Just One Scandal

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Just One Scandal Page 13

by Phillips, Carly

  Still smiling, or maybe it was more like a grin, she stepped back and shut her door, closing him and his arrogant assumptions out.

  * * *

  Chloe leaned against the door and breathed out a huge sigh, aware of Beck on the other side, probably shocked. From the moment they’d entered the loft, Beck had been obviously uptight. And since where she’d be sleeping tonight was on her mind, she’d taken one look at him and guessed it was on his, too.

  Beck the businessman would hate how well she’d read him. He hadn’t wanted her in his bed and she knew why. He didn’t want to set a precedent that would let her get closer to him, even if it meant they’d have great sex if he gave in to desire and not his fears.

  They’d both be sleeping alone tonight. She could only hope she’d made her point. Points, actually. She wasn’t clingy, she could take a hint, and she had her pride.

  Once alone in his bed, maybe he’d realize he’d made a mistake. A girl could hope. With a sigh, she pushed herself off the door and headed to her bathroom to wash up and undress.

  Chapter Nine

  Beck woke up alone with morning wood and a bad attitude. He’d climbed into bed by himself, exactly the way he’d wanted it, but he wasn’t satisfied with the way things had ended last night with Chloe. And he had only himself to blame. He desired her and he didn’t want to let himself have her.

  Frustrated, he tossed off the covers and headed for the shower, meeting up with Chloe in the kitchen. She was dressed in a pair of black leggings and high-heeled short boots with one of the man-styled shirts she favored, this one in pink, and it reminded him of her wearing his dress shirt the other day. She’d looked vulnerable and sexy and so fucking appealing at the same time.

  One hip propped against the counter, she drank her coffee, and there was another one waiting for him.

  She picked up the mug and held it out. “Morning!” she said cheerfully.

  “If you say so,” he muttered, taking a long sip and hoping the caffeine improved his mood.

  “Sleep well?” she asked, a teasing glint in her eyes.

  He narrowed his gaze. Had she tested him last night, going into her room alone just to see if he’d invite her in? She was definitely smart enough to know that he’d been unsure about how to handle their sleeping arrangements, and she’d taken control of the situation. And probably knew he’d regret letting her slip away.

  “Drink your coffee. It seems like you need it,” she said, a grin on her pretty face.

  Yeah, she’d known what she was doing. But it wasn’t coffee he desired. Drawing a deep breath, he reminded himself he was through with the internal bullshit and could have her if he wanted her. And he did.

  He stepped close, took the mug out of her hand, and placed it on the granite beside her phone. Grabbing her by the hips, he pulled her flush against him until his cock settled between her thighs.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in a trembling voice.

  “Making up for what I missed out on last night,” he said and brought his mouth down on hers.

  She immediately wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back, eagerly accepting him as he thrust his tongue past her lips. He tasted her sweetness, and every reason not to be with her fled in the wake of their incredible connection.

  He ran his hands down her back and cupped her ass, and she moaned as her sex rubbed hard against his erection. So much for work. He’d much rather make time for this, he thought, when the ring of her cell interrupted them.

  She lifted her head. “Ignore it.”

  She didn’t have to say so twice. He dipped his head and recaptured her lips. Their teeth clashed and their tongues tangled … and her damned phone rang again.

  “Ugh. I’d better see who’s looking for me.” She pushed herself away from him and turned toward her cell. “It’s Linc.”

  Shooting Beck an apologetic glance, she answered the call. “Is everything okay?” she asked in place of the standard hello.

  Beck drew a deep breath and adjusted himself in his pants, but he definitely listened to her end of the conversation.

  “No, I didn’t see Page Six. Why?” she asked.

  Beck narrowed his gaze, immediately taking out his phone and looking up the site online.

  “We were going for dinner, and I didn’t see anyone take a picture of us.” Chloe met Beck’s gaze, but he’d already found the photo and headline.

