Kasadya Hellhound Awakened

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Kasadya Hellhound Awakened Page 17

by Karen Swart

  Chapter 12

  We shifted into a room filled with very stylish furniture. Very modern, like something you saw in movies. I turned around to take in my new surroundings. Well, black and red was the theme, and someone needed a decorator. Looking around, I found a small lounge, a bathroom inside another door, and then behind Kali, a huge freaking bed. Kali was just standing there, not saying or doing anything, so I moved in front of her and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Kali, what the hell is going on?!” I yelled at her, and started to shake her real hard to get her out of this.

  Nothing happened, so I resorted to the last thing. Lifting my hand, I was about to whack her back to real life when the air moved around us. I felt someone shift in behind us, and turned around to find my demon, in an Armani black suit with a purple shirt, standing there smiling at us.

  “Well now, two for the price of one,” he said and started walking to the left, looking at us with a grin.

  “You’re not real! You’re just in my dreams,” I said, shocked that my nightmare was standing there, in flesh and blood.

  “Oh, I’m real, my little hellhound, and as you can see, not only in your dreams. But I must admit, when I placed my trance on your harpy friend to come to me, I didn’t think she would bring you with her. I was still thinking of ways to get you here, a hellhound being unable to resist and all,” he said, walking slowly towards us.

  What? She’s in a trance? That was why her eyes looked like that. How in the hell did he get her into a trance? His words in my dream came to mind “your mind is open to me.” Oh damn, Kali was dreaming of him too, and that was how he was able to put her in a trance. Of course, he even knew what was happening in my life. “Back. Off.” I slung out, pissed off that I even sat down and had a freaking chat with him. Oh my God, he played me into thinking Chax was trying to tame me and stuff. Stupid, stupid girl, Kas!

  “I’m afraid that is not an option. You see, my little hound, I have great plans for you. When I told you about the hellhound born power, I was telling the truth. According to our sources, a hellhound is ten times stronger than any Fallen or demon.”

  “So what? I’m not going to participate in your plans. Might as well save yourself a death blow,” I slammed back at him. Plans for what?

  Laughing, he stopped and looked at us. “My little hellhound, you’re going to give me so much power. Harpy, come to me,” he instructed, and at the last word Kali stepped past me. Oh no! I grabbed her and pushed her back against a wall, locking her in between the wall and me. Turning my head to look at him, I kept her in place. “Let her go now, or I swear you’ll die in this room, right now!” I yelled at him, pissed off and scared beyond words.

  “I see that you’re going to make this difficult, little hellhound. So be it,” he replied, transforming into the demon I saw in my first dream and storming at us. I released Kali and met him halfway, my arm drawn back for a punch. A step before him, I brought my arm forward with all the force I could muster, only to see him dodge it, and then his hands were on me, shifting us out.

  We landed in a dark room; one could just make out what was going on in it. The moment my feet hit the floor, I brought my other hand in for a punch and struck home. His head whipped back and he released me. I moved away from him and transformed, ready to kill him. He rubbed his jaw, and looked at me. He smiled, showing off his fangs.

  “You have strength and wit, I’ll give you that. But I think you’re going to need much more to survive this, little hellhound,” he said with a smile and shifted out, leaving me alone in the room. I turned around to look at the room, looking for a way to escape. Nothing but solid rock walls greeted me, not even a bed or bathroom. Damn, this wasn’t a room; this was a cell, freaking great.

  Transforming back, I started to walk down the walls, placing my hands on them, trying to feel for some sort of an escape or weakness at least. Absolutely nothing. How the hell am I going to get out of this? I looked at the ceiling, solid rock there, too.

  Damn, damn, damn, Kas, you’re in big freaking trouble here. Do something, girl! I walked and felt around for hours, trying my best. Giving up, I tried shifting, over and over again. Nothing. Exhausted and scared, I planted my butt on the cold floor. Oh Kas, what have you done? Why didn’t you listen to Lada and tell someone about your dreams?

