet, and if you think Carey is only fooling about this buriedtreasure business, gaze on this!"

  He took off his cap and pointed to a hole through the baggy top.

  "A bullet, Archie, fired from ambush with murderous intent."

  "But she said her cousin was in love with her! It can't be possiblethat he's resorting to violence to drive her off land that belongs toher, with the idea that she'll meet him at the altar afterwards."

  "There's no loving touch in that bullet hole! Heart o' Dreams Camp is indanger as long as that lunatic runs loose. They can't communicate withHuddleston or Calderville in their launch because Carey patrols theshore. It's a siege, Archie, and they're going to be hard put forprovisions in another day or two."

  "Then it's our duty to relieve the beleaguered garrison?"

  "Nothing less than that! When I took Edith over to Heart o' Dreams,Isabel and Ruth wouldn't let me stay long enough to plan anything. Theywere pretty anxious, of course, with Carey trying to smoke them out; andthey were afraid Putney would try to take Edith away from them. But fromwhat you say it's only Eliphalet who's made the trouble and we don'tneed to fear anything from Putney. If it comes to a showdown I ratherthink he'll play with us. You're sure he doesn't suspect that Isabel'sthe head of Heart o' Dreams?"

  "He hasn't the ghost of an idea of it. I tell you his spirit's brokenanyhow. With Hoky's murder on his mind and the general muddle of hisfamily affairs he doesn't care much which way the wind blows."

  "That man needs occupation and we may find some way of using him. Helooks as though he had red blood in him; a fighter if he was thoroughlyaroused. If he knew the trick I've played on his father I guess thatwould tickle him considerably. The idea of old Eliphalet with hismillions cruising the lakes with a band of the most accomplishedoutlaws in America is funny, Archie; real comedy I should call it. He'sa prisoner on the _Arthur B. Grover_, only he doesn't know it. Imobilized that outfit thinking we might need some help up here andincidentally to keep Eliphalet where I could put my hand on him; but thewhole thing's complicated, Archie. It's far more of a mess than Iexpected."

  He found a smooth patch of sand and with a stick drew a number ofdiagrams, carefully effacing them after they had served his purpose.

  "Humph! This is no time for weakening! Over there, Archie,"--he pointedtoward Heart o' Dreams--"are the two finest women in the world. We'regoing to stand by them no matter whose head gets cracked."

  He spoke lightly, but his brow clouded. It was evident that something ofunhappy augury had been, revealed in his last appeal to the heavens.

  "I want to be alone for a while," he said brusquely, "I'll turn up atsupper time."


  At the supper table a new direction was given to Archie's thoughts, fora time at least. Fortunately his nerves had grown accustomed to shocksand he was only dazed now by the intrusion of a new figure on the scene.The Governor and Congdon were already at the table when he reached thedining-room. Mrs. Leary had referred to an assistant she was expectingon the afternoon train, and as Archie appeared at the door a neatlyattired waitress walked sedately before him to his place.

  Sally Walker had faded in a long perspective of crowding memories. Henever expected to see Sally again, but if the girl who stood by hischair was not Sally she was her twin. He sank into his seat, watchingher out of the corner of his eye as she
passed through the swing doorwith a flutter of her snowy apron. He replied feebly to the Governor'sbantering salutation and nervously played with his fork. The Governorwas soaring and Archie's bewilderment was evidently affording him secretdelight.

  Sally was not merely a past mistress of dissimulation; she was theundisputed reigning queen in that realm. She served the table with astrictly professional air, in no way betraying the fact that two of theguests had lately enjoyed the hospitality of her father's house or thatshe had beguiled one of them by the grossest misrepresentations toassist her to elope.

  "There's custard and apple," she recited finally, "or you may have wheatcakes with syrup," and as Archie covertly met her eyes she winked, awink not sly or vulgar but a wink expressive of mischief on a holidayand quite content with itself.

  He was enormously curious to know how she had reached Huddleston andwhat her adventures had been on the way--matters as to which the suaveGovernor was no doubt fully informed, though he showed no disposition todisclose them.

  For a gentleman, the guest of an inn, to lurk round the kitchen doorwaiting for a chance to address a waitress is wholly undignified, butArchie was doing this very thing the moment he could escape from theGovernor and Congdon. Mrs. Leary was upstairs preparing additionalrooms against the chance of further arrivals and Sally was alone in thekitchen.

  "Well, I've got the same old job," she remarked carelessly, as Archiepaused uncertainly on the threshold. "You're a pay guest here and Ican't let you swing a towel, so if you want to talk take a chair on theside lines."

  Sally was as handsome as ever; he had not been mistaken in thinking hera very handsome and attractive girl with a distinct charm. It seemedaeons ago that he had kissed her; in fact it was almost unbelievable thathe had ever kissed so radiant a being. She received him as an oldfriend, without a trace of embarrassment. Her ease put him at seriousdisadvantage. He was at a loss to know how to impress upon her theheinousness of the deceit she had practised upon him.

  "Sally," he began in a tone that he meant to be sternly paternal, "Ihope you realize that you treated me very shabbily up there at yourfather's. You not only behaved disgracefully, but you threw away yourlife, and the bright promise of your future. I was very stupid to fallinto your trap. If things go wrong with you I shall always blame myself.And I don't see any chance for happiness for you unless you change yourways."

  She deliberately concluded the drying of a plate, put it down, and threwthe towel aside.

  "Look here," she began, folding her arms and walking slowly toward him;"I'm not the worst girl in the world and I'm far from being the best. Ilied to you and it was a nasty trick; but I had to get away from thatfarm; I simply couldn't stand it any longer. And I'd worried a lot aboutbeing the daughter of a crook; I honestly had. I always knew it wouldcome out in me some way, and I thought the sooner the better. I just hadto do some rotten thing to satisfy myself as to how it feels. You canunderstand that, can't you?"

  "I think I can, Sally," he stammered. "But--"

  "There's no butting about it! I just had to try it once, and you camealong just when I needed you. Yes, sir; I took advantage of you becauseI saw you were a gentleman and sympathetic and full of that chivalrystuff; and I played on your feelings and made you the little goat. Itwasn't nice of me."

  "It certainly approached the unpardonable, Sally. And you not onlyruined your own life but nearly caused me to lose my best friend. I'mstill pretty sore about that. But what hurt me most was that yousacrificed your opportunity to be somebody in the world, to be a noble,useful woman. You linked yourself for life to a slinking, scoundrellythief!"

  Sally laughed mockingly. Then, her hands on her hips, she regarded himpityingly.

  "You poor goose! You sure didn't get my number right! If you thought Iwas going to be tied up for the rest of my days with a miserable littlewretch like Pete Barney you certainly had me wrong. I just had to turn afew handsprings, and you needn't tell me how disgusted you are when Isay that all I wanted was to know how it feels to lie and steal."

  "Yes; you stole some money from your father; that was very wrong,Sally."

