Bulletproof Damsel

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Bulletproof Damsel Page 8

by Amelia Hutchins

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “No, but I wanted to.”

  His hands reached for me, pulling me close while he placed a kiss against the top of my head. I kissed his chest, peering up at him as the room faded away, and the scene changed. Frowning, I took in the bedroom and then stared at where we should have been. Swallowing hard, I licked my lips as the startling realization hit me.

  “I’m dreaming,” I whispered thickly, my throat raw from what I’d done to him. “I was dreaming!”

  His dark head shook from side to side. My stomach dropped, plummeting to the floor at my feet. “No. You were merely dream-walking until I caught you. Then it became a reality. I told you that you didn’t have to do that. It was the moment I became aware of what was happening. I’m not always in control when my demon pulls someone into a dream walk with him, which is his world to control.”

  “You didn’t think you should warn me that I might wake up sucking you off?” I asked, embarrassment flooding my cheeks.

  I’d been brazen because it had been a dream!

  I’d sucked his dick!

  My heart thundered in my chest as he swallowed hard. The tick in his jaw hammered wildly while he watched the horror unfolding on my face. His emotions slammed shut, and he smiled coldly.

  “Get the fuck into bed, Silversmith. I’m exhausted after you drained me. Rather greedily, too, I must add.” His smirk was cocky, and I wanted to slap it off his face. “Now. Or you can deal with whatever befalls you from the curse on your own, woman. Your choice,” he stated, moving to the bed as the wall cracked behind me, forcing me to move toward the bed, or deal with bringing his house down around me.

  “I thought I was dreaming,” I said after settling on the bed beside him.

  “You were at first. It was a nice surprise to wake up buried in your throat. Did we do anything else?”

  “No,” I said quickly, turning away from him. I felt his stare on my back but ignored it as I settled into bed beside him.

  “Remi,” he chuckled darkly. “If we didn’t do more, how come I can taste you on my lips?”

  I grabbed the pillow, covering my face as embarrassment washed through me. How hadn’t I noticed it wasn’t Rhys? I’d seen the eyes, noted the difference within him, but I didn’t know he and his demon weren’t the same creature. Why, out of everything my mother taught me, wasn’t that among the important things?

  Hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me flush against his muscular body seconds before he ripped the pillow from my grasp and rolled me beneath him. Heated blue eyes stared down into my mine, and I glared at him with irritation.

  “I ate your pussy, didn’t I? That’s why you were on your knees for me. What else did you allow me to do?” he asked in a raspy tone that caused my nipples to harden. He studied my face, and there was something worrisome in his expression. It was as if he was jealous of his demon and assumed we’d done more.

  The really messed up part about the entire ordeal? I was naked, because that had happened too! I could feel every inch of him above me, along with the fact that he was already hard once more. Rhys lowered his gaze, taking in my naked breasts as he shook his head.

  “What else happened?”

  “Nothing,” I whispered huskily.

  “Did I fuck you?”

  “No, it didn’t go that far.”

  “Good,” he grunted, rolling off me, only to collect my body against his once more, placing my head against his chest.

  His heart raced, as if he had feared we’d gone all the way. I gazed up to find his long black lashes dusting against his cheeks. His heart calmed, and his breathing grew even. I closed my eyes, hating myself for not realizing I was on my knees in this room.

  Sitting up, I stared around the room, searching for the desk, not finding it. My nightgown lay upon the floor with both straps cut, and next to it sat a switchblade with the blade still exposed. I peered down, finding Rhys observing me.

  “What did he show you?”

  “You and your family murdering mine,” I muttered.

  “And still, you allowed him to have you, knowing what we did to your people?”

  “Obviously, I let my guard down, lesson learned. I thought it was a dream, and nothing more.” I looked at the white sheets, finding them covered in dirt, along with my feet from running in through the meadow. “I was there, wasn’t I?”

  “Part of you was there, but your soul was here. You can’t be harmed in a dream walking state. Not unless I’m there too. I wasn’t the one chasing you. I woke up to those pretty lips wrapped around my cock, and your clumsy fucking hand stroking me. I’m guessing you’ve never done that before either?”