  If I had told someone, they would have been able to help me. We could have found out that Kali also had a problem. What about the other girls? Oh my soul, if he could get his hands on Kali, he could get his hands on anyone! Nanini’s sweet, petite face came to mind. No, not her! Then Lada’s. I had to stop this; I couldn’t let him take them and bring them here, and I needed to get not only myself, but Kali out of here, too.

  How was it possible for a demon to reach our dreams in Exsilium? They never once told us that demons could do that? Hell, why didn’t they tell us? They could have prepared us for something like our dreams. We would have known that it wasn’t normal. We could have enlisted someone to help us. Damn, they wanted us to serve, but they couldn’t even protect us in freaking Exsilium! Oh, they suck big time! Wait until I get my hands on Chax.

  At the thought of him, guilt took the place of anger. Yeah, I was making out with him while his girlfriend was being tormented by a demon. Oh, that’s low, Kas. Damn, now I felt real guilty about the kiss, but I wouldn’t lie; it was phenomenal. No dream could ever beat it. But no more. Maybe this was my punishment for kissing another girl’s boyfriend?

  Holding my legs and bracing my head on them, my mind ran through everything. I was so tired I drifted off to sleep, only to come awake shaking. No, I can’t fall asleep; I’ll let my guard down. “Don’t fall asleep.” I repeated it over and over to myself. It felt like hours had passed. Because of the dark cell, I was unable to tell if it was day or night. All I knew was that I was cold, hungry, and running low on hope.

  The air around me moved, and I knew someone was shifting in. I jumped up. Weak or not, I’d give them all I had left. I was not going down without a fight. The demon shifted in just in front of me, still in a black suit, but with a red shirt this time.

  “Greetings, my little hellhound. Have you changed your mind yet? Are you going to play nice?” he asked, walking slowly in front of me, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  “I don’t play nice, ever,” I said coldly. If he wants a fight, I’ll give him one.

  “If you behave I’ll take you to see your harpy friend,” he offered, smiling at me. Arrogant prick.

  “What have you done with Kali?”

  “She’s safe and enjoying her newfound surroundings. You can join her, to see for yourself. All you have to do is take my hand,” he replied, offering his hand. Warning bells went off inside me. “Don’t trust him,” they said. But I needed to know if Kali was still okay, and I needed to get to her, to find a way out for both of us.

  Moving slowly, I placed my hand in his. The moment we touched, he shifted. The next thing I knew, two other guys were grabbing me and holding me down against the floor. I struggled and fought as hard as I could, but they were strong and held me in place, one taking my arm and holding it in the air.

  “I have great plans for you, my little hellhound. Before I give you the pleasure of being my consort, you’re going to give me power,” he said, and clamped a bronze cuff around my wrist. Oh my God, the same freaking cuff Vulcan had in the class! My other arm was forced out, and the same was done again. The two guys released me after the second cuff was on, and shifted out, leaving me with the demon.

  I jumped up and moved back away from him. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him, but no, freaking Kali was still stuck in my conscience. He went over to a chair and table, sitting down, looking at me.

  “According to our sources, a hellhound is unbeatable. He created you to destroy anything. Well, seeing that you are the first hellhound to make it into our world, we should test that theory.”

  “Whatever you have in mind, I won’t do it,” I replied, contemplating his words. So, I’m the
first hellhound to end up in such mess. Well done, Kas, you idiot!

  “Not even if your friend’s life depended on it?”

  Okay, that got my attention. Yeah, I knew there was no love between Kali and me, but I couldn’t leave her to this thing’s mercy. And the kiss was also hanging over my head. Having another internal battle, I just looked at him in silence.

  “If you behave and do what I say, I will not harm her. But if you refuse, I will take her head and bring it to you to look at for days,” he went on, evil written all over his face. No joking about that part; he oozed evil from every pore. Crap! If we get out of here, I’m kicking the first Fallen’s butt I see.