  "Say, you make me tired! What I borrowed from pop I'll pay back. Thelow-down thing I did was to take that string of diamonds away fromBarney. He slipped 'em to me that night as we were on the way to thepreacher's to get married. Married! Do you think I really wanted tomarry that man! Do you think I _am_ married to him now? Why, I gave himthe slip at the first station after I kissed you good-by and I haven'tseen him since. And I never intend to see him again! I ducked round tillI got to a place on the underground railroad I knew about from pop; andthey took good care of me. Then I slid to Petoskey where the Learys werestarting up their refreshment shop and was just learning how to makesoft drinks look wicked when the Governor jerked a wire to Red and thatgrand old girl his wife to come here and open up this moldy old joint.My folks know where I am now and as soon as they coax me a little I'llgo home and be a nice little girl for the rest of my life."

  "But the diamonds--"

  "Don't be so tragic or I'll burst out crying! I've got the sparklershidden safe; and I'm going to get the Governor to help make a deal togive 'em back to the owner if he won't prosecute Barney. I wouldn't wantthat man, even if he's only my husband on paper, to go over the road onmy account. I'm satisfied with my kick-up and you needn't be afraid I'llbreak any more Commandments."

  "Where's Barney now?" demanded Archie suspiciously.

  "In jail in Buffalo, if you must know! They pinched him on an old case,so you needn't blame me. I tell you I'm clear done with him. Love thatworm! He just gave me an excuse to let my blacksheep blood ripple alittle and it's all over now. And I'm sorry I played you for a sucker;honest I am. You gave me a lot of money for a wedding present and asthe wedding doesn't count I'm going to give it back. You'll find ittucked away in your collar-box in the top drawer of your bureau. I guessthat's about all, so you can trot back to the front of the house."

  With a finality that closed discussion she fell energetically upon thedishes, and he left her to join the Governor and Congdon. Hisenlightenment as to the complexity of human nature was proceeding. Sallywas wonderful, astonishing, baffling. He did not question that this timeshe had told him the truth. He was touched by her confession that herescapade was merely an experiment to test her blood for inherited evil.There was an enormous pathos in this; Sally needed help and guidance. Hewould discuss the matter with the Governor the moment they had disposedof their more urgent affairs.


  At nine when Congdon announced his intention of going to bed Archieassisted him as usual.

  "This air's setting me up," said Putney, as Archie inspected thecrippled shoulder. "The doctor told me to begin exercising that arm assoon as the soreness left it. How does the wound look?"

  "Like a vaccination mark in the wrong place; that's all. You certainlyhad a close call, old man. Only a few inches lower and it would havepierced your heart."

  In their hours together Archie had never been able to free his mind ofthe disagreeable fact that he had so nearly killed Congdon; and he wasbeset now by the thought that sooner or later he must confess hisculpability in the Bailey Harbor shooting. Congdon was accepting him atface value, and the thing wasn't square. Every time he touched theinjured shoulder his conscience pricked him.

  "I've got to tell Congdon I shot him and that he was in no wayresponsible for Hoky's death," he announced determinedly to theGovernor, whom he found pacing the street in front of the hotel.

  "Of course you'll tell him, but not yet. I'm mistaken in the man if heacts ugly about it. The proper way to tell a man you've tried to killhim and that he's carrying the scar of your bullet is to mention itincidentally, when you're walking home from church with him, or allowinghim to sign the check for your lunch. Seriously, it was merely adeplorable error on both sides and I believe he'll see it that way. Butuntil we get some other things cleared up we'll let him think he killedHoky, just to keep him humble. And now that he's off the invali
d listwe'll let him share some of the little adventures that lie before us.Tonight we've got a matter on hand that's better done by ourselves. Ifyou think he's safe for a few hours we'll go ahead."

  He stopped on the way to the wood-bordered shore and produced from afence corner an electric lamp and two revolvers.

  "Stick one of these in your pocket. We're not going to add to our crimesif we can help it, but I owe somebody a shot for that nip in my cap."

  A stiff wind from the open lake was whipping up battalions of whitecapsthat danced eerily in the starlight. At a point half a mile from thevillage the Governor flashed his lamp along a bank that hung over thebeach and found a canoe and a row boat hidden in a thicket.

  "We're all fixed. Good old Leary planted these things for us while wewere at supper."

  He gave the whistle Archie remembered from his first encounter with theGovernor, and in a moment Leary stood beside them.

  They had carried the boats to the water's edge when the Governorsuddenly stood erect. The monotonous tum tum of a gasoline engine wasborne to them out of the darkness.

  "Carey has a boat of some power," the Governor remarked, "and as hecarries no lights we've got to take the chance of sneaking round him orgetting run down. We must impress it on Ruth and Isabel that they're notto attempt to run the blockade. Then we've got to get rid of Carey; puthim clean out of business. You and Red take the row boat and trail me;I'll scout ahead with the canoe. If one of us gets smashed the otherwill pick up the casualties."

  The canoe shot forward, the Governor driving the paddle with a practisedhand. The row boat followed, Leary at the oars and Archie serving him aspilot. As they moved steadily toward the middle of the bay they markedmore and more clearly the passage of the launch as it patrolled thefarther shore.

  Leary pulled a strong stroke and Archie was obliged to check him fromtime to time to avoid collision with the Governor's craft. At intervalspassing clouds dimmed the star-glow and in one of these periods a dullbump ahead gave Archie a fright.

  "Steady! I'll be all right in a moment!" the Governor calledreassuringly.

  He had run into a log that lay across his path and the canoe hadattempted to jump it. When he reported himself free they went aheadalert for further manifestations from the launch, which for some timehad given no hint of its position.

  They were two-thirds of the way across the bay when the Governor gavethe signal to stop and they drew together for a conference.

  "They must be keeping watch," said Archie calling attention to lights onthe shore. "If we could land without frightening the girls to death--"

  The Governor whistled through his teeth. Somewhere to the left of themas they lay fronting the camp, a sharp blow was struck upon metal. Itwas repeated fitfully for several minutes.

  "It's Carey tinkering his engine. He's been playing possum off there."

  The launch was so near that they heard the waves slapping its sides.Archie and Leary gripped the canoe tight while the Governor listened forany indications of a change in Carey's position.

  Suddenly Leary sprang up in the tossing boat.

  "Look ahead!" he exclaimed, leveling his arm at a shadow that darted outof the darkness and passed between them and the launch. The Governor sawit and stifled a cry of dismay.

  "Two women in a canoe! They're going to run for it!"

  "They are fools!" growled Leary settling himself to the oars andswinging the boat round.

  The Governor had already turned the canoe and was furiously plying hispaddle. A lantern shot its beams from the phantom craft, but the lightvanished immediately.

  "There goes his engine," the Governor called as he took the lead. "Hespotted that light and will try to run them down."

  Isabel and Ruth, attempting to elude Carey's blockade and seek help atHuddleston, were forcing a crisis that might at any minute result indisaster. It was close upon midnight, and there was no help to be hadfrom either shore. A fierce anger surged through Archie's heart. Therecould have been no safer place to commit murder than the quiet bay atthe dead of night. Ultimately the bodies would be washed up; there wouldbe the usual inquiries and a report of accidental drowning.

