Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7) Page 101

by E. L. Todd

  I looked even though I knew I shouldn’t. “Uh…”

  The bell rang on the door but I couldn’t pull my eyes away.

  “Hey, baby,” my dad said. He only said that to one person, my mom.

  And if my mom was here, so was Trinity…

  Oh shit. This looked bad.

  I tore my gaze away and spotted Trinity by the door.

  She was flashing me a violent death threat.

  “That’s my girlfriend!” I panicked and pointed Trinity. “Right there. I love her. She’s the most beautiful woman in the world. I’m taken. Sorry.”

  Trixie pulled down her shirt and rolled her eyes.

  I came to Trinity, knowing I was going to be slapped the second I reached her. “It’s not how it looks—”

  She hooked her arms around my neck and gave me a hard kiss. Her fingers dug into my hair and I relished the touch. Then she pulled away. She gave Trixie a glare. “He’s mine. So show your fake tits to someone else.”

  I smirked, loving the way Trinity was being a hard-ass.

  Trixie walked out, swaying her hips like she was on the runway.

  Trinity sighed. “Am I going to have to deal with this every day?”


  “Why did you have to be such a manwhore?”

  I shrugged. “I liked it.”

  Her eyes widened in anger.

  “I mean, I was miserable,” I blurted. “I hated it.”

  She smirked and a light laugh escaped her lips. “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”

  “Cute?” I grinned. “You think I’m cute?”

  “When you panic because you got caught staring at some girl’s rack, you are.”

  “I wasn’t staring at her chest. She was asking where she should put her next tattoo…”

  Trinity didn’t seem pleased with that response.

  “Never mind. I’m just glad you aren’t mad at me.”

  She sighed. “I realize that being with you is going to be an ordeal every single day. I’ll have to be patient. And I’ll have to trust you.”

  I liked that statement. “Me too.”

  She moved closer to me, not seeming to care that my parents were watching us. “Are you going to take me out to dinner?”

  “Of course. Where do you want to go?”

  She leaned close to me, putting her lips at my ear. “Somewhere where we can have sex in the bathroom.”

  I grinned then looked her in the eye. “Trinity, I think you might be my soul mate.”

  “You think? Or you know?”

  I kissed her forehead. “I know.”



  When I woke up the next morning, Slade was fast asleep. We were leaving today but I had a feeling we’d have a late start since we were up so late. I always woke up with the sun, a habit that started long ago.

  His arms were wrapped around me, holding me like a teddy bear. I gently pulled myself away and moved to the edge of the bed. He groaned quietly but didn’t wake up. His hair was messy and out of control, and his body was defined with muscles and lines. I stared at him for a moment, admiring his cuteness. Then I leaned over him and kissed his bare shoulder, feeling the warmth of his skin. Slade drove me crazy and pissed me off, but he gave me so much joy that I overlooked all of his flaws. I knew a relationship with him would take a lot of work but I decided to be with him anyway. I’d have to cut him some slack. He wasn’t going to be a perfect boyfriend overnight. If Cayson were hit on by a girl, especially an ex, he would just walk away. Slade still had to learn the ropes.

  I changed then walked into the kitchen, looking for coffee. After Janice and I hung out yesterday, I realized dating Slade wasn’t weird at all. She treated me exactly the same. It was like nothing had changed. His father didn’t act differently either, but then again, he’d had more time to adjust to our relationship.

  After I made myself a cup of coffee, I poured nearly an entire cup of cream into it.

  “I like my coffee the same—white.” Janice flashed me a smile then poured her own mug.

  I didn’t realize she was there. “My dad teases me for it.”

  “And Ryan teases me.” She carried her cup to the table then sat down. “Leaving today?”

  “Whenever Slade decides to wake up,” I said with a laugh.

  “In that case, plan to stay another night,” she teased.

  Slade was never a morning person and I didn’t think he’d ever change. The only time he did wake up early was when I made breakfast. The smell drifted down the hall and into the bedroom, waking him up gently.

  Janice sipped her coffee while she watched me. “You guys are really cute together.”

  We are? The only thing she saw us do was fight. “Really?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. Ryan thinks so too. I never thought my son would settle down.”

  I shrugged. “Neither did I.”

  Her eyes hardened and she pressed her lips together. “Trinity, if he ever does anything to hurt you, let me know. I will beat the shit out of him and straighten him out. He’s my son and I love him more than anything, but I know how he gets. Just say the word and I’ll scare him off with his tail between his legs.”

  I smirked, knowing Slade was afraid of his mom. He seemed to be fearless with his dad, knowing he could get away with anything. But his mom was the authority he respected. He wouldn’t cross her. “Your son is nothing but sweet. He’s not the same guy he used to be. Your services are appreciated, but unnecessary.”

  She smiled. “Slade is sweet?”

  I nodded. “He’s always sweet to me. I mean, sometimes we argue—about nothing most of the time—but he treats me like a princess in every other instance. I know he’s faithful and loyal to me. And…he’s my best friend.”

  Janice’s cheeks blushed slightly. “I guess I did a good job with him after all.”