  “Come eat. I have arranged for human food. I know your kind doesn’t indulge in our food preference,” he said and gestured to a plate of food on the table. My stomach rolled when my eyes spotted it, but I remained still.

  “You’re going to need your strength, little hound. Believe me, you don’t want to be weak later on today,” he informed me, crossing his legs and sitting back to look at me.

  “Why would I need my strength?” I asked, wondering what great plans this ass had for me.

  “You will battle other champions in our domain. You win, and I get more power. If you’re good enough, you’ll defeat Thalia’s pet and become the Bellator.”

  “You want me to engage in combat with other demons to gain you power? Forget it. I won’t do it.”

  “Then your harpy friend dies,” he replied, as if it was nothing to take a life. I just remained silent. Crap!

  “I’ll leave you to think about it; maybe some time will bring some perspective,” he said and shifted out of the room, leaving me alone.

  I looked around the room, taking in the place. It was a small room with a bed and a table with two chairs. My eyes caught the bathroom in the corner and I rushed over to it, my bladder already in pain from the lack of facilities in the cell. Afterwards, I walked back into the room and raised my hands to look at the bronze cuffs around my wrists. Why on earth did he put them on me? I moved a hand over one and felt a tingle from them; of course they were enchanted. The question was, for what purpose? Will another body and cuffs be on their way for Vulcan to add to his collection?

  I smelled the food and decided to move to the table to get some nutrients in my system. One thing he was right about was that I needed my strength to get us out of here, so I took a fork and scooped some up. The moment I tasted the food, my stomach went haywire. I dug into the plate, finishing it off in minutes. Grabbing the glass of juice, I gulped down the huge bites I had taken.

  Stuffed, with my stomach content, I got up and checked out the room. The only door in the room opened a closet filled with clothes in black, red, and purple, of course. Yeah, this guy needed to check out a fashion book. I picked out a black leather thing and opened it to find a pair of leather pants. Silver studs in the sides, and moving it up I saw small slits in it; this must be some kind of kinky outfit. No way in hell! I placed the pants back and closed the closet.

  Turning around and looking at the room again, I went over to the bed and planted myself on it. Except for the closet door, the room had no other doors, not even a window. It was just another version of a cell, just freaking great. I looked at the black bed covers and then laid back on them, the demon’s words flashing through my brain.

  If I don’t fight, Kali will be killed. If I fight, I’m sure I would be killed. I hadn’t even had a month’s training behind me. How the hell would I survive a fight with a demon? Yep, we were pretty much dead, either way. I laid there for an hour, thinking about possible solutions. Maybe try and seduce the demon and then kill it some way? Then we would at least have one less problem. But still I didn’t know where Kali was, so how would I get to her and get us out?

  I wondered what the demon had done with her; his comment about his consort earlier had me very worried. Was that the fate Kali had met? Oh my soul, I just hoped I never had to face that. I’d take on a million demons before I would get into bed with him. No way in hell would my first time be with a demon, no way. I must have drifted off while still thinking because the next thing I heard was the freaking demon just above my head.

  “Wake up, my little hellhound. Its time.” My eyes flew open, and I found him looming over me. I pushed him off me and jumped off the bed, backtracking to a safe distance. Laughing, he just sat on the bed and looked at me.

  “You touch me again, and I will kill you!” I yelled at him, furious that I let my guard down and fell asleep, giving this ass an opportunity to sneak up on me. Get your act together, Kas, or you’re going to regret it, I scolded myself.

  “In time, my dear, in time. But now we start our journey to great power,” he said, standing up and walking to me. I just kept backing up, staying away from him.

  “If you refuse, I’ll kill her,” he spit out, angry at me for backing away from him. His words stopped me. Damned Kali! I couldn’t do that to her. He then walked to me, his hand in offering. “Take my hand,” he demanded, and I did.

