Until Amy

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Until Amy Page 9

by Jessica Ames

  He slides us onto his back and I straddle his hips. This position is better for both of us. It’s not good for him to put weight on his wrist while it’s healing, and it allows me to take control back, which I desperately need.

  I circle my hips and slide down his cock, taking him as deep as I can inside me. My hands press against his chest as he flexes his hips to meet my thrusts.

  “I’m going to come,” I moan and explode around his cock, my pussy tightening around him.

  He groans and twitches his hips a moment later, spilling into the condom.

  As I come down from my orgasm, I sink against his chest, my tits pressing against his bare chest. His fingers sift through my hair as he heaves in breaths, as if he’s run a race.

  “Okay?” he asks.

  I nod. “You?”

  “Fucking perfect, babe.”



  Laying with Amy in my arms is fucking amazing. This woman has quickly become everything to me, and right now, I need to feel her heat, her warmth against me. I knew the club had a rat, but being confronted with the truth was harder to handle than I imagined. I sat at the bar for a good hour, watching Mac, trying to work out if he feels a hint of guilt for selling out his brothers, but he never showed any remorse. He continued serving brothers like he wasn’t a traitorous bastard.

  One thing I did notice is he places himself in positions to overhear conversations. Knowing what he is doing and why makes my blood boil, but I have to keep my cool. He can’t know we know until Omen is ready to make his move.

  I understand his caution, but if he was part of the Sons London, he would be in the kill room already, strung up, knives slicing over his skin. Fury would have pulled every inch of information out of him, one cut at a time. Omen seems a more cautious man, and I understand him wanting to be sure, but I’m twitchy waiting.

  “What are you thinking about?” Amy asks.

  I stroke my fingers down her arm as she snuggles against my side. “You and how fucking beautiful you are.”

  She laughs. “I probably look a hot mess right now.”

  I kiss the side of her head. “Ain’t nothing a mess about you, babe, but you are fucking hot.”

  Her fingers trail over my side, moving in an arc over my belly too. “What were you upset about when you came over?”


  “You said you needed me,” she presses.

  “Just a shitty day, Ames. Ain’t worth even talking about. You made it disappear.”

  I kiss her again, hoping to get her off this track. I’m not one to spill club secrets in bed. Being in the forces, I learned a long time ago how to keep my mouth shut, but she makes me want to give her everything.

  “I’m sorry you had a bad day,” she tells me, and I shrug.

  “Happens. You want me to leave?”

  She glances up my chest at me. “Leave?”

  “Well, babe, way this is going we’re going to be waking up next to each other. You don’t want that to happen, now is the time to say.”

  Her head shakes. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  “Need to take care of the condom and clean up.”

  Reluctantly, I pull free of her and head into the bathroom. I wash my dick and take a piss. When I step back into the room she hasn’t moved from the bed and is still lying there, laid out for me. I want to fuck her again, but she looks like she’s exhausted.

  Amy comes up on her elbows and peers at me, her eyes soft.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Going at my pace, letting me be in control. I don’t think I would have been able to do that if you hadn’t.”

  I walk over to the end of the bed and pull her into my arms. “Babe, you’re fucking stronger than you know. That shit that happened with your boss doesn’t define you, doesn’t rule you.”

  “I know,” she whispers. “I just never thought I’d be able to trust a man again.”

  “I’m glad you trusted me.”

  I pull her up from the bed and into my arms, kissing her until we’re both breathless. “Clean up and come back to bed. I’m not finished with you yet.”

  Her eyes turn molten at my words and I see the greedy desire in them. I don’t blame her. I feel the same way about Amy. I want her to myself and I want to fuck her senseless every chance I get.

  She disappears into the bathroom and I fix the covers on the bed while she’s gone. I don’t bother pulling my boxers back on as I climb under the blankets and wait for her.

  She takes a little while, but when she emerges, her face is fresh, the day’s makeup wiped off, and her hair is loose. I want to wrap my fist in it and take her again. Fuck, she makes me like a horny teenager who can’t control himself around her.

  Her hands fidget as she stares at the bed, and I’m about to let her off the hook, go home, when she moves and climbs under the covers.

  “We don’t have to do this if you ain’t ready,” I tell her, meaning every word of it.

  “I think that ship has sailed,” she jokes.

  “You want me to leave, say the word.”

  Her eyes come to mine, dark brown, flecked with gold. “I want you to stay.”

  She snuggles against me and fuck, if I don’t love the feel of her there. Her skin is soft, warm and I can’t stop from caressing her as I pull her against my chest. Her eyes meet mine and it’s like she’s wearing all her fucking emotions right there. It makes my chest clog as I see the desire.

  “You’re too fucking good for me.” I mean every word of that. I shouldn’t have my grubby paws anywhere near her, but there’s no way in fuck I can give her up either. She’s mine, and now that I’ve tasted her, had her fully, I’m not prepared to give her up, even if it’s selfish not to let her find some good bloke with a regular nine-to-five.

  “I think it’s the other way around,” she says, but she’s wrong. “I don’t want to scare you, Shane, but I’m falling for you.”

  Fuck. Yes.

  I kiss her, keeping my excitement locked down.

