Sapphire Scars: Volume Three

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Sapphire Scars: Volume Three Page 11

by A. P. Moraez

  Leo was breathing heavily, and he husked out a laugh when Ivan’s hand squeezed his right ass cheek.

  “I want this ass. It’s been too damn long.”

  “You got lube?”

  “We’ve got some stashed away back there,” Ivan motioned the locker behind them with his head, “don’t we?”

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  “Don’t move.”

  While Ivan rushed to the locker, Leo turned to Ash and started unbuttoning his shirt.

  All that golden, tatted-up skin… it was making Ash dizzy.

  “You like watching, don’t you?” Leo murmured, hand landing directly on Ash’s hard cock, which was bulging under his pajamas.

  Ash’s heart was beating so fast. He couldn’t believe any of this was happening.

  Leo chuckled. “Oh, yeah. You like watching.”

  Without ceremony or consideration, Leo finished unbuttoning his shirt and threw it to the side. Then, as if he couldn’t control himself, he leaned forward and snaked his arm around Ash’s waist, bringing their erections together. The pressure alone made Ash shiver and his eyes roll back in his skull.

  “Since that day in the garden, I’ve wanted you. You were too young, though. Too innocent.” When Leo’s hot hand sneaked under the hem of his pajama top, then under the bottom, then closed around his throbbing erection, Ash gasped and moaned against Leo’s mouth. “I’ve waited long enough. You’re a man now.”

  Ash whimpered when, in an upward, twisting motion, Leo squeezed his cockhead.

  “We have a lot to talk about,” Leo said against his lips, “but right now, all I wanna do is fuck.” He chuckled. “I get like this after I kill or do successful business deal. Ivan too; him more after killing, though. He’s not the business type.”

  Ash should be feeling scared, but for some reason he just… wasn’t.

  At some point during the last year or so, he’d become gradually numb. Nothing surprised him anymore, not to the point where he really felt something solid. Something real. Nothing was ever real.

  No. He should be feeling scared, but all he felt was desire. These two men had scared the hell out of him tonight. The whole ordeal had been an eye-opener for him, sure, but not a surprise. If anything, he felt relived for finally knowing the truth about Leo and what went on inside this house, albeit probably not the entire truth.

  There was no point in denying how turned on he was. His stone-hard cock was literally in Leo’s hand right now. He could just… he should just… go with it. For once in his life, he didn’t have to feel or think or analyze. He just wanted to feel something real, for once. Just one time.

  And, damn, they could be crazier than crazy, but they were hot. Beyond hot. And Ash was tired of fantasizing, of jerking off in the dead of the night after making sure Eric was out of it. He wanted the real deal.

  Damn, after everything that went down tonight, his blood was pumping too. He’d seen death, he’d caused it himself. It only made his blood rush faster through his veins, thinking that those bullets could as well have gone through his brain tonight. And then what? He wasn’t dying a freaking virgin.

  “Here.” Ivan was back. He thrust a bottle of lube and two small packets filled with some sort of white powder under Leo’s nose. Probably some drug. Ash didn’t miss the glint of lust that crossed Ivan’s eyes when they landed on Ash’s cock being pumped slowly down there by Leo’s hand.

  Unceremoniously, Leo opened one of the packets with his teeth, sprinkled two little dots on the back of the hand that had been jacking Ash, and brought it closer to Ash’s face. He leaned down and inhaled one of them sharply, then, with a little smile and a mischievous glint in his eye, Leo brought his hand closer to Ash’s nose.

  “Ever used?”

  Ash shook his head.

  “Go ahead. You’re gonna feel good. It makes things more… fun.”

  Ash was way past the point of caring, at this point, so he just did what he was told. He didn’t know what he was expecting, but nothing wasn’t it. It just itched his nose a little bit and that was it. No seeing stars. No incredible sensation that he’d never felt before and that’d justify why so many people got hooked on the stuff out on the streets.

  Ash caught Ivan inhaling his own share right before Leo and Ivan were kissing again.

  Ash would’ve been content with just watching, but they were having none of it.

