Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7) Page 2

by E. L. Todd

  “Because school is tomorrow.”

  She smirked. “True. But I thought you liked school.”

  “I do—for the most part.”

  She flipped through the magazine. “What do you think of this?” She held up a picture of a woman wearing a poncho. “Do you think that’s cute?”

  I didn’t think anything was cute. I shrugged. “It’s cool, I guess.”

  “Cool?” she asked incredulously.

  “Are you asking if I would wear a woman’s poncho? I would hope you already know the answer.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You don’t understand fashion.”

  “I understand jeans and a t-shirt.”

  “And sports,” Slade added.

  “And food,” Skye added.

  “Definitely food,” I said.

  Slade kept his eyes glued to the TV. “And porn.”

  Trinity glared at him before she looked down.

  I glanced at Skye, watching her play with a long strand of brown hair. “Your brother isn’t coming?”

  “No. He says he’s busy.” She had a knowing look in her eyes. “Which means Roland would rather sit in the dark and play video games by himself.”

  “Video games are awesome,” Slade said. “You can kill people and get away with it.”

  Trinity put the magazine down. “You’re twisted, you know that?”

  “And you’re stupid,” Slade said. “Why would you ask a guy if he likes a woman’s poncho?” He gave her an incredulous look then turned away.

  Trinity and Slade argued more often than they got along. It surprised me they were friends at all. But since our family was so tightly knit, they didn’t have much of a choice but to at least be frenemies.

  I watched the game, finally starting to relax. That paper was still in the back of my mind. It was my fault for waiting until the last minute to do it, but I didn’t care about my non-major courses. They were a waste of time and I wouldn’t remember anything anyway.

  Spending Sunday with the people I trusted most in the world was my ideal way of using my free time. I could be myself with them, no matter how ludicrous I behaved, and I knew they had my back until the end of time. Even though most of us weren’t related by blood, we were still a family.

  Zack walked through the door, destroying my high.

  “Yo.” He grabbed a beer from the fridge then shoved a slice of pizza down his throat instantly. He was like a barbaric caveman, destroying everything in his path with his clumsiness.

  Skye left her seat then walked to him. “Hey. I was wondering if you would show.”

  I didn’t turn around to greet him. In fact, I ignored him. Slade pretended he didn’t exist and Trinity continued to read her magazine. None of us liked him. Actually, I hated him.

  “Hey, baby.” He drank his beer then put his hand in his pocket.

  I could see their reflection in the screen. Skye wrapped her arms around his neck then gave him a kiss. His thick arms were the size of tree trunks. He had dark brown hair that was almost black and his chin was covered in hair. I despised him.

  “How was your day?” Skye asked.

  “Good. Yours?” He ate another slice.

  “Good. I finished that paper. Do you want to read it and give me your thoughts?”

  “Maybe later.” He walked away from her then plopped down on the other couch, taking Skye’s spot. Skye moved to another seat—on the sofa with no cushion on the back.

  Skye never said it, but I knew she always sat in the recliner because the padding felt good on her back. Her chest constantly made her ache. She hardly exercised because her chest would hurt so much after.

  I was pissed Zack was so inconsiderate. I stood up and walked to Skye. “Switch with me.”

  “No, I’m okay.”

  I knew she would never admit when she was in pain. “I’m not asking you. I’m telling you.”

  She looked at me then took the spot next to Trinity. Once she sat down, I saw her face relax. Zack’s eyes were glued to the screen. He drank his beer then leaned back, oblivious to the beautiful and perfect girl beside him.

  Seeing them together was torture. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much if Skye were with a guy I actually liked. Maybe it wouldn’t make a difference at all. I would never know.

  Slade leaned close to me. “Don’t worry. They won’t last.”

  “Yeah.” I watched the game and tried not to think about it. In my heart, I knew it didn’t make a difference if they broke up.

  Because Skye would never feel the same way.



  There wasn’t much trash after everyone left because Cayson picked everything up. He always cleaned everything before he left, even if it wasn’t his own mess. And he always took the trash on his way out. I was lucky I had such an incredible family. They made me feel at home no matter where I was.

  “Good game, huh?” Zack asked.


  “I bet a dime on the Seahawks.”

  “A dime?” Like ten cents?

  “It’s a thousand dollars.”

  “Oh.” I thought he was broke? “So, you won?”

  “Yep.” He rubbed his hands together greedily. “I’m going to buy new lights for my car.”

  “Why don’t you just save it?” That made sense to me.

  “Nah. Too boring.”

  I chose not to argue with him. We both had different points of view when it came to money. Personally, I believed in investing and making a small amount grow. Zack liked to piss away everything he had.

  I stretched then rolled my shoulders. “I’m going to bed. I’m tired.”

  “I’ll be there in a second.” He put his feet on the coffee table with his beer in hand.

  “Like I’ve asked you ten times, please keep your feet off the coffee table.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Geez, calm down.”

  “I asked you nicely.”

  “Are you my girlfriend or the police?”

  He really got under my skin sometimes. “Maybe you should just go, Zack. I don’t have the patience to put up with you.”