  I groaned, lying back down as his hand lifted, cradling me. “That obvious, huh?”

  “You are a rarity, Love. A dangerous one that others will want to taste if they think you’re susceptible to dream walking. Very few can come out of a dream walk awake. Most are still slumbering, unaware that they fed a monster in their dreams.”

  “So why wasn’t I asleep?” I pried.

  “I don’t know, but you also heal with your saliva, which isn’t part of what your bloodline can do. Throughout our history, your line hasn’t ever been able to breed with another race except your own. Werewolves, vampires, and incubus can heal with saliva. Yet you do. So who the fuck is your daddy, little girl?”

  “I don’t know,” I replied honestly. “My dad left when I was little. My mother said he caught her sacrificing a chicken, packed up, and was gone before she could stop him from leaving us.”

  “And you bought that lie?” he asked carefully.

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Your mother is a powerful witch. Do you honestly think someone would just walk away from her, and she’d allow it to happen?” Rhys snorted.

  I adjusted on his chest, lifting to stare at him. “If a man wants to leave you, what else can you do other than let him?”

  He blinked at me, and his lips tugged down into a tight frown. “You’re really young if that is how you think our world works, Remington.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re putting me down as being dense when you use my full name?” I countered. “And as I said, if someone wants to leave you, you let them. You don’t force them to stay if that’s not where they want to be. What the hell kind of relationship would that end up as in the long run?”

  “The kind your family expects. Once someone is theirs, that’s it,” he snorted. “If a man takes another woman when dating a Silversmith, they end up murdered by said Silversmith, and placed in a shallow unconsecrated grave. The men don’t ever leave, not alive anyway. That is your family’s legacy. Once you agree to be theirs, it is forever. Until death do you part,” he muttered crossly.

  “None of us have fathers,” I pointed out. “You’re wrong, Rhys. People can change, and it’s been a very long time since you’ve known my mother.”

  “I don’t care what you think, little girl. Your mother is just like her sister, Roslyn. Even when she had a mate, Elizabeth couldn’t keep her legs closed to other males. You’re lying to yourself if you think she changed without her mate to hold her sanity together.”

  “You don’t know my mother at all if that’s what you think. My mother has never taken a lover throughout my life,” I gritted out tightly, anger clenching my jaw.

  Rhys snorted, closing his eyes as if he’d just dismissed me outright. I bristled, turning away from him, and then cried out as part of the ceiling landed between us. Rhys reached over, yanking me back toward him as his other hand picked up the drywall, tossing it aside.

  “Do try not to die while I sleep from that meal I just gorged on, Remington. I’d hate to have to bury your corpse before breakfast.”

  Chapter Ten

  I awoke to someone stroking their hand through my hair. Pushing up from the bed, I took in the disheveled Van Helsing, smiling sleepily at me. Yawning, I sat up, stretching my arms before smiling at him, right up until I noticed his gaze
had dropped to my chest. My hands covered my breasts, and I groaned. He sat up, capturing me before I could move away from the bed.

  “Good morning,” he murmured, running his nose over the shell of my ear in a sleepy tone.

  “Morning,” I replied, touching his chest as I felt his mouth curving into a smile against my throat. “This is where you let me go so we can figure out if you can stop touching me, Van Helsing.”

  “Is it?” he chuckled, running his heated lips over my shoulder, softly kissing my hypersensitive skin. “What if I like touching you, Remi?”

  “I think it is better that we don’t touch each other,” I whispered thickly, turning my mouth to his as he lifted. I leaned forward, claiming his mouth, and a moan escaped my lips to be swallowed by his lips as he kissed me hungrily.

  “I think that’s probably for the best,” he agreed, leaning closer as he leisurely kissed me. His hands lifted, one capturing my chin to allow him unobstructed access to my mouth, while the other threaded through my hair, turning my head so he could slowly devour me. “Did you enjoy my mouth on you last night?”