  Leo was stroking Ivan’s thick bulge over his boxers, all while licking his right nipple. Ivan had lost the rest of his clothes at some point, when Ash hadn’t been paying attention to him. He was… a lot. There was no other way to describe him. The tanned skin shifted over the endless planes of corded muscle. His pecs alone were bigger than Ash’s head. His thighs were thicker than him.

  “Too many clothes, you two.”

  The huge beast that was Ivan seemed to have finally reached the edge, then. With a last lick to Leonardo’s lips, he pushed the man a step away and started making quick work of his pants and underwear. When his boss was completely naked, stroking his leaking cock with slow, measured strokes, Ivan got rid of his own underwear too.

  Ash had thought Leonardo’s cock was big. Ha! Ivan had at least two inches on him, and was much thicker. Just the thought of having that monster anywhere near his unexperienced orifices should be having Ash running for the hills. Somehow, though, he was relaxed. Giddy, even. He wanted that; he wanted this.

  Both men were eying him with unabashed, dark desire and, for some reason, instead of fear, it had power coursing through Ash’s veins. Control. For the first time in he couldn’t even remember how long, he knew where he stood, he was getting himself into something he understood.

  “Clothes off, Ash,” Leonardo pressed. “Let us see what you’ve got under all that.”

  Shaking hands, Ash peeled off his pajama top first, then threw it to the side.

  “Damn,” Ivan said, taking a step forward, “boy is hot.”

  “I told you,” Leo responded with a chuckle.

  Ash bit his bottom lip when Ivan’s warm hands closed on both sides of his narrow waist. He was so hot. Big and firm and warm, with dark eyes that promised pleasure beyond anything Ash had ever imagined.

  Impatient, the man slid his hands down and all but ripped his pajama pants in two, sending the ragged result flying through the air. Then he was on his knees and his big mouth closed around Ash’s cock.

  He’d forgotten how good blowjobs felt. How empowering, but also incredibly vulnerable it felt to have a man’s mouth wrapped around your dick, sucking and sucking and… He came. It had barely been thirty seconds, if that, and he found himself grasping Ivan’s coarse hair with all his might, so he wouldn’t fall on his ass, and bellowing his orgasm to the four walls surrounding them.

  Ivan didn’t bat an eyelash. He kept bobbing his head and sucking, eating all Ash had to give him.

  When Ash was finally done, Ivan locked eyes with him and the fire there made him shiver. With a final slow circling of his hot tongue around Ash’s cockhead, he rose.

  “Someone was on edge,” he teased, throwing Leonardo a wink before he let his eyes roam all of Ash’s body again. His cock was so long that its tip brushed Ash’s stomach even after Ivan took a small step back from him. And just the contact had Ash’s cock coming back to life.

  “You ever been fucked, Ash?”

  Ash shook his head.

  Ivan laughed, dark. “I’m gonna get the stuff.”

  With that, the man who’d just given him a damn good blowjob, turned around toward the door, which he unlocked with a key he grabbed from his discarded pants, and left the room, leaving the door ajar.

  “You know, I’m kinda jealous,” Leo murmured, approaching him with lust in his every move. “This wasn’t planned. I wasn’t planning on sharing you.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Leo lifted his eyebrows. “Courageous little boy, aren’t you?”

  “You don’t even know.”

  Leo smirked and leaned forw
ard until his mouth was at Ash’s ear, “Let’s see how brave you are when you’re so full of cock you can’t even breathe.”

  He muffled Ash’s little gasp when he grabbed Ash by the back of his head and covered his mouth with his firm, pierced lips.

  They were both naked, touching everywhere. Leo’s left hand roamed around his back for a moment, leaving fire and tingles on its trail, until it settled on his ass. When he squeezed Ash’s cheek so hard he saw stars, he moaned into their kiss. It was all muffled by Leo’s tongue.

  They kissed until breathing became difficult, then Leo leaned back a little and released Ash’s behind. Then his hand was right before Ash’s mouth. Leo brought two fingers to Ash’s lips and pressed them against his mouth.

  “Suck,” was all he said and, obedient, Ash opened.

  He didn’t hold back, he sucked those fingers with all he got. And, the more he circled them with his tongue and held on to them with his lips, the darker Leo’s gaze got.