  “Fine.” He took his feet down. “Sorry.”

  “It’s too late. Just go.”

  He put his beer on the coaster then stood up. “I said I was sorry. What else do you want me to do?”

  “Are you deaf? I just asked you to leave.”

  He sighed then turned off the TV. “Look, it won’t happen again. Don’t kick me out.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You just want to get laid.”

  “Well, why wouldn’t I? Look at you.”

  That loosened me up a little bit. “I’m going to bed. I guess I’ll see you soon.”


  I walked into my bedroom then set my alarm, thinking about Zack. I had a crush on him since the moment I saw him, but our relationship took a while to develop. He didn’t notice me until we had a class together. Then when we bumped into each other at the library, he seemed to become more interested. One thing led to another, and then we were together. I didn’t have a great history with relationships, but it didn’t seem like the one I had with Zack was how it should be. I had doubts about it but I never voiced them. Even if it was based off physical attraction more than anything else.

  Zack came into the bedroom then stripped his clothes. He was packed with hard muscle, and his arms were the size of my head. He gave me a dark look, just like he usually did, and then got into bed beside me.

  Just like every other guy I came across, he was obsessed with my chest. It was the first thing he wanted to see during sex. He pulled my shirt off then unclasped my bra. When he saw them, his eyes lit up. Most of the time, he stared at them more than my face.

  Zack moved between my legs then did his thing. I admit, I was disappointed with the sex. I expected him to rock my world but he never did. Most of the time, our rendezvous ended without any satisfaction. I lay there, feeling the burn between my legs, and listened to him breathe loudly until I fell aslee

  I eyed Trinity across the table from me. She was flipping through a magazine, licking her fingertips every time she turned the page.

  “Don’t you have homework or something?” I asked. My economics book was to the side and my business ethics book was in front of me. It seemed like I always had homework or something to study for.

  She shrugged. “It’s not due for a few days. I still have time.”

  My cousin wasn’t as goal oriented as I was. We were different in that way. I pulled out my glasses because I was having a hard time reading. After I put them on, I returned my focus to the textbook and highlighted a few notes.

  “Do you even like Zack?” she blurted.

  I stilled, surprised by the unexpected question. “Where did that come from?”

  She didn’t look up from her magazine once. “It just seems like you aren’t as into him as you used to be.”

  “Well, he gets on my nerves sometimes…”

  “Is he at least good in bed?”

  I shrugged. “He’s alright.”

  She finally tore her gaze away from her magazine. “Alright? If he annoys you and he isn’t that good in bed, why are you with him?”

  “I don’t know. I used to really like him. I guess I’m hoping it’ll go back to the way it was before.”

  “Wishful thinking…”

  “What about you? Are you seeing anyone?”

  She looked away again. “No.”

  “Are you interested in anyone?” She used to be outgoing. She had a different date every weekend. Now she seemed like a nun

  “No…no one has really caught my eye.”

  I found that hard to believe but I didn’t press her on it. “If all you care about is fashion, why are you even in school?”

  She adjusted the scarf around her neck. “You know how my dad is. He wants me to work for the company when I graduate.”

  “But what do you want?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I really like fashion.”

  “Then tell him. Uncle Mike gives you anything you ask for. You know that.”

  She sighed. “But it’s important to him. You know, keeping it in the family.”

  “Like I said, you need to do what you want, not what your father wants.”

  She looked down at her magazine. “I’ll think about it…”

  I returned to my work and continued to study. Business was interesting to me. When I was little, my father used to take me to work when my mom needed to work from home. Seeing him in meetings and handling a large company motivated me from a young age.

  Slade came to our table and plopped down. He was eating a cheesesteak sandwich. “Wad up, playas?” He chewed his food loudly, smacking his lips. His elbows were on the table and his tattoos were visible. He looked more like a thug than a college student. He wore a short sleeve shirt no matter how cold it was just to show off his sleeves of tattoos.

  Trinity eyed him with disdain. “You aren’t supposed to eat in the library.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Like there are police for that.”

  Her anger started to smolder. “Do you always have to eat like a pig?”

  “I’m hungry,” he snapped. “Get over it.”

  “You’re always hungry.”

  The bickering was starting to give me a headache.

  “I need a napkin.” He set his sandwich down then ripped a page out of her magazine.

  She stilled like someone stabbed her in the heart. A gasp escaped her lips. “How dare you!” She hit him in the arm.

  “Buy another one, rich brat.” He wiped his mouth then his hands.

  “Ugh, I hate you sometimes.”

  “I hate you all the time.”

  They were driving me crazy. “Are you guys five years old?”

  “She is,” Slade argued.

  “Why don’t you just pull her hair?” I demanded.

  “Okay.” Slade grabbed a handful of hair and pulled it.

  “Ahh!” Trinity yelled then swatted his hand away. “Knock it off.”

  Students from the other tables started to look at us.

  I covered my face, thoroughly embarrassed.

  “You’re such an ass,” Trinity hissed.