  We shifted into another cell, iron bars coming into my view. The next thing I knew, something snorted on my left and rammed into the bars. I jumped back and looked at my new problem. Standing in the cell next to me was a cross between a bull, dragon, and man. It was snorting like mad, smoke coming out of its nostrils. I kept my distance while looking at the thing. Holy crap, I really hope that this is not the demon I need to fight. It was freaking huge, reaching the ceiling of the cell, and man, it looked deadly.

  “Your opponent for today, my little hellhound,” the demon said, and I looked at him in total shock.

  “Are you mad? I’ll die! I don’t even have a month’s training! I will be killed the first moment we step into the fight,” I screeched at the demon, returning my eyes to the bull guy, who now walked up and down the bars like a caged lion, his eyes on me.

  “You are a hellhound born. Killing demons is your destiny. It’s time to embrace it,” he replied and shifted out, leaving me with the thing. Crap, I’m so freaking dead!

  I kept my eyes on the demon; it slammed into the bars over and over, trying to get to me. A mixture of fear and adrenalin started to pump through me. How the hell am I going to reach its freaking head? And even if I did get there, how the hell would I take it? No way in hell would I be able to take its head off by just using my hands. I stood there, looking at my own death, feeling my end for the first time in my short life. This was so unfair.

  The Armani demon shifted back into the cell and walked over to me. In the bull demon’s cell another guy shifted in. I watched as the bull demon was shifted out, and looked at the demon that brought me to my own death.

  “Come, little hellhound. It begins,” he said, holding his hand for me to take. Well, to death I walk, or shift in this case. I took his hand.

  We were standing in the middle of what looked like a battle arena, of sorts. Thousands of demons stood on the side, growling, and shouting. I looked at the crowd, and all I could see were demons. Then my eyes drifted in front of me, where the bull demon was standing with the demon that shifted him out, smoke pouring out of its nostrils.

  “Your weapons, my little hellhound,” my demon announced next to me, and I turned to look at him. In his hand he held two swords, not as beautiful as Chax’s, but hell, who was going to be picky in a situation like this. I walked to stand in front of him. I took the swords, and the moment I touched them I felt a tingle again. Okay, so they are also enchanted. I wonder why.

  “To new power,” my demon toasted and shifted away. I turned around, moving the swords to get a feel for them. They were the same weight as Chax’s swords, so I got them under control very quickly. I lifted my head to look at the bull demon, which now also held two swords in his hands. Oh, I’m so dead.

  Transforming into my Fallen body, I said a prayer, hoping God would help me through this. The bull demon stormed forward, the crowd going wild. He moved fast, too fast, and the moment he was two steps from me, he raised one swor
d, ready to kill. Using my wings, I moved out of its way. At his side, I raised my swords and swiped them over his side. It growled and turned to me. I took a few steps back, waiting for the next attack. He stormed again and I repeated the action, this time bending down and going for its legs. It fell to the ground, howling. Seizing the opportunity, I swiped my right hand down, trying to take its head, but only caught his shoulder.

  Using his tail, he had me on my butt and was on me. Keeping his huge head away from my face with my hands, my swords bypassing his face, I tried desperately to remove him but he weighed a ton. Panicked, I pulled back my left hand and cut him in the neck. He flew off me, holding his neck, giving me a chance to get up and compose myself.

  If I thought it was pissed before, I was wrong. It was furious after that cut. Storming forward, it swung both swords, trying to cut me. I circled him, trying to keep space between us, but he got me over my arm. I screamed and moved away from him, looking down to my arm to see the damage. I was slammed with brutal force. I felt a rib or two break, landing on the ground. Ouch, that hurts. I looked up to see it moving towards me again. Did it just head butt me?

  Using my wings, I pushed myself up and readied myself, my torso pounding from the impact. Breathing hurt like crap. The moment he was in reach, I swiped both swords over him, hitting him in the face and over the chest. He punched me with a fist and I flew back again, but this time I used my wings to steady myself and bring me down with grace. Then something clicked in me. The same strange feeling, like yesterday, but this time I opened up and let it take over completely.