  It was incredible that Carey would attempt to run down two women on thedark bay and it was apparently his intention to circle round them anddrive them back to the camp. Neither the canoe of the adventurous womennor the launch was visible from the row boat, though the engine's rapidpulsations indicated the line of Carey's pursuit. To shout to the daringwomen that help was at hand would only alarm them, and Archie crouchedin the bow, peering ahead for the silhouette of the Governor as hiscanoe rose on the waves.

  The launch executed a wide half-circle, stopped and retraced its course.Leary, refusing to relinquish the oars, swore between strokes, theobject of his maledictions being the invisible Carey, whom he consignedto the bottom of the lake in phrases that struck Archie as singularlyfelicitous. In spite of their steady advance and the frequent turns andtwists of the launch, the canoe and row boat seemed to approach nonearer to the enemy. There was no doubt but that Carey knew a craft ofsome kind had put off from the camp and he was determined to interceptit; but he was still unconscious of the presence in the bay of the threemen from Huddleston.

  The Governor called to Archie to stop following and move in thedirection of the town, independently of his own movements, thusbroadening the surface they were covering with a view to succoring thecanoe. As though with malevolent delight in the fear he was causing,Carey rapidly changed the course of the launch, urging it backward andforward with a resulting wild agitation of the waters. In one of theseevolutions it passed within oar's length of the row boat.

  "Keep on swearing!" cried Archie. "He's not a man; he's the devil!"

  The launch passed again, like a dark bird skimming the water, and hetook off his shoes and threw aside his coat.

  "If that blackguard keeps this up we may have to swim for it! Give methe oars; I want to warm up!"

  They were changing positions when the launch, executing another of itserratic evolutions, again swept by. A second later they were startled bya crash followed by screams and cries for help. Leary whistled shrillyto attract the Governor's attention and bent to the oars.

  Carey shut off his power the moment he struck the canoe, whether insudden alarm at the success of his design or in the hope of picking upthe victims of his animosity was a question Archie left for a moretranquil hour's speculation. A shout from the Governor announced that hewas hurrying toward the scene of the collision.

  The launch, running full speed, had struck hard and it was sheer goodluck that the camp canoe had not been cut in two and the occupantskilled. The drumming of the engine had ceased but a searchlight sweepingthe water indicated the launch's position. The beam fell for a momentupon the Governor, paddling madly; another sweep of the light disclosedtwo heads bobbing on the waves some distance away from him.

  "Bear left!" cried Leary, seizing an oar. "Slow down! Stop!"

  Archie backed water and the bow sprung high as Leary plunged into thebay.

  The light playing upon the scene from the launch fell in turn upon thestruggling women, the Governor and Leary swimming toward them, andArchie steadying the row boat ready to aid in the rescue. The appearanceof unknown men evidently frightened Carey, for he turned off his lightand retreated toward the inner recesses of the bay.

  The rescuers were now dependent upon sound and the starlight in theurgent business of marking the position of the young women. A handgrasped Archie's trailing oar and in a moment with Leary's assistance hehad gotten one of the women into the boat. The men now redoubled theirefforts to find the second victim of the catastrophe, shouting to keeptrack of one another and to hearten the girl who was somewhere battlingfor her life.

  A faint cry, hardly distinguishable above the commotion of the waves,caught Archie's ear and he jumped into the water and swam toward it. Inmaking a stroke his arm fell upon the side of the overturned canoe. Apitiful little whimper startled him; he touched a f
ace and his fingerscaught in a woman's hair. The canoe still retained enough buoyancy tosupport him, and his lusty cries brought the Governor to his side,followed an instant later by Leary, laboriously pushing the boat beforehim.

  They worked in silence save for the sharp commands of the Governor. Theboat had to be balanced against the lifting of the second figure overthe side, and Leary managed this, while Archie and the Governor, aftertwice failing, with a supreme effort, got the second girl aboard.

  Leary was running the ray of an electric lamp over the faces of the twoyoung women when one of them sat up and muttered in a choking,frightened tone, "Oh, Isabel!" Whereupon she began to laughhysterically.

  "Thank God Ruth is safe!" cried the Governor. "But Isabel--?"

  "They were both taking care of themselves when we picked them up," saidArchie, holding to the side of the boat. "We haven't a case of drowningto deal with."

  "We'll make for the camp as fast as possible. I'll take the oars," saidthe Governor. "You and Leary follow in my canoe."

  The Governor sent the boat swiftly toward the camp with Archie and Learyclose behind. Ruth, protesting that she was only chilled by her ducking,vigorously manipulated the arms of her prostrate companion. When shehailed the shore a lantern flashed in answer and the camp doctor andIsabel's mother met them at the landing. They had heard the crash of thecollision and the reassuring cries that had announced the rescue.

  "Lungs all clear; a case of exhaustion or shock," announced the doctorcrisply, and Archie formed a high opinion of her as a capable personwhom he should always remember gratefully.

  Ruth declared that she was able to walk but Isabel became the object oftheir immediate concern. She lay in the boat muttering incoherently.Archie gathered her up in his arms and bore her to the hospital tentwhere a nurse awaited them.

  "You gentlemen must go at once to the bath house on the shore," orderedthe doctor with a brisk professional air. "Take one of these lanterns,and strip and rub yourselves dry. Hot coffee will be sent you shortly.As there isn't a man on the place we can't offer you dry clothing, butif you need medical attention let me know."

  The tent flap fell.

  "We're lucky devils," said the Governor, as they wrung the water fromtheir clothes in the bath house. "If we hadn't been just where we werethose girls would have drowned. In their skirts they couldn't have madethe shore. Lucky I say!"

  "We have some unfinished business," remarked Archie. "We're going totake up this little matter with Mr. Carey before I sleep again."

  "Patience!" cried the Governor, now in high spirits though his teethchattered. "It was his inning; he kept them from reaching Huddleston,but we don't want to waste our chance of scoring when we go to bat.Patience; and then more patience!"

  "You don't mean to say that you're not going to notify the authoritiesnow?" demanded Archie. "It would give me the greatest satisfaction tosend him over the road for attempted murder."

  "We could do that beyond question; but I've already told you, my dearboy, that we are going to be the sole judge of the law and the evidencein these matters. I mean to end my career as the prince of villains witha flourish. There shall be no loose ends. My time is short. Before theweek is out I've got to tie all pending matters up in neat packagesadorned with pink ribbons. Moon, stars and all other influences are justright for a successful termination of my seven years of servitude to thepowers of darkness, and if I don't shake 'em off at the exact momentordained by the heavens I'm committed to another seven years ofwandering. There you have it in a nutshell. Marriage, home, a life oftranquil respectability with the women we love; that's ahead of us if weplay the cards right. When you speak of calling sheriffs intoconsultation you make me slightly ill. Old sinners like Leary and mehave no confidence in the law's benevolence; and it may occur to youthat inquiries as to our immediate past might be embarrassing. We shallhold to our course, Archie!"