  “Falling for you too, darlin’.”

  She nuzzles against my side. “What do all your tattoos mean?”

  I smile at her question, loving that she seemingly wants to know everything about me.

  “Different shit. The ones on my arms, I got just after I got out of the military. They’re out of respect to those I couldn’t save.”

  Amy traces her fingers over the ink marks covering my bicep, over the tattoo of a nineteen-fifties pinup girl wearing a beret.

  “What about this one?”

  “It’s Hayley.”

  “Who’s Hayley?”

  There’s a hint of jealousy in her voice that has me grinning. “My sister. She died in twenty-twelve.”

  “She was in the forces too?”

  “Medic like me. IED went off, killed her and six other members of the team she was with.”

  Her fingers skim over my stomach. “I’m sorry, Shane.”

  “Yeah, me too, babe. Miss her every fucking day. She used to wear her hair in these fucking big curls, like those bitches you see in the fifties.”

  “I can’t imagine losing any of my siblings. I mean, my brother, Chase, drives me crazy, but I know it comes from a good place.”

  “You just got a brother?”

  “Two sisters too. Mallory, who’s older than me and Georgia who is two years younger.”

  “You get on?”

  “As well as sisters can. Mallory can be a little judgy sometimes, but it’s usually coming from a good place. Georgia is the wild child of the family. I’m surprised she’s not shacked up with your club. It sounds like her scene.”

  “More than yours?”

  “I’ll reserve judgment until I see for myself,” she tells me.

  I find myself wondering what kind of old lady she would make. Judgment in our world isn’t appreciated. The whole mantra of the club is everyone has the right to live their lives how they see fit, without b
eing judged.

  I think she’ll take some guiding though. She won’t be like Sasha, Ravage’s old lady. Amy is coming into this world from a different place. Sasha grew up a club brat, knew what the lifestyle entailed and how to handle it from a young age. She slotted into Rav’s life with ease. I imagine I’ll have to teach Amy a lot, but if she’s willing to come on this journey with me, I’m fucking fine with that. I’ll show her everything she needs to know and how to navigate being an old lady.

  Fuck, I can’t believe I’m even considering this, but I want her and I don’t see that changing. Amy’s it for me, and she has been since I first laid eyes on her. I’m not giving her up either. I just have to make sure she’s on the same page as I am.



  I’m on cloud nine in the days after me and Shane slept together. I never thought I’d be able to have a normal relationship after what happened with Dr Hofstadter, but Shane was so good with me that I didn’t feel scared or worried about what was happening. He allowed me to let go and feel normal for a while.

  As I’m walking into work, my phone rings. I stop by the main doors of the hospital. I’m debating not answering it, but then I see the name ‘Natalie’ on my screen.

  Quickly, I swipe a finger across the screen and take the call.

  “I put in the complaint,” she says without any preamble.

  “You did? I’m so proud of you!”

  “I’m just waiting to see what comes of it. HR is looking into it.”

  She sounds relieved, which makes me feel the same. “I’m so glad things got sorted, honey.”

  “Me too. It’s such a relief. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done to help me.”

  I smile. “Always. And please, keep coming to the group. Sometimes, it helps to talk about what happened to you.”

  “I will. See you Thursday.”

  I hang up, feeling a little lighter. It’s always such a worry when I tell people to stand up against their bullies. I never know how it will turn out, but luckily, this had a good outcome for Natalie.

  Work goes fast. I finish mid-afternoon and head home to shower and change. Then I head over to my dad’s. They’re having a family barbecue. It’s a way of getting me and my siblings together and we do it once a month.

  When I arrive, my brother is already sitting with Mallory, our niece, Maisy, on his lap. She’s giggling as he tickles her side, and I can’t help but smile. He’s a good uncle.

  Chase is built like a tank. He should have been a linebacker, but he’s police. He knows Cobi, but they work in different departments. He’s six-five with sandy blond hair he gets from our mom, but he looks most like Georgia, whose hair is currently dyed a bright green. I’ve never known Georgia to stay one color for too long. She was blue last time I saw her.

  Mallory is a lawyer, has dark hair like me, and shrewd eyes that see everything. She’s also a human lie detector test. She had to be. Me and Georgia were still young when Mom died. She stepped into that role and became a pseudo-mom to us both and Georgia was wild growing up, something she hasn’t quite grown out of.

  “Wondered when you were getting here, kiddo,” Dad says, holding his arms out. I tuck myself against his side, getting the best hug on the planet from him. It’s times like this I really miss my mom. I know she would have loved these moments.

  “Sorry. I got off later than I should have.”

  “Saving lives, kid. Don’t apologize.”

  “There’s still plenty of food left,” Georgia adds. “Chase hasn’t eaten it all yet.”

  “No, but these monsters have,” he says, tickling Maisy again.

  Evie rushes up to me. She’s a carbon copy of Mallory, especially in attitude.

  “Auntie Amy, are you staying?”

  “Yeah, sweetie. I’m staying.”

  I move over to the table and chairs and take a seat next to Chase. The two kids rush off, playing some imaginary game in the garden. We all watch them before Georgia speaks.

  “I heard a rumor Amy’s dating.”

