Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7) Page 91

by E. L. Todd

  “Then I will repair it,” I said firmly. “I love your daughter and I treat her like a damn queen. I give her everything that I possibly can, and my life revolves around making her happy. I take her out to dinner, to ball games, the movies—everywhere. And I don’t even look at other women. I’m hers and I’m faithful to her. I’m sorry it didn’t start off that way, but that’s how we are now. We’re both happy, and it would mean the world to me if you could look me in the eye and forgive me.”

  He didn’t meet my gaze. “Leave. And don’t come back this time.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’ve always admired you for being so generous and compassionate. You’re one of the strongest men I know, but I also know you’re the gentlest. For someone who’s been around and has more skeletons in his closet than I do, you sure seem to be awfully cold and hypocritical.”

  He slowly rose from his chair. “What makes you think you can talk to me like that?” He leaned over the desk, coming close to me.

  I didn’t blink an eye. “You’re going to give me what I want, or I will harass you until the end of time.”

  “Trinity put you up to this?”


  “Fucking liar.”

  Now I was getting mad. “I may be a dick and an asshole, but I’m not a liar. If I were, I would have covered my ass by feeding you lies about how Trinity and I began. Never once did I do that. I admit I’m not perfect and I have a lot of issues, but Trinity does too. She and I are perfect together, opposite sides of the same coin. You keep blaming me for what happened, but your daughter instigated it just as much as I did. She wanted it for the same reasons. So stop condemning me as the villain when your daughter is equally responsible. Think about that and we’ll discuss it more when I return.”

  He looked at me like I’d just slapped him across the face.

  “Until we meet again.” I left his office and slammed the door like last time.

  Cayson tried not to laugh. “I can’t believe you said that.”

  “I’m not going to kiss his ass unless he deserves it. He’s treating me like garbage, and I’m not going to put up with it. I’ll apologize and prove how much Trinity means to me, but if he pushes me, I’ll push back.”

  Cayson covered his face and tried to stifle his laugh. “This is going to last for years…I can feel it.”

  “Whatever. Fine. Then I’ll keep going to his office.”

  “Man, Trinity must mean the world to you for you to keep trying.”

  She did. I knew how close she was with her father, and I refused to hurt their relationship. I may be irritated with Mike, but I wanted him and Trinity to have what they’d always had. I would just have to work harder to make that happen.

  “Does Trinity know about everything?”


  “Why?” Cayson asked.

  “I don’t want to stress her out right now. She’s doing therapy and trying to get better. She needs to be relaxed. Which is why I’m venting to you every single day.”

  “Well, I’m always here for you, man.”

  “I know…” I looked across the bar and spotted Conrad and Roland. It didn’t seem like they’d noticed us yet.

  “Skye said she and Trinity have been working on Trinity’s sketchbook together,” Cayson said. “At least Trinity is entertained.”

  I wasn’t listening. “Conrad is here.”

  Cayson looked over my shoulder and followed my gaze. “He doesn’t know you’re here. If he did, he would have walked out.”

  “Why the hell is he so mad about it? Why are all the Preston men fucking girls?”

  Cayson chuckled. “I’m not sure. Since I’m your best friend, Conrad hasn’t said much to me.”

  “Seriously, this drama is stupid.”

  Cayson shrugged. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “I’m going to talk to him.” I scooted across the booth.

  “Maybe you should wait…he might be drinking.”

  “Whatever.” I walked across the room until I reached him. Standing behind him, I tapped his shoulder.

  He turned around, expecting anyone besides me. His face immediately fell, anger brewing in his eyes.

  “This has gone on long enough. Let’s talk.”

  “Get away from me, dickhead.” He stepped away.

  Roland watched both of us but kept his silence.

  “No.” I leaned against their table and looked at them. “What the hell is your problem? You’re that mad I’m dating your sister?”

  He clenched his hand into a fist.

  “Conrad, don’t,” Roland said calmly.