  Jilted Bride Moves On? The photo below was a picture of Beck helping Chloe out of the limousine outside the hotel, but they were definitely staring into each other’s eyes. And though he hadn’t seen anyone using their phones to take a photo either, obviously someone had. Since the club was located on the top floor of a hotel, of course there had been people walking around outside.

  “Hang on. I’ll look,” she said.

  Knowing he had no choice, Beck turned the screen toward her.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “I just saw it,” she said to Linc. “Ignore it. I plan to.” She listened and her eyes opened wide. “What? I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that, and I can’t believe you care what people think!” she said, raising her voice.

  What the fuck was Linc’s problem now? Beck wondered.

  “Well, that’s what it sounded like. It’s my life and I’ll see who I want, when I want, and live where I want.”

  Beck wanted to applaud her for standing her ground.

  “You want me to meet you for lunch?” Chloe asked her brother. “After you just gave me a hard time?” She rolled her eyes. “Okay, yes. Fine. Where?” She paused. “Ocean Prime? Are you trying to wine and dine me, big brother?”

  Beck waited not so patiently to hear why Linc was giving his sister shit now, ignoring the pit in his stomach from wishing he had a sister to care for, take for lunch, and worry about the way Linc did Chloe.

  She grinned. “One o’clock is fine. And yes, I know you love me, but can you take a step back before you come at me? I can handle things.” She must have liked what she heard because she said, “Love you, too, and see you later,” before disconnecting the call.

  She glanced at him with a wary expression on her face.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  She dampened her lower lip. “Well, the article mentions you by name, for one thing. It talks about how I’m moving onward and upward to bigger and better things.” She winced at that. “I can’t imagine you’re happy with the publicity.”

  “I appreciate you worrying about me but it’s fine. I’ve been mentioned a time or two before.” It came with his fast rise to the top of the New York real estate market and the money he made. “But that wasn’t what had your brother worked up, was it?”

  He folded his arms across his chest, defensive without even knowing what Linc had said.

  “He was upset about the photo,” she admitted. “He said that I just got out of one relationship and I was jumping into another and what did I think I was doing? I needed time … blah, blah, blah.” She made a hand motion with her fingers, imitating her brother’s mouth moving.

  Beck narrowed his gaze. “That wasn’t all he said. He has to be pissed that it was me you were photographed with.”

  She nodded slowly. “He thought we were just friends and asked how could I think it was a good idea to be with you when I knew you two had issues. Even if I don’t know what they are,” she muttered under her breath. “But you’d better believe I’m going to find out at lunch today.”

  “Is that why you let him off the hook so easily and agreed to meet him?” Beck asked.

  She nodded. “I want to understand this crazy dynamic and you’re not talking.” She waited a beat, obviously hoping he’d clue her in.

  “Sorry, princess.” It really wasn’t his place to air Linc’s dirty laundry and change how she thought of her brother. It remained to be seen what Linc would say and how much truth he’d tell.

  “Are you ready to go to the office?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Just let me grab my ba
g and laptop.”

  As much as he’d like to pick up where they’d left off when they’d been interrupted, the mood had been broken. But he’d learned something last night, and he wasn’t going to waste another night alone in his bed when he could take advantage of whatever time they had left until she moved out.

  * * *

  Chloe waited for Linc at the restaurant. The hostess had seated her at his favorite table, and she settled in, ordering a club soda with lime while she waited. The space was huge and not solely a seafood restaurant as the name implied. Also known for its steaks, Ocean Prime boasted a chic atmosphere with brass circular overhead fixtures and a dark motif inside. Chloe couldn’t help analyzing the décor. It was second nature for her to study a place’s interior design.

  She’d had a couple of hours at Beck’s office, meeting his friend and in-house designer, Natasha Banks, who had been thrilled to have Chloe around. They knew of one another through the industry and had talked shop for the better part of the morning.

