Sapphire Scars: Volume Three

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Sapphire Scars: Volume Three Page 8

by A. P. Moraez

  Ash came down from the orgasm to the image of a sweaty Leo licking his fingers clean of Ash’s come, just a couple inches from Ash’s own mouth. He’d swallowed all of it. Every single drop. The whole thing was making Ash hyperventilate.

  When Leo finished, he smirked. His body was still mostly pressed to Ash’s, keeping them hell hidden in the shadow of the windows overhead, and keeping Ash from escaping, all at the same time.

  A few moments passed in silence, Leo’s eyes, now molten and glistening, content, in the night.

  “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you, Ash?” Leo finally said, as he brought one hand to Ash’s left cheek. “You didn’t tell anyone what you saw that day in the garden?”

  Ash was shaking his head even before Leo finished asking. “No. I swear I didn’t.”

  “Not even to Eric?”

  Flashes of that first night in the mansion crossed Ash’s mind. The part where Nate had told him not to ever lie to Leo; that the man was excellent at detecting liars.

  Ash pushed through the fear, though, and lied, “No. It’s none of my business, anyway.”

  “You’re right. It isn’t.” Leo kissed him lightly on the lips. “Did you like what we did tonight?”

  Ash swallowed. He could lie again, but he didn’t want to. He wanted more, even if the mere thought of wanting more from this virtual stranger made him feel all wrong. He couldn’t take his eyes off of him. Of his muscles, the way what he could see of the ink on his exposed forearms and neck shifted and shone, now under sweat and moonlight. Of his pierced lips and the sinful, all-knowing smile they formed when the man took Ash’s silence as all the answer he could possibly need or want. Ash took the coward way out and blamed it all on his teenage hormones.

  “I could give you everything, Ash. Money, respect. A future. Surely living here has been better than fighting for survival on the streets.”

  Ash nodded again. Why was he so incapable of looking away from Leo’s eyes? He wasn’t like this. He didn’t like looking people in the eyes.

  “I could even help you, you know…” Leo continued, pressing another soft kiss to Ash’s mouth. “… find yourself. All I ask in return is your loyalty.”

  Leo didn’t give Ash enough time to reply; to even think. Something rumbled in the man’s chest and all of a sudden Ash’s mouth was under his unrelenting kiss again. A firm hand angled his head just a little to the side and Leo took. He licked every corner of Ash’s mouth that he could find, rolling their tongues together and every time the man moaned those deep waves inside his mouth, he lost a little bit more of control of his legs and got a little harder down there.

  When they finally came up for air, Leo was breathing hard. Against Ash’s lips, he said, “Don’t stay too long out here, Ash. You never know what’s lurking out there.”

  Before Ash could even understand what had just happened, Leo’s whirled around and disappeared around the corner.

  Leonardo Lazarus

  eleven years ago…

  ASH STARTLED AWAKE from what had already been a restless sleep. This time, it wasn’t Eric’s snores that pulled him from sleep; it was the sapphires in his dream. In the dream, he’d been roaming through a forest, surrounded by the most beautiful trees, walking through a pathway lined with bushes and colorful flowers, but then… then the clouds came. They’d taken over the sky, taken the sun hostage and morphed the forest all around him. Gone were trees and flowers and happiness. Ash’d barely had any time at all to start running, when enormous sapphires sprung up from the ground, which was also turning into deep blue stones. There was light pulsing in them. It pulsed and pulsed and pulsed, as if trying to tell him something; trying to intimidate him. It was like they wanted him to run. In the dream, he’d finally tripped over one of them and, to his horror, when he looked down at the ground between his legs, there were eyes there. All made of a sinister mixture of precious stone and rotting flesh.

  Ash wiped the sweat from his forehead and, with a shaky hand, reached for the cup of water he always kept on then nightstand to his left. He gulped slowly, trying to regain control of his heartbeat.

  For several moments, he just focused on drinking, breathing, and watching Eric sleep. A smile pulled at the corners of Ash’s lips.