  Looking at the creature, I felt power course through me. I felt stronger, faster, and my Fallen body felt indestructible. The bull demon came at me again, storming full force. This time I could see his move, like slow motion on a video, and I watched him come closer. I saw him lift his head with every step, using it to gain speed. Calculating my attack, I moved forward and sliced my sword below his neck. I landed a few feet away and turned to look at it. He was lying on the ground, his head a few meters away.

  Straightening up, I looked at the demon. Now I didn’t feel like an Apprendo. I was calm, in control, and collected; I felt like a Custos. I looked up at the crowd, which was silent. They just looked at me; no sound, no growl or scream, just silence. I felt the air at my back move, and turned, ready to take the next head, which was the Armani demon. The moment my sword was almost at his neck they stopped in midair. Looking at the swords and then him, I knew now why they were enchanted: to keep him alive.

  “Well done, my little hellhound, well done,” he said, smiling at me, knowing full well the swords wouldn’t kill him. I pulled down my hand and looked at him. The ass knew it; that’s why he was standing there all defiant.

  “I’ll take them back now, little hellhound,” he instructed and opened both his hands. My swords went flying out of my hands, straight into his. Angry that I was without a weapon in a place packed with demons, I folded my hands into fists, my nails piercing my skin. But I stayed cool and collected; my confidence got a boost from the fight, and my fear lessened.

  “Well done, Draco. Your pet is indeed something to look at,” a guy said on my left, and I turned to look at him. Standing there was a very hot guy in black leather pants with a loose white shirt hanging open, exposing his chest. He had blonde hair falling down past his shoulders and pitch black eyes. Next to him were three others, two males and a female. It was the female that caught my attention; beautiful with long, black hair, black eyes, and two horns sticking out of her head. She wore something that was supposed to look like a goddess dress, but she failed miserably. Her breasts were hanging out for everyone to see. Clearly, the word decency had no meaning here.

  The hot guy walked up to us and started to walk in a circle around me. He was looking me up and down. The moment I felt him at my back, I slammed my wings shut to my back, keeping them safe and away from him. I turned around following him, alert and ready. As he circled me, I felt a tingle along my skin. He was powerful, and his power moved over my skin, turning up the tingle.

  “It is fascinating to see such a beautiful creature in battle. You found a treasure indeed.”

  “Thank you, my lord,” Draco replied from behind me, very pleased as the guy’s words. I could hear the excitement in his voice.

  “That doesn’t mean she will last long enough to take on Caim. She will most likely die in the next battle,” the female said, sneering out the words. Well, I’m glad to know she doesn’t like me, because I so don’t like her. The hot guy stopped when he reached them and looked at her. “Thalia, the sound of envy is in your voice. Are you perhaps jealous of Draco’s find?” he asked the female, whose eyes changed to red at the words.

  “None have been able to defeat Caim in all these centuries; he is the Bellator and will remain so,” Thalia replied, looking at me to carry over the statement. I just kept looking at her, emotionless.

  “Your pet is no hellhound, Thalia. They are born to destroy,” Draco said, smiling at her, pissing her off even more.

  “Be that as it may, she lacks his years of experience. She will fail. Mark my words, Draco,” she countered and turned around. Walking away, her hips were swaying like a cat. What a slut.

  “The future will be very interesting. Come, Draco. Return your pet and join me. We have much to celebrate,” the hot guy said and walked off, the other two following. I turned to look at Draco, who was smiling like a school boy after his first kiss.

  “Come, my little hellhound.” He offered me his hand; I took it just to get away from all the demons around me. They were becoming too much. The moment the hot guy turned around, the crowd started up the noise. Howls, screams and growling erupted, so loud I couldn’t think. We shifted back to my prison and the moment we hit the ground, I pulled my hand from him, backing away, keeping my Fallen body to take him on.