  When she’d gone to Beck’s office to let him know she was leaving for lunch, she’d noticed immediately his mood had turned. He’d informed her that his mother had called and his father’s surgery was scheduled for Thursday morning. Chloe had let Beck know she’d be there holding his hand, whether he wanted her there or not. He’d been there for her and she intended to repay the favor.

  “Sorry I’m late.” Linc interrupted her thoughts, joining her at the table. He walked over and kissed her cheek before taking a chair across from her.

  “It’s fine. I haven’t been here long.” She took in her brother’s relaxed face and smiled. “Almost-married life agrees with you,” she said. “So when will you and Jordan tie the knot?”

  He shrugged, putting the menu aside. No doubt he already knew what he wanted. “We have to figure out timing. Neither one of us wants a big event, but Mom will kill me if we elope. Not to mention Jordan’s mother.” He semi-fake shuddered.

  Jordan’s mother was a strong woman who’d been their housekeeper for years. She was no-nonsense, loving, and Linc was right. She wouldn’t tolerate not being there for her daughter’s wedding.

  Chloe leaned forward in her chair. “I know you held off because my wedding was planned. Please don’t do it again because you’re worried about my feelings. I’m fine,” she assured him. “So get yourselves married before the baby is born.”

  He nodded. “I hear you and thanks.”

  The waiter came over and took their orders, an ahi tuna salad for Chloe and cheeseburger for Linc. After the server took their menus, she met her brother’s gaze.

  “We need to talk,” she said.

  He nodded. “I know. I’ve been high-handed and difficult, but you don’t understand why.”

  At least he’d given her an opening to ask. “Then tell me, Linc. Why do you hate Beck so much? And why won’t he explain anything to me about his past with you?” she asked.

  Her brother’s eyes opened wide. “You asked him directly and he refused to tell you?”

  She nodded. “He said something about it not being his place and not wanting to change how I saw you. So I’m here and I’m asking you to tell me yourself.”

  He drew in a deep breath, and she could see how difficult this was for him, making her wonder just what both men were hiding.

  “Okay, look, I’m going to sum it up, but it isn’t pretty and he’s right. You won’t look at me the same way after you hear it.”

  “Linc, you’re my brother. There’s nothing you can say that will change how I feel about you.”

  He gestured for the waiter, who walked over. “I changed my mind. Can I get a Macallan on the rocks?” he asked, and when the server was gone, Linc met Chloe’s gaze. “Beck and I were roommates freshman year. We both had girlfriends and the four of us hung out together.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him she remembered Lacey, but he held up a hand, and she understood he just wanted to get the story out. So she sat forward and waited as he continued.

  “One night, Lacey went home for the weekend, and I was at a frat party. I was so drunk I barely remember how I got home. Beck was working a late shift like he usually did because he needed money to pay for things at school. And his girlfriend, Jenna, resented the times he couldn’t go out.” Linc ran a hand through his hair, more upset than Chloe was used to seeing him. “Like I said, I don’t recall much but I woke up to Beck coming into the room. I was naked and so was Jenna, beside me in bed.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  He nodded somberly. “I kind of remember a woman crawling into bed and telling me she was back. I swear to God I thought it was Lacey. You know how I feel about Dad and his cheating. I’d never do it intentionally. But it happened anyway because Jenna wanted his attention. And boy, did she get it.”

  Just not the way she’d wanted, Chloe was sure, and she swallowed hard.

  “Are you certain you two …?”

  He nodded. “I found a condom wrapper on the floor.” He shook his head. “At least she thought ahead and made sure she couldn’t get pregnant,” he said, not meeting her gaze.

  Chloe sighed. “Beck must have been hurt,” she said softly. “And you? That bitch used you! Couldn’t Beck see that?”

  Linc shook his head. “Not at the time, and with the way things have been between us all these years, he probably still hasn’t forgiven me. In the meantime, he’s undercut me on deals since we’ve been in business. And right before Dad died, he approached Beck with a land deal. Dad, with his dementia, put up a piece of the company if he didn’t come up with the money.”