  A moment later, he felt more than heard the growl through Leo’s chest, and the fingers were replaced with his hot mouth. Ash was completely dominated, at the mercy of the pierced lips that took his mouth like he had every right to it; like it was his.

  Ash couldn’t contain the gasp that erupted into their kiss when Leo used both hands to spread his ass cheeks and plunged his long fingers inside.

  No teasing, no beating around the bush.

  One moment they’d been just kissing, and now his hole was being stretched and filled by the fingers he’d coated with his own spit. And the whole thing was so hot that his cock, fully erect, started leaking against Leo’s hip.

  The heavy thud of the mattress landing right next to them startled Ash and he broke their kiss. It was a king-size mattress and the mere fact that Ivan had managed to bring it into the room by himself got Ash hyperventilating.

  He didn’t have much time to fixate on Ivan’s strength, though. Not with Leo’s mouth back to assaulting him, firm hands on both his sides.

  The edge of the mattress pressed against the back of his knees and he fell back onto it. And then both men were on him, one on each side.

  Ivan’s mouth was working at his neck at the same time Leo trailed kissed down his chest. His cock was back to rock-hard and leaking, and when Leo’s mouth closed around it, he cried out in ecstasy.

  Leo didn’t stay down there for long, though. Just a few licks around Ash’s cock, and he lifted.

  “Turn him around,” Leo directed.

  As if he weighed nothing, Ivan’s arm wrapped around him and Ash was on his belly, ass up in the air, totally exposed.

  His ass was spread by Leo’s strong hands right before his mouth closed over his hole, and then Ash was lost. He closed his eyes and rode the waves of indescribable pleasure as Leo kept stretching him with his fingers at the same time he fucked him with his hot mouth.

  Something warm and heavy hit him on the lips. When Ash opened his eyes, Ivan’s immense cock was filling his immediate field of vision. So big. So hot. With pre-come seeping down the wide, red crown. Ash wanted to eat him alive, but it was intimidating.

  A moan left his lips when Leo’s tongue prodded him slightly deeper, hitting him right on the spot he needed.

  Ivan grasped Ash by the jaw and brought their gazes together. There was such fire there. The man was breathing heavier, muscles rolling under his bulging arms, abs clenching as he held Ash’s gaze.

  “Get moving, boy,” he commanded in that deep voice that, if Ash was being honest, had always kinda turned him on.

  He lowered his eyes and moaned as Leo hit him in that spot over and over. His hole was burning from the assault, but it was a good burn. He didn’t want it to ever stop.

  Ivan let out a growl. “Ash, if you don’t touch my cock in two seconds, I swear to G—”

  He was cut off when Ash gathered his courage and licked the man from his heavy balls to the tip of his pulsing, thick cock. He was tangy, tasting like sweat and salt and Ash moaned. It was good. So good.

  Even though he could barely fit the tip of Ivan’s penis in his mouth, it seemed the man was enjoying it too. He’d closed his eyes and leaned his head back, firm thighs trembling such was the effort not to start pumping that monster into Ash’s mouth. The last time he’d had sex, he was still at L— Ash squeezed his eyes shut and tried to get even more of Ivan’s cock into his mouth. When it hit the back of his throat, the man let out a loud moan and gripped Ash’s hair. It hurt, but he really didn’t care. He opened his eyes and wasn’t even surprised to learn that, despite his best efforts, he had barely fit half of it into his mouth.

  It didn’t matter. He squeezed his cheeks as much as possible and started bobbing his head. His lips had never been so stretched and burning. In fact, he didn’t know what was being pushed more to the edge right now: his mouth or his hole, still under Leo’s unrelenting assault.

  It was all too much. Ivan’s grunts and little moans and the way his thighs shivered under Ash’s hands… Leo’s moans that resounded inside of him and made his stomach tingle. It was sensory overload of the kind he’d never thought he’d ever feel.

  “Fuck, yeah,” Ivan rumbled, right before he started pumping with his hips, seeming to have lost a bit of the control he’d been fighting to maintain.

  Ash’s eyes widened and tears started to escape them when the big head started to press harder at the back of his throat. He gagged and, as he gagged, Ivan moaned. He was fucking his mouth like Ash wasn’t more than a toy. There was a loose grin there on his face, and Ash took pride in it, for some reason.