  I snap my eyes to her. How the hell does she know that? At the question in my eyes, she adds, “I have my sources.” Her eyes roll. “Jenna saw you with a tattooed mystery man at Flame.”

  Chase sits higher in his chair, his mouth pulling into a line. “You’re dating?”

  My mouth works for a moment, before I manage to regain control of myself. “His name’s Shane.”

  I don’t need my sibling’s approval, nor do I think I will get it. They tend to worry about me and Georgia more than they should, though somehow Georgia seems to escape any inquisitions. I think both my older siblings have realized the baby of our family can’t be controlled.

  “What’s he do?” Chase demands. There’s tension in his limbs as he asks the question. I know he’s just being protective, but his question pisses me off. What does it matter what he does?

  Even so, I find myself saying, “He was an army medic in the British Army. He’s from London originally. He’s staying in Tennessee with some friends.”

  Friends is putting it loosely. He’s staying with a bunch of outlaws. I don’t mention the club. I’m pretty sure my brother will have a stroke if I do.

  “I heard he’s a biker,” Georgia unhelpfully supplies.

  I snap my gaze toward her, letting the anger blaze in them. “Why are you gossiping about my life?”

  She shrugs. “It’s more interesting than mine right now.”

  Dad places a plate of burgers on the table, but no one moves to get one. The tension is so palpable it clogs the air.

  “You’re dating a biker?” Chase demands. “Like a real biker?”

  It’s not that unusual. Tennessee has a huge biker population. There are clubs scattered all over the state, but there’s more than a few in Nashville and the surrounding areas, including the Broken Eagles, who Harlen and Wes belong to. I think if I was dating someone from the Eagles Chase would be fine about it, but he’s going to pitch a fit when he realizes I’m dating a man from an incredibly dangerous club. Both Cobi Mayson and Harmony have warned me of the trouble surrounding the Sons, but I haven’t heeded those warnings. Shane is too under my skin to walk away, whether he’s an outlaw or not.

  “Who I’m dating is none of your business,” I snap at him before my eyes slide to Georgia. “Yours neither.”

  She holds up her hands. “I was just happy to see you getting back on with your life, Ames.”

  “Which club is he with?” Chase pushes, the cop in him coming to the forefront.

  I let my eyes drift toward him. “What does that matter?”

  “What club, Amy?”

  “Maybe we should all just take a breather,” Dad tries to play the voice of reason, but Chase can’t be reasoned with when he’s in this kind of mood.

  “What does that matter?”

  “Just tell me.”

  “The Untamed Sons.”

  His face immediately contorts into a snarl. “The Sons? They’re outlaws.”

  “Shane’s a good man,” I argue.

  “Who is part of a club with a dangerous reputation.” His counter argument pisses me off. He doesn’t know the first thing about the Sons or Shane.

  “He’s been nothing but good to me.”

  “You can’t date a biker like him,” he hisses at me.

  I scowl at him. “I’m an adult. I’m pretty sure I can do what I want.”

  “He’s a biker, Ames.” Mallory jumps in, her voice is soft. “These men have the reputations they have for a reason.”

  She’s right, of course she is, but I can’t stop my anger from flaring.

  “I’m dating Shane and I don’t care what any of you say, I’m not giving him up. He’s been so good to me, helped me through a lot of things.”

  Chase stares at me. “I know what these clubs are about. I see them come through the station all the fucking time, having committed terrible crimes. I don’t want you caught up in that.”

  I know he’s worried and that
’s the only thing that tempers my anger. “I’m okay, Chase. He’s hardly committing felonies in front of me.”

  “You need to end it.”

  “No offense, but you don’t get to tell me how to live my life.”

  He shakes his head. “No, but I hope like hell you know what you’re doing, Amy. The man is dangerous and he’ll drag you down with him.”

  I swallow hard at the words, wondering if my brother is right.

  The rest of the barbecue is fraught, the tension high. Georgia tries to make light of it, but I’m not thrilled about my family butting into my life—even if it’s coming from a good place. I’m old enough to make my own decisions.

  I head home after the barbecue, and as I’m walking up to the stoop, I get a text from Shane telling me he’s missing me. I can’t stop the smile from creeping over my face. I don’t care what my brother says. He’s wrong about the club. He’s wrong about Shane.



  “We have a club party this weekend. I want you to come.”

  Amy peers up my bare chest. Her eyes are heavy, sated and she has a dreamy look on her face that makes my cock want to go for round two. Making love to Amy is fast becoming my favorite thing. I love the feel of her wrapped around me, love the little noises she makes and the way she pants my name, love how her lips feel around my dick.

  I run my fingers down her side, her skin like silk before I cup her breast. Her mouth parts slightly and an ‘oh’ escapes her lips.

  “Okay,” she pants out.

  I kiss her and she melts against me, her tits pressing against me. Her afterglow is fucking adorable.

  “What should I wear?” she asks, a dimple appearing between her eyes.

  “Whatever the fuck you’re comfortable in, babe. It’s a party, ain’t a black-tie event.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to embarrass you.”

  Fuck me. I kiss her nose. “Ain’t nothing you could do to embarrass me.”


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