  The boy was absolutely wiped. The first few months of high school hadn’t been kind to him. Ash had lost count of how many nights, exactly like last night, they’d stayed up late studying. It was a mutually beneficial thing, really.

  Ash had finally taken his new SATs last year, and passed with a considerably high grade. As all the knowledge was still fresh in his brain, it was kinda easy to help Eric grasp concepts he was struggling with. Helping his friend study was also a good way to keep all what he’d learned there, always fresh on his mind. That way, when he finally decided to which university he wanted to apply, he wouldn’t start with a rusted memory of everything.

  It was just… difficult to think clearly with everything that had been going on. The only thing Ash knew beyond any doubt was that he didn’t wanna stay here.

  Almost a whole year had flown by since that night Leo had cornered him as he played outside and, since then, Ash had been desperate to get out of there. He just couldn’t. Where would he go? Back to living out on the streets? No, thank you. So, in the months that followed that surprising encounter, Ash focused on two things: on his studies and on keeping as much distance between Leo and him as possible.

  It had taken him getting a hold of his impulses, mostly of the impulse of getting outside in the middle of the night, but it had worked.

  They’d wake up early in the morning, shower, dress and get down to breakfast. Leo couldn’t approach him that way when they were surrounded by the other kids, Nate, Natasha, Matthew and Gabriel, so that gave Ash a little respite.

  What irked him was that the man behaved in a perfect manner while surrounded by other people. Always polite, chivalrous; always in full control. He asked all the kids how school was going, how their day had been. And even though most of them still had those void eyes that told anyone that paid attention that they’d seen too much for their age, it was clear they adored Leo, especially the youngest.

  No one seemed to notice the tension in the air when he addressed Ash directly. How his intonation would change from casual to something else every time it was Ash’s time to share how his day had been. How his eyes smoldered and sought Ash’s and how Ash couldn’t do anything but stare right back.

  Lucky for him, once breakfast was done and the others went to school or work, it was time for his lessons in preparations for the SATs; one more way to keep Leo away from him. Well, at least that was what Ash liked to tell himself, because it comforted him. Deep down, though, he knew nothing could really deter a man like Leonardo Lazarus. Ash was living in his home, eating his food, studying under a teacher paid by him. He’d be a fool to think the man couldn’t get his hands on him any time he wanted. Only, thinking like that wouldn’t do him any good, so he tried to deviate his thoughts toward the brighter option. Tried to believe he was being beyond awesome on his avoidance tactics.

  And all of it worked well… for a while, at least. He hadn’t taken the SATs right after that unfortunate night out there alone with Leo. August had come, and he hadn’t felt fully prepared, so the lessons had continued until late November, when he finally took them again.

  It was late December when the results came, and Ash’d never forget the moment when, locked inside his room with Eric, he’d opened the file they’d sent him.

  Both had jumped on Ash’s bed, elated, at seeing his score of 1518. They’d celebrated watching Supernatural and eating mints.

  Happiness hadn’t lasted long, though. It was gone the second Ash realized that he’d have to talk to Leo about the results, so that they could discuss what the options for his future were.

  After talking to Eric, who had become Ash’s only true friend over the months they’d spent together, and was on the know of everything Leo had done to him, and equally a
fraid of the man now, they’d agreed it’d be best for Ash to broach the subject with the man after the holidays had passed.

  So, one day, around the third week of January, just a few weeks before Ash’s seventeenth birthday, after everyone had left for the day and Natasha had gone back to her room, after breakfast, Ash gathered his courage and approached the head of the table, where Leo had his eyes on the usual newspaper.

  “Leo I… I’ve got my SAT results,” he’d disclosed, trying his best not to let his voice shake, because he just knew he couldn’t afford showing signs of weakness around that man.

  Ash tensed when Leo’s eyes slowly, lazily lifted from the paper to Ash’s hand, holding the results, and then to his eyes. The glint in his eyes and the way that amused smile formed on those pierced lips told Ash the man was simply loving that Ash’d had no other option other than to approach him that day, of his own accord.