  A pot of coffee and a basket of sandwiches were left at the bath housedoor and they partook with the zest of shipwrecked mariners. At the endof an hour, reclad in their wet clothes, they huddled at the landingwaiting for news from the hospital tent. Mrs. Perry came down presentlyto report that Isabel and Ruth were asleep.

  "Isabel has a badly bruised hand--no bones broken but it was an uglysmash. She will have to carry it in a sling for a few days."

  "Her hand," Archie murmured, so quaveringly that Mrs. Perry looked athim curiously.

  That one of Isabel's adorable hands should be injured enraged him; hefelt the hurt in his own heart, and he resolved that Carey should paydearly for an offense that surpassed all other crimes that had ever beencommitted from the beginning of time.

  "We have taken every precaution to guard against any unhappyconsequences of their immersion," Mrs. Perry continued. "There's somedanger of cold, but Dr. Reynolds is a skilful young woman, and of courseIsabel and Ruth are strong, vigorous girls. They will be laughing attheir misadventures by noon tomorrow."

  "You're lifting our spirits a lot," said Archie, and Leary, standing alittle behind him, chokingly ejaculated a heartfelt "thank God!"

  "I wish," said Mrs. Perry, "we might proclaim to the world your gallantconduct; but for any report of this matter to get abroad would bedisastrous, a dire calamity, as you can see. The camp day begins early,and it would be best for you to return to Huddleston and keep silent asto the accident."

  "We appreciate all that, and you may count on our discretion," said theGovernor. "Let me say first that as to the danger of starvation, youneed have no fear on that score. I wired yesterday for a tug I'msomewhat interested in to pick up supplies at Harbor Springs and it willput in here some time during the afternoon."

  "You are wonderful!" exclaimed Mrs. Perry. "After you ran past thebarricade so successfully and delivered the little Congdon girl I'vebeen sure Ruth's confidence in you isn't misplaced."

  "That was a trifling matter. I wish you'd tell me before we leave justhow much credence you give this buried treasure story? While we'reabout it we must go to the bottom of that."

  The rays of the lantern Archie held disclosed an incredulous smile onMrs. Perry's face. She was a tall handsome woman, very like Isabel, evenin the tones of her voice and in an occasional gesture; and she hadIsabel's fine eyes.

  "I've never thought that more than a fairy tale," she said. "I shouldnot want you gentlemen to waste time or run the risk of bodily injury inlooking for chests of money that may never have been buried here at all.There was, to be sure, a considerable fortune, but my father-in-law,whom I never saw, would have been much likelier to distribute it amongbanks in the northern states or in Canada. Richard Carey evidentlybelieves the story, though from his actions I'm inclined to think himutterly mad. He's going to desperate lengths to search for the treasure.His conduct is tinged a good deal with resentment because Isabel hasrepeatedly refused to marry him. He's a ne'er-do-well, a blacksheep anda disgrace to his family."

  The Governor sighed deeply.

  "I sometimes wonder that there's any white wool in the world; there areso many of these skittish little black lambkins scattered over thepastures!"

  "They make uncomfortable neighbors!" Mrs. Perry exclaimed, so heartilythat they all laughed.

  On the silent shore with the tents of Heart o' Dreams Camp slowlyemerging from the shadows of the surrounding wood in the firstglimmering of dawn, Archie wondered just what Mrs. Perry's feelingswould be if she knew that she had been countenancing three rogues, twoof whom were far-wandering sheep with badly spotted fleeces and thethird, the solemn, silent Leary, with a trail of crime that reached fromocean to ocean.

  She walked with them to the landing and waved the lantern in farewell asthey set forth across the brightening waters for Huddleston.


  When the Governor and Archie went down to breakfast at nine o'clock theylearned that Congdon had risen early and, declaring that his arm wasfully recovered, was fishing from the wharf.

  The Governor drew from his pocket a telegram which Leary had carried upto him
while he was dressing.

  "A cipher from Perky at Harbor Springs. He's got the provisions aboardbut reports that he suspects the tug is being watched. It's possible ofcourse that he and old Eliphalet were spotted at Cleveland when theyboarded the boat and that the Government is keeping an eye on the_Arthur B. Grover_."

  Archie fidgeted uneasily.

  "We've got enough trouble on hand right here without bucking the Federalauthorities. Of course you'll warn him at once not to put in here!"

  "My reply was sent instantly. I wired him to hold on to Eliphalet but todrop all the men he didn't need to handle the tug at the firstconvenient point and send them singly into the woods beyond Caldervilleto await instructions. This is a dead port; nothing but driftwood haslanded here since the mill shut down three years ago."

  "I tell you I don't like this at all! You can't run a pirate shipthrough the Great Lakes without attracting attention. A policeman canstand on the shore anywhere and throw a brick on board anything afloat."

  "Really, you exaggerate, Archie," replied the Governor gently. "Thesewide and beautiful waters invite the adventurous mariner and if piracyappealed to me at all I'd rather enjoy levying tribute upon theunprotected cities of the saltless seas."

  Sally brought in a fresh pot of coffee and they waited for her to leavethe room.

  "Only one thing interests me," declared Archie, "and that's theimmediate cleaning up of Carey. The Congdons have begun to bore me, ifyou'll pardon my saying it! The old man and his plugged gold pieces andthe will he's reported to carry in his umbrella and the family row arenone of my business. If you want to give me a thrill of delight you'llchuck everything connected with the name Congdon and concentrate onCarey."

  "Not so easy, with our friend Putney living here under the same roof.Again I warn you that we must practise patience. Here comes Putney now."

  They had reached the veranda, where Congdon joined them, proudlydisplaying his string of perch. When Leary had borne his catch to thekitchen Congdon became serious.

  "Something's happened that bothers me a little. A man motored up hereawhile ago, looked the place over and asked me a lot of questions aboutthe hotel and its guests. You understand, Comly--"

  He hesitated, glancing questioningly from Archie to the Governor.

  "You may trust Saulsbury. We have knowledge of some other things thatmake it necessary for us all to stand together."

  "This fellow seemed to have no business here," Congdon continued. "Hesaid he was staying at Calderville, farther down the road, and pretendedto be looking for a quiet hotel to bring his family to. He thoughtHuddleston might do. He looked me over in a way I didn't like. Youremember, Comly, I took you into my confidence about a little difficultyI had before I came here--"

  "That little affair on the Maine coast? It was a shooting, Saulsbury,"Archie explained soberly.

  "Extraordinary!" exclaimed the Governor. "Mr. Congdon, you may commandmy services in any manner whatsoever. Now and then it has been myfortune to be able to pull a friend out of trouble. Pray consider mewholly at your service."

  He listened gravely while Congdon described the shooting at BaileyHarbor. He was convinced that he had shot a burglar who died of thewound, and that the injury from which he had just recovered had beeninflicted by his victim.