  “Take it,” Ivan groaned between thrusts that only rose in aggressiveness, “Take that fucking cock.”

  Ash cried out when Leonardo pushed his legs further apart and the movement propelled him forward, making him take even more of the member in front of him than he’d have liked.

  He couldn’t do a thing to stop it. Not with the way Ivan’s hand was forcing his head down onto his shaft. Not with the firm grip Leo had on his ass cheeks, keeping him in place.

  So he cried out and his cry was muffled by the hot cock in his mouth when the pronounced head of Leonardo’s cock started to press down on his hole.

  Leonardo gave out a low laugh, “Told ya you’d be too filled up with cock for words, didn’t I?”

  Leo didn’t give Ash much room for answering. He was merciless in the way he just shoved his full length into him. The pain was so acute, the burn so real, he thought he’d pass out.

  Ivan must have felt him slacking up with the sudden invasion, for he brought his other hand to grab Ash’s right cheek firmly, never stopping with his out-of-control fucking.

  Ash did his best to keep going, but the pleasure-pain Leo was giving him made it difficult to focus.

  When he thought he’d for sure pass out, Ivan’s thrusts became erratic and his moans increased in volume. “I’m coming,” was all he said in a low, rumbly voice before Ash’s entire mouth was filled with his release. Bitter, hot cum filled everything and, even though he wanted to swallow it all, all he managed were four gulps before the excess started dripping down his chin. Five or six more jets came out of Ivan’s pulsing member before it stopped. Ash had the thick, viscous substance sliding down his chin and hitting the mattress by that point.

  Still, doing the best he could as Leo fucked him with gusto from behind, which made his body jerk forward every second, he licked Ivan’s still hard cock clean of every drop he’d left behind.

  Ivan dropped to his knees and dragged his finger under Ash’s jaw, collecting all the ejaculate left behind, and fed it to Ash’s abused mouth. He sucked on the abnormally large fingers and the act was so… erotic. He’d never, in a million years, ever have imagined himself in the position he was now.

  And it wasn’t over.

  The man supported his weight until their fronts were flush to each other, Ash pressed from behind and front by virile, muscular men. The new position had Leo’s thrusts hitting parts of him that never had been tou
ched before.

  Leo had one arm wrapped around his chest while Ivan took his mouth into a hot, slow kiss, all tongue.

  At some point, more of the powdery drug was put under his nose for him to sniff. Again, he inhaled it and surrendered to the rush it caused.

  Leonardo kept fucking him relentlessly while he moaned and cried inside Ivan’s mouth. It wasn’t long, though, before pain thundered all through his body from the point Leo bit him on the shoulder when he came, hammering hot sperm deep inside of him.

  Ivan freed his mouth, but not before biting his bottom lip lightly and dragging it out a bit.

  “Fuck, I love your mouth,” the bodyguard said against his lips. “I just don’t know if I love it more around my tongue or my cock.”

  Uncharacteristically, Ash laughed. Leo laughed, too; the vibrations rolled from his chest all over Ash’s back.

  Ivan let him go and, exhausted, Ash’s face connected with the stained, yellowed mattress. Now he understood what the stains where. They’d probably fucked themselves to oblivion for years right on it.

  His whole body ached, but Ash was all for it. He’d never thought sex could be so rough; so good. He probably wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow — not without limping — but it was so worth it. Exhaustion should be taking over him but, for some reason, he felt ecstatic, alive, like he could just get up and start running a marathon.

  “My turn,” came Ian’s voice at some point to his right.

  Ash was still breathing hard from how used his body had been, kinda disoriented, so he didn’t really register the meaning of Ian’s words until Leonardo was lifting him up by his armpits and settling down under him on his back.

  They were chest to chest and it felt somehow intimate, the way Leo’s muscular, tatted arms cradled Ash’s face as their tongues started rolling around each other.

  And then something hot and slick started forcing its way onto Ash’s already aching hole. The surprise had him gasping, hands clenching on Leo’s shoulders.

  He cried out loud when Ivan’s thick member invaded him; when the blunt cockhead, already pulsing, popped inside; when, mercilessly, the man impaled all ten plus inches of himself inside of Ash and started fucking him with abandon.


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