  His hand relaxed.

  “Good,” I said. “Because we both know I’d beat the shit out of you with a single hand.”

  He scowled at me, looking strikingly similar to his own father. “Slade, fuck off. Don’t even look at me.”

  “Look, I love your sister. Or did you not hear me say that at the hospital? No? Okay, I’ll say it now.” I leaned closer to his face. “I fucking love your sister.”

  Conrad was about to snap. “I’m about to break my glass over your head.”

  “Good thing I have a steel plate in it.”

  He stood up, about to throw a punch.

  Roland grabbed him and held him back. “Don’t do it. It’s not worth it.”

  I stood my ground, my arms by my sides.

  Cayson was at my side, his hand on my shoulder. “Cool off and let it go. If you beat up Conrad, Mike will never forgive you.”

  That seemed to bring me back to reality. I shrugged off his hold and marched outside, grateful for the cool air.

  When I went to Mike’s office, he ignored my existence.

  “He said he doesn’t have time to see you,” Vincent explained in a terse voice.

  “He’s got to take lunch sometime.”

  “I doubt he wants to share it with you.”

  “Well, I’ll sit right here and wait.” I took a seat in the leather chair.

  Vincent eyed me warily. “You’re going to waste your time.”

  “You’re probably right.” I crossed my ankle over my knee and rested my hands in my lap, staring at Mike through the window of his office. I didn’t take out my phone or entertain myself in another way. I just stared, knowing he felt my hot gaze penetrate his skin.

  Sean came out of his office then spotted me. “You okay, kid?”

  “I’m fine, Uncle Sean.” I kept staring at Mike.

  He followed my gaze then turned back to me. “Want some coffee?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Food? I’m about to take lunch.”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Okay.” He patted my shoulder then walked away.

  Hours passed and I didn’t move.

  Mike glanced through the window and saw me sitting there, waiting. He pressed a button on his desk and shutters covered his windows so he couldn’t be seen. I clenched my jaw but didn’t move.

  Vincent eyed me. “I think you should take a hint…”

  When lunchtime came around, my stomach growled, but I didn’t move.

  A man walked onto the floor with a tray in his hands. He knocked on Mike’s door then walked inside. When he left, the tray was gone. Mike stayed in his office for lunch to avoid me.

  I’m still not leaving.

  When the workday was almost over, Sean stepped out of his office and noticed me. “Still here?”


  He gave me a sad look. “For what it’s worth, I think my brother is being a little too hard on you.”

  “What if it were Skye?”

  That changed his attitude immediately. “Okay, I see his point a little better…”

  “I know I’ll have to work hard to get him to forgive me. But I will do it.”

  He patted my shoulder. “I’ll have my assistant get you some food.”

  “I don’t want anything,” I said firmly. I refused to eat anything that Mike could possibly pay for. “But thank you.”

/>   He sighed. “Alright. But the office is closing soon. I don’t think he’s going to see you.”

  “He’s going to leave sometime.”

  He gave me a sad smile then walked away.

  At five, people were leaving for home. Vincent packed up and patiently waited for his boss to leave first.

  I stayed in my seat.

  Mike finally walked out with his briefcase in hand. He buttoned the front of his jacket before he locked his door. When he turned around, he spotted me, sitting exactly where I’d been that morning. The surprise in his eyes told me he’d assumed I had already left.

  “Yep, still here.”

  He headed to the elevator. “Vincent, make sure you throw this garbage out on the street on your way out.”

  Vincent gave me a sad look before he turned back to his boss. “Of course, sir.”

  I stayed in my spot and watched him get in the elevator. He stared me down while he waited for the doors to close. Situations like these were normally awkward, but that wasn’t the case now. It was tense, violent, and threatening. Both of us were fighting with our eyes, despising each other equally. The door finally closed, and I stood up.

  “I’ve been working for Mr. Preston for a long time. Forgiveness doesn’t come easily, and once he’s made up his mind, he never changes it.”