  “You’re such a tight ass,” Slade countered. “Just let me eat my sandwich in peace.”

  “Let me read my magazine in peace.”

  “Keep it down,” I whispered.

  “You keep it down!” Trinity turned her fury onto me.

  I needed to get out of there—quick. “I’m obviously not going to get any studying done with the two of you around.” I packed my bag while they continued to fight.

  “Why can’t you just be nice to me?” Trinity asked. “It’s like you’re two different people sometimes.”

  “No, I’m always the same person,” he argued. “Don’t expect me to treat you like a princess. I never said I would.”

  Trinity grabbed his sandwich then took a huge bite.

  Slade’s eyes widened. “You just crossed a line…”

  I didn’t want to see the end of that fight. I left the table and got out of there as quickly as possible.

  I headed to Manhattan Grub, the small food joint just off campus. My parents opened it a few years ago, and I ran the register and took care of the bookkeeping. It was a random place to buy, but my parents insisted on it. And it only sold hot dogs. Even weirder.

  After I walked inside, I went to the cash register and counted the cash.

  “Hey, boss.” Adam came to my side and leaned against the counter.

  “Hey. How’s it going?”

  “Slow—like always. I’m not sure why we stay open past five. The students only come for lunch.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t make the rules.”

  “Your parents probably lose business by staying open.”

  “I think they have some grand plan in mind but they haven’t shared it with me yet…I just work here.”

  He chuckled. “I guess you can do that when you’re loaded.”

  I ignored his question. I never talked about my family’s money. Being rich was more of a curse than anything else. It was difficult to tell if people liked you for you or what you could do for them. Which is why I loved my family even more. Wealth meant nothing to them. “Can you change the bins and restock the chips?”

  “Yeah, boss.” He disappeared in the back.

  When the bell rang overhead, I knew we had a customer. I looked up to see a familiar face. “Hey, Cayson.”

  “Hey, wiener girl.”

  I rolled my eyes. They all teased me for working here. “What are you up to?”

  “Just got out of lab and I’m starving.”

  “Well, you came to the right place. What can I get you?”

  “You’re actually going to make it?” he asked incredulously. “I thought you just did the register?”

  “I can make food too.”

  He gave me a hesitant look. “Are you sure there’s no one else…?”

  “Oh, shut up. I’m pretty good.”

  “Unlike your mom, I don’t like my food being dropped on the ground.”

  I laughed. “She’s never going to live that down, is she?”

  “Nope. My dad talks about it all the time.”

  I grabbed a pen and paper. “What will you have?”

  “The Kaepernick dog.”

  “You like the 49ers?”

  “No. The description just looks amazing. Chili, coleslaw, and jalapenos. I’m so there.”

  I smirked and wrote it down. “Coming right up.”

  He pulled some cash out of his wallet. “How much?”

  “Don’t be stupid.”

  “Skye, how much?” He gave me that serious look he only did on occasion. It meant he wasn’t going to back down. His eyes were wide and dark.

  “You’re family.”

  “No, I’m a customer. Please let me pay.”

  I knew he wasn’t going to let this go. “Fine.” I rang him up and took the mo

  “Thank you.”

  “Whatever.” I turned away and started making the hot dog.

  “I’m watching you,” he warned.

  “If you keep watching me, I’m going to drop it on purpose.”

  “Fine.” He watched the TV in the corner while I finished making it. Then I put it down with a Cherry Pepsi. I knew that was his favorite. I didn’t need to ask.

  He smelled it. “Wow. It does look really good.”

  “Why are you surprised?”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t think you were a cook.”

  “Well, I can be.”

  He took a bite then nodded. “Excellent.”

  I beamed with pride as I returned to the register.

  Cayson stayed at the counter and continued to eat. Comfortable silence stretched between us. He watched the TV while he ate and I did the bookkeeping.

  Cayson eyed me. “How’s your back doing?”

  “Fine.” I squared my shoulders. “When I wear a sports bra, it’s not so painful. Sometimes I consider getting a boob job.” I was a C cup so I wasn’t humongous. I knew girls had it far worse, but since I was so petite, my back couldn’t support the weight of my front.

  Cayson didn’t try to talk me out of it. “You should do whatever makes you comfortable. But talk to your mom first. There’s no one better to ask for advice.”

  “Yeah. That’s true.”

  He finished half his hot dog then took a sip of his soda. “That hot dog was good.”

  “You mean that wiener?” I teased.

  He chuckled. “Yeah. I like to eat wieners.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  He smirked then looked at the TV again.

  “I was studying in the library when Slade and Trinity went at it like they were fighting to the death.”

  “That sounds about right…”

  “What’s with them? They used to bicker occasionally but now it seems like it’s happening all the time.”

  Cayson shrugged. “I couldn’t tell you.”

  Something wasn’t right but I couldn’t put my thumb on it. “What’s new with you?”

  “Nothing, really. My lab partner for analytical chemistry dropped out so now I’m all alone.”

  Wow. Juicy. “That sucks.”

  “Not really. I don’t like doing partner work. I usually end up doing everything anyway.”


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