  “Slade just has a hard outer shell. Believe me, he’s a sensitive guy underneath. He has fears like everyone else, dreams and hopes, and he has a heart bigger than anyone else I’ve ever known.” I felt self-conscious talking about him like this to his mom. “Sorry, I could go on and on…”

  “No.” She patted my hand. “It’s nice to hear someone compliment my son instead of raving about how much of a shit he is.”

  I laughed and tried to keep my voice down so I wouldn’t wake up Slade. “He’s extremely complicated and he’s got a lot of layers to him. It took us months to peel them away. But I have layers too. When I couldn’t walk, he was always there for me. When I got depressed, he refused to let me mope around. He pushed me to get better and not to give up. He cooked for me and told me I was beautiful when I felt hideous. When I was better, he still waited on me hand and foot. He’s one of the best people I’ve ever known and I’m lucky to have him.”

  Janice sighed while she watched me. “I’ve always known Slade was a good guy. I just never understood why he was so adamant to hide it. I still don’t, actually. He’s a mystery, even to his father and me. But I’m glad there’s one person in the world who understands him at such an intimate level. I’m glad your relationship has progressed and become powerful. Slade needs a strong woman in his life that won’t put up with his bullshit. It’s good for him.”

  “And I need someone who puts up with my high-maintenance attitude and clinginess.”

  “Neither one of those is true.”

  I shrugged. “Slade reminds me every day.”

  “I doubt he minds the clinginess. He’s with you all the time. Therefore, he enjoys it.”


  Ryan came to the table and joined us. “Girl talk?”

  “Slade talk, actually,” Janice said.

  “Sounds good,” he said. “I think Slade is a jackass. What do you think?”

  Janice laughed. “That’s your son you’re talking about.”

  “I know,” Ryan said. “I’ll say it to his face.”

  I laughed, loving the way his family was so laid-back. I’d always k
nown it, but it was different to be a part of it in a different way.

  Slade came out of his room, his hair messy and his eyes squinting against the light. “Why the hell are you guys up so early?”

  His dad smirked. “Slade, it’s nine.”

  He tried to block out the sun with his hand. “Shit, it’s not even noon yet. I’m going back to bed.”

  Janice rolled her eyes. “Why is my son so lazy?”

  “Get over here,” I said firmly.

  Slade sighed then obeyed me, coming to my side.

  My dad made a whipping noise. “You got him by the neck, Trinity.”

  Slade glared at him then turned his attention on me. “Morning, baby.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

  Janice’s eyes softened when she watched him. “Awe…”

  “Shut up, Mom,” Slade hissed.

  “It’s time to get up, Slade,” I said. “Have some coffee and get ready.”

  He sighed but didn’t argue with me. He grabbed some coffee then joined us at the table. He leaned back in his chair, his eyes closed. His chin was covered in hair from not shaving for days, and the hair on his head looked like a disaster. He started to lean toward the left in his chair, clearly falling asleep. Then he jerked awake and corrected himself before he did it all over again.

  Janice shook her head while she watched him. “I’ll never understand why you stick around, Trinity, but please don’t go anywhere. Only a super woman could put up with my son.”

  “Trinity…” Slade mumbled in his sleep.

  His father kicked him under the table. “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

  “Boats!” Slade sat up quickly, jerking awake.

  “Boats?” his mom asked.

  “What the hell were you dreaming about?” I asked.

  He rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “Now I’ll never know because you jerks woke me up.”

  His dad kicked him again.

  “Ouch!” Slade kicked him back. “Shit, I’m awake.”

  I smirked while I watched him across the table. “When you’re finished with your coffee, go get ready.”

  “Okay.” He didn’t argue with me.

  “I can’t even get him to listen like that,” Janice said.

  Ryan gave her a knowing look. “I think Trinity can barter with him in a way we can’t…”

  After saying goodbye to his parents, we headed home.

  Slade was still grumpy and in a bad mood.

  “What’s your problem?” I asked.

  “You know what my problem is,” he said as he clenched his jaw.

  “I really don’t.”

  “When I don’t get my morning sex, I’m a dick.”

  “Well, I didn’t know when you were going to wake up,” I argued. “It could have been hours.”

  “You still could have come back to my bedroom and done your womanly duties.”

  “Duties?” I snapped.

  “Yes, pleasing me is your responsibility.”

  “Responsibility?” My voice moved up an octave.

  “Yes.” He kept his eyes glued to the road. “I want you. All the time. Give me what I want or I’ll get angry.”

  “You can’t just demand things like that from me.”

  “You bet your ass I can. You can do the same too.”

  “That still doesn’t mean I owe you anything.”

  He gripped the steering wheel. “You said you could ask for things in a relationship. Those are your words, not mine.”

  “Well, you’re taking it to a whole new level.” I flipped the page of my magazine and kept reading.

  “At least I’m telling you what I want, when I want it. There’s no room for misinterpretation. Unlike you, who chooses to be quiet and shuts off from me when you’re upset and angry.”

  “Not the same thing…”

  “Yes, they are,” he said firmly.

  The conversation died and we spent the rest of the drive in silence. When we reached my house, Slade carried our bags inside and set them in the bedroom. I immediately started a load of laundry, putting Slade’s boxers with my underwear and his t-shirts with mine. I usually did the laundry while he took care of the yard and my car. Routines had been established a long time ago, unspoken but real.