  “That’s fantastic,” Leo said. “Let me see.”

  With bated breath, Ash waited as the man carefully unfolded the piece of paper and then studied it for a few seconds.

  Leo’s eyes jumped back to him and the amused smile he’d had morphed into a grin. He scanned the room for a second, as if checking they were really alone, before he let out a low whistle.

  “Wow, Ash,” he murmured. “Handsome, good kisser, musically talented and,” he shook the paper in his hand, “apparently also got some brains on you, uh? Full package.”

  Stunned, Ash didn’t know how to react for a few seconds. He finally forced a little smile, cleared his throat and said, all while avoiding looking Leo in the eyes, “I’d like to discuss with you what my options are, both for my academic life and also… I think now that the SATs thing is over, it’s time for me to get a job.”

  A few seconds passed in silence.

  “Alright. What jobs did you have in mind?”

  “Anything, really. I’m flexible.”

  “I bet you are,” Leo half-whispered right before warm fingers wrapped around Ash’s left wrist and started rubbing the inside, right over his pulse.

  Ash shivered and started mentally praying for the man to just leave him alone.

  “I— I mean… I’ve worked in a hardware store before, but that’s it. I don’t have experience. Anything that could get me some money so I don’t feel so guilty for living here without contributing with anything would be great.”

  Leo brought Ash’s chin up with a small nudge, the other hand still rubbing circles on his wrist. “You’re no burden here, Ash. None of you are.”

  Ash just nodded weakly. “Still, I can’t just roam around the house all day until I decide which University to apply to. Nate, Matthew and Gabriel all work. I’m sure there’s something I can do, as well? I’m not a kid anymore.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  A few seconds ticked by in awkward as Ash didn’t know how to react to Leo’s suggestive tone.

  “So? I… uh… I don’t know exactly what you do for a living, but is there any job I could take, like the others? Working for you or something? Something at the bottom, of course. Something I couldn’t mess up.”

  Leo regarded him for a moment, letting his eyes go to the point where his hand met Ash’s skin.

  “Have you ever heard of Vesuvius?”

  Ash shook his head.

  “Of course not.” The amused smile was back on those pierced lips. “It’s my club. That’s where the boys go to work every day. I’m afraid I wouldn’t keep on the right side of the law if I allowed seventeen-year-olds to work at my club, Ash.”

  “Oh,” Ash breathed out, suddenly relieved to finally know a bit more about the man in front of him. So he was a club owner? That was… normal, right? Better than the other options that had been going around his and Eric’s heads every time they couldn’t find anything about him online. “I see.

  “Maybe I could look for a job somewhere else, then? In the city.”

  “And what would you do there? Wash dishes? Be a busboy? An office assistant? Salesman?” Leo scoffed. “Surely you can do better with your time, Ash. The jobs you’d be able to get in the city are not fit for someone who gets such a high score on their SATs as you did.”

  “But I have to start from somewhere.” Ash’s voice was raising, but he couldn’t contain his frustration. “Everybody starts at the bottom, Leo. I can’t live here forever. The sooner I start earning my own money, the sooner I can get my life back.”

  Ash knew he’d messed up, then, for the hand around his wrist tightened a fraction and something darkened in Leo’s eyes.

  “Something wrong with living here? Something bothering you?”

  “No I— No, I just don’t feel okay with getting so much for free. Nothing in my life has ever been for free.”

  “Maybe you were living with the wrong sort of people, then, uh? Maybe you deserve better.”

  Well, that point of view had never crossed his mind. But maybe… maybe he had indeed been living with the wrong kind of people. Ms. Baker aside, everyone else had only ever hurt him, diminished him. Nothing more than low-class filth.

  In the few moments he’d been lost in thought, Leo had risen from the table, making Ash take an involuntary step back. He was so much taller; so much stronger. So much… more. Ash’s eyes were at his chest level, and he shivered when Leo’s warm hand came to rest over the side of his neck, where the man gave it a little squeeze.

  “Look at me, Ash.”

  Reluctantly, he let his eyes glide up until they med ice.