  “I kind of want to lie here,” I groaned while his mouth brushed against mine, smiling as he pulled back to take in my heavy hooded gaze and kiss-swollen lips.

  He pushed me down onto the bed, using his body to pin mine against the mattress. Rhys used his knees to spread my legs apart as he studied me. His hand slid down my belly seductively, his finger dipping lower, trailing through my sex, grinning when he found it wet for him.

  “I want to devour you in a very sinful way, Silversmith. I hate that I didn’t get to watch your pretty eyes light up as you came for me. I bet you make the most delicious noises when you reach your precipice and cry out in pleasure.” His finger pushed into my body, and I arched my spine, running my hands over his broad shoulders.

  “Rhys,” I moaned as his eyes sparkled and danced with amusement.

  A knock sounded at the door, and he turned his dark head in that direction, slowly moving to his knees. He turned back, staring down at my body on display, and before I could prevent his descent, he lowered his mouth to my core, licking through it until he reached my clit, sucking hard against it as his teeth scraped the delicate flesh.

  “You do taste fucking delicious,” he groaned. He slowly eased from the bed, watching my hand cover where his mouth had been. “You start touching it, and I’ll fuck you, little girl. You rubbed against me all night, and I have never lain with a woman I didn’t end up fucking. Especially not one I craved as much as I am craving you. I’m trying to be a gentleman here. Either invite me to fuck you or stop touching yourself. You have exactly ten seconds to decide what happens next, Remi.”

  The knock sounded again, and Rhys dragged his heated stare toward the door. I scrambled beneath the covers, hiding my nakedness beneath them. Burning blue eyes turned their attention back to me before he grabbed a pair of shorts from the broken dresser. Shoving his legs through them, he adjusted his hugely endowed cock before answering the door.

  Nyx’s singsong voice entered the room seconds before she did. I stared at her as she placed her hands on Rhys’s chest, leaning over to smile at me, wiggling her brows.

  “It smells like sex in here. Did you fuck him? Oh, my word! Remi, tell me you rode his cock like a drunk cowgirl at a rodeo!” She released Rhys, clapping her hands slowly until she took in the silent tension in the room.

  “Rhys wouldn’t fuck a Silversmith,” Acyn answered for us from where he leaned against the doorframe.

  “Oh, but this one intrigues him,” Cole stated, moving into the room to sit on the bed, taking in my disheveled hair and lack of clothing. “You’re naked, and you smell like…” he leaned closer, his mouth entirely too close to mine for comfort. “Did you suck his dick? I didn’t see that happening considering your age. I am impressed.”

  “That’s none of your business,” I snapped, and Nyx gasped.

  “You sucked him off? You finally gave someone a blowjob? Good for you, Remi! I couldn’t be more proud if I watched it happening myself!”

  “Because that wouldn’t have made this more awkward than it already was, right?” I groaned, noting the lack of agreement in the room. “I need my bag so that I can get dressed.”

  “Indeed,” Rhys grunted while his eyes slid over the thin sheet covering me.

  “Details, Rhys. How did you achieve landing her so quickly?” Cole asked as he leaned closer to me, kissing my shoulder. “And is she interested in sharing?”

  “I am!” Nyx announced, uncaring that the men ignored her offer.

  “She’s rather shy,” Rhys chuckled. “I also told you that I didn’t intend to share anything with you. Why are you in my house, Cole?”

  “I’m a Van Helsing, and, well, this is House of Van Helsing. You need me to draw out those dots for you, brother?” Cole asked, slowly running his fingers over my naked arm as he stared at me. “Come on, sweetheart. You know you want us both. Hell, Acyn would probably join us for a night you’d never forget. All three of us lavishing you with pleasure at the same time, making your body come undone for each of us. I could fuck that ass while Rhys destroyed your pussy, and Acyn could bury his cock in your welcoming throat. Come on, little Silversmith, let us fuck you. I promise to finish last because the good guy always finishes after his queen.”

  “No, thank you. One demon is enough for me,” I stated firmly, shivering as Cole continued kissing the curve of my shoulder.