  “Well, he’ll make an exception this time.”

  He gave me a sad look. “Good luck with that…”

  I left the office and drove home, knowing I’d be back there again in a few days to waste my time all over again.

  A month passed, and I continued to show up at Mike’s office. He never saw me, met me, or even looked at me. Like I was a fly on the wall, he ignored me but knew I was there. As long as I didn’t come too close, he wouldn’t smack me.

  I stayed in the exact same spot, sitting in my customary chair. Sean always checked on me and tried to bring me food, but I always refused. Vincent warmed up to me, seeming to admire my resilience and determination.

  “What did you do to piss him off?” he asked while he organized papers on his desk.

  “I’m seeing his daughter.”

  He flinched for a moment before he kept working. “I see…”

  “And he’s not too thrilled about the way we got together.”

  “Mr. Preston is a generous and compassionate man. It takes a lot to set him off, and he usually lets the worst atrocities go. But when it comes to his family…he’s a different person.”

  “I know.”

  “You have a long road ahead of you. Pace yourself.”

  “You don’t need to remind me,” I said bitterly.

  Hours passed and I stayed in my spot. I was thirsty but I didn’t move. Boredom was drowning me, and I wanted to play on my phone or text Trinity, but I didn’t move.

  Vincent discreetly passed me a bottle of water. “I brought it from home—it’s not Mike’s.”

  I nodded my gratitude and downed it.

  The workday came and went, and just like the past month, Mike walked out, giving me the bird with his eyes, and then walked off.

  I knew this would be hard, but I was starting to think I would never fix our relationship. Maybe he would always despise me. Maybe he would always disapprove of me for his daughter. Maybe Trinity and I would never have a chance…

  Vincent turned off his computer and grabbed his bag. “He has lunch every Tuesday at Cornell’s. And he’s usually alone.”

  I raised an eyebrow while I looked at him.

  “But I didn’t tell you that…” He winked and walked off.

  Trinity and I made out on the couch every night. I would move on top of her and keep my lower body from touching her legs. Making her comfortable was my priority, and I didn’t touch her leg in any circumstance. She started physical therapy, and she was struggling with the exertion, but I always encouraged her. But I tried to distract her mind from the thoughts that haunted her.

  I missed sex like crazy. The last time I went this long without sex was so long ago I couldn’t recall it. Whenever I wanted it, I just took it. But now that Trinity’s leg was in a cast, it was literally impossible. Ironically, I was okay. I couldn’t wait to be with her again, but I didn’t look for it elsewhere. When I walked across campus, I didn’t blink an eye at the pretty girls who’d once made me turn my head. Everywhere I went, I thought about Trinity, oblivious to other women.

  Now I felt like Cayson.

  I was pussy-whipped—hard.

  Geez, I was lame.

  Trinity worried I would take off and get some elsewhere, and that knowledge hurt. Didn’t she know how I felt about her? I’d never been in love before, but I assumed this devotion would happen.

  When we kissed, her mouth drove me crazy. I wanted more than she could give, but it was enough at the same time. I was just grateful to hold her and touch her, thinking how catastrophic her accident could have been. I might have lost her forever.

  Trinity pulled my shirt off then ran her hands up and down my chest. Her need for me was more apparent now that she admitted her love for me. My attraction to her had always been the same, fiery and unstoppable. Then she undid my jeans and pulled them off. We couldn’t do anything, but she liked seeing me naked anyway.

  My hand moved up her shirt, but I didn’t take it off, not wanting to torture myself at the sight of her perfect chest.

  She grabbed my hand and moved it down past her stomach.

  I stopped my embrace and looked at her. “Trinity, be patient…”

  “I’m going crazy, Slade. Give me something…”

  I understood her meaning. I pressed my mouth to hers and kissed her again, and my hand trailed underneath the sweats she wore. As my tongue danced around hers, I touched her the way she liked. I couldn’t count the number of times I’d fingered girls in parking lots, underneath blankets in the presence of others, or inside of bars, and as a result, I knew what I was doing. Quiet moans escaped her lips immediately, and her nails dug into my shoulder.