  "You have troubled about this matter quite unnecessarily," the Governordeclared with a wave of the hand. "I can see that yours is a sensitivenature, with imagination highly developed. You were in your own house,and had every right to be there; and certainly no jury would everconvict you of murder where you were only defending yourself against ascoundrel who did his best to kill you."

  Congdon brightened perceptibly at this broad-minded view of the matterand flashed a look of relief at Archie, who was quietly smoking.

  "It's most fortunate that we three have met here, gentlemen andmurderers all!" the Governor went on airily. "Comly tells me that he toohas been dodging the police. To make you both feel perfectly at easeI'll be equally frank and say that for nearly seven years I've beenmixed up with the leading crooks of this country; not for profit; no,decidedly not; but merely for the fun of the thing."

  Archie pretended to share Congdon's surprise at this confession,delivered without the quiver of an eyelash.

  "I should never have guessed it," said Congdon. "I had sized you up as acollege professor, or perhaps a lecturer on applied ethics," he addedwith a laugh; "we hardly look the black wretches we are!"

  "Let us hope not! But now to business. We seem to be fellows with apretty taste for adventure, and I'm going to appeal to your chivalryright now to help me in a very delicate and dangerous matter that callsfor prompt attention. Comly and I had a little brush with the enemy lastnight and in our further tasks we shall be glad of your help."

  He bade Archie tell the story, interrupting occasionally to supply somedetail. When Isabel's name was mentioned as the head of Heart o' DreamsCamp Congdon sprang to his feet excitedly.

  "Isabel Perry! Why," he flung round upon Archie, "that's the girl I toldyou about in Chicago, who gave me the bad advice that got me into all mytrouble with my wife. So it's Isabel who's the custodian of my daughter!This is a queer business, gentlemen."

  "Highly interesting, I must confess!" the Governor ejaculated. "But youmust bear no grudge against Miss Perry; she's wonderful. She all butlost her life last night. Comly and I have solemnly pledged ourselves toclear up this whole situation, and we invite your fullest cooperation."

  "Certainly; I enlist right now. With my own child over there at themercy of that scoundrel I couldn't refuse. I assure you that I cherishno resentment against Miss Perry. I was a fool, I suppose, ever to havelet her influence me. I was pretty miserable at the time and she is avery attractive girl, and we men, well--"

  "Man," said the Governor, "is only a xylophone upon which any woman mayexercise her musical talents. At times her little hammers evoke thepleasantest harmonies, but when it pleases my lady she can produce themost painful discords. To get back to business, the tug that's bringingthe supplies for the camp is also towing a launch for our use. We'llmeet Mr. Carey on land or water, or in the air if he chooses. Now,Congdon, if you've no objection to taking orders from me, I'll ask youto lie off Heart o' Dreams in the row boat, while the supplies areunloaded. Our landlord, a trustworthy person in every particular, willgo with you. Comly and I will meet the tug and pick up the launch."

  "But how about this fellow from Calderville who's nosing round?" Congdonasked anxiously. "I'll say right here that I have no intention of beinghauled back to Maine to be tried for murder."

  "Take my word for it, that Comly and I will die rather than give you up.We'll stand or fall together. That chap may not be looking for you atall. He may be on the lookout for me or some pal of mine on the tug;they're all outlaws, desperadoes!"

  "You're fooling, aren't you?" demanded Congdon incredulously.

  "Not in the least! Fugitives from justice, every mother's son of 'em!Only a few will be aboard when the _Arthur B. Grover_ puts into Heart o'Dreams, but there are enough crooks in the woods about here to plunderall Michigan. If that chap from Calderville's looking for trouble he'sgoing to have his hands full."

  Congdon went into Archie's room just before noon and laid an automaticpistol on the dresser.

  "See that? That's the gun I shot the thief with at Bailey Harbor. GuessI'll take it with me this afternoon for I know the infernal thingworks!"

  "It's always best to tote a gun you've tested," Archie answered,examining with unfeigned interest the weapon Congdon had discharged intothe mirror in the Bailey Harbor house. The gun with which he had shotCongdon was in a drawer of his bureau, and the instant Congdon left heexamined it for any marks by which its owner might identify it. He wasrelieved when the Governor came in and assured him that there wasnothing to distinguish the pistol from a thousand of its kind.

  While they waited for the tug's appearance they hung off Heart o' Dreamsshore, and the Governor and Archie paddled close enough to talk with
Ruth at the wharf.

  "Everything's all right," she reported cheerily. "The doctor is keepingIsabel in bed today but merely to rest. The bruised hand is doingnicely and will probably heal without a scar. The camp's runningsmoothly and the girls don't know that they ate our last bread andbutter for luncheon."

  "You're safe in putting cookies on the evening bill of fare," said theGovernor. "Has Carey made any sign today?"

  "No, except that I went through the woods this morning towardCalderville and found the road piled with logs there at the bridge overthe little brook. I peeped through the barricade and saw some men withguns--"

  "Don't you dare go near that place again!" exclaimed the Governor."There's a good mile between that point and the camp boundaries and youhave no business going off your reservation."

  "How terribly you scold! I was just reconnoitering a little."

  "That little might mean the end of the world! But it's worth while toknow that you pout when you're scolded."

  The hazards of the night had left no mark upon her, and in the khakiHeart o' Dreams uniform she would have passed for a carefree boy.

  "You look shockingly young," the Governor remarked with mock resentment,as he fended the canoe away from the wharf. "It doesn't seem possiblethat a venerable relic like me would ever have any chance with abeautiful young goddess like you."

  "Maybe you haven't!"

  "Don't taunt me, woman, or I'll let you starve to death! Archie," hewent on, his delight in her bright in his eyes, "this might be just theright moment to propose marriage. Your presence is a littleembarrassing, but all the conditions here are unusual. Ruth, I'm soproud of myself for loving you that I feel like proclaiming it to allthe world."

  She picked up a chip and threw it at him with a boy's free swing. Hecaught it and placed it tenderly in his pocket.

  "The first gift you ever made me!" he cried rapturously. "I shall askyou to autograph it later. I shall treasure it always!"

  "Who are those gentlemen out yonder?" she asked, spying Congdon andLeary in the row boat.

  "The gentleman idling at the oars is Mr. Leary, the honest innkeeperfrom Huddleston; the other is Mr. Putney Congdon!"

  "Not really! Please don't tell me we're to have another kidnaping!"

  "Certainly not! Leary was a valuable member of our rescue party lastnight and he's wholly friendly to our cause. Mr. Congdon came up withMr. Comly merely to be near his daughter."

  "How did he know she was here? Please don't jest; this is very serious!"

  "He knew because he got a mysterious message from me hinting that hiswife had sent the child here. He's a charming fellow--not at all thebrute we've been thinking him; and while we've told him only what it'sbest for him to know about ourselves he cheerfully enlisted in ourcampaign to protect the camp. He's even now--"

  An exclamation from Ruth caused Archie and the Governor to turn towardthe lake. The _Arthur B. Grover_ was steaming slowly into the bay. Amoment later Leary whistled to call attention to the Carey launch, whichwas running rapidly toward the camp.