  “Rhys can’t handle you alone. I would be on my best behavior.”

  I yanked the sheet from the bed, moving into the bathroom, only to pause at the sight of the shattered bathtub. Slowly releasing my breath, I turned toward the room full of people with only Rhys’s sheet offering any resemblance of modesty.

  “Everyone out,” Rhys growled sharply, noticing my face burning with embarrassment.

  “Is she blushing?” Cole asked, rolling from the bed to stand between me and the others. His hand lifted, softly dragging his fingertips against my heated cheek. “Beautiful.”

  Cole grabbed me, tightening his arms around me before his mouth brushed against mine. Heat enveloped me, swallowing me whole. The room started to spin in my vision until someone else touched me, jarring me back to reality. I peered down at the sheet now pooled at my feet, grabbing for it while stepping closer toward Rhys.

  “Get the fuck off of her, Cole. She isn’t interested in your dick. Go find a whore to fuck in your club. She’s off-limits unless she decides otherwise.” Rhys grabbed my hand, pulling me with him toward the connecting door on the far side of the room. We entered the room, and he closed the door behind us. “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting an audience, Love. The bathroom is through that door,” he pointed to the far side of the room. “Shower, or do whatever you need to do. I’ll have your bag brought up shortly.”

  Rhys walked through the door, closing me into his bedroom alone. The sound of something slamming against the wall filled the room before another smash sounded, the impact shaking the wall. Silently, I moved through his bedroom, noting the huge bed that sat in the middle of the room with midnight blue bedding that was plush and inviting. Around it was a frame that caged it in with silver curtains to close it off from the rest of the room.

  I stepped closer to the bed, testing out the mattress’s firmness while inhaling Rhys’s scent. My fingers moved over the metal before a painting of a woman on the wall in front of the bed caught my attention. Chewing my lip, I slowly moved closer to the image.

  The woman had waist-length silver hair, and silver lines of magic moved through her, which the artist had captured beautifully. Her face was hidden, and yet I didn’t need to see it to know whose image adorned Rhys’s bedroom wall. The woman was leaning against pillows, with her legs bared beneath the exquisite dress she wore. It would have been a risqué pose for that era, considering the style of clothing she wore. I felt a pang of regret that another woman from my family had won the honor to hang on Rhys’s wall.

ng the image, and the tightening in my throat, I entered the lavish bathroom that screamed luxury. Reaching into the shower stall, I adjusted the water to a comfortable level and pulled the sheet from my body, folding it before setting it on the white marble countertop.

  A bottle of cologne sat beside the single sink, and I grinned. Moving closer, I picked it up, inhaling the rich, sensual scent of Rhys before placing it back on the counter. I found an iPod dock and looked at the wall, noting that it sat on a shelf. Thumbing through the recently played list, I smirked, finding Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd, and pushed play.

  I stepped into the shower, closing the glass door behind me. Steam billowed from the heated spray. The guitar strumming soothed my soul with the help of the water. I leaned against the stall as water shot from multiple showerheads, massaging my sore body deliciously. My hand lifted, touching my lips, remembering the feel of him against my mouth.

  My thoughts slid back to the taste of him, and the way he’d looked finding pleasure in my clumsy attempt to give it to him. He’d felt right against me, his hand on my throat should have terrified me, but it hadn’t. He was dominant, or his demon was. His touch stroked my body into a raging inferno that burned hot with a need to match it.

  I was the world’s biggest idiot, but I hadn’t known about dream-walking. I hadn’t known it was even a remote possibility, and yet I’d woken on my knees, fully awake from what I’d assumed was a dream. It should have terrified me, but I wasn’t afraid. I’d felt embarrassed, sure. Who wouldn’t have? Most people would be mortified from feeling brazen in their dreams, only to discover that they hadn’t dreamed it at all.

  There was a wealth of embarrassment, but I’d liked making him moan with the knowledge that I was creating the storm within him. It was empowering to make a dominant male weak with need. And he was weakened. He’d been powerless to do anything other than accept what I’d done to him with my mouth.


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