  Leo’s eyes were so close. So close. He smiled, and they did too.

  “Tell you what,” Leo said, voice low, “why don’t you just allow yourself some time to breathe, uh? I’m sure the last few months of constantly studying worn you out a little. Why don’t you take a few weeks to think about what you want? What you really want for your future. Not some lowly job out there in the city, but something you can make a future out of?

  “There’s no rush, Ash. I’ve started this project, years ago, exactly for the purpose of helping… unique kids like you to get on their feet again. You don’t have to worry about money and shit like that, alright? Just focus on you for now. What do you say?”

  His heart was beating so fast. His body reacting in a bizarre mixture of lust and gratefulness and disbelief at Leo’s proximity and the comfort his words were bringing.

  Nobody, aside from Mr. Baker, had been this no-strings-attached with him his whole life. Nobody had ever told him he could focus on him. There was always something; a catch, a surprise along the way; betrayal.

  Ash wasn’t a fool. Nothing had relaxed him of the notion that something was simply off in this mansion. In the way Leo behaved and especially how he behaved with him. But right in that moment? In that moment, Ash’d been tired.

  Tired of worrying and second-guessing and doubting. And it was that sense of tiredness and wanting to be taken care of for one moment of his life, at least, that made him agree.

  “Yeah,” he murmured. “I’ll do that.”

  “You will?”

  Ash nodded.

  “Great, then. All settled.”

  Leo took a look at his cellphone then. “I’m afraid I gotta rush out to work.” He squeezed Ash’s shoulder again and paused. Ash didn’t miss how those clear eyes dropped to his lips for a second and then darkened. His stomach fluttered, but he couldn’t move. After a moment, though, Leo’s jaw clenched and he just took a step back, after giving Ash’s shoulder one more firm squeeze. “Just live a little, Ash. Think about universities and what you really wanna do with your life. Maybe something to do with music, uh? It’s not every day that someone with your kind of talent is put into this world.”

  Ash nodded, overheated. “Sure.”

  Leo winked at him and spun around, starting on his way to the front door. “Great. If you ever wanna talk, I’m here for you. Just try not to worry too much, there’s no rush.”

  And then he was gone.

  And that’s what Ash had done for the las
t three months or so. His birthday had come and gone, Eric and the other kids had resumed school. Nate, Matthew and Gabriel still left every day to work at Vesuvius, the high-end club Ash had researched everything about, and he was still at a loss as for what he’d do with his life.

  He’d applied for several universities, including the University of Denver. All of them were too far away for comfort, though, and he was dreading the day the acceptance letters came. There was something deeply wrong about leaving Eric behind, here with these people. All killers.

  Of course he’d be able to visit a couple weekends a month, if he wanted, but that was not enough. If something happened to Eric, he’d never be able to forgive himself for having left.

  Ash wished he were being over dramatic, but that was not the case.

  It’d be a month and a half now since Gabriel had just… disappeared. One day he’d been there, having breakfast on his, Nate’s and Matthew’s corner of the table, conversation flowing hushed between them, as would always be the case, and then… poof, gone.

  The weirdest part? No one talked about it. It was like everyone but Ash himself knew the protocol; the one that told them not to talk about it.

  Ash hadn’t known, though, so he committed the mistake of inquiring where the young man had gone, after a couple days without him showing up for breakfast.

  Once he did, the room had gone beyond quiet and Leo had thrown him what he’d processed as the most practiced of all smiles. “He’s… moved on. He won’t be living with us anymore.”

  And just the way he said the words… Ash knew deep in his gut that something was up. Something bad. But he couldn’t get himself to even think of the possibilities, because if he did, he’d grab Eric and just get out of there. And that’d be beyond idiotic. He couldn’t just upheaval the boy’s life and get them living on the streets again just out of an unsupported hunch. It’d be just stupid to do something like that. At this point, his best bet would be to just enroll in some university or other and keep an eye out for Eric, until something bad really happened, then he’d have a solid argument to grabbing his friend and running away from this place.


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