  I was harder than a rock but tried to stay in control. I hadn’t been inside her in so long and it was killing me. My cock twitched when I thought about her warm mouth and the way her tongue would move across my tip.

  She reached into my boxers and grabbed me, and then started to rub me like a pro. I hadn’t jerked off in months and I was eager for a release. I should’ve pushed her away, but I couldn’t. Together, we pleased each other like teenagers. She found her high first then I followed shortly afterward.

  As soon as I pulled my hand back, I sucked my fingers then wiped myself off in the bathroom. After she cleaned up, we went to bed. I checked all the locks and the lights before I lay beside her.

  The only time I went to my apartment was when her father was here. Every time he came over, he ignored me. I was polite and acknowledged him, but the only thing I got in return was a scowl. Trinity was upset by her father’s attitude, but she didn’t push him on it. And she never brought me up when they were alone together.

  I cuddled into her side and kept her warm with my body heat.

  She sighed happily. “I thought my head was going to explode.”

  I chuckled into her ear. “I’ll make sure you’re satisfied from now on.”

  “What took you so long?”

  “I just assumed you didn’t want anything else but me—the real me.”

  “Well, at this point, I’m just desperate.”

  I kissed the shell of her ear. “After the ladies have me, they need more.”

  “The ladies?” she asked with disdain.

  “I mean my baby.”

  “That’s right.” She rested her hand on my forearm and stroked the skin with her fingertips. “Get it right.”

  I chuckled, finding her jealousy adorable. “Looks like I’m not the only one who’s controlling…”

  She smirked slightly. “Well, you’re mine. And I’m the only girl that matters. Right?”

  My heart melted at her declaration, her admission that she was special to m
e, perfect, and the only one who ever meant anything to me. “Damn right.”

  “Good.” She snuggled into my side and fell asleep, drifting into her dreams.



  I didn’t care if I had to hunt him down and stalk him, Mike was going to forgive me and give me his approval. It was wrong to sneak up on him at his favorite restaurant, but I didn’t give a damn. He wasn’t going to get rid of me by ignoring me. If he really wanted me to disappear, he’d have to kill me.

  Trinity. Was. Mine.

  Every night I spent with her somehow made me fall more in love with her. Never in my life had I been entertained by someone’s silence. Never had I been obsessed with watching a girl sleep. Never in my life had I been this type of guy.

  It wasn’t so bad.

  I went to Cornell’s at noon. It was a casual diner that had American food. Booths that were at least twenty years old lined the walls. The tile was scratched and unpolished. It looked like a dump.

  But they had awesome food.

  When I walked inside, I spotted Mike sitting in the corner booth, looking at his phone while he munched on a bag of chips. Catching him unaware, I walked to his booth then slid into the seat across from him.

  He tensed then his eyes darted to mine, immediately assessing the situation for danger. Mike seemed to be on alert most of the time, like someone was following him or intended to hurt him. Sean was the same way, but I never knew why. My dad emitted the same vibe from time to time. I couldn’t help but wonder if something had happened in their past that was unspeakable.

  He abandoned his chips and flashed me a look of irritation. “You’re really pissing me off.”

  “Ditto.” I kept my hands in my lap and stared him down.

  “You’re wasting your time. Now get away from me.”

  “Nope. Only death will get rid of me.”

  “Sounds tempting…” He ate his chips again and looked at his phone.

  “I’m not going to give up. You may as well work this out with me.”

  He gripped his phone then flashed his gaze on me. “I’m a man that sticks to his guns. I’ll never change my mind about you. You don’t deserve my daughter. If she wants to be with you, I won’t stand in her way. But that doesn’t mean I have to like you.”


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