  "Keep out of sight," said the Governor, "and send your young charges toplay in the woods. We don't want witnesses if anything disagreeablehappens while we're unloading."

  "Please," she cried, turning to go, "take care of yourselves! We'dbetter give up the fight right now than have you hurt!"

  "It was pretty nice of her to say that, Archie," said the Governorsoberly, watching her as she disappeared down a long lane of tents."We'll see some fun now if Carey cuts any capers."

  "He'll hardly ram the tug, though he may be fool enough to try it."

  The _Arthur B. Grover_ had rounded the point and was feeling its waytoward Heart o' Dreams.

  Archie recognized Perky, industriously taking soundings and lazilygiving orders to the man at the wheel.

  "How much does she show?" called the Governor.

  "A coupla clothes lines deep," replied Perky without taking the pipefrom his mouth.

  His air of unconcern, his complete absorption in the business of gettingthe tug in position to unload, the nonchalant manner in which hedirected the pilot, greatly enhanced Archie's admiration for Perky.

  Two men were rigging up a crane to land the bags, boxes and crates thatwere piled on deck in prodigal profusion.

  "There's our new launch trailing behind like clouds of glory," said theGovernor. "A very snappy little affair it is."

  "And a very snappy little man is hanging over the rail of the tuggripping an umbrella. How do you suppose Perky's explaining all this toEliphalet?"

  "Trust Perky to be plausible. Wait till father Congdon sees Putney andyou'll hear an imitation of the ichthyosaurus singing its song of hate."

  Carey's launch had effected a half circle round Heart o' Dreams landingand was now drawing nearer. There were two men aboard and Leary, havingput himself between the launch and the tug, signaled the Governor bylifting one arm high over his head, and then extending it horizontally.A careless observer would have thought he was only stretching himself.

  "That means," the Governor explained, "that there's a suspicious personon Carey's launch; and," he continued, after watching Leary's furthertelegraphing, "that Congdon has identified him as the gentleman whointerviewed him at Huddleston this morning. Everything's goingsmoothly."

  By the time the _Arthur B. Grover_ had warped in, Carey had brought hislaunch to within a dozen yards of the tug, and his companion wasstanding up anxiously scrutinizing the men on board.

  "Prisoners!" he bawled; "every one of you a prisoner! I know you, Perky;and you needn't try any tricks on me or it'll be the worse for you. Anddon't you fellows on that wharf try any funny business with me!"

  Perky, busily getting the crane in working order, paid no heed whateverto these threats uttered in the authoritative tone of one who isconfident of the support of the army and navy of the United States.Carey loudly seconded the detective's demand for the immediate andunconditional surrender of the tug.

  "Trapped! Lost!" cried Eliphalet, tragically.

  "You're mighty right you're lost!" yelled the officer. "You're a niceold scoundrel, to be circulating plugged gold pieces, and a rich man atthat! You're pinched; do you understand? You're under arrest!"

  The effect of this shot was to cause Eliphalet to attempt to climb fromthe tug to the wharf but the Governor seized a paddle and gently urgedhim back.

  "I beg of you, Mr. Congdon, don't be disturbed. That person in thelaunch can't harm you in the least. He may be annoying, yes; and hisvoice is extremely disagreeable, but really his utterances are unworthyof the attention of honest men."

  "Who the deuce are you?" demanded Eliphalet, leveling his umbrella atthe Governor. "It occurs to me we have met before."

  "Thanks for the compliment!" the Governor answered, dodging a heavycrate, the first of the freight to be swung ashore.

  Perky was thoroughly prepared for the expeditious delivery of his cargo,even to wheelbarrows in which three men now began trundling supplies upthe wharf and along the beach to the camp store house. The work wasproceeding rapidly, without noise or confusion, and Archie and theGovernor were busily assisting when the shore was startled by a yell.

  Leary and Congdon in the row boat had been stealing up behind Carey'slaunch. Leary sprang aboard while the two occupants were watching thelanding of the stores.

  Carey, diving under Leary's arms, seized a club and knocked himoverboard. The detective jumped into the water and swam to the wharf,where he was immediately overpowered and hauled aboard the tug. By thistime Carey was steering for the middle of the bay, where he watched thetug for a while and then retired toward his camp.

  Leary had crawled upon the pier and was disconsolately shaking the waterout of his shoes.

  "It was a good try, old man," said the Governor cheerily. "That fellow'snot going to be easy to bag, but we've got a detective on our hands," hechuckled, "and I don't know just how we're going to let loose of him."

  Putney Congdon had rowed close to the wharf to pick up Leary.
As theGovernor had predicted, Eliphalet Congdon emitted a loud and not whollymelodious howl as he recognized his son.

  "Hey there! You've been following me! I told you to stay at the farm andhere you come sneaking after me away up here where I've come for rest."

  "You were never more mistaken in your life!" replied Putney. "I came uphere to see Edith and found that that fellow you saw in the launch wastrying to starve out this camp."

  "Edith here? Who says Edith's here? You're out of your senses! You knowperfectly well the child's in Ohio!"

  "Break in on that dialogue," said the Governor to Archie. "Those menwill never get anywhere yelling at each other. I'll attend to Eliphaletafter we land the freight."

  "If that wife of yours has stolen Edith I'll have the law on her!"screamed Eliphalet. "She's not fit to have the care of children!"

  Archie walked to the edge of the wharf and commanded Eliphalet to holdhis peace.

  "Putney, row out a few hundred yards and watch Carey. You needn't worryabout your father. We'll find some way of getting him out of hisscrapes."

  The detective, who had been lashed to the pilot house, reused himself toshout:

  "You'll make a nice mess of it trying to get him away from theGovernment. The whole lot of you are crooks, and you're holding me atyour peril."

  The discharge of freight had not ceased during this colloquy. The craneswung over the wharf at regular intervals, and the men with thewheelbarrows trotted back and forth with the spirit and agility of menintent upon finishing an honest day's work. As Putney Congdon, mystifiedbut obedient, rowed away, his father began begging Perky to leave theplace and steer for Canada.

  "You promised to protect me but you've made a fool of me," the old manwailed. "You betrayed me to the police; you--"

  The Governor flung a sack of potatoes into a wheelbarrow, and surveyedthe infuriated Eliphalet for a moment.

  "Pray calm yourself, Mr. Congdon, and please be careful how you chargepeople with serious crimes. It seems to be an obsession with you thateverybody on earth is a crook. The proposition interests mepsychologically. When I get through with this freight I'll look at yourdata. Meanwhile I solemnly warn you to make no charge against me or anyfriends of mine that you can't prove."

  It was five o'clock when the last of the cargo was landed in the storehouse. The engineer (a gentleman whose grimy face and mournful eyesbelied his record as a hold-up man) sounded the whistle.

  Ruth ran down to the shore and Archie and the Governor went to meet her.

  "O you angels!" she cried. "I've just taken a peep into the store houseand you've given us enough food to last all next summer. It's perfectlysplendid. I wasn't watching--really, I wasn't--for I had to keep thegirls busy; but you did have trouble of some sort?"