  I turned on the washer then added the soap. When I caught him in my peripheral, I looked at him. “What?”

  He leaned against the wall, his arms across his chest.

  “Sorry. I mean, what can I do for you, master?” I added a curtsy.

  He grinned from ear to ear. “I like it. Keep it up.”

  I rolled my eyes and returned to the laundry.

  He continued to stand there.

  “What?” I put my hand on my hip and looked at him.

  “Move in with me.”

  That was the last thing I expected him to say. “Come again?”

  “Move in with me.” He left the wall and came to my side. “I know I’m here all the time anyway but let’s make it official. I like watching you do our laundry. I like being home with you every night. I like visiting my parents as a couple. I like all of it…”

  My heart fluttered in my chest. The idea of sharing a home together was my greatest joy. I wanted Slade all the time. Even when he pissed me off and we screamed at each other, I never wanted him to leave. Forever wouldn’t be long enough.

  “Is your silence a yes?” he asked.

  “Actually, it’s a no…”

  His eyes fell in sadness. “Why?”

  “I don’t think my dad would approve of us living together.”

  He sighed in annoyance. “Trinity, you’re a grown woman and can make your own decisions.”

  “But he pays for this house and my bills. I can’t do it unless I have my own finances taken care of. It would be wrong.”

  “Well, then live with me at my apartment. It’s not as nice but…”

  “That isn’t yours either. Your dad pays for that.”

  “Well, I’m here all the time anyway. I just thought it made sense…”

  “I know.” I rubbed his arm. “I want to live with you too. But it’ll have to wait until we both graduate. When we move back to the city, we can get a place together. How about that?”

  Hesitation moved into his eyes but it disappeared quickly. “Yeah, I guess we’ll figure something out…”

  Sometimes I wondered if a long-term commitment still scared him. We hadn’t discussed it in months and I knew he wanted to take it slow. He needed more time to be the man I wanted—needed. Instead of rushing him or asking, I just let it go. “But in the meantime, you can stay here as long as you like—but keep the rest of your stuff at your apartment.”

  “That’s better than nothing.”

  I turned back to the washer and loaded the rest of the clothes.

  Slade came up behind me and pressed his chest into my back. His lips moved to my ear, breathing hot breaths onto my skin. He didn’t speak or move, just held me there. He grabbed my hips slightly and pulled them back, causing me to bend over. Then slowly, he pulled off my jeans and underwear. When I heard his jeans hit the floor, I knew what was coming.

  He moved back over me and turned my head so I could look at him. Then he pressed his lips to mine and breathed into my mouth as he slid inside me. Every inch of him felt wonderful. I moaned as I felt him move inside me.

  I knew Slade was communicating with me without the use of words. Sometimes he didn’t understand what to say or how to express himself. That’s when he would take me like this, at any place in the house, and kiss me while he moved inside, slow and gentle. His lips massaged mine, telling me he loved me without actually saying it. He told me I was beautiful, that I was perfect. His hand wrapped around my waist and rocked me onto him, controlling me. He sucked my bottom lip just before he broke our kiss, still moving into me. “You’re my princess.” He stared into my eyes and kept moving. “And I will do a better job of treating you like one.”

  They were words I’d wanted to hear my whole life. But
I’d never expected Slade to say them. Moaning and groaning, we made love against my washer, saying a lifetime of words without speaking.

  Slade and I returned to our quiet bliss for the next week. Whenever we were away from the others, hidden away in my cozy home, our relationship was different. We were tender and loving, whispering to each other while we cuddled under a blanket. We talked about our favorite books and gave each other massages. The nights I spent at home with him were the best of my life. When I’d had to choose between him and Reid, I was scared I made the wrong decision.

  But I definitely didn’t.

  He was a risk I was afraid to take. I was certain I would get hurt. But our love only grew the longer we were together. I still got jealous when I saw other women flirt with him, but I just threw myself at him and claimed him. That seemed to make the girls disappear. We weren’t as affectionate around the others, but when we were alone together, we didn’t hold back. We had quiet conversations over dinner, and some nights we didn’t talk at all. We made love spontaneously, but we also did it every night and every morning. In the dark places of my thoughts, I feared he would get tired of me. He’d never had sex with the same person for so long. But he seemed to want it every day as much as the previous one. I realized I needed to let go and trust Slade. In my heart, I knew he was my forever. The road wasn’t always smooth and there were bumps and holes, but we would get there. Because I couldn’t imagine my life without him. And I knew he felt the same way. Maybe he was afraid of marriage now, but I knew he was more afraid of being without me.

  After dinner, I walked to the mailbox in front of my house. Vogue was supposed to come in that day, and I was eager to get my hands on it. I opened the mailbox and searched through the mail. Once I found the magazine, I immediately opened it, too excited to wait until I walked back inside.

  A car pulled up at the curb directly next to me.

  Curious, I looked.

  A black Range Rover shone in the light of the overhead streetlamps. And it was one I recognized.

  “Trinity?” Reid came around the hood, concern in his eyes.


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