  “You have done well, my little hound, and you will bring me absolute power,” he said, walking slowly towards me. I went into a defensive stance and made myself ready to kick his ass. Seeing that I was preparing for a fight, he stopped and looked at me.

  “I can bring you pleasure beyond your dreams, make you a queen.”

  “I’d rather die,” I replied.

  He moved for me, damn fast. I grabbed his arm, which was reaching for me, turned it toward his back, moved him away from me, and slammed him into the wall. He struggled, but I had him pinned against the wall; he wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Release me or she will die!” he yelled, his face pressed up against the wall.

  “You will release both of us now, or I’ll rip your head off with my bare hands,” I replied calmly, keeping my composure.

  “You have much to learn, my little hound,” he growled and transformed into his demon body. I felt the bronze cuffs around my wrist begin to burn me. I tried to push away the pain and hold him, but I could smell my flesh burning beneath them. The pain was unbearable, growing more painful by the second. I released him and backed away, rubbing the two shackles and trying to relieve the burning. I looked up just in time to see him slam into me, taking me down to the floor. I felt the ground and brought up my hands in defense, but it was too late, his head was already at my throat and I felt the sting of his fangs.

  After the stinging, I felt myself starting to go numb; he was paralyzing me. Distressed, I struggled to escape him, but with no success. He was sucking up my blood like a leech. I felt my strength draining out of me, and knew I was in big freaking trouble. Then he flew off me, grabbing his mouth, my own blood spraying all over my face. Dazed, I rubbed it off, and pressed my hand on the spot he bit into, trying to stop the bleeding. He was going down on his knees, still holding his mouth, but screaming now.

  Numb, I just lay there looking at him. He bent forward on all fours and I could see in his face that he was in pain. Good, I hope you die from my blood. He lifted his head and looked at me, furious. I saw his mouth was now bleeding on its own. I smiled at him, pleased the prick got some payback.
He shifted out and left me there on the floor.

  After a long time I felt the numbness leaving my body, my strength and will returning to me slowly. When I felt strong enough, I got up and walked slowly to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and saw that my entire face was smudged with my blood, the wound at my neck having bled out, leaving my shirt stained with blood, clearly not charmed enough for blood stains.

  I turned around and started to remove my clothes. When they were off, I walked over to the shower and opened the knobs, hoping to hell that clean water would be in them. Clear water sprung from the showerhead, and I placed my hand under the spray to feel if it was warm. Yep, some luck for the day.

  I got in and started to rinse the blood and filth off me. In the mirror I could see my entire face was covered with dirt. Turning around, I could see two bottles, so I reached for one and opened it, pressed my nose close and drew in a breath, the scent of a honey mixture running up to my nose. Thank God. Some hope still remained, and I turned the bottle over and pushed some into my hand. I washed my hair and then my body. Everywhere my hand went I could feel the pain from the fight taking hold in my muscles.

  After the shower I got out and found towels in a cupboard. I toweled off and walked over to the closet. Struggling to find something suitable to wear, I went through the clothes. I found underwear and a soft, black tank top, and at the back, a pair of yoga pants. Dressed in black, I went over and lay down on the bed, giving my body some rest from the long day. Thinking about the fight and everything I saw today, I found myself missing Chax’s pissed off face. Hell, I would do anything to see that face again, and this time I would take his crap with a smile. I lay there thinking about all of them: Seth, Lada, and Nanini. I even thought about my parents and hoped that one day I’d get out of here and see them again, but so far things didn’t look good for me.

  I wondered if they were searching for us. Then I remembered how often they spoke of Fallen being taken, but never spoke of Fallen returning. So this was it; my life would continue in hell until I died. I wondered if Kali was safe, unharmed. I wondered if she even knew where we ended up, and what we were about to face in this place. Drifting into sleep with my aching body, I finally dreamed of a normal life. No Fallen, no demons, no fear, just me and my wonderful dream.


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