  "Nothing of the slightest consequence," the Governor answered. "We triedto catch Carey but he was too quick for us. But we did pick up a friendof his--the gentleman you see giving an exhibition of haughty disdainout there on the tug. Keep everybody well under cover tonight and don'tbe alarmed by anything you hear. We'll soon be through with thisbusiness."

  "Who's that funny little man on the tug? He seems anxious to attractattention!"

  Eliphalet Congdon was engaged in an argument with the detective, who,being helpless, was obliged to endure a tirade the old gentleman wasdelivering to the accompaniment of an occasional prod of the inevitableumbrella.

  "That," said the Governor, "is Edith Congdon's paternal grandfather; anestimable person fallen upon evil times."

  "You don't mean Mr. Eliphalet Congdon!"

  "Most emphatically I do."

  "And have he and his son settled their differences?"

  "Not so you would notice it! But they'll be loving each other when I getthrough with them."

  "Do you know," said the girl, looking wonderingly into the Governor'seyes, "I don't suppose I could ever learn to know when you're foolingand when you're not."

  "After we're married I shall never attempt to fool you. By the way," headded hastily as she frowned and shrugged her shoulders, "when does thecamp close?"

  "August twenty, if Mr. Carey doesn't close it sooner."

  "The date shall stand without reference to Carey's wishes, intentions oracts. Please write your father to be here on that last day and bring hisepiscopal robes with him. And by the way, you spoke of yourembarrassments about mail. We'll send to the Calderville post-office forall the Heart o' Dreams mail; a boat will deliver it tonight and pick upthe camp mail bag. Have you anything to add, Archie?"

  "You might say to Isabel," said Archie slowly, "that August twentystrikes me as the happiest possible date for our wedding."

  "You two talk of weddings as though we were not in the midst of battle,murder and sudden death!"

  She folded her arms and regarded them with an odd little smile, halfwistful, half questioning, playing about her lips. The tug was drawingaway from the wharf. Perky sat on the rail placidly sucking an orange, anoble picture of an unrepentant sinner. From the woods floated the far,faint cries and light-hearted laughter of the camp youngsters at play.In spite of his attempt to imitate the Governor's jauntiness Archie feltagain, as so often since he left Bailey Harbor, the unreality of theevents through which he had been projected with his singular companion,who had drawn him so far out of his orbit that it was hard to believethat he would ever slip into it again. Their affairs had never presentedso many problems as now, when the Governor was predicting and planningthe end with so much assurance. In the few seconds that Ruth deliberatedhe plunged to the depths in his despair that Isabel would ever seriouslyconsider him as a lover.

  "I was just thinking," said the girl, stepping back a little into a paththat led from the beach to the woods, "how we seem to be living in thegood old times, when knights hastened by land or water to the rescue ofladies in distress. This is all very pretty and be sure we allappreciate what you have done for us. But I don't quite see through tothe end!" The smile was gone and there was no doubt of the sincerity ofthe anxiety that darkened her eyes as she ended with a little,quavering, despairing note: "Something serious and dreadful threatensus, one and all of us maybe! It's only--what do you call such a thing--apresentiment!"

  "Please don't think of it!" pleaded Archie; "things are bound to comeout all right. You mustn't lose faith in us."

  "Yes; it will be only a little longer," muttered the Governorlistlessly.

  He had responded instantly to Ruth's confession of her premonition ofimpending evil, and Archie, troubled by his friend's change of mood,hastened to end the interview.

  "We're not going to lose!" he declared. "It's when the world isbrightest that the shadow of a cloud sometimes makes us fear to trustour happiness. Good-by and good luck!"

  She was not reassured, however, and as she shook hands with them therewere tears in her eyes.


  The Governor quickly recovered his spirits and with characteristicenthusiasm began putting the new launch through its paces. Likeeverything that pleased him, the launch was wonderful. He called uponArchie to bear witness to its unsurpassed merits, and they ran out tothe row boat to invite the admiration of Putney and Leary. Putney, theyfound, was skilled in the handling of such craft, and the Governorcheerfully turned the launch over to him.

  "You take it and run up to Calderville, where you'd better get supper.Pick up the Heart o' Dreams mail and bring it back to Huddleston, andmeet us on the wharf at nightfall. We've got a heavy night's work aheadof us. Carey's probably jarred a good deal to find that we've got a tugand a launch to play with."

  "That's all right, and I'll obey orders, of course," said Congdon,wiping the oil from his hands; "but don't forget that my father's outthere on that tug. I don't know what trouble he's in, but I can't forgetthat he's my father--"

  Archie, touched by his display of feeling, turned with a pleading glanceto the Governor, but the Governor needed no prompting to be kind.

  "My dear boy," he said, "you may rely upon me to extricate your fatherfrom his embarrass
ments. Archie and I are going aboard the tug to studyhis case carefully. If we don't do anything else this summer we'regoing to take the kink out of your family affairs."

  "There's no reason why you should--" Putney began.

  "Reason!" exclaimed the Governor, snapping his fingers contemptuously,"reasons for things are a horrible bore. In this pretty good old worldwe must apologize for our sins and weaknesses but not for our kindintentions."

  As they boarded the _Arthur B. Grover_ Eliphalet made no attempt tospeak to Putney though he leaned over the side and shook his umbrella atthe launch as it drew away. The Governor told Perky to produce food andinvited Eliphalet and the detective to supper. The officer, churlishfrom his bath in the bay and his enforced appearance in jumper andoveralls during the drying of his garments, replied to a polite inquirythat his name was Briggs but that his credentials had been lost in histumble into the water.

  "We shall waive all formalities," said the Governor, "as my guest yourofficial connections, real or fictitious, concern me not at all."

  Corned beef, crackers, fruit and coffee composed the supper, andEliphalet Congdon, Briggs, Archie and the Governor sat cross-legged onthe deck and partook of it picnic fashion.

  "A truce to our difficulties, gentlemen!" the Governor cried, liftinghis tin cup of coffee. "I'm sure there are misunderstandings involvingall of us that time will clear up. It's mighty lucky for you, Briggs,that we succeeded in detaching you from that chap who brought you here.If you had remained in his company you would certainly have come togrief. With murderous intent he ran down two women right here in thebay last night. We saved their lives by sheer good luck. You were notwith him, I suppose, and I'll charitably assume you don't know hispurpose in attacking them."

  "He says the girls' camp is on his land and he's only trying to drive'em off," replied Briggs. "Whatever his game is it's none of mybusiness."

  "It's any man's business to protect women and innocent children from themalice of a madman. To let you into a dark secret, he's got the ideathat there's buried treasure somewhere on the land occupied by Heart o'Dreams Camp."

  "Treasure!" exclaimed Eliphalet. "Do you mean to say there's moneyburied there?"

  "That's the idea," said the Governor with a grim smile at the suddenglint of greed in the old man's eyes. He told the story, told it withflourishes and decorations that pleased Archie immensely.