  Chloe’s hands shook, and she put her drink, which she’d just picked up, back down on the table. “What?”

  “As you can imagine, I was in a hell of a position after Dad died and Beck, the asshole, didn’t make it easy on me. So there’s a lot of bad blood.” Linc leaned forward, arms on the table. “Now can you see why I’m worried he’s using you to get back at me?” he asked just as the waiter put down his scotch.

  Chloe processed while Linc was served his drink. Once they were alone, she took a sip of her club soda. “I’m sorry you and Beck were taken in by a girl with an agenda and lost years of friendship. I’m really sorry she used you the way she did.” She frowned, wanting to strangle the woman for what amounted to having nonconsensual sex with Chloe’s brother. But she wouldn’t make Linc uncomfortable by pointing that out.

  “But as for Beck and Dad…” She glanced at the table before looking up again. “I can’t imagine Beck deliberately using Dad. Did Beck know Dad was sick? Because we agreed to keep it quiet.”

  Dipping his head, Linc groaned. “To his credit, he didn’t.”

  “And he wouldn’t use me, either.” Of that Chloe was certain. “We have a genuine friendship. He was there the night Owen dumped me–”

  “Which you wouldn’t let your family do,” Linc reminded her.

  She ignored that bit of truth. “I didn’t want anyone’s pity.” And she’d needed to be alone to process things. “And Beck was there when I was depressed. He even came to you to help me out. And he encouraged me to follow my dreams,” she said, her voice rising. Catching herself, she lowered her voice. “Does that sound like a man with an agenda?”

  “Lunch,” the waiter said, approaching them with plates in his hand.

  He served them while Chloe and Linc silently watched. She was waiting for them to be alone before she finished this private conversation.

  Once her ahi tuna was in front of her and Linc had his burger, she glanced at him. “I need you to answer me.”

  “No. It sounds like Beck cares about you,” Linc said, and she knew what that admission cost him. “One more thing. I know I’ve said it a million times, but let me say it once more. I just want what’s best for you.” He drew a deep breath. “And if that’s Beck, I’ll deal. I’ll do what I can to make things right with him. For you.”

  A lump rose to Chloe’s throat. Pushing her chair back, she walked to Linc’s side of the
table and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you. I love you, Linc. And your being willing to do that for me means everything.”

  He hugged her back. “I love you, too.”

  She sat back down and picked up her fork. “The thing is, you’re not going to have to accept Beck in my life long-term. He has no intention of ever falling in love or getting married. Not that I’m thinking of marriage,” she rushed to assure Linc. “But what we have is temporary. After that, time will tell if we can remain friends.”

  Linc studied her in silence for so long she squirmed in her seat. “What?” she asked him.

  “His sister died when he was eighteen, right before he left for college. I know that fucked with his head. It was just another reason he didn’t give Jenna what she wanted back then, although I doubt he realized it at the time.”

  She nodded. “That’s the problem. He’s holding on to his pain, not willing to let anyone get close except the family he already has.”

  “Seems to me you’ve already gotten that close.” Linc picked up his burger. “Are you going to let him push you away?”

  “Oh, my God, Linc, are you really trying to convince me to keep Beck in my life?” She opened and closed her mouth in complete shock.

  A grin lifted his lips. “I promised Jordan I’d get over myself and stop being an ass. On the ride here, I realized she was right. I want you to be happy.” He shrugged. “Now let’s eat. We can talk more over dessert.”

  After the long discussion with Linc and the reminder of how little Beck wanted from her, Chloe barely tasted her salad. She did, however, indulge in an after-lunch dessert drink, a Salty Caramel, consisting of Ketel One, caramel, cream, and Madagascar vanilla cream.

  In the end, Linc didn’t push for more conversation, and she was grateful. She’d gotten what she needed from her brother, his support, and acceptance, of a relationship with Beck. Linc bent for her and she loved him for it.

  The question remained, could she get Beck to bend, too? Time would tell.

  Chapter Ten


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