  "It sounds pretty fishy," Briggs remarked, "but there may be somethingin it."

  "You never can tell," muttered Eliphalet. "It would have been naturalfor one of those old southerners who hadn't any confidence in Jeff Davisto plant his money in some lonely place like this."

  "In one way or another we are all seekers of buried treasure," remarkedthe Governor sententiously.

  His story had cleared the air, giving, as Archie reflected, a freshillustration of the power of romance to soften the harshness of even sorealistic a situation as confronted the tug's passengers. Eliphalet'simagination had been stirred, and he asked many questions about thetreasure. Briggs lost his hostile air and showed himself the possessorof an unsuspected amiability.

  "You seem to be a good fellow," remarked the Governor; "and yourinterest in the _Arthur B. Grover_ is legitimate enough, I daresay. Ifyou will promise to behave and not try to leave the tug or molest anyone on board you're free to do as you like. But I want you to playfair."

  "I seem to be at your mercy. You've got to consider that my reputationis at stake. It's my duty to land Mr. Congdon and that chap you callPerky in the nearest jail and report their arrest to Washington."

  "Washington," replied the Governor, drawing his hand across his face,"is a beautiful city; but it's a long way from here. Be assured that I'mno anarchist and the delicate matter of your professional standing issomething that shall engage my most earnest thought. Please makeyourself comfortable."

  He bade Archie follow him to the bow where Eliphalet was moodily gazinginto the water.

  "Mr. Congdon," the Governor began in his blandest tones, "as a merelooker-on at the passing show I'm persuaded that you're not getting muchout of life. A mistake, sir; a mistake it grieves me to see you making."

  "What I do or do not do," cried the old man, lifting his umbrellabelligerently, "is none of your infernal business."

  "An error, sir; an error of considerable magnitude, if you will pardonme! I wish my friend here to bear witness that I am qualified to offeryou excellent advice based on exact information as to your intimatedomestic affairs. You're a meddlesome person, Mr. Congdon, with a slightelement of cruelty in your makeup, of which let us hope you are notwholly conscious. Morally you are skidding, but this I charitablyattribute to your lack of a wholesome and healthy interest in life.Incidentally you've done all you could to destroy the happiness of yourson, who is a fine fellow and a gentleman."

  "And his wife, your daughter-in-law, is one of the noblest women in theworld!" interjected Archie, seeing that the Governor's arraignment wasnot without its effect on the odd, crumpled little figure. However, themention of Mrs. Congdon instantly aroused Eliphalet's ire.

  "That woman ordered me out of her house--a house I bought and paid for!She did her best to make my son hate me! She compelled him to quit thebusinesses I started for the sole purpose of providing him employment!"

  "Your trouble is that you never knew when Putney grew up," declared theGovernor. "You tried to boss him even after his marriage, and if Mrs.Congdon turned you out of her house she did only what anyself-respecting woman would do. As the result of your miserly ways, yourmeddlesomeness and your selfishness, you've just about ruined your life.The penitentiary yawns for you." Eliphalet shuddered, and a look of fearnot pleasant to see crossed his face. "But," the Governor went on, "inspite of your cowardly conduct I'm rather disposed to pull you out ofthe hole."

  "You will help; you really will help me?"

  "Not if you cringe and whine like that. If you will stand square on yourfeet and listen to me I'll make you a proposition. Don't flinch; Idon't want any of your money! I've heard that you make a habit ofcarrying your will around in that umbrella, for the ludicrous reasonthat you think you are not one of us absent-minded mortals who forgetour umbrellas. And you like to have the will handy so you can rewrite itwhen the mood strikes you. Give me that thing!"

  Eliphalet hesitated, but the Governor said, "If you please, Mr.Congdon," with all possible shadings of courteous insistence, and gentlypried it from the old man's fingers.

  It was a heavy, bulgy, disreputable-looking umbrella with a batteredcurved handle. The canopy was held together by a piece of twine. Ratherthan be seen with so monstrous a thing any self-respecting person wouldcheerfully take a drenching. The Governor opened it, shook out a numberof manilla envelopes, all carefully sealed, and flung the umbrella fromhim as though it were an odious and hateful thing. As it struck thewater it spread open and the wind seized it and bore it gaily away. TheGovernor watched it for a moment with an ironic grin, then began openingthe envelopes and scanning the contents.

  "I began life as a lawyer," he said coolly, "so you needn't fear thatI'll not respect the sanctity of these experiments in the testamentaryart."

  Archie, taking and refolding the wills as the Governor finished readingthem, marveled at this unexpected revelation of his friend's professionlet fall in the most casual fashion, as was the Governor's way.

  "It's evident from the dates of these wills that you've been steadilycutting down the amount of your bequest to your son," the Governor wassaying, "so that if you died tonight he'd receive only a hundredthousand dollars, the remaining million or two going to humanesocieties, and one fat plum, I notice, to the Home for Outcast Cats. Theeccentricities of testators have never impressed me by their humor,particularly when hatred and revenge are behind them. You wouldmalevolently cut off your own blood merely because your daughter-in-lawdoesn't like your manners, which are bad, or because your son wouldn'tfall in with your fantastic schemes of making money dishonestly. Isuppose you've had a good time flourishing these
wills before your sonand his wife when you were peeved, to let them know how you planned topunish them. Watch me, Archie, so you can bear witness to thedestruction of these things; they're all going to feed the fishes exceptthis earliest one, which divides the property in generous lumps betweenPutney Congdon and his children, with a handsome personal recognition ofMrs. Congdon. That shall be preserved."

  Eliphalet sullenly watched the Governor as he tore the papers into bitsand flung them to the breeze, all save the one, which he again scannedwith sophisticated care and stowed away carefully in his pocket.

  "Now, sir; let us get down to business! If you will promise me never tomake another will without consulting me, but will let this one I've keptstand, and if you agree not to interfere any further with your son'sfamily or his wife or his children or his ox or his ass or anything thatis his, for the rest of your natural life, I'll guarantee that in dueseason you'll leave this tug a free man."

  "You can do that; you are sure you can save me?" Eliphalet's voice shookand his hands, thrust out appealingly, trembled pitifully as he turnedfrom the Governor to Archie.

  "My friend can do what he says," said Archie. "You may trust him."

  "I promise," said the old man steadily. "But I must see Putney andexplain about the coins. It was more in a spirit of playfulness, acuriosity to know how such things are done that I got mixed up in thatbusiness."

  "I daresay it was and I'm sure you'll not repeat the offense," said theGovernor, lighting a cigarette. "As to Putney, I'll arrange the meetingas soon as possible."

  Eliphalet Congdon was the last man Archie would have expected to yieldto the Governor's wizardry, or hypnotism, or whatever it was that causedpeople to submit to him; but the old man's face expressed infiniterelief now that the Governor had so insolently assumed the role ofdictator in his affairs. The pathos of the weazened little figure nowstripped of its arrogance, and the assertion of a long-latent kindlinessin his countenance, encouraged the hope that happier times were in storefor all the Congdons.


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